This Is Lynching

Does the word "LYNCH" only describe the lynching of blacks?

  • No, many whites were also lynched,

    Votes: 28 93.3%
  • Yes, in today's world only blacks were lynched

    Votes: 2 6.7%

  • Total voters
Here is the relevant history of watergate, showing how initial interviews were behind closed doors.

The ukraine-call whistleblower has already been corroborated by interviews. Suspending of ukraine aid has been demonstrated to be connected to requests to investigation of political opponents.

Just like the Mueller investigation was kicked off by Papadouplous bragging, the Mueller investigation has shown that Russia interfered with our election, and faced massive obstruction, preventing a complete investigation.
Here is the relevant history of watergate, showing how initial interviews were behind closed doors.

The ukraine-call whistleblower has already been corroborated by interviews. Suspending of ukraine aid has been demonstrated to be connected to requests to investigation of political opponents.

Just like the Mueller investigation was kicked off by Papadouplous bragging, the Mueller investigation has shown that Russia interfered with our election, and faced massive obstruction, preventing a complete investigation.
Your're looking up history, I lived thru it. I hated Nixon and hoped they would treat him the way Trump is being treated now. But they didn't, the press and the Democrats were fair. I understand you hate Trump and feel the way I felt-but it wasn't right then and it isn't right now. Open the hearings to the public-we have a right to see what our government is doing.
Nixon did not act like a spoiled 5 year old, did not lie every day, was not scamming the office for personal gain, did not assault women, Did not call people childish names, acted like an adult.
All that is irrelevant-you see that because you hate him-I see the anti-politician I waited decades for. The only real question is, do you think Trump is being treated fairly? Is that how YOU would want to be treated?

If I acted like Trump, I would get the same treatment.
Again with the question dodging. I did not believe in the TDS other posters talked about, until I started reading your posts-you got it BAD! Come back when you can control your emotions.
Look, Dickbreath, You said how I would expect to be treated if I was in Trump's position. I told you. I would expect anyone who as President, acted like Trump would get the exact same reaction from the press & real Americans.
Your're looking up history, I lived thru it. I hated Nixon and hoped they would treat him the way Trump is being treated now. But they didn't, the press and the Democrats were fair. I understand you hate Trump and feel the way I felt-but it wasn't right then and it isn't right now. Open the hearings to the public-we have a right to see what our government is doing.
Nixon did not act like a spoiled 5 year old, did not lie every day, was not scamming the office for personal gain, did not assault women, Did not call people childish names, acted like an adult.
All that is irrelevant-you see that because you hate him-I see the anti-politician I waited decades for. The only real question is, do you think Trump is being treated fairly? Is that how YOU would want to be treated?

If I acted like Trump, I would get the same treatment.
Again with the question dodging. I did not believe in the TDS other posters talked about, until I started reading your posts-you got it BAD! Come back when you can control your emotions.
hard to control emotions when you have idiots supporting this pos in our WH
yea a lot of children have a hard time controlling their emotions.
All that is irrelevant-you see that because you hate him-I see the anti-politician I waited decades for. The only real question is, do you think Trump is being treated fairly? Is that how YOU would want to be treated?

If I acted like Trump, I would get the same treatment.
Again with the question dodging. I did not believe in the TDS other posters talked about, until I started reading your posts-you got it BAD! Come back when you can control your emotions.
hard to control emotions when you have idiots supporting this pos in our WH
Some people even supported obama-can you believe that? But others STILL controlled their emotions-you sir, have TDS
Like no other President, Donald trump has lied thousands of times to the American people. He had trashed our military veterans. He has trashed other who serve this country in government calling them human scum. He has done nothing but tear down. He has alienated our allies. He has bankrupted American farmers. His attack on our environmental will kill thousands of Americans.

He claims we have the best economy ever, yet our deficits skyrocket. What would you think if you sat on a Board of Directors of a company and you see record sales and major losses? You would question the management. Yet Trump has duped his feeble minded followers. So really, who has TDS? Those who can see the facts or those that worship the fat assed orange POS?
Wow. Calm down. The issue is, is this process fair, whether it is Trump or anyone else. Soon, Durham will be conducting hearings into his investigations-we'll see if HE is transparent-he better be.
Your're looking up history, I lived thru it. I hated Nixon and hoped they would treat him the way Trump is being treated now. But they didn't, the press and the Democrats were fair. I understand you hate Trump and feel the way I felt-but it wasn't right then and it isn't right now. Open the hearings to the public-we have a right to see what our government is doing.
Nixon did not act like a spoiled 5 year old, did not lie every day, was not scamming the office for personal gain, did not assault women, Did not call people childish names, acted like an adult.
All that is irrelevant-you see that because you hate him-I see the anti-politician I waited decades for. The only real question is, do you think Trump is being treated fairly? Is that how YOU would want to be treated?

If I acted like Trump, I would get the same treatment.
Again with the question dodging. I did not believe in the TDS other posters talked about, until I started reading your posts-you got it BAD! Come back when you can control your emotions.
Look,master, You said how I would expect to be treated if I was in Trump's position. I told you. I would expect anyone who as President, acted like Trump would get the exact same reaction from the press & real Americans.
I fixed your post, your're welcome. Now to your TDS, We should be fair to everybody except Trump, including the guy who shot his wife and child? Yeah, now I got it.
The time has come to remind the Republicans and their Manufactured Outrage of two things regarding the current Impeachment Process.

The Rules regarding an Impeachment of a sitting U.S. President were rewritten in late 2015 or early 2016 by a Republican Congressman by the name of Mike Pompeo (he served as a Republican Congress man from Kansas from 2011 to 2017).

The Rules regarding an Impeachment of a sitting President were approved as written by a Republican Led/Republican Majority House of Representatives.

The Rules regarding how an Impeachment of a sitting President, as rewritten by Pompeo and approved by a Republican Led/Republican Majority House of Representatives were signed by then Speaker of The House John Boehner of Ohio.

Next up, the totally false and Manufactured LIE about House Republicans being shut out of the Impeachment Process by House Democrats.

Last I heard, there were:
17-Republicans serving on the House Judiciary Committee.


17-Republicans serving on the House Oversight and Reform Committee.

Oversight and Reform Members.

09-Republicans serving on House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence.

HPSCI Minority Members | Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence.

The Closed Door Hearings were being held in a Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility (S.C.I.F.). The Manufactured Outrage took place in a secure room to protect the not only the person testifying but to prevent information from that hearing from being leaked. Cell Phones are by Federal Law Prohibited in such a facility.

The Rules under which the Impeachment Process are operating were written by a Republican Congressman.

Approved by a Republican Led House of Representatives.

Signed Off On By A Republican Speaker of House of Representatives.

This whole process is being governed by Rules written by Republicans.

This whole process was approve by a Republican Majority House.

This whole process signed off on by a Republican Speaker of The House.

Karma Is A First Class Iron Clad Bitch Ain't It Cons.

Your Party Wrote The Rules.

Your Party Approved of The Rules.

Your Party. Your Rules.
Last edited:
There is a reason to keep these first testimonies away from the public.
This was done during Nixon to prevent subsequent witnesses to be affected by the testimony of others. In order to get valuable testimony from witness, this witness should be unaware of the testimony of other witnesses. Eventually during Nixon, the press was allowed in.

But you're doing a great job at orange-nosing:

Yeah, that's what the puppet masters told you, huh?

The difference between Nixon and Trump is Nixon left evidence of a crime; a real crime, if you know what that is. They did not drag people into a secret room to interrogate them in search of a crime.

It's the same thing that happened in the Russia investigation. No real probable cause to conduct it, because the left doesn't need any evidence of anything. 2 years and 45 million dollars later, They came up with what they had in the beginning--nothing.
Here is the relevant history of watergate, showing how initial interviews were behind closed doors.

The ukraine-call whistleblower has already been corroborated by interviews. Suspending of ukraine aid has been demonstrated to be connected to requests to investigation of political opponents.

Just like the Mueller investigation was kicked off by Papadouplous bragging, the Mueller investigation has shown that Russia interfered with our election, and faced massive obstruction, preventing a complete investigation.

What obstruction was that which interfered in a two year investigation? Nothing Trump did, that's for certain.

Russia may have interfered in our election, just like Hussein did in Israel's election. But that doesn't mean it changed any votes, nor is there evidence that Trump or his associates were behind it. Mueller stated that pretty clearly.

Watergate was not an impeachment inquiry. It was an investigation. The transcript of Trump's call with Ukraine is available for all to see, and nowhere in that conversation did Trump ever once mention an ultimatum.
  1. Putin orders interference into election, to have Trump win

  2. Russians hack DNC email (not RNC)

  3. Russian hacks gets on Wikileaks's

  4. Trump talks about Wikileaks all the time "what about her emails"

  5. The campaigns are all about emails, no real issue matters

  6. A week before election Wikileaks is pushed by Trump and public again

  7. Trump narrowly wins even if still losing popular vote

  8. Trump becomes president
For the ukraine call transcript, it is not complete. Its a memo from the white house.

As for obstruction, its detailed here.
and what exactly was said interference?

as for hacking, meta data doesn't like. the data was copied off, not downloaded.
Its detailed: how Russia help swing election for Trump.

Your Party Wrote The Rules.

Your Party Approved of The Rules.

Your Party. Your Rules.

You appear to believe the fact they wrote and approved of the rules would preclude them from claiming to be the victim of a lynching by way of horribly unjust rules the majority inflicts upon the poor widdle minority?

All that is irrelevant-you see that because you hate him-I see the anti-politician I waited decades for. The only real question is, do you think Trump is being treated fairly? Is that how YOU would want to be treated?

If I acted like Trump, I would get the same treatment.
Again with the question dodging. I did not believe in the TDS other posters talked about, until I started reading your posts-you got it BAD! Come back when you can control your emotions.
hard to control emotions when you have idiots supporting this pos in our WH
Some people even supported obama-can you believe that? But others STILL controlled their emotions-you sir, have TDS
Like no other President, Donald trump has lied thousands of times to the American people. He had trashed our military veterans. He has trashed other who serve this country in government calling them human scum. He has done nothing but tear down. He has alienated our allies. He has bankrupted American farmers. His attack on our environmental will kill thousands of Americans.

He claims we have the best economy ever, yet our deficits skyrocket. What would you think if you sat on a Board of Directors of a company and you see record sales and major losses? You would question the management. Yet Trump has duped his feeble minded followers. So really, who has TDS? Those who can see the facts or those that worship the fat assed orange POS?

Sezz a guy who's President sunk us 10 trillion more into debt than before he started.
The House Democrats have abandoned the long-standing tradition of bipartisan cooperation in their impeachment inquiry. They are holding secret hearings behind closed doors and are not providing Republicans the right to question witnesses who show up in the secure hearing room in the basement of the U.S. Capitol. Most of the hearings and depositions have been closed to the public, and the full transcripts have not been released.

This is a far different procedure than the accord both parties arranged when lawmakers weighed the impeachment of President Bill Clinton. The whole thing is a lynching, like Trump has said.
No they have not. When the fuck are you going to quit your lying about this?

Bill Clinton had a special prosecutor (been investigating Clinton for 5 fucking years).

Long standing tradition.....of impeachment proceedings? Really?


Jesus fuck, how God damn stupid are you people.
He is not stupid or lying. Forgive me, I want to see the hearings for myself. Apparently those Republicans have caught Taylor in some contradictions, but we hear very little about it-I want to see it!

That's the entire idea behind this thing, to keep the public from hearing about it.

You only get Schiff Face's word on this, that's who the media is going to amplify. For example I heard today that the Republicans really ripped Taylor a new asshole, but you won't hear that in the media. You'll hear how the Democrats got sooooooo much damning evidence against Trump.

So why do this and why lie? Because they have to build up public support in order to impeach Trump. So they are going to put guilt in the minds of the public before they proceed. If they impeach Trump with little support, they not only lose the White House, but likely the Congress as well.

That's why they are keeping these testimonies away from the public. Because if we actually seen them, or got transcripts of what was said, they wouldn't have any support to proceed with their commie plot.
If Republicans aren't leaking, how do you know that Taylor got a new one ripped?

Investigations against Clinton & Nixon were behind closed doors.

Quit whining.
lets see far your own advice goes:

Trump is President.

Quit whining.

i'm betting you still don't shut the fuck up.

You think this is whining...wait until after he's reelected in 2020.
There are no set rules.

The House Democrats have abandoned the long-standing tradition of bipartisan cooperation in their impeachment inquiry. They are holding secret hearings behind closed doors and are not providing Republicans the right to question witnesses who show up in the secure hearing room in the basement of the U.S. Capitol. Most of the hearings and depositions have been closed to the public, and the full transcripts have not been released.

This is a far different procedure than the accord both parties arranged when lawmakers weighed the impeachment of President Bill Clinton. The whole thing is a lynching, like Trump has said.
No they have not. When the fuck are you going to quit your lying about this?

Bill Clinton had a special prosecutor (been investigating Clinton for 5 fucking years).

Long standing tradition.....of impeachment proceedings? Really?


Jesus fuck, how God damn stupid are you people.
He is not stupid or lying. Forgive me, I want to see the hearings for myself. Apparently those Republicans have caught Taylor in some contradictions, but we hear very little about it-I want to see it!

That's the entire idea behind this thing, to keep the public from hearing about it.

You only get Schiff Face's word on this, that's who the media is going to amplify. For example I heard today that the Republicans really ripped Taylor a new asshole, but you won't hear that in the media. You'll hear how the Democrats got sooooooo much damning evidence against Trump.

So why do this and why lie? Because they have to build up public support in order to impeach Trump. So they are going to put guilt in the minds of the public before they proceed. If they impeach Trump with little support, they not only lose the White House, but likely the Congress as well.

That's why they are keeping these testimonies away from the public. Because if we actually seen them, or got transcripts of what was said, they wouldn't have any support to proceed with their commie plot.
If Republicans aren't leaking, how do you know that Taylor got a new one ripped?

Investigations against Clinton & Nixon were behind closed doors.

Quit whining.

They are allowed to summarize but not discuss what was actually asked or said. They can't even give examples.
That's the entire idea behind this thing, to keep the public from hearing about it.

You only get Schiff Face's word on this, that's who the media is going to amplify. For example I heard today that the Republicans really ripped Taylor a new asshole, but you won't hear that in the media. You'll hear how the Democrats got sooooooo much damning evidence against Trump.

So why do this and why lie? Because they have to build up public support in order to impeach Trump. So they are going to put guilt in the minds of the public before they proceed. If they impeach Trump with little support, they not only lose the White House, but likely the Congress as well.

That's why they are keeping these testimonies away from the public. Because if we actually seen them, or got transcripts of what was said, they wouldn't have any support to proceed with their commie plot.
There is a reason to keep these first testimonies away from the public.
This was done during Nixon to prevent subsequent witnesses to be affected by the testimony of others. In order to get valuable testimony from witness, this witness should be unaware of the testimony of other witnesses. Eventually during Nixon, the press was allowed in.

But you're doing a great job at orange-nosing:

Yeah, that's what the puppet masters told you, huh?

The difference between Nixon and Trump is Nixon left evidence of a crime; a real crime, if you know what that is. They did not drag people into a secret room to interrogate them in search of a crime.

It's the same thing that happened in the Russia investigation. No real probable cause to conduct it, because the left doesn't need any evidence of anything. 2 years and 45 million dollars later, They came up with what they had in the beginning--nothing.
Here is the relevant history of watergate, showing how initial interviews were behind closed doors.

The ukraine-call whistleblower has already been corroborated by interviews. Suspending of ukraine aid has been demonstrated to be connected to requests to investigation of political opponents.

Just like the Mueller investigation was kicked off by Papadouplous bragging, the Mueller investigation has shown that Russia interfered with our election, and faced massive obstruction, preventing a complete investigation.

What obstruction was that which interfered in a two year investigation? Nothing Trump did, that's for certain.

Russia may have interfered in our election, just like Hussein did in Israel's election. But that doesn't mean it changed any votes, nor is there evidence that Trump or his associates were behind it. Mueller stated that pretty clearly.

Watergate was not an impeachment inquiry. It was an investigation. The transcript of Trump's call with Ukraine is available for all to see, and nowhere in that conversation did Trump ever once mention an ultimatum.
Obama did not interfere. You continue to lie to support the criminality of your orange buddy.

The fact is that a radio station that receives US funding came out against certain Israeli politicians. You really need to quit lying.

As for the phone call, rent a few mob movies.

Bullshit. Obama authorized the state department to hand over 350K TAXPAYER money to an Israeli political movement against Netanyahu.
Gosh darn, here I thought I was going to bullshit you, and you busted me. :14:

Gotta wake up PRETTY early in the morning to fool ole Prego.

This Is Lynching

PFFFFFFFFFT. I did see that actually, and dismissed it immediately. It's not a "definition": -- it's "trend watch". That means how did somebody use it in the last 24 hours regardless of whether they used it correctly or not.

I'm afraid all you did here was monkey up the definition, if you catch my drift.

No, the trend is in search for a full explanation of the the way Joe Biden among other Democrats used it?

It's likely that Merriam got that definition partly based on the Clinton impeachment. It didn't say "Trump" it sad "A President."

This is from YOUR OWN LINK.

Trending: ‘lynch
Lookups spiked 17,400% on October 22, 2019

Why are people looking up lynch?
Lynch was among our top lookups on October 22nd, 2019, after President Trump described his impeachment investigation as a “lynching.”

President Donald Trump on Tuesday called House Democrats' impeachment inquiry a "lynching," employing a term associated with the extrajudicial killings of African-Americans while calling on Republicans to aid his political defense.
— Betsy Klein, CNN (, 22 Oct. 2019 <<​

Did you think nobody would check your source?

Oh, and notice how they define it right there:

"a term associated with the extrajudicial killings of African-Americans"

Cherrypicking I see. Typical for a leftist. I bet you didn't think I remember what it said, like this part:

Lynch and lynching may occasionally be found used in a figurative or hyperbolic manner (describing a situation in which no one is actually put to death). It has also been used in reference to a president who is, or has been, close to impeachment.

The term has racial connotations. Trump should not have used it.

The idea this is his second such use of racial terminology, it says either he did it on purpose or his racism is so inbred that he can;t help himself.

And when Biden said it, same thing, huh?
That's the entire idea behind this thing, to keep the public from hearing about it.

You only get Schiff Face's word on this, that's who the media is going to amplify. For example I heard today that the Republicans really ripped Taylor a new asshole, but you won't hear that in the media. You'll hear how the Democrats got sooooooo much damning evidence against Trump.

So why do this and why lie? Because they have to build up public support in order to impeach Trump. So they are going to put guilt in the minds of the public before they proceed. If they impeach Trump with little support, they not only lose the White House, but likely the Congress as well.

That's why they are keeping these testimonies away from the public. Because if we actually seen them, or got transcripts of what was said, they wouldn't have any support to proceed with their commie plot.
There is a reason to keep these first testimonies away from the public.
This was done during Nixon to prevent subsequent witnesses to be affected by the testimony of others. In order to get valuable testimony from witness, this witness should be unaware of the testimony of other witnesses. Eventually during Nixon, the press was allowed in.

But you're doing a great job at orange-nosing:

Yeah, that's what the puppet masters told you, huh?

The difference between Nixon and Trump is Nixon left evidence of a crime; a real crime, if you know what that is. They did not drag people into a secret room to interrogate them in search of a crime.

It's the same thing that happened in the Russia investigation. No real probable cause to conduct it, because the left doesn't need any evidence of anything. 2 years and 45 million dollars later, They came up with what they had in the beginning--nothing.
Here is the relevant history of watergate, showing how initial interviews were behind closed doors.

The ukraine-call whistleblower has already been corroborated by interviews. Suspending of ukraine aid has been demonstrated to be connected to requests to investigation of political opponents.

Just like the Mueller investigation was kicked off by Papadouplous bragging, the Mueller investigation has shown that Russia interfered with our election, and faced massive obstruction, preventing a complete investigation.

What obstruction was that which interfered in a two year investigation? Nothing Trump did, that's for certain.

Russia may have interfered in our election, just like Hussein did in Israel's election. But that doesn't mean it changed any votes, nor is there evidence that Trump or his associates were behind it. Mueller stated that pretty clearly.

Watergate was not an impeachment inquiry. It was an investigation. The transcript of Trump's call with Ukraine is available for all to see, and nowhere in that conversation did Trump ever once mention an ultimatum.
  1. Putin orders interference into election, to have Trump win

  2. Russians hack DNC email (not RNC)

  3. Russian hacks gets on Wikileaks's

  4. Trump talks about Wikileaks all the time "what about her emails"

  5. The campaigns are all about emails, no real issue matters

  6. A week before election Wikileaks is pushed by Trump and public again

  7. Trump narrowly wins even if still losing popular vote

  8. Trump becomes president
For the ukraine call transcript, it is not complete. Its a memo from the white house.

As for obstruction, its detailed here.

Your entire response is FOS. When did Putin ever order interference so Trump would win? I'll wait for the link.

The Russians didn't need any permission to hack anything. Think Putin was sitting at the television waiting for the approval of Trump? What an imagination you have. And many sources state the information was never downloaded, meaning it was copied internally. But we will never know the real story, will we, since the Democrats refused to have the FBI look into the matter immediately?

Now my statement is that Trump didn't do anything to obstruct. Obstruct means to interfere or stop something from happening.
You know, since it's still in the investigative stage, it's not a lynching yet. The time for calling it a lynching won't come until the Senate starts with their trial.

Actually I believe he's calling it a lynching because of these clandestine inquiries that's being conducted by the Democrat House. When representatives are hiding something from the people that everybody should know about, you know they are up to no good which is the norm for the Democrat party, and particularly where Trump is concerned.

What clandestine inquiries? You do know that there are 45 people in the GOP who are authorized to be present at those committees, because they are members of them, right? If they are bitching about not getting any information, it's because they aren't doing their job and attending the committees like they're supposed to. I also thought it was majorly stupid of them to take unauthorized electronic devices into a SCIF.

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