This Is Lynching

Does the word "LYNCH" only describe the lynching of blacks?

  • No, many whites were also lynched,

    Votes: 28 93.3%
  • Yes, in today's world only blacks were lynched

    Votes: 2 6.7%

  • Total voters
You know, since it's still in the investigative stage, it's not a lynching yet. The time for calling it a lynching won't come until the Senate starts with their trial.

Actually I believe he's calling it a lynching because of these clandestine inquiries that's being conducted by the Democrat House. When representatives are hiding something from the people that everybody should know about, you know they are up to no good which is the norm for the Democrat party, and particularly where Trump is concerned.

What clandestine inquiries? You do know that there are 45 people in the GOP who are authorized to be present at those committees, because they are members of them, right? If they are bitching about not getting any information, it's because they aren't doing their job and attending the committees like they're supposed to. I also thought it was majorly stupid of them to take unauthorized electronic devices into a SCIF.
But Democrats are not giving them the exculpatory evidence. That’s the problem. Democrats are operating in the dark to overturn 2016 election and overthrow the government.
Takes a lot of threads to make a nice suit...

Good looking couple. Glad they are representing the United States instead of wimpy and Amazon woman who was his top.

Can't deal with strong women huh. Why am I NOT AT ALL surprised. :rolleyes:
Yeah, that's what the puppet masters told you, huh?

The difference between Nixon and Trump is Nixon left evidence of a crime; a real crime, if you know what that is. They did not drag people into a secret room to interrogate them in search of a crime.

It's the same thing that happened in the Russia investigation. No real probable cause to conduct it, because the left doesn't need any evidence of anything. 2 years and 45 million dollars later, They came up with what they had in the beginning--nothing.
Here is the relevant history of watergate, showing how initial interviews were behind closed doors.

The ukraine-call whistleblower has already been corroborated by interviews. Suspending of ukraine aid has been demonstrated to be connected to requests to investigation of political opponents.

Just like the Mueller investigation was kicked off by Papadouplous bragging, the Mueller investigation has shown that Russia interfered with our election, and faced massive obstruction, preventing a complete investigation.

What obstruction was that which interfered in a two year investigation? Nothing Trump did, that's for certain.

Russia may have interfered in our election, just like Hussein did in Israel's election. But that doesn't mean it changed any votes, nor is there evidence that Trump or his associates were behind it. Mueller stated that pretty clearly.

Watergate was not an impeachment inquiry. It was an investigation. The transcript of Trump's call with Ukraine is available for all to see, and nowhere in that conversation did Trump ever once mention an ultimatum.
  1. Putin orders interference into election, to have Trump win

  2. Russians hack DNC email (not RNC)

  3. Russian hacks gets on Wikileaks's

  4. Trump talks about Wikileaks all the time "what about her emails"

  5. The campaigns are all about emails, no real issue matters

  6. A week before election Wikileaks is pushed by Trump and public again

  7. Trump narrowly wins even if still losing popular vote

  8. Trump becomes president
For the ukraine call transcript, it is not complete. Its a memo from the white house.

As for obstruction, its detailed here.
and what exactly was said interference?

as for hacking, meta data doesn't like. the data was copied off, not downloaded.
Still denying the Russians interfered despite every intel agency saying it did.
No just saying you are a dumbass and conversations with you have less value than tits on a nun

Obama did care very much. It was mcconnell and the republicans who didn't care.

When Obama went to them and asked them to join him in speaking out about it, mcconnell refused.

McConnell not only refused to join a bipartisan statement condemning Russian interference, he threatened, in the case of any such statement coming from the Obama administration, to denounce it as partisan interference in the election.

That didn't prevent the slime ball from then turning around and claiming the Obama administration somehow "emboldened" the Russian efforts he refused even to denounce.

I'm not surprised. That sounds like something moscow mitch would do.
Here is the relevant history of watergate, showing how initial interviews were behind closed doors.

The ukraine-call whistleblower has already been corroborated by interviews. Suspending of ukraine aid has been demonstrated to be connected to requests to investigation of political opponents.

Just like the Mueller investigation was kicked off by Papadouplous bragging, the Mueller investigation has shown that Russia interfered with our election, and faced massive obstruction, preventing a complete investigation.

What obstruction was that which interfered in a two year investigation? Nothing Trump did, that's for certain.

Russia may have interfered in our election, just like Hussein did in Israel's election. But that doesn't mean it changed any votes, nor is there evidence that Trump or his associates were behind it. Mueller stated that pretty clearly.

Watergate was not an impeachment inquiry. It was an investigation. The transcript of Trump's call with Ukraine is available for all to see, and nowhere in that conversation did Trump ever once mention an ultimatum.
  1. Putin orders interference into election, to have Trump win

  2. Russians hack DNC email (not RNC)

  3. Russian hacks gets on Wikileaks's

  4. Trump talks about Wikileaks all the time "what about her emails"

  5. The campaigns are all about emails, no real issue matters

  6. A week before election Wikileaks is pushed by Trump and public again

  7. Trump narrowly wins even if still losing popular vote

  8. Trump becomes president
For the ukraine call transcript, it is not complete. Its a memo from the white house.

As for obstruction, its detailed here.
and what exactly was said interference?

as for hacking, meta data doesn't like. the data was copied off, not downloaded.
Still denying the Russians interfered despite every intel agency saying it did.
No just saying you are a dumbass and conversations with you have less value than tits on a nun
And you you pos,,,,, you trump AH are as useless as tits on a bull
Read it and weep GroppenFuhrer followers. Chief U.S. District Judge Beryl Howell has ordered the DOJ to turn over Grand Jury Evidence AND the unredacted Mueller Report.

Judge Rules DOJ Must Turn Over Mueller Grand Jury Evidence To House Democrats | HuffPost.

First you people how Democrat's, operating under rules written Congressman Mike Pompeo, approved by Republican Majority Congress and signed off on by Republican Speaker of the House John Boehner. Now, now even 45 have to respect the law.

As said before you people are so goddamn stupid.
What obstruction was that which interfered in a two year investigation? Nothing Trump did, that's for certain.

Russia may have interfered in our election, just like Hussein did in Israel's election. But that doesn't mean it changed any votes, nor is there evidence that Trump or his associates were behind it. Mueller stated that pretty clearly.

Watergate was not an impeachment inquiry. It was an investigation. The transcript of Trump's call with Ukraine is available for all to see, and nowhere in that conversation did Trump ever once mention an ultimatum.
  1. Putin orders interference into election, to have Trump win

  2. Russians hack DNC email (not RNC)

  3. Russian hacks gets on Wikileaks's

  4. Trump talks about Wikileaks all the time "what about her emails"

  5. The campaigns are all about emails, no real issue matters

  6. A week before election Wikileaks is pushed by Trump and public again

  7. Trump narrowly wins even if still losing popular vote

  8. Trump becomes president
For the ukraine call transcript, it is not complete. Its a memo from the white house.

As for obstruction, its detailed here.
and what exactly was said interference?

as for hacking, meta data doesn't like. the data was copied off, not downloaded.
Still denying the Russians interfered despite every intel agency saying it did.
No just saying you are a dumbass and conversations with you have less value than tits on a nun
And you you pos,,,,, you trump AH are as useless as tits on a bull
Can't even come up with your own insults.

Pretty weenie dude
You know, since it's still in the investigative stage, it's not a lynching yet. The time for calling it a lynching won't come until the Senate starts with their trial.

Actually I believe he's calling it a lynching because of these clandestine inquiries that's being conducted by the Democrat House. When representatives are hiding something from the people that everybody should know about, you know they are up to no good which is the norm for the Democrat party, and particularly where Trump is concerned.

What clandestine inquiries? You do know that there are 45 people in the GOP who are authorized to be present at those committees, because they are members of them, right? If they are bitching about not getting any information, it's because they aren't doing their job and attending the committees like they're supposed to. I also thought it was majorly stupid of them to take unauthorized electronic devices into a SCIF.
But Democrats are not giving them the exculpatory evidence. That’s the problem. Democrats are operating in the dark to overturn 2016 election and overthrow the government.

Maybe if your buddy Trump did not break the law, he wouldn't get impeached.

Quit blaming Democrats because you assfucks elected a crook & con man. You even knew it & STILL you assfucks voted for him.

Trump is the exact same asshole he has always been What the fuck were you thinking?
You know, since it's still in the investigative stage, it's not a lynching yet. The time for calling it a lynching won't come until the Senate starts with their trial.

Actually I believe he's calling it a lynching because of these clandestine inquiries that's being conducted by the Democrat House. When representatives are hiding something from the people that everybody should know about, you know they are up to no good which is the norm for the Democrat party, and particularly where Trump is concerned.

What clandestine inquiries? You do know that there are 45 people in the GOP who are authorized to be present at those committees, because they are members of them, right? If they are bitching about not getting any information, it's because they aren't doing their job and attending the committees like they're supposed to. I also thought it was majorly stupid of them to take unauthorized electronic devices into a SCIF.
But Democrats are not giving them the exculpatory evidence. That’s the problem. Democrats are operating in the dark to overturn 2016 election and overthrow the government.
you're just attacking the process because you have trouble with the facts.

12 republicans were already allowed into the SCIF room, and are able to participate in the process and question witnesses. They cant call their own witnesses.

During Clinton investigation, Ken Starr did this interviews in private. And Bill Clinton didnt get a chance to respond for almost a month.

The current closed-door depositions are a little like police interviews with witnesses. These aren’t held publicly, and a suspect’s lawyer doesn’t get to sit in on them. There are some good reasons for that, too: You don’t want witnesses to coordinate their stories in order to throw off investigators.
There is a reason to keep these first testimonies away from the public.
This was done during Nixon to prevent subsequent witnesses to be affected by the testimony of others. In order to get valuable testimony from witness, this witness should be unaware of the testimony of other witnesses. Eventually during Nixon, the press was allowed in.

But you're doing a great job at orange-nosing:

Yeah, that's what the puppet masters told you, huh?

The difference between Nixon and Trump is Nixon left evidence of a crime; a real crime, if you know what that is. They did not drag people into a secret room to interrogate them in search of a crime.

It's the same thing that happened in the Russia investigation. No real probable cause to conduct it, because the left doesn't need any evidence of anything. 2 years and 45 million dollars later, They came up with what they had in the beginning--nothing.
Here is the relevant history of watergate, showing how initial interviews were behind closed doors.

The ukraine-call whistleblower has already been corroborated by interviews. Suspending of ukraine aid has been demonstrated to be connected to requests to investigation of political opponents.

Just like the Mueller investigation was kicked off by Papadouplous bragging, the Mueller investigation has shown that Russia interfered with our election, and faced massive obstruction, preventing a complete investigation.

What obstruction was that which interfered in a two year investigation? Nothing Trump did, that's for certain.

Russia may have interfered in our election, just like Hussein did in Israel's election. But that doesn't mean it changed any votes, nor is there evidence that Trump or his associates were behind it. Mueller stated that pretty clearly.

Watergate was not an impeachment inquiry. It was an investigation. The transcript of Trump's call with Ukraine is available for all to see, and nowhere in that conversation did Trump ever once mention an ultimatum.
  1. Putin orders interference into election, to have Trump win

  2. Russians hack DNC email (not RNC)

  3. Russian hacks gets on Wikileaks's

  4. Trump talks about Wikileaks all the time "what about her emails"

  5. The campaigns are all about emails, no real issue matters

  6. A week before election Wikileaks is pushed by Trump and public again

  7. Trump narrowly wins even if still losing popular vote

  8. Trump becomes president
For the ukraine call transcript, it is not complete. Its a memo from the white house.

As for obstruction, its detailed here.

Your entire response is FOS. When did Putin ever order interference so Trump would win? I'll wait for the link.

The Russians didn't need any permission to hack anything. Think Putin was sitting at the television waiting for the approval of Trump? What an imagination you have. And many sources state the information was never downloaded, meaning it was copied internally. But we will never know the real story, will we, since the Democrats refused to have the FBI look into the matter immediately?

Now my statement is that Trump didn't do anything to obstruct. Obstruct means to interfere or stop something from happening.
US intelligence agencies reported that Putin ordered operation to get Trump elected.

and DNC gave FBI everything they requested.
You know, since it's still in the investigative stage, it's not a lynching yet. The time for calling it a lynching won't come until the Senate starts with their trial.

Actually I believe he's calling it a lynching because of these clandestine inquiries that's being conducted by the Democrat House. When representatives are hiding something from the people that everybody should know about, you know they are up to no good which is the norm for the Democrat party, and particularly where Trump is concerned.

What clandestine inquiries? You do know that there are 45 people in the GOP who are authorized to be present at those committees, because they are members of them, right? If they are bitching about not getting any information, it's because they aren't doing their job and attending the committees like they're supposed to. I also thought it was majorly stupid of them to take unauthorized electronic devices into a SCIF.
But Democrats are not giving them the exculpatory evidence. That’s the problem. Democrats are operating in the dark to overturn 2016 election and overthrow the government.
you're just attacking the process because you have trouble with the facts.

12 republicans were already allowed into the SCIF room, and are able to participate in the process and question witnesses. They cant call their own witnesses.

During Clinton investigation, Ken Starr did this interviews in private. And Bill Clinton didnt get a chance to respond for almost a month.

The current closed-door depositions are a little like police interviews with witnesses. These aren’t held publicly, and a suspect’s lawyer doesn’t get to sit in on them. There are some good reasons for that, too: You don’t want witnesses to coordinate their stories in order to throw off investigators.
...and those 12 are not given the information that Democrats have and neither is the American public you manipulated fucking member of the sheeple. Have you ever had an independent thought outside of what liberals in the media or your college professors told you? What a dumb fuck. Can you tie your shoes? Think on your own?
Yeah, that's what the puppet masters told you, huh?

The difference between Nixon and Trump is Nixon left evidence of a crime; a real crime, if you know what that is. They did not drag people into a secret room to interrogate them in search of a crime.

It's the same thing that happened in the Russia investigation. No real probable cause to conduct it, because the left doesn't need any evidence of anything. 2 years and 45 million dollars later, They came up with what they had in the beginning--nothing.
Here is the relevant history of watergate, showing how initial interviews were behind closed doors.

The ukraine-call whistleblower has already been corroborated by interviews. Suspending of ukraine aid has been demonstrated to be connected to requests to investigation of political opponents.

Just like the Mueller investigation was kicked off by Papadouplous bragging, the Mueller investigation has shown that Russia interfered with our election, and faced massive obstruction, preventing a complete investigation.

What obstruction was that which interfered in a two year investigation? Nothing Trump did, that's for certain.

Russia may have interfered in our election, just like Hussein did in Israel's election. But that doesn't mean it changed any votes, nor is there evidence that Trump or his associates were behind it. Mueller stated that pretty clearly.

Watergate was not an impeachment inquiry. It was an investigation. The transcript of Trump's call with Ukraine is available for all to see, and nowhere in that conversation did Trump ever once mention an ultimatum.
  1. Putin orders interference into election, to have Trump win

  2. Russians hack DNC email (not RNC)

  3. Russian hacks gets on Wikileaks's

  4. Trump talks about Wikileaks all the time "what about her emails"

  5. The campaigns are all about emails, no real issue matters

  6. A week before election Wikileaks is pushed by Trump and public again

  7. Trump narrowly wins even if still losing popular vote

  8. Trump becomes president
For the ukraine call transcript, it is not complete. Its a memo from the white house.

As for obstruction, its detailed here.

Your entire response is FOS. When did Putin ever order interference so Trump would win? I'll wait for the link.

The Russians didn't need any permission to hack anything. Think Putin was sitting at the television waiting for the approval of Trump? What an imagination you have. And many sources state the information was never downloaded, meaning it was copied internally. But we will never know the real story, will we, since the Democrats refused to have the FBI look into the matter immediately?

Now my statement is that Trump didn't do anything to obstruct. Obstruct means to interfere or stop something from happening.
US intelligence agencies reported that Putin ordered operation to get Trump elected.

and DNC gave FBI everything they requested.
Your a communist. Enemy of freedom and liberty. I hope you get shot in your fucking face you goddamn murderous piece of shit.
You know, since it's still in the investigative stage, it's not a lynching yet. The time for calling it a lynching won't come until the Senate starts with their trial.

Actually I believe he's calling it a lynching because of these clandestine inquiries that's being conducted by the Democrat House. When representatives are hiding something from the people that everybody should know about, you know they are up to no good which is the norm for the Democrat party, and particularly where Trump is concerned.

What clandestine inquiries? You do know that there are 45 people in the GOP who are authorized to be present at those committees, because they are members of them, right? If they are bitching about not getting any information, it's because they aren't doing their job and attending the committees like they're supposed to. I also thought it was majorly stupid of them to take unauthorized electronic devices into a SCIF.
But Democrats are not giving them the exculpatory evidence. That’s the problem. Democrats are operating in the dark to overturn 2016 election and overthrow the government.
you're just attacking the process because you have trouble with the facts.

12 republicans were already allowed into the SCIF room, and are able to participate in the process and question witnesses. They cant call their own witnesses.

During Clinton investigation, Ken Starr did this interviews in private. And Bill Clinton didnt get a chance to respond for almost a month.

The current closed-door depositions are a little like police interviews with witnesses. These aren’t held publicly, and a suspect’s lawyer doesn’t get to sit in on them. There are some good reasons for that, too: You don’t want witnesses to coordinate their stories in order to throw off investigators.
...and those 12 are not given the information that Democrats have and neither is the American public you manipulated fucking member of the sheeple. Have you ever had an independent thought outside of what liberals in the media or your college professors told you? What a dumb fuck. Can you tie your shoes? Think on your own?
The inquiry is currently being led by the House Intelligence, Foreign Affairs and Oversight committees, which are comprised of 48 Republicans in total.
Those 48 have full access and can ask questions during witness interviews.
But its being conducted in a room where recording devices are banned.
Here is the relevant history of watergate, showing how initial interviews were behind closed doors.

The ukraine-call whistleblower has already been corroborated by interviews. Suspending of ukraine aid has been demonstrated to be connected to requests to investigation of political opponents.

Just like the Mueller investigation was kicked off by Papadouplous bragging, the Mueller investigation has shown that Russia interfered with our election, and faced massive obstruction, preventing a complete investigation.

What obstruction was that which interfered in a two year investigation? Nothing Trump did, that's for certain.

Russia may have interfered in our election, just like Hussein did in Israel's election. But that doesn't mean it changed any votes, nor is there evidence that Trump or his associates were behind it. Mueller stated that pretty clearly.

Watergate was not an impeachment inquiry. It was an investigation. The transcript of Trump's call with Ukraine is available for all to see, and nowhere in that conversation did Trump ever once mention an ultimatum.
  1. Putin orders interference into election, to have Trump win

  2. Russians hack DNC email (not RNC)

  3. Russian hacks gets on Wikileaks's

  4. Trump talks about Wikileaks all the time "what about her emails"

  5. The campaigns are all about emails, no real issue matters

  6. A week before election Wikileaks is pushed by Trump and public again

  7. Trump narrowly wins even if still losing popular vote

  8. Trump becomes president
For the ukraine call transcript, it is not complete. Its a memo from the white house.

As for obstruction, its detailed here.

Your entire response is FOS. When did Putin ever order interference so Trump would win? I'll wait for the link.

The Russians didn't need any permission to hack anything. Think Putin was sitting at the television waiting for the approval of Trump? What an imagination you have. And many sources state the information was never downloaded, meaning it was copied internally. But we will never know the real story, will we, since the Democrats refused to have the FBI look into the matter immediately?

Now my statement is that Trump didn't do anything to obstruct. Obstruct means to interfere or stop something from happening.
US intelligence agencies reported that Putin ordered operation to get Trump elected.

and DNC gave FBI everything they requested.
Your a communist. Enemy of freedom and liberty. I hope you get shot in your fucking face you goddamn murderous piece of shit.

Well isn't that typical Rumpbotism.

Beat the crap out of 'im!
Get 'im out of here!
Knock the hell!
Yanno there used to be consequences.
They'd be carried out on a stretcher.
Nothin' you can do folks. Although the Second Amendment people, maybe there is.

Whoot, there it is.
Yeah, that's what the puppet masters told you, huh?

The difference between Nixon and Trump is Nixon left evidence of a crime; a real crime, if you know what that is. They did not drag people into a secret room to interrogate them in search of a crime.

It's the same thing that happened in the Russia investigation. No real probable cause to conduct it, because the left doesn't need any evidence of anything. 2 years and 45 million dollars later, They came up with what they had in the beginning--nothing.
Here is the relevant history of watergate, showing how initial interviews were behind closed doors.

The ukraine-call whistleblower has already been corroborated by interviews. Suspending of ukraine aid has been demonstrated to be connected to requests to investigation of political opponents.

Just like the Mueller investigation was kicked off by Papadouplous bragging, the Mueller investigation has shown that Russia interfered with our election, and faced massive obstruction, preventing a complete investigation.

What obstruction was that which interfered in a two year investigation? Nothing Trump did, that's for certain.

Russia may have interfered in our election, just like Hussein did in Israel's election. But that doesn't mean it changed any votes, nor is there evidence that Trump or his associates were behind it. Mueller stated that pretty clearly.

Watergate was not an impeachment inquiry. It was an investigation. The transcript of Trump's call with Ukraine is available for all to see, and nowhere in that conversation did Trump ever once mention an ultimatum.
  1. Putin orders interference into election, to have Trump win

  2. Russians hack DNC email (not RNC)

  3. Russian hacks gets on Wikileaks's

  4. Trump talks about Wikileaks all the time "what about her emails"

  5. The campaigns are all about emails, no real issue matters

  6. A week before election Wikileaks is pushed by Trump and public again

  7. Trump narrowly wins even if still losing popular vote

  8. Trump becomes president
For the ukraine call transcript, it is not complete. Its a memo from the white house.

As for obstruction, its detailed here.

Your entire response is FOS. When did Putin ever order interference so Trump would win? I'll wait for the link.

The Russians didn't need any permission to hack anything. Think Putin was sitting at the television waiting for the approval of Trump? What an imagination you have. And many sources state the information was never downloaded, meaning it was copied internally. But we will never know the real story, will we, since the Democrats refused to have the FBI look into the matter immediately?

Now my statement is that Trump didn't do anything to obstruct. Obstruct means to interfere or stop something from happening.
US intelligence agencies reported that Putin ordered operation to get Trump elected.

and DNC gave FBI everything they requested.

As to your first link, it said this:

The report keeps classified any crucial technical data demonstrating Russian culpability, which means its release is unlikely to persuade skeptics that the intelligence agencies have definitively proven their case. Nor does the intelligence assessment claim that Russian interference was decisive in the election.

What it said is Putin ordered the interference, but not he ordered it to help Trump win. He was just trying to interfere in the election by favoring Trump since he was the underdog in the race. Had Hillary been the underdog, his agencies might have done the same for her. Rush Limbaugh tried to do the exact same thing between her and DumBama. On his show, he urged anybody voting in the primary to vote for Hillary and not Obama.

In your second link, here is what it said:

In his testimony in January on the cyber attacks, then-director of the FBI James Comey said the agency never got access to the machines themselves, but obtained access to the forensics from a review of the system performed by CrowdStrike, a third-party cybersecurity firm.

So I'm correct as usual. They didn't allow the FBI to examine the server. They hired these commies at Crowdstrike; the same company now in question in the Ukraine deal that Trump is looking into. They provided the FBI with a copy of what they found, which of course, could be manipulated according to their customer.
Read it and weep GroppenFuhrer followers. Chief U.S. District Judge Beryl Howell has ordered the DOJ to turn over Grand Jury Evidence AND the unredacted Mueller Report.

Judge Rules DOJ Must Turn Over Mueller Grand Jury Evidence To House Democrats | HuffPost.

First you people how Democrat's, operating under rules written Congressman Mike Pompeo, approved by Republican Majority Congress and signed off on by Republican Speaker of the House John Boehner. Now, now even 45 have to respect the law.

As said before you people are so goddamn stupid.

Do you have any real stories to post? Some commie judge ruled on something he can't possibly enforce. Soon to be overturned.
You know, since it's still in the investigative stage, it's not a lynching yet. The time for calling it a lynching won't come until the Senate starts with their trial.

Actually I believe he's calling it a lynching because of these clandestine inquiries that's being conducted by the Democrat House. When representatives are hiding something from the people that everybody should know about, you know they are up to no good which is the norm for the Democrat party, and particularly where Trump is concerned.

What clandestine inquiries? You do know that there are 45 people in the GOP who are authorized to be present at those committees, because they are members of them, right? If they are bitching about not getting any information, it's because they aren't doing their job and attending the committees like they're supposed to. I also thought it was majorly stupid of them to take unauthorized electronic devices into a SCIF.

These are secret meetings withheld from the pubic for a reason. The have nothing. That's it in a nutshell. If it were public as it should be, there would be discussions on the interviews here and blogs across the country, not to mention opinions of the interviews on both sides of the aisle.

So why keep this information from the public? To create a negative view in the mind of the voters. They have these stupid interviews, and Schiff Face comes out and tells the media "We really have him now!" What they are trying to do garner enough public support to have a real impeachment. They can't do that now, especially with the economy and jobs situation. It would be political suicide. Not only would they have no chance at the White House, but likely to lose leadership in the House as well.

Think of it this way. We were all quite aware of the events that unfolded when that commie broad stated Kavaneuh tried to raper her. Imagine if all those interviews and testimony were withheld from the public, and we only relied on what the Democrats summarized. What would have been the public sentiment once a real trial started to take place? I guarantee you that polls would have showed at least a 70% negative view of the judge before anything even started.

That's what they are trying to accomplish over here.
Here is the relevant history of watergate, showing how initial interviews were behind closed doors.

The ukraine-call whistleblower has already been corroborated by interviews. Suspending of ukraine aid has been demonstrated to be connected to requests to investigation of political opponents.

Just like the Mueller investigation was kicked off by Papadouplous bragging, the Mueller investigation has shown that Russia interfered with our election, and faced massive obstruction, preventing a complete investigation.

What obstruction was that which interfered in a two year investigation? Nothing Trump did, that's for certain.

Russia may have interfered in our election, just like Hussein did in Israel's election. But that doesn't mean it changed any votes, nor is there evidence that Trump or his associates were behind it. Mueller stated that pretty clearly.

Watergate was not an impeachment inquiry. It was an investigation. The transcript of Trump's call with Ukraine is available for all to see, and nowhere in that conversation did Trump ever once mention an ultimatum.
  1. Putin orders interference into election, to have Trump win

  2. Russians hack DNC email (not RNC)

  3. Russian hacks gets on Wikileaks's

  4. Trump talks about Wikileaks all the time "what about her emails"

  5. The campaigns are all about emails, no real issue matters

  6. A week before election Wikileaks is pushed by Trump and public again

  7. Trump narrowly wins even if still losing popular vote

  8. Trump becomes president
For the ukraine call transcript, it is not complete. Its a memo from the white house.

As for obstruction, its detailed here.

Your entire response is FOS. When did Putin ever order interference so Trump would win? I'll wait for the link.

The Russians didn't need any permission to hack anything. Think Putin was sitting at the television waiting for the approval of Trump? What an imagination you have. And many sources state the information was never downloaded, meaning it was copied internally. But we will never know the real story, will we, since the Democrats refused to have the FBI look into the matter immediately?

Now my statement is that Trump didn't do anything to obstruct. Obstruct means to interfere or stop something from happening.
US intelligence agencies reported that Putin ordered operation to get Trump elected.

and DNC gave FBI everything they requested.

As to your first link, it said this:

The report keeps classified any crucial technical data demonstrating Russian culpability, which means its release is unlikely to persuade skeptics that the intelligence agencies have definitively proven their case. Nor does the intelligence assessment claim that Russian interference was decisive in the election.

What it said is Putin ordered the interference, but not he ordered it to help Trump win. He was just trying to interfere in the election by favoring Trump since he was the underdog in the race. Had Hillary been the underdog, his agencies might have done the same for her. Rush Limbaugh tried to do the exact same thing between her and DumBama. On his show, he urged anybody voting in the primary to vote for Hillary and not Obama.

In your second link, here is what it said:

In his testimony in January on the cyber attacks, then-director of the FBI James Comey said the agency never got access to the machines themselves, but obtained access to the forensics from a review of the system performed by CrowdStrike, a third-party cybersecurity firm.

So I'm correct as usual. They didn't allow the FBI to examine the server. They hired these commies at Crowdstrike; the same company now in question in the Ukraine deal that Trump is looking into. They provided the FBI with a copy of what they found, which of course, could be manipulated according to their customer.
The white house released transcript showing that Putin wanted Trump to win.

The memory in the computer is what is relevant. A snapshot of the RAM and hard-disk is taken asap after attack. Only from that an investigation can be performed, because soon the RAM contents are overwritten. Physical access to the server is pointless, unless the disk still has useful data. Typically only RAM is useful.
You know, since it's still in the investigative stage, it's not a lynching yet. The time for calling it a lynching won't come until the Senate starts with their trial.

Actually I believe he's calling it a lynching because of these clandestine inquiries that's being conducted by the Democrat House. When representatives are hiding something from the people that everybody should know about, you know they are up to no good which is the norm for the Democrat party, and particularly where Trump is concerned.

What clandestine inquiries? You do know that there are 45 people in the GOP who are authorized to be present at those committees, because they are members of them, right? If they are bitching about not getting any information, it's because they aren't doing their job and attending the committees like they're supposed to. I also thought it was majorly stupid of them to take unauthorized electronic devices into a SCIF.
But Democrats are not giving them the exculpatory evidence. That’s the problem. Democrats are operating in the dark to overturn 2016 election and overthrow the government.

Maybe if your buddy Trump did not break the law, he wouldn't get impeached.

Quit blaming Democrats because you assfucks elected a crook & con man. You even knew it & STILL you assfucks voted for him.

Trump is the exact same asshole he has always been What the fuck were you thinking?
I was thinking "how can I piss off a total doosche-dickhead" and this came to mind.
What obstruction was that which interfered in a two year investigation? Nothing Trump did, that's for certain.

Russia may have interfered in our election, just like Hussein did in Israel's election. But that doesn't mean it changed any votes, nor is there evidence that Trump or his associates were behind it. Mueller stated that pretty clearly.

Watergate was not an impeachment inquiry. It was an investigation. The transcript of Trump's call with Ukraine is available for all to see, and nowhere in that conversation did Trump ever once mention an ultimatum.
  1. Putin orders interference into election, to have Trump win

  2. Russians hack DNC email (not RNC)

  3. Russian hacks gets on Wikileaks's

  4. Trump talks about Wikileaks all the time "what about her emails"

  5. The campaigns are all about emails, no real issue matters

  6. A week before election Wikileaks is pushed by Trump and public again

  7. Trump narrowly wins even if still losing popular vote

  8. Trump becomes president
For the ukraine call transcript, it is not complete. Its a memo from the white house.

As for obstruction, its detailed here.

Your entire response is FOS. When did Putin ever order interference so Trump would win? I'll wait for the link.

The Russians didn't need any permission to hack anything. Think Putin was sitting at the television waiting for the approval of Trump? What an imagination you have. And many sources state the information was never downloaded, meaning it was copied internally. But we will never know the real story, will we, since the Democrats refused to have the FBI look into the matter immediately?

Now my statement is that Trump didn't do anything to obstruct. Obstruct means to interfere or stop something from happening.
US intelligence agencies reported that Putin ordered operation to get Trump elected.

and DNC gave FBI everything they requested.

As to your first link, it said this:

The report keeps classified any crucial technical data demonstrating Russian culpability, which means its release is unlikely to persuade skeptics that the intelligence agencies have definitively proven their case. Nor does the intelligence assessment claim that Russian interference was decisive in the election.

What it said is Putin ordered the interference, but not he ordered it to help Trump win. He was just trying to interfere in the election by favoring Trump since he was the underdog in the race. Had Hillary been the underdog, his agencies might have done the same for her. Rush Limbaugh tried to do the exact same thing between her and DumBama. On his show, he urged anybody voting in the primary to vote for Hillary and not Obama.

In your second link, here is what it said:

In his testimony in January on the cyber attacks, then-director of the FBI James Comey said the agency never got access to the machines themselves, but obtained access to the forensics from a review of the system performed by CrowdStrike, a third-party cybersecurity firm.

So I'm correct as usual. They didn't allow the FBI to examine the server. They hired these commies at Crowdstrike; the same company now in question in the Ukraine deal that Trump is looking into. They provided the FBI with a copy of what they found, which of course, could be manipulated according to their customer.
The white house released transcript showing that Putin wanted Trump to win.

The memory in the computer is what is relevant. A snapshot of the RAM and hard-disk is taken asap after attack. Only from that an investigation can be performed, because soon the RAM contents are overwritten. Physical access to the server is pointless, unless the disk still has useful data. Typically only RAM is useful.

Then they should have shut down the computers and have the FBI look at those. It's not like you have to make an appointment with them. They'd be there in a half hour.

I used your link to show that the FBI never looked at their actual computer, because obviously, they were hiding something. The DNC paid CrowdStrike to confiscate the computer, and give the FBI what the customer wanted. The FBI would have responded a lot faster than CrowdStrike.

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