This Is So Moving: Elite School Tells Sixth Graders The Swastika Is A Symbol Of Peace

I am a liberal, like the Founders.


What you are... is a pitiful, ridiculous Prog... And a complete joke of a sub-human being.

what you are is a rightwingnut hack.

so there ya go.


Aren't you sweet to say so?

Now, you've already conceded in this thread, did you return to re-concede or just to embarrass yourself by trying to defend the sub-human joke?

what are you blathering about? :cuckoo:
American perception of Right and Conservative is radically different than what's European Right ...


Good lord... There is no political center. One either recognizes, respects and defends the principles of nature thus is of the political right, or one does not. Where one 'feels' that a good policy is one which joins equal portions of right and wrong, one is merely an imbecile, OKA: Leftist.

That said... you're in The US. If you're going to use foreign understandings of otherwise readily understood concepts... you should probably confess, up front, that you're confused and we'll take that into consideration and give you the opportunity to define your 'special' terms.

FYI: HOT water is on the Left... Cold water is on the Right... the higher the number the farther the floor is from the ground. No sun Night time. Sun= Daytime. Cold months = Climate Change Hot months= Global warming.

As I said... there were no 'right wingers' in Germany in the 1920s... 30s. This changed toward the early to mid 40s when the US Army moved in.
No you've proven that you've lost the argument, resorting to name-calling.


Not a historic winner... and locally... at this moment a decided loser. FAIL!

Let's see what else ya have?

I said I've had this conversation previously, it's impossible to convince your type that you are actually whats the point, keep believing in your incorrect historical fantasyland.

Argumentum ad ignorantum, with an ad populum twist?

An oldie, and a goodie... always entertaining. Sadly... ALWAYS a loser. FAIL!

Let's hope ya bring a strong finish...

Europeans have been idiots for HUNDREDS of years?

Well... Let's see... two word wars in one century? That's a wash for one of those hundred years... and given that such do not just materialize from no where, I'd say that we can set the run up to that one, as a wash as well.

If we add this discussion and the impending collapse of Europe to the 7th century... then it's looking like a rout.

You're sinkin' like a stoner... . Be honest, you're actually from Colorado, right?

Gosh, amazingly we Europeans invented pretty much every modern advancement, not to mention all of that classical music and opera written by European idiots from Bach to Mozart from Schubert to Donizetti, not to mention all that beautiful art from Michelangelo to Rembrandt from Renoir to Durer....such IDIOTS all of them.

I wouldn't worry too much about the architecture. That will be gone inside the next 75 years. Muslims aren't big preservationists of kafar art.

And... while it is wonderful that you, the modern Euro-peon set yourself in company with the planets great thinkers... I'd remind you that YOU are a proponent of hysteria, set around the singular consistency in the planets climate. I mean, come on sis... you're the first generation since that of Copernicus to actually use the phrase: DENIER! with any enthusiasm.

SOoo... the apple has no kinship with that nut tree.


Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.
American perception of Right and Conservative is radically different than what's European Right ...


Good lord... There is no political center. One either recognizes, respects and defends the principles of nature thus is of the political right, or one does not. Where one 'feels' that a good policy is one which joins equal portions of right and wrong, one is merely an imbecile, OKA: Leftist.

That said... you're in The US. If you're going to use foreign understandings of otherwise readily understood concepts... you should probably confess, up front, that you're confused and we'll take that into consideration and give you the opportunity to define your 'special' terms.

FYI: HOT water is on the Left... Cold water is on the Right... the higher the number the farther the floor is from the ground. No sun Night time. Sun= Daytime. Cold months = Climate Change Hot months= Global warming.

As I said... there were no 'right wingers' in Germany in the 1920s... 30s. This changed toward the early to mid 40s when the US Army moved in.

"you're in The US"

Are you just naturally delusional?

I'm in England, I'm European, I'm English-Austrian....England, Europe and Austria AREN'T in the US....please consult an Atlas to help you with your trouble understanding basic geography.

"FYI: HOT water is on the Left... Cold water is on the Right... the higher the number the farther the floor is from the ground. No sun Night time. Sun= Daytime. Cold months = Climate Change Hot months= Global warming.

As I said... there were no 'right wingers' in Germany in the 1920s... 30s. This changed toward the early to mid 40s when the US Army moved in."

WTF are you GIBBERING on about? Are you a stand-up comic or something? Because you're hilarious.
No you've proven that you've lost the argument, resorting to name-calling.


Not a historic winner... and locally... at this moment a decided loser. FAIL!

Let's see what else ya have?

I said I've had this conversation previously, it's impossible to convince your type that you are actually whats the point, keep believing in your incorrect historical fantasyland.

Argumentum ad ignorantum, with an ad populum twist?

An oldie, and a goodie... always entertaining. Sadly... ALWAYS a loser. FAIL!

Let's hope ya bring a strong finish...

Europeans have been idiots for HUNDREDS of years?

Well... Let's see... two word wars in one century? That's a wash for one of those hundred years... and given that such do not just materialize from no where, I'd say that we can set the run up to that one, as a wash as well.

If we add this discussion and the impending collapse of Europe to the 7th century... then it's looking like a rout.

You're sinkin' like a stoner... . Be honest, you're actually from Colorado, right?

Gosh, amazingly we Europeans invented pretty much every modern advancement, not to mention all of that classical music and opera written by European idiots from Bach to Mozart from Schubert to Donizetti, not to mention all that beautiful art from Michelangelo to Rembrandt from Renoir to Durer....such IDIOTS all of them.

I wouldn't worry too much about the architecture. That will be gone inside the next 75 years. Muslims aren't big preservationists of kafar art.

And... while it is wonderful that you, the modern Euro-peon set yourself in company with the planets great thinkers... I'd remind you that YOU are a proponent of hysteria, set around the singular consistency in the planets climate. I mean, come on sis... you're the first generation since that of Copernicus to actually use the phrase: DENIER! with any enthusiasm.

SOoo... the apple has no kinship with that nut tree.


Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.

That wasn't a concession. It means you're talking out of your backside darling.

So is America at this rate. Do you know how many Mosques you have, look it up, it'll scare you.

Well the US is probably a year or two from our first actual civil war. So, we're working our way through that.

At the end of that, the CONUS will either be free of Americans, or free of Leftists and Muslims... (Pardon the redundancy).

Your President ...

Oh sweety... I'm an American. I don't have a President. Haven't for some time now. You're confused again.

You should probably avoid the media as a news resource, for information regarding Americans, what they know, what they want and what they give a fuck about. In fairness to the media... they're pissed because the first thing we do not give a fuck about, is them.

So is America at this rate. Do you know how many Mosques you have, look it up, it'll scare you.

Well the US is probably a year or two from our first actual civil war. So, we're working our way through that.

At the end of that, the CONUS will either be free of Americans, or free of Leftists and Muslims... (Pardon the redundancy).

Your President ...

Oh sweety... I'm an American. I don't have a President. Haven't for some time now. You're confused again.

You should probably avoid the media as a news resource, for information regarding Americans, what they know, what they want and what they give a fuck about. In fairness to the media... they're pissed because the first thing we do not give a fuck about, is them.

Your FIRST actual Civil War? So what was THIS one then, a myth?

American Civil War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Re. The Media. I haven't bothered with the Propaganda MSM for years now.
Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.

That wasn't a concession. [/QUOTE]

OH! Sweety... Perhaps you should take some time and just watch a while, and once you get your bearings, you can dip your toe in.

You failed to sustain your point... thus yielded to the opposing point(s)... at which point, you conceded.

But hey... you're a Euro-PEON... and that is a point of logic. SO there is NO WAY you could have known THAT!

Maybe you'd like to try the "FIRE HOT" thread... I really think you'd do great there. There's a couple of freaks from Amsterdam doin' GREAT in there. I heard that they sparked up a fatty right off the point within 30 seconds of showing up.
Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.

That wasn't a concession.

OH! Sweety... Perhaps you should take some time and just watch a while, and once you get your bearings, you can dip your toe in.

You failed to sustain your point... thus yielded to the opposing point(s)... at which point, you conceded.

But hey... you're a Euro-PEON... and that is a point of logic. SO there is NO WAY you could have known THAT!

Maybe you'd like to try the "FIRE HOT" thread... I really think you'd do great there. There's a couple of freaks from Amsterdam doin' GREAT in there. I heard that they sparked up a fatty right off the point within 30 seconds of showing up.

No you've proven that you've lost the argument, resorting to name-calling.


Not a historic winner... and locally... at this moment a decided loser. FAIL!

Let's see what else ya have?

I said I've had this conversation previously, it's impossible to convince your type that you are actually whats the point, keep believing in your incorrect historical fantasyland.

Argumentum ad ignorantum, with an ad populum twist?

An oldie, and a goodie... always entertaining. Sadly... ALWAYS a loser. FAIL!

Let's hope ya bring a strong finish...

Europeans have been idiots for HUNDREDS of years?

Well... Let's see... two word wars in one century? That's a wash for one of those hundred years... and given that such do not just materialize from no where, I'd say that we can set the run up to that one, as a wash as well.

If we add this discussion and the impending collapse of Europe to the 7th century... then it's looking like a rout.

You're sinkin' like a stoner... . Be honest, you're actually from Colorado, right?

Gosh, amazingly we Europeans invented pretty much every modern advancement, not to mention all of that classical music and opera written by European idiots from Bach to Mozart from Schubert to Donizetti, not to mention all that beautiful art from Michelangelo to Rembrandt from Renoir to Durer....such IDIOTS all of them.

I wouldn't worry too much about the architecture. That will be gone inside the next 75 years. Muslims aren't big preservationists of kafar art.

And... while it is wonderful that you, the modern Euro-peon set yourself in company with the planets great thinkers... I'd remind you that YOU are a proponent of hysteria, set around the singular consistency in the planets climate. I mean, come on sis... you're the first generation since that of Copernicus to actually use the phrase: DENIER! with any enthusiasm.

SOoo... the apple has no kinship with that nut tree.


Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.

That wasn't a concession. It means you're talking out of your backside darling.
He uses that expression constantly. It just means he hasn't got an argument.

So is America at this rate. Do you know how many Mosques you have, look it up, it'll scare you.

Well the US is probably a year or two from our first actual civil war. So, we're working our way through that.

At the end of that, the CONUS will either be free of Americans, or free of Leftists and Muslims... (Pardon the redundancy).

Your President ...

Oh sweety... I'm an American. I don't have a President. Haven't for some time now. You're confused again.

You should probably avoid the media as a news resource, for information regarding Americans, what they know, what they want and what they give a fuck about. In fairness to the media... they're pissed because the first thing we do not give a fuck about, is them.

Your FIRST actual Civil War? So what was THIS one then, a myth?

American Civil War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Re. The Media. I haven't bothered with the Propaganda MSM for years now.

Oh my...

Whooo... a link from the 'ORACLE OF ALL KNOWLEDGE! How so typical... Ok. Let me get some coffee.







Al righty... where were we?

OH! The War between the USA and CSA, OKA, colloquially: The US "CIVIL WAR".

That was a war between the United States of America and The Confederate States of America. Which means that it was a war between the armies of two sovereign nations.

A Civil War, is a war fought by multiple factions, over control of the same ground.

The CSA was not fighting for control of the USA... . It was exercising its right to depart the union of states.

Two entirely different animals.

The First US Civil War, will be first, the annihilation of the Ideological Left, which of course, includes Islam... in the United States.

After that is completed... shit will just fall back into place, at which time the Americans will again control the United States.

See the difference?

The First US Civil War will be for control of THE UNITED STATES. Where AMERICANS seek to DESTROY the opposition. TO ERASE THE IDEOLOGICAL LEFT.

Not to 'win their hearts and minds'... or to compromise... to ERASE THEM. Without apology, compromise, or mercy.

Civil War.
Last edited:
He uses that expression constantly. It just means he hasn't got an argument.

He really does... but in his defense, he does so because without exception, his opposition inevitably fails to sustain their argument, thus they concede to the standing points in opposition.

So... it's sort of what happens when they concede.

The coolest part is that it really pisses them off. It's nearly as cool as how much hope they're all pinning on you, that you're something close to a match.

And frankly... that would be SO nice for them.

Sadly... it's not looking good at this point and I don't mind tellin' ya, I think we're all more than just a little disappointed.

So is America at this rate. Do you know how many Mosques you have, look it up, it'll scare you.

Well the US is probably a year or two from our first actual civil war. So, we're working our way through that.

At the end of that, the CONUS will either be free of Americans, or free of Leftists and Muslims... (Pardon the redundancy).

Your President ...

Oh sweety... I'm an American. I don't have a President. Haven't for some time now. You're confused again.

You should probably avoid the media as a news resource, for information regarding Americans, what they know, what they want and what they give a fuck about. In fairness to the media... they're pissed because the first thing we do not give a fuck about, is them.

Your FIRST actual Civil War? So what was THIS one then, a myth?

American Civil War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Re. The Media. I haven't bothered with the Propaganda MSM for years now.

Oh my...

Whooo... a link from the 'ORACLE OF ALL KNOWLEDGE! How so typical... Ok. Let me get some coffee.







Al righty... where were we?

OH! The War between the USA and CSA, OKA, colloquially: The US "CIVIL WAR".

That was a war between the United States of America and The Confederate States of America. Which means that it was a war between the armies of two sovereign nations.

A Civil War, is a war fought by multiple factions, over control of the same ground.

The CSA was not fighting for control of the USA... . It was exercising its right to depart the union of states.

Two entirely different animals.

The First US Civil War, will be first, the annihilation of the Ideological Left, which of course, includes Islam... in the United States.

After that is completed... shit will just fall back into place, at which time the Americans will again control the United States.

See the difference?

The First US Civil War will be for control of THE UNITED STATES. Where AMERICANS seek to DESTROY the opposition. TO ERASE THE IDEOLOGICAL LEFT.

Not to 'win their hearts and minds'... or to compromise... to ERASE THEM. Without apology, compromise, or mercy.

Civil War.

It's 4.23am and I absolutely have to go to bed.

It's been 'um....interesting shall I say in a vaguely disturbing way.

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