This is Sweden's immigration/diversity example


Platinum Member
Nov 29, 2008
Its not working out as hoped and has awakened some of the woke to how diversity can be very taxing on civil society. Here in the US we get a mixed bag in our legal and illegal immigrants. Just something to consider cartels are a norm in a lot of South American areas.

Diversity didn't work at the Tower of Babel and it won't work now. America has tried hard to make it work here for many decades. But basic, human nature simply opposes it. It would be one thing if it was voluntary. If different folks choose on their own to create a diverse community ... go for it. But when a government forces it -- it's a no-go.

I've lived in 9 States and several bigger cities. No matter where I've lived, diversity creates chaotic situations and clashes. It's just the way it is.
Diversity didn't work at the Tower of Babel and it won't work now. America has tried hard to make it work here for many decades. But basic, human nature simply opposes it. It would be one thing if it was voluntary. If different folks choose on their own to create a diverse community ... go for it. But when a government forces it -- it's a no-go.

I've lived in 9 States and several bigger cities. No matter where I've lived, diversity creates chaotic situations and clashes. It's just the way it is.

The human being is hardwired to prefer the company of its own kind. Any attempt to resist this creates chaos.


The human being is hardwired to prefer the company of its own kind. Any attempt to resist this creates chaos.

That's a fact. Now, I've worked with different people with diverse backgrounds, and I've befriended some (not all). But the times I've had to move from one place to another ... I've always sought the cities or towns with the least level of crime. Interestingly ... it always turns out to be the places with the highest white population. I'm not making that up. It's a fact and I have data to prove it.
That's a fact. Now, I've worked with different people with diverse backgrounds, and I've befriended some (not all). But the times I've had to move from one place to another ... I've always sought the cities or towns with the least level of crime. Interestingly ... it always turns out to be the places with the highest white population. I'm not making that up. It's a fact and I have data to prove it.

I can't even tell you how much quieter, cleaner, more peaceful and safer my new home town is, after Seattle for decades and then Port Angeles WA for six years. I think I've seen one black in the year and a half I've lived here, and a few Hispanics and a few Indians.

I looked for the history of crime in my little town and there ain't none.

When someone shady shows up in town, someone mentions it on FB and that's the end of the matter. The sheriff's deputy cruises past my house just about on the hour.

It's Mayberry!

Diversity didn't work at the Tower of Babel and it won't work now. America has tried hard to make it work here for many decades. But basic, human nature simply opposes it. It would be one thing if it was voluntary. If different folks choose on their own to create a diverse community ... go for it. But when a government forces it -- it's a no-go.

I've lived in 9 States and several bigger cities. No matter where I've lived, diversity creates chaotic situations and clashes. It's just the way it is.

America has been a land of many peoples, faiths, languages, and ideas since our founding. We're doing pretty well.
I've always sought the cities or towns with the least level of crime. Interestingly ... it always turns out to be the places with the highest white population.
I would just add that probably cities with an Asian majority (Chinese, Korean, Japanese) are even safer than Caucasian-majority cities.
America has been a land of many peoples, faiths, languages, and ideas since our founding. We're doing pretty well.

We are not doing pretty well. The notion that "America is a nation of immigrants" might have worked in the the past, but it's not working now. We're getting the worst refuse other countries have to offer, and they're just walking across the border. They are bringing drugs, disease, crime, and poverty to an already-damaged nation that has only so many resources.
So apparently you bought into the notion that electing Joe Biden was going to bring the country back to "normal"?


If you think I said anything so stupid, go find a quote. Otherwise, stuff that nonsense.
... The notion that "America is a nation of immigrants" might have worked in the the past...

In the past, in the present, in the future. This American reality in no way condones or excuses illegal immigration.
Diversity didn't work at the Tower of Babel and it won't work now. America has tried hard to make it work here for many decades. But basic, human nature simply opposes it. It would be one thing if it was voluntary. If different folks choose on their own to create a diverse community ... go for it. But when a government forces it -- it's a no-go.

I've lived in 9 States and several bigger cities. No matter where I've lived, diversity creates chaotic situations and clashes. It's just the way it is.
My current city of Phoenix seems be the only free city left from the Marxist
My current city of Phoenix seems be the only free city left from the Marxist
I lived in Phoenix, AZ many years ago (around 1980-82). Back then, I smoked a lot of pot. Went to the south side of Phoenix with a Mexican coworker to buy some weed. He was driving. A black dude came to the window to sell some pot but, instead, grabbed the Mexican dude's wallet. We both got out and started chasing him, but he turned around and started shooting in our direction. Glad he was a terrible shot. Got out of that town because it was a bit too diverse for my liking (at least then).
Portland, OR- a 4th world hell hole of White trash drug addicts and Bolshevk Leftist

LAS VEGAS- a 4th world hell hole of illegal aliens everywhere, black thugs , Slant eyes with masks, and little girls with masks
I lived in Phoenix, AZ many years ago (around 1980-82). Back then, I smoked a lot of pot. Went to the south side of Phoenix with a Mexican coworker to buy some weed. He was driving. A black dude came to the window to sell some pot but, instead, grabbed the Mexican dude's wallet. We both got out and started chasing him, but he turned around and started shooting in our direction. Glad he was a terrible shot. Got out of that town because it was a bit too diverse for my liking (at least then).

I even lived in Chicago for 10 months or so and it was insufferable
Chicago has always been an insufferable shithole. I damned near got robbed by some negros back in 1968.
I lived in the town of Downers Grove, IL back around 1983 or so. I was there for a construction job. I went to a White Sox game once and almost got my ass beat by a large crowd because I was cheering for the Angels. I had a wee too much beer that day.

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