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This is the Age of Censorship!

Riddle me this...............

If you decrease taxation with one law.
Then a year later increase some taxes.
And overall, aka between the 2 laws, you actually decrease TAXATION.

Have you just passed the largest peace time tax in History.

Secondly, you ignore the economic SUCCESSES of Reagan after turning around a chitty economy inherited from Carter.

While I don't want to get into a comparison of Bush to Obama examples the Fact remains that REAGAN turned it around.

Now we have an Obama that STILL CAN'T DO IT. Even after nearly 2 Trillion in Stimulous.

Had Obama turned it around, then I'd give credit were credit is due. So show me the MAGICAL ECONOMY TURN AROUND with Obama.

You can't because he's failing. You can't in California either because the Businesses are SICK OF YOUR BS, AND ARE LEAVING.

Failed Liberal BS policies.

Here are your words for the day...one is a name, and the others are policy options. Study up because there will be a quiz at the end of the day...LOL

Paul Volker
Monetary policy
Fiscal policy

Instead of holding my breath and awaiting anything substantive from you I am going to go to the Gym and get my Cardio done ;)
Volcker and the Reagan Legacy - Forbes

Paul Volcker was part of the comedy of errors that was the latter stage of the Carter administration. Without Reagan, Volcker would have been another in a line of failed Fed chairmen.

The tax cuts caused businesses to take off, not his manipulation of the rates in the Federal Reserve.

He doesn't deserve credit for Jack squat.
Volcker and the Reagan Legacy - Forbes

Paul Volcker was part of the comedy of errors that was the latter stage of the Carter administration. Without Reagan, Volcker would have been another in a line of failed Fed chairmen.

The tax cuts caused businesses to take off, not his manipulation of the rates in the Federal Reserve.

He doesn't deserve credit for Jack squat.

WHAT monetary policy does Obama or the Fed have? Lower interest rates?? Maybe we could PAY someone to borrow money?

Obama inherited a trashed economy, and there is no monetary policy option, only fiscal policy. Obama passed the stimulus bill, that's fiscal policy, and it worked. But it was too small.

We are in a liquidity trap. And Obama is faced with a mind numbingly ignorant group of right wing liquidationists. The teabagger House believes Americans need to be punished and austerity is what they need to suffer. It is as ignorant as believing blood letting would save lives.

You folks on the right are from the Andrew Mellon school of social Darwinism.

Contemplating in retrospect the wreck of his country’s economy and his own presidency, Herbert Hoover wrote bitterly in his memoirs about those who had advised inaction during the downslide:

The ‘leave-it-alone liquidationists’ headed by Secretary of the Treasury Mellon…felt that government must keep its hands off and let the slump liquidate itself. Mr. Mellon had only one formula: ‘Liquidate labor, liquidate stocks, liquidate the farmers, liquidate real estate’.…He held that even panic was not altogether a bad thing. He said: ‘It will purge the rottenness out of the system. High costs of living and high living will come down. People will work harder, live a more moral life. Values will be adjusted, and enterprising people will pick up the wrecks from less competent people’.
Eagle and Roo are mad that (1) Carter began the revitalizing of the military, which Reagan completed; and (2) Iran-Contra hurt morale of the armed forces.

The affirmation is theirs to prove: they are the ones who made the assertions. They can't prove it, so they will attack me personally in a politics forum.

You have proved NOTHING.
You have provided NO DATA.

The only thing you have done is give the Real Reason for Global Warming.

DEMOCRATIC HOT AIR. Hold your breath and save the planet Lib.

It is no big deal, Jake is a blow hard and nothing more.

I just derive a perverse pleasure from bitch slapping idiots.

The original affirmations were that Reagan rebuilt the military and that Iran Contra was no big deal.

I am waiting for the evidence.

When that is done I can reply.

I will never provide evidence to refute only an assertion. That's not my job, it's the affirmative position's job.

In other words, Roo slapped himself silly.
Yurt continues to lie and attack.

If I make an affirmation, I will back up with evidence.

I don't have to give evidence to refute somebody's affirmation that is given without evidence.

That is how the rules of discussion go.
You have proved NOTHING.
You have provided NO DATA.

The only thing you have done is give the Real Reason for Global Warming.

DEMOCRATIC HOT AIR. Hold your breath and save the planet Lib.

It is no big deal, Jake is a blow hard and nothing more.

I just derive a perverse pleasure from bitch slapping idiots.

The original affirmations were that Reagan rebuilt the military and that Iran Contra was no big deal.

I am waiting for the evidence.

When that is done I can reply.

I will never provide evidence to refute only an assertion. That's not my job, it's the affirmative position's job.

In other words, Roo slapped himself silly.

No Jake, here is the original assertion.

Quote: Originally Posted by JakeStarkey
Reagan continued the modernization of our military forces began under Carter.

Reagan, because of Iran Contra, caused 100s of officers and 1000s of NCOs to leave the Armed Forces. Many did not want to serve a government that sent munitions to the enemy.
What a stupid fuck you are, and I know you voted for Obama.

Carter gutted the Military....I invite you to "prove" either assertion little man.

I proved Carter did no such thing, and you can't prove any NCO's or Officers ;left because of Iran Contra.

You lose.

Nobody here is as stupid as you are Jake, you never had a chance against me.
Roo, mixing up the posts will not help your lies.

You have long been irrelevant on the Board, and now you just add to the evidence of that.
Yurt continues to lie and attack.

If I make an affirmation, I will back up with evidence.

I don't have to give evidence to refute somebody's affirmation that is given without evidence.

That is how the rules of discussion go.

when have you ever backed up a claim i asked you to back up?
Yurt continues to lie and attack.

If I make an affirmation, I will back up with evidence.

I don't have to give evidence to refute somebody's affirmation that is given without evidence.

That is how the rules of discussion go.

when have you ever backed up a claim i asked you to back up?

When you posted the original affirmation without evidence then you ask me to refute it.

Not how it works.
Reagan continued the modernization of our military forces began under Carter.

Reagan, because of Iran Contra, caused 100s of officers and 1000s of NCOs to leave the Armed Forces. Many did not want to serve a government that sent munitions to the enemy.

There is your post Little Man :)

Reagan continued the modernization of our military forces began under Carter.


Reagan, because of Iran Contra, caused 100s of officers and 1000s of NCOs to leave the Armed Forces. Many did not want to serve a government that sent munitions to the enemy.[/

You really need to keep track of what you type in order to not look so stupid little man.
Reagan continued the modernization of our military forces began under Carter.

Reagan, because of Iran Contra, caused 100s of officers and 1000s of NCOs to leave the Armed Forces. Many did not want to serve a government that sent munitions to the enemy.

There is your post Little Man :)

Reagan continued the modernization of our military forces began under Carter.


Reagan, because of Iran Contra, caused 100s of officers and 1000s of NCOs to leave the Armed Forces. Many did not want to serve a government that sent munitions to the enemy.[/

You really need to keep track of what you type in order to not look so stupid little man.

You have yet to prove either of your assertions kid.
It is remarkable how successful the media has been in closing down debate. Not merely marginalizing opposing voices, but actually shhhhushing those questions whose answers might prove....embarrassing.
Even momentous inquiries of an eschatological nature! Shhhhh!

1. Imagine if one were so obstrusive as to critique Obama as a Marxist, or a socialist, or a 'fellow traveler.' Even if a quotation from Obama himself were provided ( "...spreading the wealth..." "...you didn't build that..."), there would be instant shock, rejection, derision, and scoffing in disbelief.
One would be discredited...even if one were to speak of policies such as socialized medicine, that definitively Marxist program, one roundly applauded by Bolsheviks, progressives, statists, socialists, and fellow travelers.

2. What has been accomplished in our modern era is denial of reality. Not bad enough that freedom loving, individualistic, self-reliant Americans have elected a President who could accurately be identified with the terms Marxist, or socialist, or statist....but even worse, "one cannot even broach the subject without triggering an avalanche of opprobrium."
West, "American Betrayal," p.25.

3. "Even beyond the question of how Americans elected a man incubated in a radical comfort zone peopled by Stalinists, Maoists, card-carrying Communists, socialists, and postmodern revolutionaries unhelpfully obscured as "Alinskyites," and who first ran for elected office as both a Democrat and socialist (New Party) "fusion" candidate, how did this topic of crucial public interest become a conversation ender, something to wave off, frantically, like a bad smell?" Ibid.

a. " The assertion that Barack Obama is a socialist became a hallmark of the 2008 presidential campaign... “When you spread the wealth around,” Obama had said, “it’s good for everybody.” That, McCain insisted, sounded “a lot like socialism,” as did Obama’s proposals to raise taxes on the wealthy and high earners for the explicit purpose of taking better care of the lower and middle classes with that redistributed money. Republicans believed they had hit a rhetorical mother lode with this line of argument in 2008, but their efforts to make hay of Obama’s putative socialism proved unedifying, if not outright comic."
« What Kind of Socialist Is Barack Obama? Commentary Magazine

4. Who let America down?
Was it the Democrats, the party owned lock-stock-and barrel by the far Left, the socialists, the Marxists?
Was it the American public, the folks who seemed unable to get excited about anything, the folks who epitomized George Santayana's warnings?

No, it was the Right...the so-called conservative pundits who didn't scream, or make much of a fuss about the attitudes and associations of the Marxist candidate.

a. In October of 2008, on Fox, Charles Krauthammer had his chance....and, instead, pooh-poohed the socialism:

" Since the word "socialism" has reared its ugly head, let's dispose of it..... Socialism actually is when the government takes over means of production, or Lenin called the commanding heights of the economy.... Now, obviously what Obama is talking about is what we have had for a long time, progressive taxation. Now, he wants to raise the marginal income tax rate from about 36 percent today to about 39.5. It is a little higher because he wants to eliminate a lot of deductions that the other income people have, so perhaps it's in the 40's."
'Special Report' Panel Discuses Whether Obama's Tax Plan Is Socialism in Disguise; Whatever Happened to Bipartisanship? | Fox News

b. There seems to be fear from those who should give the story the prominence it deserves, and the reason was ably described by Andrew C. McCarthy as ..."fog from the vaporous arsenal to which Alinskyites resort when they know that clarity would betray their radicalism and antagonize the public."
Read more at National Review?s Andrew McCarthy Has a Sweet Jihad For You

So....American could have been a champ, but our big brothers sold us out. They had a chance to lay it all out....to make it a fight....but played word games instead.

On The Waterfront-The most Famous scene with that quote-I Could Have Been A Contender.flv - YouTube

America got a one way ticket to palookaville.

Is it just me, PC, but isn't this the exact same rant that you have posted at least 3 times before?

What exactly do you expect to be different this time around?

Yeah, it's just you.

But if you're drawing attention to the fact that the socialist remains in the White House...and that he remains a socialist.....

.....great points.
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Reagan continued the modernization of our military forces began under Carter.

Reagan, because of Iran Contra, caused 100s of officers and 1000s of NCOs to leave the Armed Forces. Many did not want to serve a government that sent munitions to the enemy.

There is your post Little Man :)

Reagan continued the modernization of our military forces began under Carter.


Reagan, because of Iran Contra, caused 100s of officers and 1000s of NCOs to leave the Armed Forces. Many did not want to serve a government that sent munitions to the enemy.[/

You really need to keep track of what you type in order to not look so stupid little man.

You have yet to prove either of your assertions kid.

Post the earlier assertions on which it was based: you are being dishonest. Nothing New.

Is it just me, PC, but isn't this the exact same rant that you have posted at least 3 times before?

What exactly do you expect to be different this time around?

Yeah, it's just you.

But if you're drawing attention to the fact that the socialist remains in the White House...and that he remains a socialist.....

.....great points.

Can you point to anything that Obama has done that fits the actual definition of socialism?
There is your post Little Man :)

Reagan continued the modernization of our military forces began under Carter.


Reagan, because of Iran Contra, caused 100s of officers and 1000s of NCOs to leave the Armed Forces. Many did not want to serve a government that sent munitions to the enemy.[/

You really need to keep track of what you type in order to not look so stupid little man.

You have yet to prove either of your assertions kid.

Post the earlier assertions on which it was based: you are being dishonest. Nothing New.

Poor Jake, our ENTIRE dance here in this thread began with the highlighted red sentences.

Nothing you can type can change that...and as you are starting to see people are calling you on your idiocy.

I've backed up every assertion I've made, every single one...all you do is say "Nuh-Uh".

You have the intellect of a child Jake, it just is what it is.
You rarely back up affirmations with evidence, Roo.

Let's stop your lying right now. I am going back to the OP.
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