"This is the biggest load of bull..." Clinton on the emails.

At a gathering of the Asian American Journalists Association Bill Clinton defended his wife regarding the email imbroglio:

"First of all, the FBI director said when he testified before Congress, he had to amend his previous day's statement that she had never received any emails that are classified. They saw two little notes with a 'C' on it," Clinton said.

"This is the biggest load of bull I've ever heard."

Clinton went on to say that while the classification system of sensitive emails was "too complicated to explain to people," what is clear is that Clinton and her colleagues were never being careless with national security.

"Do you really believe there are 300 career diplomats because that's how many people were on these emails, all of whom were careless with national security? Do you believe that?" he said. "Forget about Hillary, forget about her. Is that conceivable?"

Bill Clinton talks email controversy: 'Biggest load of bull' - CNNPolitics.com

He's right. Comey did have to amend his statements, those emails had been improperly marked.

Yet, what we hear played over and over again is sliced up CEC version of a tape that leaves out the only thing marked classified at the time carried "bore markings" (c) on .000001% of all the emails she sent or received. Later Comey states in his testimony they were not properly marked -- and it would have been easy for anyone with knowledge of handing classified documents to miss. The content of the emails were about her making a freakin' telephone call.

We found out later those "bore markings" were not even classified to begin with. [ Daily Press Briefing - July 6, 2016 ]

And even if they were, they originated at State, so she could have declassified them, as she has that power. But they weren't. AND, even if -- they were on such a level of "secrecy" those same two (c) emails could have been sent through the US mail with a simple No. 10 envelope and a First Class postage stamp.

The other part of this which Bill reminds us, is allllll the other career diplomats she exchanged emails would have been just as careless.

"Forget about Hillary, forget about her. Is that conceivable?"

Too bad it's not just a few emails that contained classified material...I believe the number is now over a thousand emails that were deemed classified. As for her "power" to declassify material? You can call sensitive material whatever you want, Paperview...that doesn't change the fact that it's sensitive. The problem that Clinton has is she didn't take proper precautions with the emails that she was running through her private servers and she was talking about things in those emails that were later determined to be sensitive.

What's disturbing however isn't that she put people's lives in danger with what she was doing...it's the reason behind why she felt the need to set up her own system of communication outside of the official one she knew that she was required by State Department regulations to use! Hillary Clinton used her office to engender bribes and she hid what she was doing from both the Congress and the American people.

This was supposed to be the "Most Transparent Administration Ever" but instead it's been the most secretive and corrupt Administration since Nixon! The things that were done at the State Department under Hillary Clinton are appalling. The things that were done at the IRS are even more appalling.

Yes, it was just a few.

" later determined to be sensitive."

Now you're getting it.

The few that had "bore markings" were about a freakin' phone call and not properly marked - and wasn't even classified to begin with. Comey had to revise his statement.

See the State Dept. link in my OP.

Over a thousand emails subsequently deemed to be classified are NOT a "few"! That's not even counting the emails that she had destroyed. If you think that those didn't contain things Clinton didn't want people to know about then you're one incredibly naive person!
After the FBI investigation, how'd it all work out buddy boy?


You mean the FBI investigation where they never even put Clinton under oath? Is that the "investigation" that you're speaking off? I still don't know what Comey was doing when he stated that Clinton was extremely careless but hadn't done something illegal. They didn't even investigate whether Clinton lied to Congress. Quite frankly...I'm not sure what the FBI did!

What Comey did is let Hillary get away with trying to hide her information from FOIA requests. The only good thing is that it back fired on her and mostly all of them have been released.

She also allowed access to classified information to those without the proper security clearance. They say her lawyers only looked at the heading, but whose to know what they actually looked at. We know that lawyers can not be trusted to uphold their pledge and tell the truth, even when sworn to.
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At a gathering of the Asian American Journalists Association Bill Clinton defended his wife regarding the email imbroglio:

"First of all, the FBI director said when he testified before Congress, he had to amend his previous day's statement that she had never received any emails that are classified. They saw two little notes with a 'C' on it," Clinton said.

"This is the biggest load of bull I've ever heard."

Clinton went on to say that while the classification system of sensitive emails was "too complicated to explain to people," what is clear is that Clinton and her colleagues were never being careless with national security.

"Do you really believe there are 300 career diplomats because that's how many people were on these emails, all of whom were careless with national security? Do you believe that?" he said. "Forget about Hillary, forget about her. Is that conceivable?"

Bill Clinton talks email controversy: 'Biggest load of bull' - CNNPolitics.com

He's right. Comey did have to amend his statements, those emails had been improperly marked.

Yet, what we hear played over and over again is sliced up CEC version of a tape that leaves out the only thing marked classified at the time carried "bore markings" (c) on .000001% of all the emails she sent or received. Later Comey states in his testimony they were not properly marked -- and it would have been easy for anyone with knowledge of handing classified documents to miss. The content of the emails were about her making a freakin' telephone call.

We found out later those "bore markings" were not even classified to begin with. [ Daily Press Briefing - July 6, 2016 ]

And even if they were, they originated at State, so she could have declassified them, as she has that power. But they weren't. AND, even if -- they were on such a level of "secrecy" those same two (c) emails could have been sent through the US mail with a simple No. 10 envelope and a First Class postage stamp.

The other part of this which Bill reminds us, is allllll the other career diplomats she exchanged emails would have been just as careless.

"Forget about Hillary, forget about her. Is that conceivable?"

Lying about l lying... it's the Clinton way.

Asking a liar if they ever lie is just plain silly.
Over a thousand emails subsequently deemed to be classified are NOT a "few"! That's not even counting the emails that she had destroyed. If you think that those didn't contain things Clinton didn't want people to know about then you're one incredibly naive person!

There are various degrees of "classified". Many of those deemed "classified" carried no sensitive information. There were chains of emails marked "classified" which were schedules of Department conference calls. Hardly sensitive information.

Since the emails you're referring to are so heavily redacted it's almost impossible to tell what they referred to...how is it you know that they carried no sensitive information? Did you want to take a crack at explaining how you know what was in the 33,000 emails that Clinton had destroyed? Let's be logical here...if the ones she DIDN'T destroy had over a thousand emails that were deemed classified once they were examined...how many of the ones that she DID destroy do you think had sensitive info on them? Or are you buying the Clinton bullshit about it all being cooking recipes and wedding plans?

"over a thousand emails that were deemed classified"

you gotta lotta catching up to do.

You need to start catching up, Paperview! The number of classified emails keeps going up each time that State releases more of them...and that STILL doesn't count the 33,000 that she obviously didn't want anyone to see because she had them deleted so professionally that the FBI cyber forensics team couldn't retrieve them! Gee, too bad she didn't take protecting our secrets as seriously as she does hiding her own secrets!
You poor little lying thing.

It's going to suck for you when she is Madam President.

Grab yer nuts for safety,

You finally said something that is correct, if she is elected it will suck for all of us, including deluded you. Come on let us know how much they are paying you.
Over a thousand emails subsequently deemed to be classified are NOT a "few"! That's not even counting the emails that she had destroyed. If you think that those didn't contain things Clinton didn't want people to know about then you're one incredibly naive person!

There are various degrees of "classified". Many of those deemed "classified" carried no sensitive information. There were chains of emails marked "classified" which were schedules of Department conference calls. Hardly sensitive information.

So when Hillary set up her own server and sent her official e-mails to that server, she wasn't aware that as ... Secretary of State ... she could get any level of classified information?

Cool. Explain how Obama said to cut her off. Go ...
Hey fucknuts -- she had a system to receive classified info.. Called a SCIF. Her whole office was a SCIF.

Her house had a SCIF as well. You should ...as they say ...look it up.

And they expected under SCIF her to set up her own server and bypass that security ... based on ... what?
You make no sense.

You didn't make any sense
Yes, it was just a few.

" later determined to be sensitive."

Now you're getting it.

The few that had "bore markings" were about a freakin' phone call and not properly marked - and wasn't even classified to begin with. Comey had to revise his statement.

See the State Dept. link in my OP.

Over a thousand emails subsequently deemed to be classified are NOT a "few"! That's not even counting the emails that she had destroyed. If you think that those didn't contain things Clinton didn't want people to know about then you're one incredibly naive person!

There are various degrees of "classified". Many of those deemed "classified" carried no sensitive information. There were chains of emails marked "classified" which were schedules of Department conference calls. Hardly sensitive information.

So when Hillary set up her own server and sent her official e-mails to that server, she wasn't aware that as ... Secretary of State ... she could get any level of classified information?

Cool. Explain how Obama said to cut her off. Go ...
Hey fucknuts -- she had a system to receive classified info.. Called a SCIF. Her whole office was a SCIF.

Her house had a SCIF as well. You should ...as they say ...look it up.

So she moved classified info from the SCIF to her unsecured email system? Cool!

Ssshhhh, he doesn't understand that. You'll confuse him
Over a thousand emails subsequently deemed to be classified are NOT a "few"! That's not even counting the emails that she had destroyed. If you think that those didn't contain things Clinton didn't want people to know about then you're one incredibly naive person!

There are various degrees of "classified". Many of those deemed "classified" carried no sensitive information. There were chains of emails marked "classified" which were schedules of Department conference calls. Hardly sensitive information.

So when Hillary set up her own server and sent her official e-mails to that server, she wasn't aware that as ... Secretary of State ... she could get any level of classified information?

Cool. Explain how Obama said to cut her off. Go ...
Hey fucknuts -- she had a system to receive classified info.. Called a SCIF. Her whole office was a SCIF.

Her house had a SCIF as well. You should ...as they say ...look it up.

So she moved classified info from the SCIF to her unsecured email system? Cool!
NO. Fuckadoodle.

Didn't listen to Comey, did you?
Right after BJ Clinton said this is the biggest load of bull I've ever heard, he added where no one could hear, I did not have sexual relations with that woman, Ms Lewinsk either.
And the guy leading the charge - the GOP SPEAKER O F THE HOUSE - was fucking teenage boys and is in prison now.

That is one heck of an apology for Bill's harassment of an intern. Quite funny the "at least he isn't a pedophile." You should go back to headquarters and get a different talking point.

lewinsky was 21 dum dum. he never harassed her. she said she went to DC to "get [her] presidential knee pads". i'd say that's a consenting adult.

the only ones who harassed her were her so-called "friend" linda tripp, tripp's buddy lucianne goldberg (scum that she was) and newt gingrich and his boys. btw, while newtie was leading the charge against clinton, he was bonking his assistant, calista, who he ran off with, and served his wife with divorce papers while she was in the hospital after a mastectomy.

classy crowd you run with....

lewinsky was 21 dum dum. he never harassed her.

The employee he harassed, well, one of them, was Paula Jones.
Cost him nearly a million dollars....and impeachment....and disbarment.

having sexual relationships in the work place with employees is harassment.

DING DING DING....that's what the hill Thomas hearings were about, we said no, you said yes......so according to your own rules paper, you got busted.
Calling the President a "horndog" makes him an adulterer, a liar, and by fucking the hired help, a criminal.

Fucking the hired help does not make him a criminal. It's not illegal to have sex with employees.

IT's called sexual harassment.......remember because he has power over her......surely you didn't forget all this shit that you guys dumped on us. Remember Bob Packwood?..of is it not illegal only when democrats do it?
There are various degrees of "classified". Many of those deemed "classified" carried no sensitive information. There were chains of emails marked "classified" which were schedules of Department conference calls. Hardly sensitive information.

So when Hillary set up her own server and sent her official e-mails to that server, she wasn't aware that as ... Secretary of State ... she could get any level of classified information?

Cool. Explain how Obama said to cut her off. Go ...
Hey fucknuts -- she had a system to receive classified info.. Called a SCIF. Her whole office was a SCIF.

Her house had a SCIF as well. You should ...as they say ...look it up.

So she moved classified info from the SCIF to her unsecured email system? Cool!
NO. Fuckadoodle.

Didn't listen to Comey, did you?
Watched the whole thing live, and have viewed several parts of it since.

Seems like you're the one who didn't watch it.
So when Hillary set up her own server and sent her official e-mails to that server, she wasn't aware that as ... Secretary of State ... she could get any level of classified information?

Cool. Explain how Obama said to cut her off. Go ...
Hey fucknuts -- she had a system to receive classified info.. Called a SCIF. Her whole office was a SCIF.

Her house had a SCIF as well. You should ...as they say ...look it up.

So she moved classified info from the SCIF to her unsecured email system? Cool!
NO. Fuckadoodle.

Didn't listen to Comey, did you?
Watched the whole thing live, and have viewed several parts of it since.

Seems like you're the one who didn't watch it.

dude you're so full of shit.....I posted how bill Clinton contradicted Hillary and you said he didn't...yet you make this thread proving it.....libtards really are delusional.
So when Hillary set up her own server and sent her official e-mails to that server, she wasn't aware that as ... Secretary of State ... she could get any level of classified information?

Cool. Explain how Obama said to cut her off. Go ...
Hey fucknuts -- she had a system to receive classified info.. Called a SCIF. Her whole office was a SCIF.

Her house had a SCIF as well. You should ...as they say ...look it up.

So she moved classified info from the SCIF to her unsecured email system? Cool!
NO. Fuckadoodle.

Didn't listen to Comey, did you?
Watched the whole thing live, and have viewed several parts of it since.

Seems like you're the one who didn't watch it.

Did you watch this part?

"From the group of 30,000 e-mails returned to the State Department, 110 e-mails in 52 e-mail chains have been determined by the owning agency to contain classified information at the time they were sent or received," Comey said at his press conference Tuesday. "Eight of those chains contained information that was Top Secret at the time they were sent."
So when Hillary set up her own server and sent her official e-mails to that server, she wasn't aware that as ... Secretary of State ... she could get any level of classified information?

Cool. Explain how Obama said to cut her off. Go ...
Hey fucknuts -- she had a system to receive classified info.. Called a SCIF. Her whole office was a SCIF.

Her house had a SCIF as well. You should ...as they say ...look it up.

So she moved classified info from the SCIF to her unsecured email system? Cool!
NO. Fuckadoodle.

Didn't listen to Comey, did you?
Watched the whole thing live, and have viewed several parts of it since.

Seems like you're the one who didn't watch it.

dude you're so full of shit.....I posted how bill Clinton contradicted Hillary and you said he didn't...yet you make this thread proving it.....libtards really are delusional.
There are various degrees of "classified". Many of those deemed "classified" carried no sensitive information. There were chains of emails marked "classified" which were schedules of Department conference calls. Hardly sensitive information.

So when Hillary set up her own server and sent her official e-mails to that server, she wasn't aware that as ... Secretary of State ... she could get any level of classified information?

Cool. Explain how Obama said to cut her off. Go ...
Hey fucknuts -- she had a system to receive classified info.. Called a SCIF. Her whole office was a SCIF.

Her house had a SCIF as well. You should ...as they say ...look it up.

And they expected under SCIF her to set up her own server and bypass that security ... based on ... what?
You make no sense.

You didn't make any sense
I'll let the readers decide who is the most lucid one here.
So when Hillary set up her own server and sent her official e-mails to that server, she wasn't aware that as ... Secretary of State ... she could get any level of classified information?

Cool. Explain how Obama said to cut her off. Go ...
Hey fucknuts -- she had a system to receive classified info.. Called a SCIF. Her whole office was a SCIF.

Her house had a SCIF as well. You should ...as they say ...look it up.

So she moved classified info from the SCIF to her unsecured email system? Cool!
NO. Fuckadoodle.

Didn't listen to Comey, did you?
Watched the whole thing live, and have viewed several parts of it since.

Seems like you're the one who didn't watch it.
No I watched it dumbfuck.....look you're a retarded troll...so go fuck yourself faggot.
  • Thanks
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Hey fucknuts -- she had a system to receive classified info.. Called a SCIF. Her whole office was a SCIF.

Her house had a SCIF as well. You should ...as they say ...look it up.

So she moved classified info from the SCIF to her unsecured email system? Cool!
NO. Fuckadoodle.

Didn't listen to Comey, did you?
Watched the whole thing live, and have viewed several parts of it since.

Seems like you're the one who didn't watch it.

Did you watch this part?

"From the group of 30,000 e-mails returned to the State Department, 110 e-mails in 52 e-mail chains have been determined by the owning agency to contain classified information at the time they were sent or received," Comey said at his press conference Tuesday. "Eight of those chains contained information that was Top Secret at the time they were sent."

How's that indictment coming along? :lol:

Oh, just a FYI:

Who will win the presidency?
Chance of winning

Hillary Clinton


Donald Trump


So she moved classified info from the SCIF to her unsecured email system? Cool!
NO. Fuckadoodle.

Didn't listen to Comey, did you?
Watched the whole thing live, and have viewed several parts of it since.

Seems like you're the one who didn't watch it.

Did you watch this part?

"From the group of 30,000 e-mails returned to the State Department, 110 e-mails in 52 e-mail chains have been determined by the owning agency to contain classified information at the time they were sent or received," Comey said at his press conference Tuesday. "Eight of those chains contained information that was Top Secret at the time they were sent."

How's that indictment coming along?

Oh, just a FYI:

Who will win the presidency?
Chance of winning

Hillary Clinton


Donald Trump



So who is right Bill or Hillay on Comey?
What do you think the chances are that Hillary Clinton will be one of the most corrupt Presidents ever, Paper? 99.8%?

But let's be honest here...you're OK with that...

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