THIS Is The Guy Who Wants A 'No-Strings-Attatched' / No Oversight, 'Blank Check' Debt Increase


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
After being caught in a 'For Ukraine' Ponzi Scheme that lined Democrats' pockets with US tax dollars, now Joe Biden and his National Security Advisor are telling Americans they made a $3 BILLION tax dollar 'Accounting Error' regarding weapons systems Joe sent to Ukraine.
CNN'S Jake Tapper quickly declared that this fiscally incompetent mistake means Joe has $3 Billion MORE than he thought that he can now send to Ukraine.

--- If you are nearly $34 TRILLION IN DEBT (as in you would have to pay off $34 trillion in debt JUST TO BE 'BROKE') and you found $3 billion you didn't know you had 'in a coat hanging up in the closet', would you yell out, 'Woohoo! Here's a couple BILLION more I can spend/piss away on something other than my own 'house' / my 'family'?


And this is the dementia-ravaged, last-in-his-class, compromised Joe on a 'spending bender' who is telling the GOP he wants a 'No-Strings-Attatched' / No Oversight, 'Blank Check' Debt Increase Budget or he will veto their plan and fail to pay the US debt for the 1st time in history ... and that it won't be his fault if that happens.

President shithead isn't a king or dictator. The American people will have their say in the debt limit negotiations so Biden and all his ilk can F off!
China, Russia, Saudi, Iran, and others are forming an economic coalition / alliance that threatens to replace the US dollar as the world reserve currency.

The US is almost $34 trillion in debt
- The INTEREST on that debt alone is quickly becoming unmanageable

Biden and the Democrats are destroying the US economically:

Flooding the US with MILLIONS of illegals

- Overwhelming local, city, and state budgets, straining resources, draining tax dollars

- Adding MILLIONS of people dependent on US tax payer-funded welfare / social programs when we can't even afford to take care of all of our own

- Bringing in extremely cheap, unskilled labor that undermines / lowers Americans' working wages...and in the midst of Inflation already harming families

* Democrats are intentionally destroying the Middle Class, in the Socialist/Communist Hakeem Jeffries devlared on the floor of the US House, 'Democrats can not support the House Bill condemning Socialism because to do so would undermine the Democrat Party agenda.'

* Democrats are making all the moves necessary to wipe out the US as it was created IOT create a US / Democrat Socialist authoritarian version of government.

Sinking deeper in debt, unable to even pay off the interest of our debt, taking on the burden of millions of illegals when we can not even take care of our own, increasing in debt by giving other nations money we don't have that won't solve / resolve their problems, the dollar growing weaker, banks collapsing...

With a quick successful move by this new world alliance to replace the US dollar at the right time with everything else getting worse, and the US loses everything in the blink of an eye....


No more Superpower

No more economic 'superpower'

Chaos in tbe US

'Ripe for the pickings'

President shithead isn't a king or dictator. The American people will have their say in the debt limit negotiations so Biden and all his ilk can F off!

How so?

Fear-mongering is the Democrats' biggest weapon during the budget battle. They lie and tell Americans their programs will be cut off, etc...

Remember when Barry was caught sending out a memo to his agencies telling them to make the govt shutdown as painful as possible for Americans
- He blocked off memorials, costing the US govt more money than it would have just to leave them openly accessible
- Barry tried to shut down a NON-GOVERNMENT historical site in Va

Idiots believe the Democrats when they claim it is all the GOP's fault.

The GOP has created a bipartisan budget tbay raises the debt ceiling while cutting $4 trillion in debt in 10 years, and Biden is rejecting this deal, threatening to not pay our debt for the 1st time in US history ... AND DECLARING IT WILL BE THE GOP'S FAULT IF THIS HAPPENS.


And dumbass fake news leftist media, snowflakes, bots, and trolls are parroting it as if it were gospel.


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