This is the hill we must be willing to die on...

If you`re scared build your own wall around your own house or trailer. Problem solved. You`re welcome. BTW, most illegals are not sneaking across the border.
Visa overstays now biggest problem in illegal immigration

Visa over-stayers tend to not be the hardened criminal type as a general rule as well.

"Most" meaning 60% are visa overstays and 40% are border jumpers.

Mr. Trump, build that wall!

There is no rule that border jumpers are hardened criminals.

We don't need a wall.

Fuck you, next one over the border lives with you for free, how ya like me now?

Fuck you and your infantile arguments.

So you would not like that, aye? Whatsamatter snowflake? Not willing to back up that open border policy with your ass, or what?

Put them up or STFU bitch, we're going to build a wall. We're going to build a wall with or without your retarded vying-to-be-a-serf permission.

First, post the supposed Democratic pol that has advocated for open borders. I think that you're referring to a libertarian.

Second, your not building a wall. Get the fuck over it.
...if Trump loses this battle for the wall, he loses all credibility, and will not be re-elected in 2020.

We must support him on this, even if it means the federal government is shut down for many months.

If Trump signs "temporary funding" bills that don't include funding for a wall, that's a surrender so he can't agree to that.

I'm afraid the Democrats will be equally determined, because they've staked everything on their opposition to the wall, and if they back down, they lose all credibility.

I don't see how a compromise is possible.
Are you willing to die over there being a contiguous concrete wall over 2200 miles?
...if Trump loses this battle for the wall, he loses all credibility, and will not be re-elected in 2020.

We must support him on this, even if it means the federal government is shut down for many months.

If Trump signs "temporary funding" bills that don't include funding for a wall, that's a surrender so he can't agree to that.

I'm afraid the Democrats will be equally determined, because they've staked everything on their opposition to the wall, and if they back down, they lose all credibility.

I don't see how a compromise is possible.
If you`re scared build your own wall around your own house or trailer. Problem solved. You`re welcome. BTW, most illegals are not sneaking across the border.
Visa overstays now biggest problem in illegal immigration

Visa over-stayers tend to not be the hardened criminal type as a general rule as well.

"Most" meaning 60% are visa overstays and 40% are border jumpers.

Mr. Trump, build that wall!

There is no rule that border jumpers are hardened criminals.

We don't need a wall.

It is true that not all border jumpers are hardened criminals, but some are.

The man and his 8 accomplices who assassinated Officer Singh in Newman, CA are exceptions I guess.

The problem is that Sanctuary Policies allow their fiends to come in and stay. Singh's assassin was deported and convicted of serious crimes several times.

That is what is implied when it is said to be a rule. It implies all are.

The fact is that there are plenty of criminals who are American yet you never mention them. That is because you can't use their deaths politically. That is your only interest in the case.

Nothing we can do about sketchy Americans. But there is no sense in taking in the world's trash. Mexico and other Shithole countries aren't really sending us their very best. That's the point.
...if Trump loses this battle for the wall, he loses all credibility, and will not be re-elected in 2020.

We must support him on this, even if it means the federal government is shut down for many months.

If Trump signs "temporary funding" bills that don't include funding for a wall, that's a surrender so he can't agree to that.

I'm afraid the Democrats will be equally determined, because they've staked everything on their opposition to the wall, and if they back down, they lose all credibility.

I don't see how a compromise is possible.
If you`re scared build your own wall around your own house or trailer. Problem solved. You`re welcome. BTW, most illegals are not sneaking across the border.
Visa overstays now biggest problem in illegal immigration

Visa over-stayers tend to not be the hardened criminal type as a general rule as well.

"Most" meaning 60% are visa overstays and 40% are border jumpers.

Mr. Trump, build that wall!

There is no rule that border jumpers are hardened criminals.

We don't need a wall.

Fuck you, next one over the border lives with you for free, how ya like me now?
Why don't you want us to stiffen our laws against those who employ illegals? Do you hire them yourself?
I’d rather not die on any hill.

I’d someone has to die, it may as well be the other guys
Visa over-stayers tend to not be the hardened criminal type as a general rule as well.

"Most" meaning 60% are visa overstays and 40% are border jumpers.

Mr. Trump, build that wall!

There is no rule that border jumpers are hardened criminals.

We don't need a wall.

Fuck you, next one over the border lives with you for free, how ya like me now?

Fuck you and your infantile arguments.

So you would not like that, aye? Whatsamatter snowflake? Not willing to back up that open border policy with your ass, or what?

Put them up or STFU bitch, we're going to build a wall. We're going to build a wall with or without your retarded vying-to-be-a-serf permission.

First, post the supposed Democratic pol that has advocated for open borders. I think that you're referring to a libertarian.

Second, your not building a wall. Get the fuck over it.

If there is no wall, the border is open. Particularly since once the people make it to the border they are allowed to stay until their hearing for refugee status 2 years from now and indefinitely if they make it to a sanctuary city or state.

No Democrat uses the term "open borders", true, but they don't use the term "antilife" to describe their championing of abortion either. Its all the same, regardless of their rhetoric.
...if Trump loses this battle for the wall, he loses all credibility, and will not be re-elected in 2020.

We must support him on this, even if it means the federal government is shut down for many months.

If Trump signs "temporary funding" bills that don't include funding for a wall, that's a surrender so he can't agree to that.

I'm afraid the Democrats will be equally determined, because they've staked everything on their opposition to the wall, and if they back down, they lose all credibility.

I don't see how a compromise is possible.
If you`re scared build your own wall around your own house or trailer. Problem solved. You`re welcome. BTW, most illegals are not sneaking across the border.
Visa overstays now biggest problem in illegal immigration

Visa over-stayers tend to not be the hardened criminal type as a general rule as well.

"Most" meaning 60% are visa overstays and 40% are border jumpers.

Mr. Trump, build that wall!

There is no rule that border jumpers are hardened criminals.

We don't need a wall.

Fuck you, next one over the border lives with you for free, how ya like me now?
Why don't you want us to stiffen our laws against those who employ illegals? Do you hire them yourself?

Nothing wrong with stiffening laws against the employers or landlords of Illegal.

However, its just a lot more efficient to patrol the wall as opposed to all of the nation's Home Depot parking lots.
...if Trump loses this battle for the wall, he loses all credibility, and will not be re-elected in 2020.

We must support him on this, even if it means the federal government is shut down for many months.

If Trump signs "temporary funding" bills that don't include funding for a wall, that's a surrender so he can't agree to that.

I'm afraid the Democrats will be equally determined, because they've staked everything on their opposition to the wall, and if they back down, they lose all credibility.

I don't see how a compromise is possible.
If you`re scared build your own wall around your own house or trailer. Problem solved. You`re welcome. BTW, most illegals are not sneaking across the border.
Visa overstays now biggest problem in illegal immigration

Visa over-stayers tend to not be the hardened criminal type as a general rule as well.

"Most" meaning 60% are visa overstays and 40% are border jumpers.

Mr. Trump, build that wall!

There is no rule that border jumpers are hardened criminals.

We don't need a wall.

Fuck you, next one over the border lives with you for free, how ya like me now?
Why don't you want us to stiffen our laws against those who employ illegals? Do you hire them yourself?

Where did I say that, you double-wide dipshit?

Never did, next!
This is the hill we must be willing to die on
...if Trump loses this battle for the wall, he loses all credibility, and will not be re-elected in 2020.

We must support him on this, even if it means the federal government is shut down for many months.

If Trump signs "temporary funding" bills that don't include funding for a wall, that's a surrender so he can't agree to that.

I'm afraid the Democrats will be equally determined, because they've staked everything on their opposition to the wall, and if they back down, they lose all credibility.

I don't see how a compromise is possible.

The Roman Republic's building of Walls, Defenses, Roads, etc. extended the Eastern Republic an additional 300-400 years before they quit maintaining these structures and then allowed in a massive influx of Foreign Barbarians who refused to assimilate in to Roman Culture. This is what lead to Western Rome's Demise. Eastern Rome lived on far beyond that because they continued to maintain their borders and their culture.

The first step to destroying America is to divide it against itself.
The second step is to erase it's borders and let The Barbarians in.

So as Rome went, so will America Go.
There is no rule that border jumpers are hardened criminals.

We don't need a wall.

Fuck you, next one over the border lives with you for free, how ya like me now?

Fuck you and your infantile arguments.

So you would not like that, aye? Whatsamatter snowflake? Not willing to back up that open border policy with your ass, or what?

Put them up or STFU bitch, we're going to build a wall. We're going to build a wall with or without your retarded vying-to-be-a-serf permission.

First, post the supposed Democratic pol that has advocated for open borders. I think that you're referring to a libertarian.

Second, your not building a wall. Get the fuck over it.

If there is no wall, the border is open. Particularly since once the people make it to the border they are allowed to stay until their hearing for refugee status 2 years from now and indefinitely if they make it to a sanctuary city or state.

No Democrat uses the term "open borders", true, but they don't use the term "antilife" to describe their championing of abortion either. Its all the same, regardless of their rhetoric.

Currently the border has a fense and a network of electronic monitoring. Our country of 100s of years has had laws regarding asylum.

What you want is a white christian cleansing for a Merica.
...if Trump loses this battle for the wall, he loses all credibility, and will not be re-elected in 2020.

We must support him on this, even if it means the federal government is shut down for many months.

If Trump signs "temporary funding" bills that don't include funding for a wall, that's a surrender so he can't agree to that.

I'm afraid the Democrats will be equally determined, because they've staked everything on their opposition to the wall, and if they back down, they lose all credibility.

I don't see how a compromise is possible.
Are you willing to die over there being a contiguous concrete wall over 2200 miles?
Are we greater than China?

Then our Wall should be greater than theirs.

Then maybe Walmart will start selling American Products again instead of Chinese.

If you`re scared build your own wall around your own house or trailer. Problem solved. You`re welcome. BTW, most illegals are not sneaking across the border.
Visa overstays now biggest problem in illegal immigration

Visa over-stayers tend to not be the hardened criminal type as a general rule as well.

"Most" meaning 60% are visa overstays and 40% are border jumpers.

Mr. Trump, build that wall!

There is no rule that border jumpers are hardened criminals.

We don't need a wall.

It is true that not all border jumpers are hardened criminals, but some are.

The man and his 8 accomplices who assassinated Officer Singh in Newman, CA are exceptions I guess.

The problem is that Sanctuary Policies allow their fiends to come in and stay. Singh's assassin was deported and convicted of serious crimes several times.

That is what is implied when it is said to be a rule. It implies all are.

The fact is that there are plenty of criminals who are American yet you never mention them. That is because you can't use their deaths politically. That is your only interest in the case.

Nothing we can do about sketchy Americans. But there is no sense in taking in the world's trash. Mexico and other Shithole countries aren't really sending us their very best. That's the point.
That's always been the song sung by Know Nothings since the beginning of this nation.
...if Trump loses this battle for the wall, he loses all credibility, and will not be re-elected in 2020.

We must support him on this, even if it means the federal government is shut down for many months.

If Trump signs "temporary funding" bills that don't include funding for a wall, that's a surrender so he can't agree to that.

I'm afraid the Democrats will be equally determined, because they've staked everything on their opposition to the wall, and if they back down, they lose all credibility.

I don't see how a compromise is possible.
Are you willing to die over there being a contiguous concrete wall over 2200 miles?
Are we greater than China?

Then our Wall should be greater than theirs.

Then maybe Walmart will start selling American Products again instead of Chinese.

Well I sincerely hope you and Trump die on that hill.
If you`re scared build your own wall around your own house or trailer. Problem solved. You`re welcome. BTW, most illegals are not sneaking across the border.
Visa overstays now biggest problem in illegal immigration

Visa over-stayers tend to not be the hardened criminal type as a general rule as well.

"Most" meaning 60% are visa overstays and 40% are border jumpers.

Mr. Trump, build that wall!

There is no rule that border jumpers are hardened criminals.

We don't need a wall.

Fuck you, next one over the border lives with you for free, how ya like me now?
Why don't you want us to stiffen our laws against those who employ illegals? Do you hire them yourself?

Nothing wrong with stiffening laws against the employers or landlords of Illegal.

However, its just a lot more efficient to patrol the wall as opposed to all of the nation's Home Depot parking lots.
The number one way is to not draw them here in the first place.....go after the employers with very stiff penalties...remember the employer in Iowa who kept hiring illegal aliens like the one who killed Mollie Tibbetts? Why hasn't that company been severely penalized?
...if Trump loses this battle for the wall, he loses all credibility, and will not be re-elected in 2020.

We must support him on this, even if it means the federal government is shut down for many months.

If Trump signs "temporary funding" bills that don't include funding for a wall, that's a surrender so he can't agree to that.

I'm afraid the Democrats will be equally determined, because they've staked everything on their opposition to the wall, and if they back down, they lose all credibility.

I don't see how a compromise is possible.
Are you willing to die over there being a contiguous concrete wall over 2200 miles?
Are we greater than China?

Then our Wall should be greater than theirs.

Then maybe Walmart will start selling American Products again instead of Chinese.


How Trumpian a motivation, tiny mushroom cocked overcompensation.
The Roman Republic's building of Walls, Defenses, Roads, etc. extended the Eastern Republic an additional 300-400 years before they quit maintaining these structures and then allowed in a massive influx of Foreign Barbarians who refused to assimilate in to Roman Culture. This is what lead to Western Rome's Demise. Eastern Rome lived on far beyond that because they continued to maintain their borders and their culture.

The first step to destroying America is to divide it against itself.
The second step is to erase it's borders and let The Barbarians in.

So as Rome went, so will America Go.
The Barbarians are already here and that`s where they were born. It`s been weeks since they`ve shot up a place of worship or a school or concert. Keep up the good work!
The Roman Republic's building of Walls, Defenses, Roads, etc. extended the Eastern Republic an additional 300-400 years before they quit maintaining these structures and then allowed in a massive influx of Foreign Barbarians who refused to assimilate in to Roman Culture. This is what lead to Western Rome's Demise. Eastern Rome lived on far beyond that because they continued to maintain their borders and their culture.

The first step to destroying America is to divide it against itself.
The second step is to erase it's borders and let The Barbarians in.

So as Rome went, so will America Go.
The Barbarians are already here and that`s where they were born. It`s been weeks since they`ve shot up a place of worship or a school or concert. Keep up the good work!
They want to outlaw Christmas and abort the Baby Jesus.
...if Trump loses this battle for the wall, he loses all credibility, and will not be re-elected in 2020.

We must support him on this, even if it means the federal government is shut down for many months.

If Trump signs "temporary funding" bills that don't include funding for a wall, that's a surrender so he can't agree to that.

I'm afraid the Democrats will be equally determined, because they've staked everything on their opposition to the wall, and if they back down, they lose all credibility.

I don't see how a compromise is possible.
Are you willing to die over there being a contiguous concrete wall over 2200 miles?
Are we greater than China?

Then our Wall should be greater than theirs.

Then maybe Walmart will start selling American Products again instead of Chinese.

Well I sincerely hope you and Trump die on that hill.

Such a positive aura you have! :rolleyes:

I hope you die of a pox, bitch, you UnAmerican motherfucker!

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