This is the hill we must be willing to die on...

Who here thinks that these folks will forget this come next election

TSA Workers Vent Anger At Shutdown As They Work Without Pay Over Holidays | HuffPost

I'm sure they will remember who was toiling in the WH waiting for Chuck and Nancy to resolve the issue, and who was vacationing in Hawaii.

TSA personnel are very familiar with the low lifes trying to get into the USA and how essential the wall is

The don sat around, watched fox news and tweeted how lonely he was, hardly working
...if Trump loses this battle for the wall, he loses all credibility, and will not be re-elected in 2020.

We must support him on this, even if it means the federal government is shut down for many months.

If Trump signs "temporary funding" bills that don't include funding for a wall, that's a surrender so he can't agree to that.

I'm afraid the Democrats will be equally determined, because they've staked everything on their opposition to the wall, and if they back down, they lose all credibility.

I don't see how a compromise is possible.
If you`re scared build your own wall around your own house or trailer. Problem solved. You`re welcome. BTW, most illegals are not sneaking across the border.
Visa overstays now biggest problem in illegal immigration

Visa over-stayers tend to not be the hardened criminal type as a general rule as well.

"Most" meaning 60% are visa overstays and 40% are border jumpers.

Mr. Trump, build that wall!

There is no rule that border jumpers are hardened criminals.

We don't need a wall.
...if Trump loses this battle for the wall, he loses all credibility, and will not be re-elected in 2020.

We must support him on this, even if it means the federal government is shut down for many months.

If Trump signs "temporary funding" bills that don't include funding for a wall, that's a surrender so he can't agree to that.

I'm afraid the Democrats will be equally determined, because they've staked everything on their opposition to the wall, and if they back down, they lose all credibility.

I don't see how a compromise is possible.
If you`re scared build your own wall around your own house or trailer. Problem solved. You`re welcome. BTW, most illegals are not sneaking across the border.
Visa overstays now biggest problem in illegal immigration

Visa over-stayers tend to not be the hardened criminal type as a general rule as well.

"Most" meaning 60% are visa overstays and 40% are border jumpers.

Mr. Trump, build that wall!

There is no rule that border jumpers are hardened criminals.

We don't need a wall.

Fuck you, next one over the border lives with you for free, how ya like me now?
...if Trump loses this battle for the wall, he loses all credibility, and will not be re-elected in 2020.

We must support him on this, even if it means the federal government is shut down for many months.

If Trump signs "temporary funding" bills that don't include funding for a wall, that's a surrender so he can't agree to that.

I'm afraid the Democrats will be equally determined, because they've staked everything on their opposition to the wall, and if they back down, they lose all credibility.

I don't see how a compromise is possible.
If you`re scared build your own wall around your own house or trailer. Problem solved. You`re welcome. BTW, most illegals are not sneaking across the border.
Visa overstays now biggest problem in illegal immigration

Visa over-stayers tend to not be the hardened criminal type as a general rule as well.

"Most" meaning 60% are visa overstays and 40% are border jumpers.

Mr. Trump, build that wall!

There is no rule that border jumpers are hardened criminals.

We don't need a wall.

It is true that not all border jumpers are hardened criminals, but some are.

The man and his 8 accomplices who assassinated Officer Singh in Newman, CA are exceptions I guess.

The problem is that Sanctuary Policies allow their fiends to come in and stay. Singh's assassin was deported and convicted of serious crimes several times.
Fuck you, next one over the border lives with you for free, how ya like me now?

That's a great way to work it. That's more or less how it works now. They come over here because we're offering them jobs, and places to live, that they can't find in Mexico.
Fuck you, next one over the border lives with you for free, how ya like me now?

That's a great way to work it. That's more or less how it works now. They come over here because we're offering them jobs, and places to live, that they can't find in Mexico.

The goal here is to give those opposing a wall motivation. I already have mine.

Fat white guy that works a crew of 6 illegals has beaten me out of 8 jobs over 10 years. Same fat white guy.

Someday I'll get his tag and call ICE. I didn't bother while Obama was president and had opportunity. Nothing would have come of it.

I don't hire illegals. Those Mexicans do butcher work, too. Geez, we saw a whole neighborhood full of their butchery just b4 Christmas.
Wait until Speaker Pelosi finishes with Trump.

Your signature pic is so Biblically illiterate I wonder if it's supposed to be a joke. I mean not just a joke on Trump but a joke on how Biblically illiterate the person hosting the picture is.

The Mark of the Beast indicates that you follow a human leader; it is a mark on the forehead or right hand that is NOT a HAT for pity's sake. Without it, you cannot engage in any commerce; you are basically stricken from society. Is that what you're saying? People without Trump hats cannot buy and sell? Because you know the opposite is happening.

Not to mention the hat is not a "mark" that is indelible. It's a HAT. You take it off.

Our favorite injun in action...LOL.

Triggered! This is where we're at in America. That's who will be in charge as I grow old..scary.

They indoctrinate them that once you reach a certain age, your usefulness is outlived.
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...if Trump loses this battle for the wall, he loses all credibility, and will not be re-elected in 2020.

We must support him on this, even if it means the federal government is shut down for many months.

If Trump signs "temporary funding" bills that don't include funding for a wall, that's a surrender so he can't agree to that.

I'm afraid the Democrats will be equally determined, because they've staked everything on their opposition to the wall, and if they back down, they lose all credibility.

I don't see how a compromise is possible.
If you`re scared build your own wall around your own house or trailer. Problem solved. You`re welcome. BTW, most illegals are not sneaking across the border.
Visa overstays now biggest problem in illegal immigration

Yes like Obama did! He built a ten foot wall around his house. Good idea.

Fuck you, next one over the border lives with you for free, how ya like me now?

That's a great way to work it. That's more or less how it works now. They come over here because we're offering them jobs, and places to live, that they can't find in Mexico.

The goal here is to give those opposing a wall motivation. I already have mine.

Fat white guy that works a crew of 6 illegals has beaten me out of 8 jobs over 10 years. Same fat white guy.

Someday I'll get his tag and call ICE. I didn't bother while Obama was president and had opportunity. Nothing would have come of it.

I don't hire illegals. Those Mexicans do butcher work, too. Geez, we saw a whole neighborhood full of their butchery just b4 Christmas.

When you don't have a trade Union you can't really depend on quality.

Wait until Speaker Pelosi finishes with Trump.

Your signature pic is so Biblically illiterate I wonder if it's supposed to be a joke. I mean not just a joke on Trump but a joke on how Biblically illiterate the person hosting the picture is.

The Mark of the Beast indicates that you follow a human leader; it is a mark on the forehead or right hand that is NOT a HAT for pity's sake. Without it, you cannot engage in any commerce; you are basically stricken from society. Is that what you're saying? People without Trump hats cannot buy and sell? Because you know the opposite is happening.

Not to mention the hat is not a "mark" that is indelible. It's a HAT. You take it off.

Our favorite injun in action...LOL.

Fuck you, next one over the border lives with you for free, how ya like me now?

That's a great way to work it. That's more or less how it works now. They come over here because we're offering them jobs, and places to live, that they can't find in Mexico.

The goal here is to give those opposing a wall motivation. I already have mine.

Fat white guy that works a crew of 6 illegals has beaten me out of 8 jobs over 10 years. Same fat white guy.

Someday I'll get his tag and call ICE. I didn't bother while Obama was president and had opportunity. Nothing would have come of it.

I don't hire illegals. Those Mexicans do butcher work, too. Geez, we saw a whole neighborhood full of their butchery just b4 Christmas.

When you don't have a trade Union you can't really depend on quality.


Don't need no trade Union. Just keep the fucking illegals out.

There's some Cubans that go around slitting my throat too, not nearly by as much as the illegals and they do good work, so I can't bitch about that.
Wait until Speaker Pelosi finishes with Trump.

Your signature pic is so Biblically illiterate I wonder if it's supposed to be a joke. I mean not just a joke on Trump but a joke on how Biblically illiterate the person hosting the picture is.

The Mark of the Beast indicates that you follow a human leader; it is a mark on the forehead or right hand that is NOT a HAT for pity's sake. Without it, you cannot engage in any commerce; you are basically stricken from society. Is that what you're saying? People without Trump hats cannot buy and sell? Because you know the opposite is happening.

Not to mention the hat is not a "mark" that is indelible. It's a HAT. You take it off.

Our favorite injun in action...LOL.

Fuck you, next one over the border lives with you for free, how ya like me now?

That's a great way to work it. That's more or less how it works now. They come over here because we're offering them jobs, and places to live, that they can't find in Mexico.

The goal here is to give those opposing a wall motivation. I already have mine.

Fat white guy that works a crew of 6 illegals has beaten me out of 8 jobs over 10 years. Same fat white guy.

Someday I'll get his tag and call ICE. I didn't bother while Obama was president and had opportunity. Nothing would have come of it.

I don't hire illegals. Those Mexicans do butcher work, too. Geez, we saw a whole neighborhood full of their butchery just b4 Christmas.

When you don't have a trade Union you can't really depend on quality.


Don't need no trade Union. Just keep the fucking illegals out.

There's some Cubans that go around slitting my throat too, not nearly by as much as the illegals and they do good work, so I can't bitch about that.

You're an honest man I wish you well.

...if Trump loses this battle for the wall, he loses all credibility, and will not be re-elected in 2020.

We must support him on this, even if it means the federal government is shut down for many months.

If Trump signs "temporary funding" bills that don't include funding for a wall, that's a surrender so he can't agree to that.

I'm afraid the Democrats will be equally determined, because they've staked everything on their opposition to the wall, and if they back down, they lose all credibility.

I don't see how a compromise is possible.
If you`re scared build your own wall around your own house or trailer. Problem solved. You`re welcome. BTW, most illegals are not sneaking across the border.
Visa overstays now biggest problem in illegal immigration

Yes like Obama did! He built a ten foot wall around his house. Good idea.


The 10 wall lie again....
This explains a lot...

Evangelicals are obsessed with Trump's border wall as a symbol of 'white Christian dominance'

Jones said the wall fits with the Christian worldview of a “dangerous battleground” with “chosen insiders and threatening outsiders.”

“For white evangelicals who see the sun setting on white Christian dominance in the country, the wall is a powerful metaphor,” Jones said. “Even if Trump loses support among other parts of his 2016 base, the data suggests white evangelicals may be the last loyalists standing by his side.As Democrats take control of the House and as the Mueller investigation advances, white evangelicals look to be building their own wall of defense around Trump.”

Read the full piece here.
...if Trump loses this battle for the wall, he loses all credibility, and will not be re-elected in 2020.

We must support him on this, even if it means the federal government is shut down for many months.

If Trump signs "temporary funding" bills that don't include funding for a wall, that's a surrender so he can't agree to that.

I'm afraid the Democrats will be equally determined, because they've staked everything on their opposition to the wall, and if they back down, they lose all credibility.

I don't see how a compromise is possible.
If you`re scared build your own wall around your own house or trailer. Problem solved. You`re welcome. BTW, most illegals are not sneaking across the border.
Visa overstays now biggest problem in illegal immigration

Yes like Obama did! He built a ten foot wall around his house. Good idea.


The 10 wall lie again....

The 10 wall lie....lie again.

...if Trump loses this battle for the wall, he loses all credibility, and will not be re-elected in 2020.

We must support him on this, even if it means the federal government is shut down for many months.

If Trump signs "temporary funding" bills that don't include funding for a wall, that's a surrender so he can't agree to that.

I'm afraid the Democrats will be equally determined, because they've staked everything on their opposition to the wall, and if they back down, they lose all credibility.

I don't see how a compromise is possible.
If you`re scared build your own wall around your own house or trailer. Problem solved. You`re welcome. BTW, most illegals are not sneaking across the border.
Visa overstays now biggest problem in illegal immigration

Visa over-stayers tend to not be the hardened criminal type as a general rule as well.

"Most" meaning 60% are visa overstays and 40% are border jumpers.

Mr. Trump, build that wall!

There is no rule that border jumpers are hardened criminals.

We don't need a wall.

Fuck you, next one over the border lives with you for free, how ya like me now?

Fuck you and your infantile arguments.
...if Trump loses this battle for the wall, he loses all credibility, and will not be re-elected in 2020.

We must support him on this, even if it means the federal government is shut down for many months.

If Trump signs "temporary funding" bills that don't include funding for a wall, that's a surrender so he can't agree to that.

I'm afraid the Democrats will be equally determined, because they've staked everything on their opposition to the wall, and if they back down, they lose all credibility.

I don't see how a compromise is possible.
If you`re scared build your own wall around your own house or trailer. Problem solved. You`re welcome. BTW, most illegals are not sneaking across the border.
Visa overstays now biggest problem in illegal immigration

Yes like Obama did! He built a ten foot wall around his house. Good idea.


The 10 wall lie again....

The 10 wall lie....lie again.


Ya, the trumpflake 10' wall lie.

Trump claims there’s a 10-foot wall around the Obamas’ D.C. home. He is wrong.
...if Trump loses this battle for the wall, he loses all credibility, and will not be re-elected in 2020.

We must support him on this, even if it means the federal government is shut down for many months.

If Trump signs "temporary funding" bills that don't include funding for a wall, that's a surrender so he can't agree to that.

I'm afraid the Democrats will be equally determined, because they've staked everything on their opposition to the wall, and if they back down, they lose all credibility.

I don't see how a compromise is possible.
If you`re scared build your own wall around your own house or trailer. Problem solved. You`re welcome. BTW, most illegals are not sneaking across the border.
Visa overstays now biggest problem in illegal immigration

Visa over-stayers tend to not be the hardened criminal type as a general rule as well.

"Most" meaning 60% are visa overstays and 40% are border jumpers.

Mr. Trump, build that wall!

There is no rule that border jumpers are hardened criminals.

We don't need a wall.

It is true that not all border jumpers are hardened criminals, but some are.

The man and his 8 accomplices who assassinated Officer Singh in Newman, CA are exceptions I guess.

The problem is that Sanctuary Policies allow their fiends to come in and stay. Singh's assassin was deported and convicted of serious crimes several times.

That is what is implied when it is said to be a rule. It implies all are.

The fact is that there are plenty of criminals who are American yet you never mention them. That is because you can't use their deaths politically. That is your only interest in the case.
...if Trump loses this battle for the wall, he loses all credibility, and will not be re-elected in 2020.

We must support him on this, even if it means the federal government is shut down for many months.

If Trump signs "temporary funding" bills that don't include funding for a wall, that's a surrender so he can't agree to that.

I'm afraid the Democrats will be equally determined, because they've staked everything on their opposition to the wall, and if they back down, they lose all credibility.

I don't see how a compromise is possible.
If you`re scared build your own wall around your own house or trailer. Problem solved. You`re welcome. BTW, most illegals are not sneaking across the border.
Visa overstays now biggest problem in illegal immigration

Visa over-stayers tend to not be the hardened criminal type as a general rule as well.

"Most" meaning 60% are visa overstays and 40% are border jumpers.

Mr. Trump, build that wall!

There is no rule that border jumpers are hardened criminals.

We don't need a wall.

Fuck you, next one over the border lives with you for free, how ya like me now?

Fuck you and your infantile arguments.

So you would not like that, aye? Whatsamatter snowflake? Not willing to back up that open border policy with your ass, or what?

Put them up or STFU bitch, we're going to build a wall. We're going to build a wall with or without your retarded vying-to-be-a-serf permission.

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