This is the hill we must be willing to die on...

...if Trump loses this battle for the wall, he loses all credibility, and will not be re-elected in 2020.

We must support him on this, even if it means the federal government is shut down for many months.

If Trump signs "temporary funding" bills that don't include funding for a wall, that's a surrender so he can't agree to that.

I'm afraid the Democrats will be equally determined, because they've staked everything on their opposition to the wall, and if they back down, they lose all credibility.

I don't see how a compromise is possible.
There is no Express wall building power.
Naw he can declare victory by getting the funding to double the border agents, and it would stimulate the economy out of the recession they have planned. Don't you worry about the Donald. He's smarter than all those hacks put together.
Who here thinks that these folks will forget this come next election

TSA Workers Vent Anger At Shutdown As They Work Without Pay Over Holidays | HuffPost

I'm sure they will remember who was toiling in the WH waiting for Chuck and Nancy to resolve the issue, and who was vacationing in Hawaii.

TSA personnel are very familiar with the low lifes trying to get into the USA and how essential the wall is
"toiling in the White House:?? Are you fucking serious? He is watching Fox news, tweeting and eating a cheeseburger and fries.

Communicating to the People , and keeping them apprised of what's happening is part of his job.
1. He is not going to get a solid barrier the entire length of the border That is impractical and possibly undoable in the mountainous terrain. And what do you do about the Rio Grand? Put the wall in the middle?

It is not the best way to shore up security and pretty much all experts agree on that
The CBP is not asking for the entire length of the Southern Border........they have proposed what they need to improve Border Security in problem areas...........that they have given to Congress............They want the improvements and they also include vehicles...........towers for comes and surveillance.....improved scanning means..........and etc............The experts agree.......LOL........CBP so this for a living and say the improvements are needed.................They are the experts.....

In regards to the entire length............that is correct............their package is about 1000 miles for a cost of about 21 to 25 Billion......includes much more than the wall upgrades to new specs.........but stuff I listed above.

Building in the mountains..........that is doable...and it's being done all over the world...In the Rio Grande.........they don't build in the middle of the River..........Never have.........those Fences there now........caused no mans land and towns to die there after installed from the 2006 Fence Act.

2 He will get some money to improve the existing barriers and for enhanced electronic security technology and additional personnel which is also what the Democrats want.
BS.............Dems don't want any of it...............They want open borders.........That's the Lie they always push and then really don't do a dang thing.

The old Fence is degraded already.........part of the money requested is to Replace the old Fence or make it higher with the electronics for 650 miles.................meaning the new walls away from that are about 350 miles..........but those will be 30 foot high with the electronics and towers not put in from the old Act.

3. He will be able to convince his supporters the he won and got what they wanted because that are -for the most part just that stupid. Hell he may even convince himself.
That is an opinion and I know what the hell is going on...............posted data on it all over threads on these boards.......I know exactly what's going on..........some maybe fooled but not me.

4. He will continue to blame the Dems for the shutdown even though his lies and misinformation will be obvious and painfully embarrassing

They and the GOP are responsible for not securing the border and fixing immigration problems..........These so called for the wall people for votes, have had decades to do it............Either they don't want it...........or they are miserable failures........which is it..........both of us know that answer..........they don't want it fixed.............

The amount being asked a small fraction of the overall budget.........CBP is requesting these upgrades and have been for a long time on the deaf and dumb ears of our gov't..............But they ask them to do more with less.

We don't need a wall and don't go telling me they are experts. They are run by Trump. We know what this is about. White males are losing power in this country and Trump is trying to stop it. He is fighting a losing battle. The fact is that President Ronald Reagan opposed any wall. President Reagan was a great man. Donald Trump is a pimple by comparison.

They have been asking for this stuff long before Trump was even running...........sell that snake oil somewhere else.
  • House Intelligence Committee Chair Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) made it clear when he was in the minority that he wanted to open a more aggressive Russia investigation.
  • House Ways and Means Chair Rep. Richard Neal (D-MA) could well try to get Trump’s tax returns.
  • House Foreign Affairs Committee Chair Rep. Eliot Engel (D-NY) could investigate Trump’s Saudi Arabia policy in the wake of Jamal Khashoggi’s murder.
  • House Judiciary Committee Chair Rep. Jerrold Nadler (D-NY) will be on the lookout for inappropriate interference with the Justice Department.
the dead dems ^^^^^^^^^^^^

Goldilocks just thought he was being investigated.

You might want to think about what a coup means, and what the reaction will be.
Name calling on social media.

What name did I call her?

EVERY TIME you do this, all you reveal is your complete ignorance of my point.
Who here thinks that these folks will forget this come next election

TSA Workers Vent Anger At Shutdown As They Work Without Pay Over Holidays | HuffPost

I'm sure they will remember who was toiling in the WH waiting for Chuck and Nancy to resolve the issue, and who was vacationing in Hawaii.

TSA personnel are very familiar with the low lifes trying to get into the USA and how essential the wall is
"toiling in the White House:?? Are you fucking serious? He is watching Fox news, tweeting and eating a cheeseburger and fries.

Communicating to the People , and keeping them apprised of what's happening is part of his job.
Then he should start to do that.
Who here thinks that these folks will forget this come next election

TSA Workers Vent Anger At Shutdown As They Work Without Pay Over Holidays | HuffPost

I'm sure they will remember who was toiling in the WH waiting for Chuck and Nancy to resolve the issue, and who was vacationing in Hawaii.

TSA personnel are very familiar with the low lifes trying to get into the USA and how essential the wall is
"toiling in the White House:?? Are you fucking serious? He is watching Fox news, tweeting and eating a cheeseburger and fries.

Communicating to the People , and keeping them apprised of what's happening is part of his job.
Then he should start to do that.

President Trump communicates to the people every day, through Twitter.
Who here thinks that these folks will forget this come next election

TSA Workers Vent Anger At Shutdown As They Work Without Pay Over Holidays | HuffPost

I'm sure they will remember who was toiling in the WH waiting for Chuck and Nancy to resolve the issue, and who was vacationing in Hawaii.

TSA personnel are very familiar with the low lifes trying to get into the USA and how essential the wall is
"toiling in the White House:?? Are you fucking serious? He is watching Fox news, tweeting and eating a cheeseburger and fries.

Communicating to the People , and keeping them apprised of what's happening is part of his job.
Then he should start to do that.

President Trump communicates to the people every day, through Twitter.
He lies to the American people and attacks those who have ruffled his feathers every day through twitter
paul ryan had a bipartison immigration reform bill ready to go & he refused to allow it on the floor for a vote 'as long as obama was prez'.... this coulda been settled years ago.

'Sticking their nose into too many committee investigations, pretending to be big whigs.'

who is?
ALL OF THEM. No, I don't agree with all the investigations the Dems are promising as soon as they take the House.

If the Republicans have got an immigration reform bill sitting around somewhere, they should bring it out and get started talking to the Dems about some middle ground. This cannot in good conscience continue to go on and on year after year. I'm furious at all of them, Playtime. This is not good service to our country.

when the (R)s had the majority on all `the investigations... much info wasn't gathered. they let donny jr go without answering many of the (D)s questions... such as who it was that the blocked phone number called just b4 the trump tower meeting belonged to... roger stone & steve bannon refused to answer qustions & left with out (D)s questions being asked & answered.

the (D)s are actually going to do their jobs & find out the truth. why would you accept anything less? & if... IF anyone conspired with a foreign adversarial nation that fucked with our democratic process to duly & freely elect our leaders by the true will of the people... why would you let it slide?

we deserve better.
I thought that was why we had Robert Mueller?
Why must Congress investigate the same things as the Special Counsel?

because that is their job. it's called oversight & there can't be checks & balances when there is no oversight. btw... all the transcripts of testimony gathered when the (R)s were the majority is still sitting in limbo. NOTHING was ever sent over to the special counsel to possibly enlighten them to intel they might not have been aware of. adam shiff will be doing that... for the sake of transparency. AND as long as classified testimony won't be compromised, the hearings they intend to hold will be public. i think that is fantastic to have some actual transparency because we deserve to know.
Well, personally, I would leave the oversight for issues that are not already being investigated. I think those public hearings (I've watched several) are pretty much political theatre and I highly doubt anything has been said to Congress that Mueller is unaware of. I would MUCH prefer that everyone were putting their nose to the grindstone on immigration reform and getting an actual budget passed, not another CR.
Oh well, what I say won't matter anyway.

the (D)s can walk & chew gum at the same time. neither the special counsel nor congress knows what the other is doing or has gathered as far as intel. that's because of classification. and the fact that mitch mcconnell refuses to bring a bill to the senate floor to protect mueller's investigation could actually be codified. it's unlikely, but it can happen where the counsel is shut down. it can actually happen that his report of his findings will never go to congress for briefing. there is a work around however, where the house can subpoena mueller for testifying--- but it's sickening that might need to happen.
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Trump is so senile he cant remember this ..

can he .. was his shutdown until Nancy claimed he didn't have enough House votes....he did. Now the bill is sitting in the Senate now it's Chuck's shutdown again...write that down so you can remember it. :eusa_eh:

Too funny

It is Trump holding the Government hostage

Saying .....It is the Democrats fault because they won’t do what I tell them does not cut it

Naw, it's the dems holding us hostage. So they can engage in human trafficking.

oh i see......... you are koo-koo.
...if Trump loses this battle for the wall, he loses all credibility, and will not be re-elected in 2020.

We must support him on this, even if it means the federal government is shut down for many months.

If Trump signs "temporary funding" bills that don't include funding for a wall, that's a surrender so he can't agree to that.

I'm afraid the Democrats will be equally determined, because they've staked everything on their opposition to the wall, and if they back down, they lose all credibility.

I don't see how a compromise is possible.

The Libs can and will easily back down on this.

Their base really doesn't have any other place to go.

The Democractic Party holds the cards.

The don holds words.

he knows words......... he knows the best words...................
...if Trump loses this battle for the wall, he loses all credibility, and will not be re-elected in 2020.

We must support him on this, even if it means the federal government is shut down for many months.

If Trump signs "temporary funding" bills that don't include funding for a wall, that's a surrender so he can't agree to that.

I'm afraid the Democrats will be equally determined, because they've staked everything on their opposition to the wall, and if they back down, they lose all credibility.

I don't see how a compromise is possible.

trumps still sounding out words on the first page of a book titled "Art of the Deal"

No you're wrong I saw him the other day and he is still reading hooked on phonics.


President Trump has been described as a "stable genius", and earned the most tremendous score on the Cognitive Test at his presidential physical exam ever recorded. He earned a non-Affirmative Action degree from the prestigious Wharton School in Philadelphia, part of the Ivy League. Believe me, the man is not stupid at all.

I remember during Wrestlemania 23 during the Hair vs. Hair match, Jim Ross commented "Trump is out of his element, this is not Real Estate, this is the WWE" when things looked bad for him. But he ended up completing his hostile takeover and emerging victorious. Same as he did in 2016, in politics, also a new field for him

uh... it was trump who has SELF described HIMSELF as a stable genius... that cognitive test that he took is the montreal cognitive test (MOCA)... takes just 10 minutes & unless one is so mentally deficient to not pass it... anybody can.

just how far up trump's ample orange ass can you go?
Who here thinks that these folks will forget this come next election

TSA Workers Vent Anger At Shutdown As They Work Without Pay Over Holidays | HuffPost

I'm sure they will remember who was toiling in the WH waiting for Chuck and Nancy to resolve the issue, and who was vacationing in Hawaii.

TSA personnel are very familiar with the low lifes trying to get into the USA and how essential the wall is
"toiling in the White House:?? Are you fucking serious? He is watching Fox news, tweeting and eating a cheeseburger and fries.

Communicating to the People , and keeping them apprised of what's happening is part of his job.
Then he should start to do that.

President Trump communicates to the people every day, through Twitter.

he 'communicates' just how much a giant orange man baby he really is.
If the government is shut down, Congress shouldn't get paid.

Uh-huh but you realize they don't really earn the money we pay them even when the government isn't "shut down".

In fact, if there was any justice in the world, the more the Congress Critters work, the more they should OWE the Tax Payers in "corruption and incompetence" penalties.;)
If the government is shut down, Congress shouldn't get paid.

uh-oh, marion.... you better be careful - you are in agreement with that radical liberal extremist commie socialist A.O. Cortez...

I may not agree with all her views, but she's like a wrecking ball up in there and I love it! I do agree with that one. :funnyface:

She's fresh out of school and idealistic. That's not the 1st thing she's said about what's going on. :iyfyus.jpg:

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