This Is The Kind Of Monsters That Our Colleges Are Producing


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Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009

If anyone wonders why there are so many shootings going on our college campuses.....just watch this video.

The left created these they have to deal with them.
Someday these students are going to apply for a job and the employer will find out that the applicant was so traumatized by a hypothetical Halloween costume he almost had a nervous breakdown.

What result?
And "This is the Kind of Monsters..." is a phrase that sounds written by someone who didn't even make it as far as college.
Actually, while attending college I always maxed out reading and writing skills tests.
Well, there are liberal arts colleges

If there were more "conservative" arts colleges, the OP may suggest sending your teens there.

Then again, we do not know which school these events took place.
Thought so....RWrs like the OP want to shut our colleges down.
Yep, the Right is suspicious of anyone with higher education. nobody in the GOP has a college diploma?

I think your problem is your head is full of mush and false stereotypes....memorized so you can repeat them whenever you don't feel like thinking.
Well, there are liberal arts colleges

If there were more "conservative" arts colleges, the OP may suggest sending your teens there.

Then again, we do not know which school these events took place.
Liberal Arts isn't really a degree. If we have to call it a degree's nothing more than a degree in taking classes. It doesn't prepare you for getting a job. You might as well work toward a degree in Russian Literature. Try feeding your family with that.
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These people are,idiots. Martin Luther King is spinning in his grave. The tail is wagging the dog. Being normal,has become a crime. Professors who are prohibiting free speech and then teaching their students fascist propaganda are not providing higher education. Liberals have no capability of using common sense and judgement and reason to live their lives.

People need to rise up and push back against this cultural idiocy. A bunch of screaming, rude, spoiled brats demanding to not have their feelings hurt, so,we need to call the police, have to be called out for,the fools,that they are. Can you imagine dealing with any of these people on the job Site? They would be ignored and passed by. Americans want solutions for real life, all Americans, not just black Americans. The country is spiraling into anarchy. The kids need to grow up and start acting like adults. The divides in the country are becoming greater and we have no leadership to quell this devolution. Those who don't see the danger to the country are part of the problem, not the solution.
Thought so....RWrs like the OP want to shut our colleges down.

Oh look at the far left drones and their standard go to far left religious dogma.

Mind you no proof to support such a claim, but it will not stop these drones from repeating another far left lie..

If anyone wonders why there are so many shootings going on our college campuses.....just watch this video.

The left created these they have to deal with them.

What? Some kids arguing. So what? It least it's not right wingers lynching like they used to.
According to David Horowitz who has been the victim of more than a few incidents of assault, every high profile conservative speaker has been the victim of assault on a college campus during their career and some have been victims more than once. We aren't talking about heckling or protests. Only conservative speakers are victims of physical violence and the intent is clear. College campuses are not open to free speech if they disagree with the message. I hope it resonates for years but the recent video of a radical left wing Missouri professor screaming "can I get some muscle" is the best illustration of left wing hypocrisy in decades.
In Peaksville, Ohio, “Twilight Zone” narrator Rod Serling reported in 1961, the people “have to smile; they have to think happy thoughts and say happy things.”

Lest there be consequences.

Like at the University of Missouri, or at Yale, circa now.

Serling created “The Twilight Zone” back in the ’50s, when fiction was still stranger than fact. It might have been the best TV series ever, and certainly it was one of the most off-beat — but who would have thought of it as a harbinger?

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