"This is the most closed, control freak administration I've ever covered"


Diamond Member
Feb 22, 2013
Listening to an NPR show today, and this was the topic.

Remember when Obama said his would be the most transparent administration in history ?

Report: Obama often blocks press access to information


Despite President Obama's promises of transparency, the White House blocks routine information for reporters, seeks aggressive prosecution of classified information leakers and uses its own media channels to shape its messaging, according to a scathing new*report*by the Committee to Protect Journalists."" style="border-top-width: 0px; border-right-width: 0px; border-bottom-width: 0px; border-left-width: 0px; border-style: initial; border-color: initial; vertical-align: bottom; ">Authored by former*Washington Post*executive editor Leonard Downie Jr., the report portrays an administration gripped by strict policies about information flow and paranoid about leaks across all executive branch departments."This is the most closed, control freak administration I've ever covered," David E. Sanger, chief Washington correspondent of*The New York Times, told Downie, who now teaches journalism at Arizona State University.REM RIEDER:*Obama should widen access to mediaThe administration has implemented an "Insider Threat Program" in all government departments to urge federal employees to monitor their colleagues for possible unauthorized information disclosures. Administration employees suspected of leaking classified information are given lie-detector tests and subject to reviews of their telephone and e-mail records, wrote Downie, who was assisted in reporting by Sara Rafsky.The report is the latest in a series of portrayals by journalists and media critics of a president whose rigid public relations practices belie his earlier promises of change and open access to public information.Such accusations had been mounting prior to the series of stories about widespread surveillance of telephone calls and e-mail in the U.S. by the National Security Agency, made possible by internal documents that were leaked by former government contractor Edward Snowden.Since 2009, six government employees have been subjects of felony criminal prosecutions in the leak of classified information to the press, vs. a total of three in all previous U.S. administrations, the report noted.The White House disputed the report's characterizations and pointed out to Downie that the number of interviews Obama granted in his first four-plus years — including the ones made available to digital media and TV entertainment outlets, such as*The Tonight Show*— exceeds the combined total of former presidents George W. Bush and Bill Clinton.The administration has also put more government data online and worked to speed up processing of Freedom of Information Act requests. "The idea that people are shutting up and not leaking to reporters is belied by the facts," Jay Carney, Obama's press secretary, told Downie.

More: Report: Obama often blocks press access to information
you expected the leftard not to lie?

the most "transparent" administration is the most nazi-like in the history of the US

you get what you are voting for :lol:
you expected the leftard not to lie?

the most "transparent" administration is the most nazi-like in the history of the US

you get what you are voting for :lol:

From Michael Goodwin....NY Post columnist...

America has had some great presidents, many mediocre ones and a few bad ones. But we’ve never had one like Barack Obama. He’s the first who thinks the job is beneath him.

He’s the first who turns political give-and-take into a crisis by refusing to negotiate with Congress.

He’s the first who thinks the way to more power is to inflict pain on ordinary people.

The move to barricade the World War II memorial reveals the mentality of a tin-pot dictator. The limited government shutdown did not need to affect the memorial because it is open 24 hours, without gates and often without guards.

I’ve been saying for a while that there is no bottom to Obama. He’s not just ruthless. He’s without scruples and honor.

But to turn public opinion in his favor, Obama’s goons trucked in barricades to keep out World War II vets and other visitors. By one estimate, the barricades and workers cost $100,000.

The same punish-the-people attitude led to shutdowns of other parks and historic sites that get no federal funding.

“We’ve been told to make life as difficult for people as we can. It’s disgusting,” a Park Service ranger told The Washington Times.

The ranger cited the order to close the parking lot at George Washington’s home in Mount Vernon so visitors couldn’t use it. The cheap trick captured the contrast between a revered president and the current one.

I’ve been saying for a while that there is no bottom to Obama. He’s not just ruthless. He’s without scruples and honor.

However the shutdown ends, it will bring only a temporary respite from the crisis atmosphere in Washington. When it comes to his countrymen, Obama always chooses conflict over cooperation.

Meanwhile, Jimmy Carter can rest easy. We have a new worst president.

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you expected the leftard not to lie?

the most "transparent" administration is the most nazi-like in the history of the US

you get what you are voting for :lol:

From Michael Goodwin....NY Post columnist...

America has had some great presidents, many mediocre ones and a few bad ones. But we’ve never had one like Barack Obama. He’s the first who thinks the job is beneath him.

He’s the first who turns political give-and-take into a crisis by refusing to negotiate with Congress.

He’s the first who thinks the way to more power is to inflict pain on ordinary people.

The move to barricade the World War II memorial reveals the mentality of a tin-pot dictator. The limited government shutdown did not need to affect the memorial because it is open 24 hours, without gates and often without guards.

I’ve been saying for a while that there is no bottom to Obama. He’s not just ruthless. He’s without scruples and honor.

But to turn public opinion in his favor, Obama’s goons trucked in barricades to keep out World War II vets and other visitors. By one estimate, the barricades and workers cost $100,000.

The same punish-the-people attitude led to shutdowns of other parks and historic sites that get no federal funding.

“We’ve been told to make life as difficult for people as we can. It’s disgusting,” a Park Service ranger told The Washington Times.

The ranger cited the order to close the parking lot at George Washington’s home in Mount Vernon so visitors couldn’t use it. The cheap trick captured the contrast between a revered president and the current one.

I’ve been saying for a while that there is no bottom to Obama. He’s not just ruthless. He’s without scruples and honor.

However the shutdown ends, it will bring only a temporary respite from the crisis atmosphere in Washington. When it comes to his countrymen, Obama always chooses conflict over cooperation.

Meanwhile, Jimmy Carter can rest easy. We have a new worst president.
What to expect from a man who's claim to fame is being a Senator launched from the livingroom of a known terrorist, Community organizer...His only real job (six months) he described as "being behind enemy lines'...

Maybe he is trying to relive his life from the "Choom Gang'?

The man is a loser...HE is going down...and he means to take the rest of us with him because as his parents, his Grandparents...HATED AMERICA?
you expected the leftard not to lie?

the most "transparent" administration is the most nazi-like in the history of the US

you get what you are voting for :lol:

And they voted for the creep Obama TWICE...
the saddest part is more than half of America thinks the situation we are in is acceptable.
Obama is the worst, most non-transparent from the beginning, Marxist president in our history!
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Freaking amazing, isn't it? They have nothing else, and "guilting out" the opposition has worked so well in the past. It seems to work really well for the libtards.
you expected the leftard not to lie?

the most "transparent" administration is the most nazi-like in the history of the US

you get what you are voting for :lol:

LMAO nazi like...give me a break. Name 1 thing nazi like about Oblahblah.

Just 1, hell that's easy. Let's see, one of the most Nazi like things your dear leader did is ask people to report neighbors for bad mouthing him.

The Obama campaign starts a website urging people to report their neighbors | America's Watchtower

I could do more, but why bother.
you expected the leftard not to lie?

the most "transparent" administration is the most nazi-like in the history of the US

you get what you are voting for :lol:

LMAO nazi like...give me a break. Name 1 thing nazi like about Oblahblah.

Just 1, hell that's easy. Let's see, one of the most Nazi like things your dear leader did is ask people to report neighbors for bad mouthing him.

The Obama campaign starts a website urging people to report their neighbors | America's Watchtower

I could do more, but why bother.


This is beyond priceless.

Read the guy you responded to's name.

He's a self-described Nazi who's offended to be associated with Obama, not the other way around.

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LMAO nazi like...give me a break. Name 1 thing nazi like about Oblahblah.

Just 1, hell that's easy. Let's see, one of the most Nazi like things your dear leader did is ask people to report neighbors for bad mouthing him.

The Obama campaign starts a website urging people to report their neighbors | America's Watchtower

I could do more, but why bother.


This is beyond priceless.

Read the guy you responded to's name.

He's a self-described Nazi who's offended to be associated with Obama, not the other way around.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

And yet, the comparison is accurate.

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