This is the shit the left is trying to force on every american. WATCH this

What about after they marry and want to start a family? Pfizer knows more than what we are being told...
Oh GAWD ^ The vaccine makes you sterile, the vaccine makes you magnetic, the vaccine alters your DNA, the vaccine is leading to a YUUUGE number of deaths, Bill Gates put a tracking microchip in it. What else ya got? :lol:

No way in hell you're pumping that shit into me. No way

I spent most of my youth paying good money to get those feelings! :smoke:

Well, she signed the consent form that she understood the risks of getting the shot (and it isn't like anyone is trying to intimidate, ridicule, threaten, or FORCE her to get it :71: ), so it would appear she is up


Maybe Joe will put her on the permanently disabled Covid list and support her for life while Nancy sues Trump for creating bad vaccines.
Go away, Plywood. You're annoying
She's just as much of a jabbering retarded window licker as Dr. Hate, with worse breath.

Prove it.....old man. Lol
  • However, Indiana is solidly Republican. It has been a “red state” for nearly 40 years. There’s the occasional Democrat governor, but for the most part the state has a very, very conservative reputation.
There you go, "girl".....:heehee:

No way in hell you're pumping that shit into me. No way

Edit First woman
I haven't read this thread yet other than opening post... So I hope I'm repeating someone else.

No vaccine works that fast. Most POISONS don't work that fast that a reaction happens. This makes me very very weary of what she's saying and her character as a person.

The fact that she's crying and is emotional and is trying to play on emotions means absolutely nothing to me. It doesn't mean anything to me when Dana does it or posts stories that do it...

Edit: Second woman upcoming
Better. While emotional she didn't seem to hyperbole anything. Just facts.
Last edited:
I haven't read this thread yet other than opening post... So I hope I'm repeating someone else.

No vaccine works that fast. Most POISONS don't work that fast that a reaction happens. This makes me very very weary of what she's saying and her character as a person.

The fact that she's crying and is emotional and is trying to play on emotions means absolutely nothing to me. It doesn't mean anything to me when Dana does it or posts stories that do it...

That's why all those tests were done?
  • However, Indiana is solidly Republican. It has been a “red state” for nearly 40 years. There’s the occasional Democrat governor, but for the most part the state has a very, very conservative reputation.
There you go, "girl".....:heehee:
Her new name? SissyIrishLass
Or ChickenSquat - You choose! :lol:


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