This is the shit the left is trying to force on every american. WATCH this

Gfy, no way we're being guinea pigs
Well, it won't be long before you'll need to prove you've had the poke before you attend concerts and events. So guess you can stay home and wallow in your misery and paranoia.

If you have kids or have ever attended a public school, summer camp yourself, you had to prove you and any children had certain vaccinations. Measles, mumps, polio, rubella etc etc etc. This will be no different.

Stop being a pussy about it.
Well, it won't be long before you'll need to prove you've had the poke before you attend concerts and events. So guess you can stay home and wallow in your misery and paranoia.

If you have kids or have ever attended a public school, summer camp yourself, you had to prove you and any children had certain vaccinations. Measles, mumps, polio, rubella etc etc etc. This will be no different.

Stop being a pussy about it.

Gfy... how's that? Dr Bug.

My body my choice...,.sound familiar, slug?
yeah so rare they seem to be daily news item
1-3 million doses have been administered each day for the past six months.
Spare us the drama over the 5-10 people in a million who have an issue.
Your chances of dying in a commercial airline accident are probably about equal.
1-3 million doses have been administered each day for the past six months.
Spare us the drama over the 5-10 people in a million who have an issue.
Your chances of dying in a commercial airline accident are probably about equal.
Actually lot less on airlines..........btw are they doing antibody tests on people before injecting a vax into someone who doesnt need it
Adverse reactions occur on very rare occasions with ANY vaccine.
COVID vaccines (in particular Pfizer and Moderna) - No more/ no less.
There have been issues with the J&J.
But even they are EXTREMELY rare - Belly up and do your patriotic duty!

Yup, about 200 serious reactions out of 165 million comes out to around 0.00011% or somethiong but ya let's panic..
Well, it won't be long before you'll need to prove you've had the poke before you attend concerts and events. So guess you can stay home and wallow in your misery and paranoia.

If you have kids or have ever attended a public school, summer camp yourself, you had to prove you and any children had certain vaccinations. Measles, mumps, polio, rubella etc etc etc. This will be no different.

Stop being a pussy about it.
I will just buy a fake covid certificate. They're already for sale. Some flunkie at a concert or sporting event isn't going to know if they're fakes.
Yup, about 200 serious reactions out of 165 million comes out to around 0.00011% or somethiong but ya let's panic..
Over 6k deaths dumbass. Is that not considered a serious reaction to you?

I'm healthy so the risk the actual virus is low. Why the fuck would I intentionally inject the risk?
I will just buy a fake covid certificate. They're already for sale. Some flunkie at a concert or sporting event isn't going to know if they're fakes.
That is currently a felony little different than passing a fake bill. Unless you want some asshole cop kneeling on your neck for ten minutes - Not a good idea.

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