This Is The State Of Racial Politics In dim Circles


Platinum Member
Mar 27, 2012
Seriously people. I mean, this is just sick. Twisted. A Mental Disease.

But what else can you expect from dimocraps?

Forgive the C&P

Breaking: NAACP ā€œStands Behindā€ Fake Black Leader

Via The Daily Beast:

The national NAACP said Friday it ā€œstands behindā€ Rachel Dolezal, the president of a Spokane, Washingtonā€™s chapter who lied about being black. ā€œOneā€™s racial identity is not a qualifying criteria or disqualifying standard for NAACP leadership. The NAACP Alaska-Oregon-Washington State Conference stands behind Ms. Dolezalā€™s advocacy record.ā€ Spokane city officials are looking into whether Dolezal violated the cityā€™s code of ethics when she identified herself as black on her application to serve on the citizen police ombudsman commission. Public records show Dolezal is the biological daughter of Ruthanne and Lawrence Dolezal, who are both white and exposed their daughter in an interview Thursday.

I wonder if they know the full story yet. But apparently the lying about race, fake hate crimes, her father, her sons and her background, plus the obvious psychological problems, mean nothing to them.

Where did it all Start? Read on

Fake Black NAACP Leader #RachelDolezal In 2010: Going To ā€˜All-Whiteā€™ Tea Party Rally ā€˜Would Make Me Nervousā€™


Via NY Times:

Rachel Dolezal, curator of the Human Rights Education Institute in Coeur dā€™Alene, has also watched the Tea Party movement with trepidation. Though raised in a conservative family, Ms. Dolezal, who is multiracial, said she could not imagine showing her face at a Tea Party event. To her, what stands out are the all-white crowds, the crude depictions of Mr. Obama as an African witch doctor and the signs labeling him a terrorist. ā€œIt would make me nervous to be there unless I went with a big group,ā€ she said.

See more on one of the craziest story in recent memory here.

Which is scarier? Tea Party rally:

Rachel Dolezeal:

Even this isn't the beginning


dimocraps be some sick-ass bitches

ALL of them

Unbelievable: Head Of Spokane NAACP #RachelDolezal Falsely Portrays Herself As Black, Family Saysā€¦
Update: Falsely Claimed Father Was Black Man Who Would Be At MLK Event In Januaryā€¦Update: Claimed To Have Been Born In TeePeeā€¦Update: Full Interview With Her That Exploded It All, Claimed Subject To 8 Hate Crimes Incidentsā€¦Update: Her Response? ā€œWeā€™re All From The African Continentā€ā€¦Update: Falsified Application To Get City ā€˜Police Oversightā€™ Position, City ā€˜Limitedā€™ Background Checks Because Didnā€™t Want To Foreclose Applicants With Problems In Pastā€¦" style="color: inherit; line-height: inherit; -webkit-tap-highlight-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0);">Unbelievable: Head Of Spokane NAACP #RachelDolezal Falsely Portrays Herself As Black, Family Saysā€¦Update: Falsely Claimed Father Was Black Man Who Would Be At MLK Event In Januaryā€¦Update: Claimed To Have Been Born In TeePeeā€¦Update: Full Interview With Her That Exploded It All, Claimed Subject To 8 Hate Crimes Incidentsā€¦Update: Her Response? ā€œWeā€™re All From The African Continentā€ā€¦Update: Falsified Application To Get City ā€˜Police Oversightā€™ Position, City ā€˜Limitedā€™ Background Checks Because Didnā€™t Want To Foreclose Applicants With Problems In Pastā€¦


But this confuses me. If I can be whatever gender I want if I say I am, why canā€™t I be black if I believe myself to be? And then why isnā€™t everyone championing my choice?

Via Washington Times:

SPOKANE, Wash. ā€” Controversy is swirling around one of the Spokane regionā€™s most prominent civil rights activists, with family members saying the local leader of the NAACP has falsely portrayed herself as black for years.

Rachel Dolezal is president of the Spokane chapter of the NAACP, chair of the cityā€™s Office of Police Ombudsman Commission, and an adjunct professor at Eastern Washington University.

The Spokesman-Review reported Thursday that questions have arisen about her background and her numerous complaints to police of harassment. The story was first reported by the Coeur dā€™Alene Press.

Dolezalā€™s mother, Ruthanne, says the familyā€™s ancestry is Czech, Swedish and German, with a touch of Native American heritage.

Dolezal has identified herself in application materials as white, black and Native American.

Police say they have found little evidence of racial harassment.

Just classic, reporter corners her and asks her flat out, ā€œAre you African-American?ā€ Her answer? ā€œI donā€™t understand the questionā€.

Courtesy of Blue Sky, our fabulous WZ family researcher, I donā€™t even know what to say about this one, Dolezal and her family:

Calling out that super-duper prosecutor Marilyn Mosby to investigate! Oh waiā€¦

Oh my lord, this is the gift that keeps on giving:




Says this is her Dad....

Except hereā€™s a picture of Dolezalā€™s actual father (the white man with the tie in the middle of her wedding picture):

Her mother is on the far left, grandparents on the right. Her parents adopted black children are in the front row.

She teaches classes on the black womanā€™s struggle:



According to one interview she gave, she was born in a tee pee, and as a child she hunted food with bows and arrows. Jesus Christ was the witness on her birth certificate.

She is of course a devotee of St. Skittles:


This was the full interview that cornered her. Focus on Dolezal began after she claimed multiple different hate crimes against her family, and specifically hate mail to the NAACP post office box. Questions arose as to the validity of the claims, with police concluding only someone with key to the box could have put the mail in their, that it wasnā€™t sent thru the mails.

Within the interview she talks about the ā€˜terrorā€™ that some of these incidents allegedly brought to her sons. Now it turns out even her sons are perhaps not her sons. At least one boy is her adopted brother.

Who the man in the above picture is not yet clear.


Via Spokesman-Review:

Dolezal, 37, avoided answering questions directly about her race and ethnicity Thursday, saying, ā€œI feel like I owe my executive committee a conversationā€ before engaging in a broader discussion with the community about what she described as a ā€œmulti-layeredā€ issue.

ā€œThat question is not as easy as it seems,ā€ she said after being contacted at Eastern Washington University, where sheā€™s a part-time professor in the Africana Studies Program. ā€œThereā€™s a lot of complexities ā€¦ and I donā€™t know that everyone would understand that.ā€

Later, in an apparent reference to studies tracing the scientific origins of human life to Africa, Dolezal added: ā€œWeā€™re all from the African continent.ā€

Keep readingā€¦


She lied about being black on a signed application to be a ā€˜police oversightā€™ ombudsman. So sheā€™s now in trouble with the city of Spokane.

ā€œThe community wanted diversity and limited background checks,ā€ Coddington said, explaining that the committee didnā€™t want to deter applicants who may have had a misstep or two in their past. ā€œThe low level background checks were intentional.ā€

On the application for the oversight committee is a section to declare ethnicity. On Dolezalā€™s application, she indicated that she was white, African-American, Native American and two or more races.

While ethnicity was not a criterion for selection, Coddington said it was certainly taken into account. The section of the 2-year-old city ordinance that details the age and residency qualification requirements of commissioners also lists six characteristics given serious consideration in the appointment process. One of them is the individualā€™s ability to ā€œContribute to the diversity of the commission so that the makeup of the commission reflects the diversity of the people most likely to have contact with members of the police department, including geographic, racial and disability diversity.ā€

Yet, this crazy woman, a Black Lives Matter proponent, would then have had power to evaluate actions of the policeā€¦

HT: Milowent


Is it any wonder the Country SEEMS as if it's going crazy.

It doesn't 'seem' that way people. It IS going crazy.

You know what I think of dims. OP and all like that.......:dunno:

According to one interview she gave, she was born in a tee pee, and as a child she hunted food with bows and arrows. Jesus Christ was the witness on her birth certificate.

Brian Williams delivered her.

Do you have to be African American to support or be part of the NAACP? As a white person with multiple college degrees I understand the value of education and actually support the NAACP as means to end the generational poverty that is so prevalent in the African American community.While this person's reprehensible behavior and lies are bad let us not condemn an organization that does good for one member's poor choices.
Do you have to be African American to support or be part of the NAACP? As a white person with multiple college degrees I understand the value of education and actually support the NAACP as means to end the generational poverty that is so prevalent in the African American community.While this person's reprehensible behavior and lies are bad let us not condemn an organization that does good for one member's poor choices.

Are you related to witchie-poo?

And who's condemning the NAALCP? ('L' = liberal)

They are dishonest scum, but that's not the topic in this thread at all. I had no desire to drag their dishonest, racist asses into this.

And if the NAALCP is supposed to be ending poverty, they ought to commit group suicide to apologize for their miserable failure.
Do you have to be African American to support or be part of the NAACP? As a white person with multiple college degrees I understand the value of education and actually support the NAACP as means to end the generational poverty that is so prevalent in the African American community.While this person's reprehensible behavior and lies are bad let us not condemn an organization that does good for one member's poor choices.

What good have they done?

The state of black society hasn't been this bad since the 50's. The NAACP is nothing more than an agitprop tool for the democrook party.

For that matter the cultural decline of black people has never been worse.

What good have they done?

The state of black society hasn't been this bad since the 50's. The NAACP is nothing more than an agitprop tool for the democrook party.

For that matter the cultural decline of black people has never been worse.

The NAACP started out as a good, decent, excellent organization run mostly by Republicans...... The VAST Majority of Blacks in those days were Republicans)

As time went on, socialists and communists infiltrated it and compromised it, turning it into a dimocrap operation. Around the time of FDR, it was almost unrecognizable from its beginnings

Once the scum of the earth dimocraps take over ANYTHING, it immediately becomes political and subservient to the dimocrap scum body politic. It no longer serves anything or anybody other than the dimocrap scum party.

IOW, it becomes useless.

Just like everything else the scum of the earth dimocrap party lays its hands on, everything they take control of -- They're like a cancer, the Borg..... dimocraps kill everything they touch.

The NAACP started out with its only goal being the uplifting of Black People. Now -- It serves the scum of the earth dimocrap party and nothing else.

Black People be damned. The NAACP could NOT care less about Black people anymore.. They're just another dimocrap group of whores, legs spread, begging for money.
When I was young, I had some Black friends who consistently assured me that if-- I ever went Black, I'd never go Back.

Could be they were right and only this bitch has figured it out.
daws101 Edgetho Both of you stop, now, or take it to the Flame Zone

Don't call me a racist. I have two nieces and a beloved Brother in Law that are Black.

And I'm not shitting around about calling me one in person.

That's one of the reasons dimocraps disgust me. They think that anybody that disagrees with them is some kind of monster......

Or, that they can stop a conversation just by uttering the word 'racist' or 'misogynist' or 'homophobe' or their favorite 'bigot'

They do it online because if they do it in person, they won't like what happens..

dimocraps are scum
What good have they done?

The state of black society hasn't been this bad since the 50's. The NAACP is nothing more than an agitprop tool for the democrook party.

For that matter the cultural decline of black people has never been worse.

The NAACP started out as a good, decent, excellent organization run mostly by Republicans...... The VAST Majority of Blacks in those days were Republicans)

As time went on, socialists and communists infiltrated it and compromised it, turning it into a dimocrap operation. Around the time of FDR, it was almost unrecognizable from its beginnings

Once the scum of the earth dimocraps take over ANYTHING, it immediately becomes political and subservient to the dimocrap scum body politic. It no longer serves anything or anybody other than the dimocrap scum party.

IOW, it becomes useless.

Just like everything else the scum of the earth dimocrap party lays its hands on, everything they take control of -- They're like a cancer, the Borg..... dimocraps kill everything they touch.

The NAACP started out with its only goal being the uplifting of Black People. Now -- It serves the scum of the earth dimocrap party and nothing else.

Black People be damned. The NAACP could NOT care less about Black people anymore.. They're just another dimocrap group of whores, legs spread, begging for money.
  • Mary Ovington White- joined the Socialist Party in 1905; NAACP founder and executive secretary;
  • Morefield Storey- First president of the NAACP; primary battle was against American imperialism;
  • Joel Spingarn- Second president of the NAACP; a liberal Republican who became a Progressive;
  • John Dewey- influential member of the board; known as the Father of Progressive Education (Note: there is an unholy alliance between the NAACP and the public education system because of the John Dewey legacy ; co-founder of the ACLU with Jane Addams.
  • not one of them was a republican.
  • lie much?
daws101 Edgetho Both of you stop, now, or take it to the Flame Zone

Don't call me a racist. I have two nieces and a beloved Brother in Law that are Black.

And I'm not shitting around about calling me one in person.

That's one of the reasons dimocraps disgust me. They think that anybody that disagrees with them is some kind of monster......

Or, that they can stop a conversation just by uttering the word 'racist' or 'misogynist' or 'homophobe' or their favorite 'bigot'

They do it online because if they do it in person, they won't like what happens..

dimocraps are scum
sorry but having family members who are allegedly black is not proof of any kind you aren't a racist.
sorry but having family members who are allegedly black is not proof of any kind you aren't a racist.

You are dick sucking coward.

Your mama should have killed you in your crib.

scumbag motherfucker
What good have they done?

The state of black society hasn't been this bad since the 50's. The NAACP is nothing more than an agitprop tool for the democrook party.

For that matter the cultural decline of black people has never been worse.

The NAACP started out as a good, decent, excellent organization run mostly by Republicans...... The VAST Majority of Blacks in those days were Republicans)

As time went on, socialists and communists infiltrated it and compromised it, turning it into a dimocrap operation. Around the time of FDR, it was almost unrecognizable from its beginnings

Once the scum of the earth dimocraps take over ANYTHING, it immediately becomes political and subservient to the dimocrap scum body politic. It no longer serves anything or anybody other than the dimocrap scum party.

IOW, it becomes useless.

Just like everything else the scum of the earth dimocrap party lays its hands on, everything they take control of -- They're like a cancer, the Borg..... dimocraps kill everything they touch.

The NAACP started out with its only goal being the uplifting of Black People. Now -- It serves the scum of the earth dimocrap party and nothing else.

Black People be damned. The NAACP could NOT care less about Black people anymore.. They're just another dimocrap group of whores, legs spread, begging for money.
  • Mary Ovington White- joined the Socialist Party in 1905; NAACP founder and executive secretary;
  • Morefield Storey- First president of the NAACP; primary battle was against American imperialism;
  • Joel Spingarn- Second president of the NAACP; a liberal Republican who became a Progressive;
  • John Dewey- influential member of the board; known as the Father of Progressive Education (Note: there is an unholy alliance between the NAACP and the public education system because of the John Dewey legacy ; co-founder of the ACLU with Jane Addams.
  • not one of them was a republican.
  • lie much?

Suck a dick, scumbag piece of fucking shit coward.

Did your mama always hate you?

Why did your daddy beat you so bad?

Did your siblings treat you as badly as everybody else? I suspect so.

All those years of sucking dicks in the High School bathroom and nobody respects you to this day

You are a scumbag piece of shit coward that is an oxygen thief.

eat some drano scumbag motherfucker

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