This... Is... TREASON...


PS; tell your outrage-site-of-the-week source that they mis-spelled "Rio Grand" numb nuts.
Top notch reporting there.

The correct spelling of Rio Grande has no dash. Stupid.

The correct spelling of misspelled has no dash. Moron.

Mis-spelled No
Misspelled yes

Rio-Grande No
Rio Grande Yes
Nazi to English dictionary:


Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.


View attachment 517540
They weren't trying to overthrow the government.
In the 1770s in the time of our revolution, there were many ardent and fiery supporters of revolution, like Patrick Henry, who would gladly scream TREASON! TREASON! at anyone who would dare listen. The revolution wasn't kicked off by firebrands who were all scream, and no means. It was kicked off by calm level headed patriots who got together, debated, hashed out and formulated a clear and deliberate plan of action for what was to come. This talk of TREASON TREASON will not amount to anything but trouble. Clear and deliberate plans to fight back need to be brought up by level headed patriots.
Supporting the Confederacy is treasonous. Would you prefer some other word for it?
Trump is a rapist. Is that ok? To you, yes.

So what does that make you? Accurate descriptive terms would likely be removed by the mods.

You're mistaking Trump for Bill Clinton the Rapist.
No one gives the slightest shit about alt-right fake news......bored.


You going to pull out your fake fact checkers? That's always SO impressive....

Nazi to English dictionary:


Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.


View attachment 517540
We've been over the whole false equivalence thing.
Nobody is going to do a damn thing until another couple of towers collapse, or the water supply in a town is poisoned, or a subway train is derailed or our food supply filled with chemical warfare...and even then, they will continue to stream in and Biden & Co will do not a damn thing about it.
And who is doing all those things? Honduran refugees? You are VERY confused.
Ilegals invading the Mass border? Where they coming from? NY? CT?.....Rhode Island? LOL.

Well, if you want to jail everyone responsible for this mess, that's a long list...there's a lot of Republicans on that list including your savior (who didn't deal with the problem).
What you are seeing now is decades in the making. The inability of both sides to craft a cohesive immigration policy and the constant success of the US government to not only fuck
up ruling regimes in these countries, but fail to implement foreign policy that would give these people incentives to stay where they are at.
I’m surprised you’re even admitting illegals are crossing the border.

The plan was a wall.
You said:

1. walls don’t work
2. 5billion was way too expensive
3. Walls are racist

All 3 were lies. You want too flood the country with illegals, because it is eventually going to destroy the country.

you all hate the country because you are all miserable people who hate yourself and everyone around you. You’re all a part of a suicide cult

You people are jackasses
Trump is a rapist. Is that ok? To you, yes.
Ohh look, a Nazi is lying through his fucking teeth to slander an enemy of his filthy Reich.

How droll.

So what does that make you? Accurate descriptive terms would likely be removed by the mods.

You clapped and cheered as Obama raped 6 year old boys in the oval office, what does that make you?
In the 1770s in the time of our revolution, there were many ardent and fiery supporters of revolution, like Patrick Henry, who would gladly scream TREASON! TREASON! at anyone who would dare listen. The revolution wasn't kicked off by firebrands who were all scream, and no means. It was kicked off by calm level headed patriots who got together, debated, hashed out and formulated a clear and deliberate plan of action for what was to come. This talk of TREASON TREASON will not amount to anything but trouble. Clear and deliberate plans to fight back need to be brought up by level headed patriots.

And 4 years later the South was a ward of the North. Your handle prevents anyone from taking you seriously.

I hear what you're saying though.... if 1/10th of the outrage was real and someone actually thought that the election was stolen, someone actually thought that there was day-to-day treason, someone actually thought the nation was on it's last breaths....would they be bitching about it constantly on an obscure message board or actually shooting people (assuming that the self-described patriots were actually patriotic)?
The plan was a wall.
You said:

1. walls don’t work
2. 5billion was way too expensive
3. Walls are racist

All 3 were lies. You want too flood the country with illegals, because it is eventually going to destroy the country.

you all hate the country because you are all miserable people who hate yourself and everyone around you.

You people are jackasses

Yeah, all those immigrants sure did mess the place up. There used to be plenty of game, thick topsoil, forests everywhere, clean water in every stream. Now look at it. First those immigrants screwed up their home subcontinent of Europe, poisoned the rivers, eroded the land, stripped the forests, and then they came here to do the same. What a plan! Those damned immigrants sure did destroy the place!
who proposed "Rio-Grande", professor?

i see Rio Grand, and Rio Grand Valle in the awesome source of the OP.

I don't know what is more hilarious..that the OP didn't catch the glaring error because he is just as illiterate or that he looked at this site and said, 'Well, that sounds likely'.
We need this at the border:

Do you wish for the death of Central American refugees? What sort of person does that make you, then, eh?

I used to live in Guatemala. Truthfully I'd rather see 1000 white-right treasonous Trumpoids eaten by gators than one Guatemalan. The Guatemalans, after all, are such better people than y'all.
Ohh look, a Nazi is lying through his fucking teeth to slander an enemy of his filthy Reich.

How droll.

You clapped and cheered as Obama raped 6 year old boys in the oval office, what does that make you?
You best watch your mouth, incel boy.

If there's a Nazi here, he's in your mirror. Trump is a rapist, and a pervert, and a racist, and a misogynist, and a serial liar, and a narcissist psychopath, and a con-man, and a grifter, and a tax criminal, and a traitor.

You white-rights behave in EVERY respect like Nazis. And Trump's mannerisms obviously were copied from Mussolini, another of your heroes.

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