This is what atheist believe? Atheist believe that nothing created everything

I'm still waiting on you to show me what I wrote that you thought was delusional.
this might help ...
Yes. It was created from nothing. It literally popped into existence being hardwired to produce intelligence.
well, your delusions have been pointed out before - to no avail ... so, undoubtedly you'll be asking again.
Mind, rather than emerging as a late outgrowth in the evolution of life, has existed always as the matrix, the source and condition of physical reality - that the stuff of which physical reality is composed is mind-stuff. It is Mind that has composed a physical universe that breeds life, and so eventually evolves creatures that know and create. This is a life‑breeding universe because the constant presence of mind made it so and imbued His creation with His attributes.

What we perceive as reality is a product of consciousness. The behavior of sub atomic particles - for that matter all particles and objects - is inextricably linked to the presence of a conscious observer. Without a conscious observer they exist in an undetermined state of probability waves. Without consciousness matter dwells in an undetermined state of probability. Any universe preceding consciousness only existed in a probability state. The universe is explainable only through consciousness. The universe is finely tuned to support consciousness because consciousness created the universe, not the other way around.

Tell that to some vulnerable children.
Try telling neil de grasse tyson that.
Richard Dawkins?
Go away. Your drunk on alter wine.
I'm always amused when those who attack intelligent design theory do so with any sort of validity. Based on our understanding of the universe, there's no possible way we can explain how we came to be. Our complexity and development defies all natural laws. It would take religious zeal and faith to claim that we know for certain we simply randomly bubbled and formed over all this time.

What level-headed people do, usually those without anger and bitterness towards religion, is have some intellectual honestly and humility. Have the humility to realize that you have no idea how we came to be, and have the honesty to admit that since there's no way to know, it could be from a design. That would be consistent with pure scientific method and curiosity. Instead, we get very angry atheists who come after Christians online.. they bully and mock them for their beleifs, and erroneously claim they have any sort of upper hand, when they don't.

We are all clueless with theories. We're all trying to figure this out. No need for hostility. But, tell that to a pissed off atheist.
I'm always amused when those who attack intelligent design theory do so with any sort of validity. Based on our understanding of the universe, there's no possible way we can explain how we came to be. Our complexity and development defies all natural laws. It would take religious zeal and faith to claim that we know for certain we simply randomly bubbled and formed over all this time.

What level-headed people do, usually those without anger and bitterness towards religion, is have some intellectual honestly and humility. Have the humility to realize that you have no idea how we came to be, and have the honesty to admit that since there's no way to know, it could be from a design. That would be consistent with pure scientific method and curiosity. Instead, we get very angry atheists who come after Christians online.. they bully and mock them for their beleifs, and erroneously claim they have any sort of upper hand, when they don't.

We are all clueless with theories. We're all trying to figure this out. No need for hostility. But, tell that to a pissed off atheist.

The whole theiry of intelligent design doesn't hold water. Its the same as immaculate conceptions. Its bullshit.
The most plausible is without evolution commencing in the oceans near hydro thermal vents.
But to the godbotherers that will never fit with their religion. It dilutes the silly intelligent design thing.

No one can say It's impossible to know. We now know more about the universe than we ever Did contrary to the days when religion made ridiculous assumptions that God did it. It's absurd.

Science has no reason to lie or deliberately misinterpret what it finds.
Like fossils. They are undeniable and so is the process for aging them.
Same for DNA. Its undeniable.
Then why is the next leap forward to accept evolution such a giant leap you cannot make? Evolution is a fact and will never be proven wrong. same with DNA.
So YOU godbotherers have .ome heavy thinking to do or you'll be kicking and screaming behind society for a long time.
Honestly through, there would be a believer alive who, in the minds, has never questioned why they believe in ghosts etc. Including you.
The whole theiry of intelligent design doesn't hold water. Its the same as immaculate conceptions. Its bullshit.
The most plausible is without evolution commencing in the oceans near hydro thermal vents.
But to the godbotherers that will never fit with their religion. It dilutes the silly intelligent design thing.

No one can say It's impossible to know. We now know more about the universe than we ever Did contrary to the days when religion made ridiculous assumptions that God did it. It's absurd.

Science has no reason to lie or deliberately misinterpret what it finds.
Like fossils. They are undeniable and so is the process for aging them.
Same for DNA. Its undeniable.
Then why is the next leap forward to accept evolution such a giant leap you cannot make? Evolution is a fact and will never be proven wrong. same with DNA.
So YOU godbotherers have .ome heavy thinking to do or you'll be kicking and screaming behind society for a long time.
Honestly through, there would be a believer alive who, in the minds, has never questioned why they believe in ghosts etc. Including you.
1. Life occurring near hydrothermal vents, Fossils, DNA, Evolution.. all are totally compatible with intelligent design

2. It's accurate to say we don't know at all how such complex beings were developed from zero prompting.

3. I, along with probably most believers, have certainly questioned our faith. I'm not sure why you think that's a point in your favor or a bad thing. If anything, it makes our faith that much more noteworthy,

4. You seem bitter.
1. Life occurring near hydrothermal vents, Fossils, DNA, Evolution.. all are totally compatible with intelligent design

2. It's accurate to say we don't know at all how such complex beings were developed from zero prompting.

3. I, along with probably most believers, have certainly questioned our faith. I'm not sure why you think that's a point in your favor or a bad thing. If anything, it makes our faith that much more noteworthy,

4. You seem bitter.

I PM you.
this might help ...


well, your delusions have been pointed out before - to no avail ... so, undoubtedly you'll be asking again.
Nothing delusional about the universe being created from nothing. It's literally the only way it could have been created.
Tell that to some vulnerable children.
Try telling neil de grasse tyson that.
Richard Dawkins?
Go away. Your drunk on alter wine.
Yes, really. Have Dawkins and Tyson call me. I'll explain it to them just like I explained it to you.
Nothing delusional about the universe being created from nothing. It's literally the only way it could have been created.
there lies your delusion - and you do so simply for the necessity to falsely corroborate your single source christian bible which is not remotely a work of reality itself ... purposeful delusion for nefarious results.

bb is cyclical - transfers from matter to energy - the existence of matter and energy is what is not understood among other complexities stemming from the metaphysical science can someday explain if not also to some extent the spiritual content of the physical being.
there lies your delusion - and you do so simply for the necessity to falsely corroborate your single source christian bible which is not remotely a work of reality itself ... purposeful delusion for nefarious results.

bb is cyclical - transfers from matter to energy - the existence of matter and energy is what is not understood among other complexities stemming from the metaphysical science can someday explain if not also to some extent the spiritual content of the physical being.
Learn some thermodynamics and get back to me.
Cool story. You must have a pretty miserable life if this is your idea of fun. ;)

Why do godbotherers always assume atheists lead sad lives? It's simply not true.
My idea is not fun it's pointing out how you believers spend your life worshipping a ghost with the expectancy of eternal life in some utopia in the clouds.
It's fun to point out the stupidity of it.

I can hear your teeth grinding now and a bile filled lump rising in your throat.
Now who is angry?
Here's some advice. Don't take on with religion. Im very good at it.
Why do godbotherers always assume atheists lead sad lives? It's simply not true.
My idea is not fun it's pointing out how you believers spend your life worshipping a ghost with the expectancy of eternal life in some utopia in the clouds.
It's fun to point out the stupidity of it.

I can hear your teeth grinding now and a bile filled lump rising in your throat.
Now who is angry?
Here's some advice. Don't take on with religion. Im very good at it.
Dude, you are here looking for fights. You aren't happy. The sooner you admit it the sooner you can go about living.
Dude, you are here looking for fights. You aren't happy. The sooner you admit it the sooner you can go about living.

No. I'll continue to point out your hypocrisy, stupid beliefs and lies.
You were the one who gently touched on some God shit. I'm simply responding.
Every time you reply I get another whack at you. Keep going.
No. I'll continue to point out your hypocrisy, stupid beliefs and lies.
You were the one who gently touched on some God shit. I'm simply responding.
Every time you reply I get another whack at you. Keep going.
And I'll continue to point out that you are looking for a fight to feel joy in your life. Fair enough?

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