This is what being in the military is like


Gold Member
Dec 31, 2012
CINCINNATI, Ohio – William “Wild Bill” Kelso, who as a corporal in the U.S. Army helped storm the beaches of Normandy during World War II, suspected that something big was planned for his 97th birthday. But he never guessed that, as friends and family celebrated his special day, he’d experience his greatest surprise since the war: his former platoon commander, accompanied by two active-duty military police, presented him with a letter of reprimand.

“It took forever, but I finally got him,” said 98-year-old former 1st Lt. Loomis Birkhead. “He thought what he did was long forgotten. Well, by heaven, the Army may be slow, but it doesn’t forget what counts: discipline.”

The yellowing and faded LOR indicates that Kelso, prior to boarding the Higgins Boat that would plunge him and his platoon into the jaws of death at Utah Beach, informed Lt. Birkhead that he had both made his bunk and cleaned the “head” on the navy vessel that had transported them from southern England.

“He didn’t do either,” grumbled Birkhead. “He lied to a commissioned officer. I didn’t find out about it until after they left for the beaches. I couldn’t go with them at the time because I twisted my ankle or something. I decided to do a quick bunk check to fill the time. That’s when I found out Cpl. Kelso never made his bed. Plus, there was piss all over the head. I swore then I’d make sure military justice was served.”

It took some time for Birkhead to get the proper signatures for the letter since much of his battalion’s leadership fell during the fierce fighting of the following weeks. But he was determined, and shortly after the fall of Berlin in May 1945, he managed to get the necessary sign-off. However, Kelso was rapidly demobilized, and to the lieutenant’s chagrin, he couldn’t locate the rapscallion.

“But I knew Kelso earned this,” said Birkhead. “So I swore that I would make sure he received the recognition he deserved.”

Kelso’s family was overwhelmed with emotion as they watched the traditional ceremony play out before them. Cpl. Kelso was instructed to stand at attention outside a small closet that had been converted into an office for his former commander. After he heard “enter” shouted, he did a left face and walked briskly in, popped a shaky salute, and reported as ordered. Lt. Birkhead then read the LOR to Kelso. It was over within minutes.

“It was so moving,” said Donna Stratton, William Kelso’s daughter. “I’m so happy that after all these years my dad lived to see the day he could finally be recognized for the disrespectful hero he is.”

I have to admit, reading this brought a tear to my eye. On a side note, the VA also finally gave him an appointment date to check on the wounds he received in 1945. His appointment at the VA Hospital is in June, 2023.
That made this soldiers day, and I'm sure it brought back so many memories. That generation, the greatest, is almost gone. Only one surviving Medal of Honor recipient from WWII is still with us, Woody Williams, U.S. Marine Corps.

I have to admit, reading this brought a tear to my eye. On a side note, the VA also finally gave him an appointment date to check on the wounds he received in 1945. His appointment at the VA Hospital is in June, 2023.
For those of you who do not know any better, this is from Duffleblog which is a parody website for the military. I hope the OP knew that!
For those of you who do not know any better, this is from Duffleblog which is a parody website for the military. I hope the OP knew that!

Of course I know that. I actually post in here from that site from time to time. Both for a bit of comedy for those of us that have served, and to see if the non-serving civilians can even get that it is parody. And as is almost always the case, at least one fails that test and goes off on some kind of braindead rant.
Of course I know that. I actually post in here from that site from time to time. Both for a bit of comedy for those of us that have served, and to see if the non-serving civilians can even get that it is parody. And as is almost always the case, at least one fails that test and goes off on some kind of braindead rant.
Oh, so you are being dishonest like a typical liberal?
I didn't know it was parody, I'm always hearing stories of a letter finally reaching someone from 1945 or a very late and overdue military award being presented to a very elderly veteran, and thought this was another example of such, albeit in a lighthearted way. Guess I should have read the story more closely.
I didn't know it was parody

I am honestly not sure how anybody could think otherwise. Unless they did not even bother to read the "article" itself, and only went off based on the title alone.

But that's OK. I've been laughing at the political driven types in here for years.
I am honestly not sure how anybody could think otherwise. Unless they did not even bother to read the "article" itself, and only went off based on the title alone.

But that's OK. I've been laughing at the political driven types in here for years.
It doesn't really matter, as I don't really give a shit.
A typical vulgar reply from a low intellect, high emotion Liberal. You know I'm right and that has upset you.

Excuse me as I laugh at you. Because by your first post in here, you apparently believed it was true also, and responded as so.

So what exactly does that make you?
Excuse me as I laugh at you. Because by your first post in here, you apparently believed it was true also, and responded as so.

So what exactly does that make you?
Excuse me as I laugh at you. Because by your first post in here, you apparently believed it was true also, and responded as so.

So what exactly does that make you?
Laugh all you want. Let's hear you challenge anything I said in my post that I repeat below for your convenience:

"Disrespect of our veterans, our Police, our border patrol, ICE all part of the Democrats campaign against the best and bravest."
Laugh all you want. Let's hear you challenge anything I said in my post that I repeat below for your convenience:

"Disrespect of our veterans, our Police, our border patrol, ICE all part of the Democrats campaign against the best and bravest."

Simple. It is simply the common political type of bloviation I have come to expect from many in here. Attempting to hijack and derail any thread so they can go on their own personal rants. That normally have no basis on the topic itself, or any kind of reality other than in their own head.

And I find those form The Right just as boring and nonsensical as I do those from The Left.
Simple. It is simply the common political type of bloviation I have come to expect from many in here. Attempting to hijack and derail any thread so they can go on their own personal rants. That normally have no basis on the topic itself, or any kind of reality other than in their own head.

And I find those form The Right just as boring and nonsensical as I do those from The Left.
And it's a swing and a miss, STRIKE TWO! Mushroom has dug himself a hole......
Military life.

Have people dumber than you tell you what to do for years.
Have the government send you to some shithole to fight a "war" against an "enemy" that isn't really a threat to the homeland
Then get injured or suffer PTSD and have the government not give a flying fuck about you

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