This Is What Happens When dims Take Control


Platinum Member
Mar 27, 2012
A once great City. In 1960, Dee-Troit had the highest per capita GDP of any City on Earth. Not in the USA, in the entire world.

Then dims figured out how to change the demographics in order to guarantee them the power they so cravenly wish for. To Hell with the City. To Hell with its citizens. dims have power and that's all they really care about.

Dead bodies, wild dogs, squatters in government-owned Detroit houses

Old news you say? Not even. They did it in every great city they managed to take over. And they're doing it today.

They're registering illegals to vote in Sang Frang

Non-citizens, illegal immigrants now may register to vote in San Francisco school board elections

and they're spending $37,000 per homeless person with these results --

SF Mayor: 'There’s More Feces ... Than I’ve Ever Seen'

These things aren't an accident people. They just aren't.

You can find the same results all over the world. Whenever leftists take over, the results are always the same..... Poverty, despair, hunger, violence.... Same old story.

While the elites live in luxury.

Wise up, people, or it will happen to you.
Detroit used to be the motor city.

The banks who own the houses the squatters are occupying don't seem to mind that people are living in their houses.

Last I heard Detroit was bankrupt.
Detroit used to be the motor city.

The banks who own the houses the squatters are occupying don't seem to mind that people are living in their houses.

Last I heard Detroit was bankrupt.

And once dimocrap scum convince you they're on your side, they use you up and when they're done, they'll drop you like a bad habit.

Look what they've done to the Manufacturing Sector of this Country. They could not care less about the Blue Collar worker.

Blue Collar workers now recognize this but it's a little late, having lost MILLIONS of manufacturing jobs. And with Blue Collar America rapidly becoming worse than Inner City America. More drugs, more unwed Mothers, more despair, more welfare, more poverty even than many places in the Inner City

Trump is trying to bring it back but undoing the damage dimocrap scum have done over a period of half a century won't be easy.

And dimocrap scum won't give up easily. They'll do anything to maintain their power.


America’s Factory Towns, Once Solidly Blue, Are Now a GOP Haven
Every area seized by Communists/Democrats, quickly becomes a miserable Hellhole. I don't get why folks continue to vote Democrat. They're only voting to create their own misery.
A once great City. In 1960, Dee-Troit had the highest per capita GDP of any City on Earth. Not in the USA, in the entire world.

Then dims figured out how to change the demographics in order to guarantee them the power they so cravenly wish for. To Hell with the City. To Hell with its citizens. dims have power and that's all they really care about.

Dead bodies, wild dogs, squatters in government-owned Detroit houses

Old news you say? Not even. They did it in every great city they managed to take over. And they're doing it today.

They're registering illegals to vote in Sang Frang

Non-citizens, illegal immigrants now may register to vote in San Francisco school board elections

and they're spending $37,000 per homeless person with these results --

SF Mayor: 'There’s More Feces ... Than I’ve Ever Seen'

These things aren't an accident people. They just aren't.

You can find the same results all over the world. Whenever leftists take over, the results are always the same..... Poverty, despair, hunger, violence.... Same old story.

While the elites live in luxury.

Wise up, people, or it will happen to you.
All of the states with the 10 highest median household incomes are blue states, except randomly Alaska is in there. But their citizens get paid by the government for nothing from their oil revenue.
All of the states with the 10 highest median household incomes are blue states, except randomly Alaska is in there. But their citizens get paid by the government for nothing from their oil revenue.

That's just not entirely accurate.

I've posted the truth in here several times. When you adjust for PPP, the Blue States are WAY down the list.

New Yawk isn't even on par with the National Average.

If Sweden and Germany Became US States, They Would be Among the Poorest States | Ryan McMaken


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