THIS is what needs to be said

Putting aside the unimaginative caricature of Rush Limbaugh (not a fan, BTW), is it not true that the modern left continually tells everyone it's the "white's fault"?
Here is what "its the white's fault" doesn't mean....

The fact CEO's are paid over 300 times more than their average salaried employees is not "the whites fault" -- however, when people address this issue, you idiots claim it as an attack on white people.....There are black CEO's too....

Here is another example.....The fact there are 2 different judicial systems in this country, where those who are wealthy are essentially above the law and those who are not are disproportionately and in some cases outright savaged by the judicial system -- us addressing this doesn't mean we are saying "it's white people's fault" -- unless you think there are not wealthy black people...

Now here is how Rush and the other idiots train white supremacists to blame the coloreds....They claim illegal immigrants bring wages down; so they go after brown people with a passion....but when they are told about how all of these employers purposely hire illegals, and purposely do it in order to keep wages low -- those same racist white folks make excuses for those employers, even scoff at the idea of punishing those employers with the same passion they want to see those coloreds what happens? Those wages remain stagnant and those illegals they hate so much keeps getting hired by the same people who pays folks like Rush and Laura to tell you to keep blaming the coloreds..

I disagree with you on this one. I've debated many an anti-immigrant white here. They want employers to pay out fantastic amounts of money on fines for hiring these so - called "illegals" as they insist on calling them. They would charge the employers with federal felonies for hiring a foreigner who commits the infraction of improper entry, a civil misdemeanor. It makes no sense.

If you want a job in America you can find one. But, if you aren't rich and can't manipulate the system, it don't make a rat's rear what color you are, your butt is going down. Give the whites a little rope however. They are more than willing to capitulate and give their heritage away.
I said go after those who hire illegals with the same passion they want those brown people to be punished.....paying fines (which doesn't happen much) isn't deterring illegals from being hired...The Trump organization had a long held practice of knowingly hiring illegals, they have ZERO fear of paying any fines...

Talk to me when those so-called anti--illegal folks start demanding employers to face jail time, until then -- this is nothing but a distraction to appease a person's need to hate someone different from what they are...always have been...

The anti-immigrant people want to fine employers, but the fact is even with that, big corporations aren't affected by those fines. It is the mom and pop businesses that are paying because white people don't want to work. If whites want the jobs, they should apply for them or STFU.

IM2 is a PITA, but whites don't have a handle on the things they are wrong about. It leads them to follow the wrong solutions.

Don't get me wrong. I've already done one post that began to explore the fact that America was founded by white Christians for their benefit. I see NOTHING wrong with it. Society does not condemn China, Japan, North Korea - or even Zimbabwe (which is 99.7 percent black) for having a country specific to their culture.

OTOH, you can still treat people with dignity and respect even if you don't believe in things like inter-racial marriages, having foreigners as citizens, or putting them into positions of power over you. Today, due to the frauds and phonies, the white man has no concept of what the Constitution really means; they cannot treat people fairly without thinking that means to destroy white culture in order to appease the black people and whites refuse to respect that segment of society that wants to simply separate and not be forced into a multicultural society.

IM2 and his ilk are able to capitalize on the chaotic and divisive nature of whites. Those trying to unite whites have likened it as to trying to herd cats. This country was founded by white Christians for their benefit - to have their own unique culture and the blacks like IM2 will never allow that to happen. You must join him and the NEW WORLD ORDER / One World Government / One Race / One Religion utopia as envisioned by the globalists (which inevitably includes the subtle, but total genocide of whites) OR you must stand on the principles upon which this Republic rests.

This nation was not founded by or for whites since non white people were already here. Your stormfront nonsense is exactly that. You have unique white cultures all over Europe so move over there and live in one.

Your denial of history makes you look like a madman.
#TheLargerIssue #SingleParenting #ChildNeglectMaltreatment #MentalHealth #Solutions

We have people running around telling us black folks that we are always looking for racism. Now think about this for a minute. Blacks who want to get rid of racism are spending all their days going around looking for racism so we can stay upset, mad and stressed out. How stupid is that?

Hello, IM2. Regarding Declarations of Racism.

Have you ever taken the time to critically examine the character and values, as well as $motivation$ embraced by Americans asserting Racism or "White Privilege" continues impeding black or American citizens of African descent from enjoying equality, as well as loudly declaring Racism or "White Privilege" is preventing our black American or foreign born neighbors from achieving success during this point in America's on-going societal evolution.

IM2, respectfully, the purpose of this civil, cuss-free writing is to vociferously, as well as respectfully advise my peaceful, responsible fellow American and foreign born citizens that America's multi-generational, ignorant, once legal, long fading Culture of RACISM is NOT a major factor or significant obstacle impeding or preventing our American friends, neighbors and co-workers of African descent from experiencing success and equality all peaceful Americans are entitled to enjoy.

IM2, calmly reviewing evidence, unquestionably, it is clear in today's ever-evolving American society the primary obstacle impeding our peaceful black or American friends, neighbors and co-workers of African descent from experiencing equality, is IN FACT America's large community of freedom-loving, apparent illogical thinking, HATE-embracing PRO BLACK minded Americans choosing to LOUDLY, as well as actively IMPEDE or PREVENT our free-thinking, successful, accomplished black or American friends, neighbors and co-workers of African descent from peacefully pursuing THEIR OWN individual unique vision for L, L, (Love) & Happiness.

"Sell-out" "C^^n" and "Uncle Tom" are just a few HATEFUL, denigrating terms "Pro Black, Woke or Conscious Black Community" minded American citizens use to LOUDLY demean and INTIMIDATE our peaceful, responsible, accomplished black or American friends, neighbors and co-workers of African descent choosing to peacefully pursue THEIR OWN unique vision for L, L, (Love) & Happiness.

Sadly, PRO BLACK minded Americans like Dr. Umar Johnson, Ph.D, Dr. Shonna Etienne, Ph.D Dr. Boyce Watkins Watkins, Ph.D, and 'Anti-Racism Strategist' Tariq Nasheed have learned there is $BIG MONEY$ to be made from declaring RACISM or the concept of "White Privilege and Supremacy" are impeding black or American citizens of African descent from experiencing equality, success and prosperity all peaceful, reasonably responsible American and foreign born citizens are entitled to enjoy.

IM2, even sadder is witnessing my so-called responsible, apparent 'White Guilt' embracing fellow American citizens sitting SILENT, allowing America's PRO BLACK community's cries of RACISM and 'White Privilege' to influence and intimidate them, just as they INTIMIDATE and chastise our peaceful black American neighbors for acting "too white".

IM2, Cynthia G, a YouTube personality investigating Pro Black, 'Anti-Racism Strategist' Tariq Nasheed published a video displaying public records she discovered, indicating Tariq Nasheed owns a 1.2 million dollar home. She also shared public records revealing a citizen named Tariq Nasheed has three arrests for fraud.

Search: "Tariq Nasheed: Hidden Criminal?" - Uploaded Jun 5, 2018 by Cynthia G

Keep in mind, when not bullying, harassing, INTIMIDATING and hatefully denigrating as "C**NS, SELL-OUTS or UNCLE TOMS" our successful, accomplished, free-thinking black or American neighbors, friends and co-workers of African descent choosing to peacefully pursue THEIR OWN unique vision for L, L, (Love) & Happiness...

...Tariq spends quite a bit of time preaching his 'White Privilege & Supremacy' gospel or mantra to a mostly PRO BLACK minded audience choosing to ignore America's potentially life scarring SYSTEMIC & GENERATIONAL Culture of Black or African American Child Abuse, Emotional Neglect and Maltreatment that evolved from America's multi-generational, ignorant, once legal Culture of Racism!

I am referring to a Culture of Child Abuse, Emotional Neglect, Abandonment and Maltreatment responsible for popular American urban story-TRUTH-tellers and 'Childhood Trauma' (#ACEs) victims the late Tupac Shakur (born 1971) and Mr. Barack "My Brother's Keeper" Obama White House guest and friend Kendrick Lamar (born 1987) vividly describing in their American art and interviews the "T.H.U.G.L.I.F.E." and "Good Kid, m.A.A.d. City" Child Abuse Cultures prevalent in far too many American communities.

I am writing about a Culture of Systemic and Generational CHILD ABUSE that THROUGH NO FAULT OF THEIR OWN, deprived Tupac and Kendrick, their neighborhood friends, as well as many of their elementary and JHS classmates from experiencing a SAFE, fairly or wonderfully happy American kid childhood all Americans have a right, as well as ABSOLUTE NEED to enjoy during a critical period of childhood development.

IM2, as well as other USMBers, the next time you run into free-thinking, successful, accomplished fellow citizens Justice Clarence Thomas, Mr. Larry Elder, Dr. Ben Carson or (Ret) Sheriff David Clarke, quietly ask them how they feel about being denigrated and harassed for achieving success on their own terms.

"Dysfunctional ‘Black’ Americans Impeding ‘Black’ Achievement" ~RINGOTVRAW "I SPEAK THE TRUTH."

Check out youtube video titled "Tariq Nasheed vs. Jared Taylor" Streamed live on Feb 8, 2018 by Baked Alaska 319,146 views

"Tariq Nasheed gets DESTROYED by White Nationalist Jared Taylor - Shameful" Published on Feb 12, 2018 by The Amazing Lucas 42,574 views

YouTube Search Terms: 'Exposing 'PRO BLACK' Modus Operandi, Logic, Fvvkery, Savagery, White Supremacy' ~Mrs. Princella Clark-Carr

YouTube Search Terms: "'Pro Black American' Logic Succinctly Explained By Social Commentator Mr David Carroll"

'Pro Black American' Logic Succinctly Explained By Social Commentator Mr David Carroll
"Black Children Have Highest Abuse Rates" By Jazelle Hunt, BlackVoiceNews .com

Black Children Have Highest Abuse Rates
Introducing 'SOULutions' oriented Child Abuse Awareness, PREVENTION & Education Advocate, California Surgeon General Dr. Nadine Burke Harris, MD, FAAP, MPH, Founder and CEO of the 'Center for Youth Wellness'.

Nadine Burke Harris

"T.H.U.G.L.I.F.E.", a Child Abuse, Emotional Neglect, Abandonment & Maltreatment *AWARENESS-PREVENTION* Public Service Announcement applying to ALL American and foreign born citizens!

"The HATE U Give Little Infants Fvvks *EVERYONE"* ~Tupac Shakur, American urban-TRUTH-teller, Gun Violence & 'Childhood Trauma' (#ACEs) victim
"My mother was cancer, she would destroy *EVERYBODY"* ~Richard 'The Iceman' Kuklinsky, 'Childhood Trauma' (#ACEs) victim and now-deceased convicted serial murderer.
"I would have never been able to do this work if I had come into this world with a mother who stayed, who nurtured me in a healthy way." ~Dr. Stacey Patton, Ph.D., Professor, Author, Child Abuse & Violence Researcher

American *(Children)* Lives Matter; Take Pride In Parenting; *End Our Nation's *CHILD CARE* PUBLIC HEALTH CRISIS*; End Community Violence, Police Anxiety & Educator's Frustrations


The upshot here, is that IM2 should thank white society and institutional racism for giving him a purpose in life?


This is the kind of idiocy I'm talking about.
This country was founded by white Christians for their benefit - to have their own unique culture and the blacks like IM2 will never allow that to happen. You must join him and the NEW WORLD ORDER / One World Government / One Race / One Religion utopia as envisioned by the globalists (which inevitably includes the subtle, but total genocide of whites) OR you must stand on the principles upon which this Republic rests.
Then why didn't they keep it white? Because my understanding of history doesn't indicate that black folks stumbled across America and decided to settle in and stay, no the majority were brought here in chains.

So if they wanted a white society then why didn't they keep it white? More importantly why did they bother to pen the words "“We hold these Truths to be self-evident, that all Men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness". Major contradictions here.
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And who
This scene from Bowfinger reminds me of your rant.

So you're my senior which means you lived during de jure racism. Because that's how things were when I was born. And despite all the evidence that shows I and many other people of color are right, you have no proof and post a video of an Eddie Murphy scene. You're not black.

I don't buy into the slave or victim or "get over" mentality.

I was arrested during a race riot in the 1960's or early 70's and learned that Black revolution was the way for those who liked getting their asses kicked by the Police to have something to complain about and look like they were noble and devoted to the betterment of the people.

But there is nobody standing in our way but us.

Us and the fact that we hang on to ways of looking at life and dealing with life and raising our kids which make them more likely to be statistics in some areas, and less likely to succeed.

And the White man isn't responsible for that.

We are.

So, what message do you have for the young girls and guys, the teens, the twenty somethings and the heads of young households?

Because coming here and ranting is barking up the wrong tree, dawg.

Remember when Sharpton or Jesse said some disparaging thing about Obama because he wasn't "Black enough"?

Thry meant that he wasn't afflicted with the typical Ghetto mentality many come to think of as the very definition of, "Black."

But to every White, he was Black enough.

I would say that even though I am a proud Trump supporting Conservative, and you may not think I am Black enough, every White person, no doubt, does.

I am a man with a brain and you have mentioned the 2 blacks out of over 40 million plus blacks in America whites tell you to hate. You argue the same dumb black family argument whites tell you. You are here arguing the same dumb arguments the white racists here argue about blacks criticism of whites while whites are here ranting endlessly about blacks and you are a cricket.

Public policy by whites are responsible for most, if not all, of the problems in the black community. Annually whites have more children out of wedlock than blacks have children. 50 percent of white marriages end in divorce leaving millions of single parent white families.

The issue in black communities is lack of economic development. This is a direct result of racist public policy.

In 2011, DEMOS did a study named “The Racial Wealth Gap, Why Policy Matters”, which discussed the racial wealth gap, the problems associated with it and solutions and outcomes if the gap did not exist. In this study DEMOS determined that the racial wealth gap was primarily driven by policy decisions.

Eliminating disparities in income—and even more so, the wealth return on income—would substantially reduce the racial wealth gap. Yet in 2011, the median white household had an income of $50,400 a year compared to just $32,028 for Blacks and $36,840 for Latinos. Black and Latino households also see less of a return than white households on the income they earn: for every $1 in wealth that accrues to median Black households associated with a higher income, median white households accrue $4.06. Meanwhile, for every $1 in wealth that accrues to median Latino households associated with higher income, median white households accrue $5.37.”

The Racial Wealth Gap: Why Policy Matters

Groups like DEMOS, the Kellogg Foundation, Altarum Institute, Pew Research and others have done extensive research on the public policies that created these disparities. As we look at the numbers, we see what has caused our economic problem and it’s not the loss of jobs by the white working class. The numbers show us that many of our national difficulties do not have to exist. For example, there are almost 17 million black households. 16,997,000 to be exact. There are 17,318,000 Latino households. The median white household had an income of $50,400 a year, $32,028 for Blacks and $36,840 for Latinos. That difference of $18,372 for blacks and $13,560 for Latinos equals a loss of $31,932 for over 34 million households each year. It is a loss of over 1 trillion dollars of taxable income annually. In addition, this erases billions of dollars that can be circulated in our economy. These are huge losses created because of racist public policy.

In the 8 years since DEMOS presented this study, Black and Hispanic households have potentially lost almost 8.7 trillion dollars of income because of racist public policy decisions. Hating to state the obvious, but since I am the one writing, these losses are American income, which is taxable and which increases government revenue at every level.

If the same economic opportunities exist in black communities as in white ones, the argument or excuses whites use about single parent families and unwed mothers gets smashed and reduced to the fake drivel it really is.

Damn, what made you decide to come out of your shell, lol :)

I'm tired of these white racists talking shit.

And who thought this was funny?
And who
So you're my senior which means you lived during de jure racism. Because that's how things were when I was born. And despite all the evidence that shows I and many other people of color are right, you have no proof and post a video of an Eddie Murphy scene. You're not black.

I don't buy into the slave or victim or "get over" mentality.

I was arrested during a race riot in the 1960's or early 70's and learned that Black revolution was the way for those who liked getting their asses kicked by the Police to have something to complain about and look like they were noble and devoted to the betterment of the people.

But there is nobody standing in our way but us.

Us and the fact that we hang on to ways of looking at life and dealing with life and raising our kids which make them more likely to be statistics in some areas, and less likely to succeed.

And the White man isn't responsible for that.

We are.

So, what message do you have for the young girls and guys, the teens, the twenty somethings and the heads of young households?

Because coming here and ranting is barking up the wrong tree, dawg.

Remember when Sharpton or Jesse said some disparaging thing about Obama because he wasn't "Black enough"?

Thry meant that he wasn't afflicted with the typical Ghetto mentality many come to think of as the very definition of, "Black."

But to every White, he was Black enough.

I would say that even though I am a proud Trump supporting Conservative, and you may not think I am Black enough, every White person, no doubt, does.

I am a man with a brain and you have mentioned the 2 blacks out of over 40 million plus blacks in America whites tell you to hate. You argue the same dumb black family argument whites tell you. You are here arguing the same dumb arguments the white racists here argue about blacks criticism of whites while whites are here ranting endlessly about blacks and you are a cricket.

Public policy by whites are responsible for most, if not all, of the problems in the black community. Annually whites have more children out of wedlock than blacks have children. 50 percent of white marriages end in divorce leaving millions of single parent white families.

The issue in black communities is lack of economic development. This is a direct result of racist public policy.

In 2011, DEMOS did a study named “The Racial Wealth Gap, Why Policy Matters”, which discussed the racial wealth gap, the problems associated with it and solutions and outcomes if the gap did not exist. In this study DEMOS determined that the racial wealth gap was primarily driven by policy decisions.

Eliminating disparities in income—and even more so, the wealth return on income—would substantially reduce the racial wealth gap. Yet in 2011, the median white household had an income of $50,400 a year compared to just $32,028 for Blacks and $36,840 for Latinos. Black and Latino households also see less of a return than white households on the income they earn: for every $1 in wealth that accrues to median Black households associated with a higher income, median white households accrue $4.06. Meanwhile, for every $1 in wealth that accrues to median Latino households associated with higher income, median white households accrue $5.37.”

The Racial Wealth Gap: Why Policy Matters

Groups like DEMOS, the Kellogg Foundation, Altarum Institute, Pew Research and others have done extensive research on the public policies that created these disparities. As we look at the numbers, we see what has caused our economic problem and it’s not the loss of jobs by the white working class. The numbers show us that many of our national difficulties do not have to exist. For example, there are almost 17 million black households. 16,997,000 to be exact. There are 17,318,000 Latino households. The median white household had an income of $50,400 a year, $32,028 for Blacks and $36,840 for Latinos. That difference of $18,372 for blacks and $13,560 for Latinos equals a loss of $31,932 for over 34 million households each year. It is a loss of over 1 trillion dollars of taxable income annually. In addition, this erases billions of dollars that can be circulated in our economy. These are huge losses created because of racist public policy.

In the 8 years since DEMOS presented this study, Black and Hispanic households have potentially lost almost 8.7 trillion dollars of income because of racist public policy decisions. Hating to state the obvious, but since I am the one writing, these losses are American income, which is taxable and which increases government revenue at every level.

If the same economic opportunities exist in black communities as in white ones, the argument or excuses whites use about single parent families and unwed mothers gets smashed and reduced to the fake drivel it really is.
Damn, what made you decide to come out of your shell, lol :)

I'm tired of these white racists talking shit.
And who thought this was funny?

LeeCross posted the bowfinger video.
“It’s a very particular performance I’m seeing more and more of, and it’s always the same: the Defensive White Guy makes a racist or misogynistic statement, is called out for it, then immediately begins claiming he’s the victim, either in the discussion, in American culture, or both. He claims that he is not racist or sexist. He labels any oppositional commentary, no matter how bland, as an attack, often conflating the commenter with entire groups, such as “liberals,” “feminists,” or “SJWs.” Often he will double down on the original racist/misogynistic statement by posting more of the same, even while claiming not to be racist or sexist. His attacks are filled with horrible insults. He claims perfect entitlement to the usage of those terms because he is being “attacked,” or because the people who disagree with him “deserve” it."

From: The White Guy Problem

The white record of continuing racism, is a sign of weakness as a race and is a show of immoral character. There are whites who know how to end it and work to do so. They are ostracized by other whites, accused of teaching people to hate whites, of teaching whites to hate themselves, of forcing whites to feel guilty about things they did not do even as they continue doing them and all manner of things. This claim that teaching whites not to be racist is anti white is pathetic and immoral. You can call what I say what you want. As I get older I don't concern myself with these simple minded, not thought out, childish opinions.

“Aggrieved whiteness is a white identity politics aimed at maintaining white socio-political hegemony through challenging efforts to combat actual material racial inequality, while supporting heavily racialized investments in policing, prisons, and the military, and positing a narrative of antiwhite racial oppression loosely rooted in an assortment of racialized threats.”

Mike King

Aggrieved whiteness is most definitively a trait shown mainly by conservative white men. They have problems reconciling how people are holding them accountable for the creation and maintenance of a system here in America and most of the world that has benefitted many of them by the exploitation of others. There was an op ed written in the July 3, 2017 edition of the Boston Globe entitled, “In Defense of the White Male,” By Roland Merullo. In this article we see the most common use of the white avoidance we often experience when we talk about racism. Here the author suggests that white males have done no more or less evil than anyone else. He then points out specific examples of non whites who committed dastardly wrongs. He brings up names such as Idi Amin, Pol Pot, Baby Doc Duvalier and Hirohito.

The problems with his thinking on this is not the fact these were evil men. They most certainly were. However in any discussion of racism by whites, and specifically by white males, no one has contended that non whites are sinless. The second problem lies in his refusal to recognize the political conditions that allowed for these many of these men to gain power. For example, he mentions Idi Amin. Nobody sane is going to excuse what Amin did, but where the writer fails is in his recognition of how Amin eventually was able to come to power in Uganda.

When you look at Uganda, you see a nation that had been self governed for centuries until the British decided they had the divine right to rule in Africa. In 1894 the British decided they would make Uganda a British protectorate. It was accomplished with the Buganda agreement signed by a man named Sir Apolo Kagwa which gave him and his chiefs most of the power in Uganda. The King of Uganda was an infant at the time of signing and had no say in this agreement. The mere existence of that King signifies a line of succession that shows us Uganda was a sovereign nation governed by a king. They had been so for at least 800 years before the Buganda Agreement.

So from 1894 until 1962, a span of 68 years, Britain colonized a nation that had existed for 800 years. Out of this colonization came division. In 1962 Uganda gained it’s independence and established a constitution. In 1962 the Ugandas Peoples Republic was voted into power and a man named Milton Obote becomes the President. One of Obotes buddies was named Idi Amin. In 1966 Obote did away with the 1962 constitution. Obote remained in power until 1971 when he was overthrown in a military coup by Amin. The rest is well known fact.

These major events were ignored by the author of this article so he could cry about the persecution of white men. Never mind that we don’t seem to have any record of non whites colonizing a nation of whites, he wants to tell us that white men have done no worse than Idi Amin and since Amin is not white why do white males get this anger? However had it not been for the colonization of Uganda instead of allowing Uganda to govern itself as it had been doing for the 800 years before the British decided they had the right to control that country, it is very possible there would have been no rule by Idi Amin.

It is this kind of amnesia that has allowed whites to come to this position of white fragility. Our media does story after story on the atrocities committed by those like Amin, but they do not delve into much depth as to how they were able to gain power. Much sadder in this victim playing is that the author wants to mention what some nonwhites have done in other nations while the issue is a system of white supremacy created, enforced and now maintained primarily by white males in America. Merillos racial comfort is disturbed by the criticism of what white men have done. His article is written from defensiveness. Mr. Merillo provides a classic example of white fragility and how it manifests itself in our national discourse.
I’m tired of reading, hearing or watching whites and others talking this bullshit. What is a victim folk? Does anyone know? Where did we get this idea that blacks who are protesting, complaining, or actively fighting racism are pretending to be victims of something ?

Where did this stump stupid shit come from? I say it started when the Reagan administration decided to get rid of the fairness doctrine. Suddenly you had all manner of loud mouth radio talk show idiots making fact less comments. I am going to talk about somebody here and it is not going to be complimentary. The first person I ever heard talking this way was some fat white boy from Missouri. I was in my 20’s and suddenly 30 years ago I started hearing of this fat white slob on the radio talking about blacks playing race cards, race hustling, and playing the victim. Like we are pretending there is racism just to feel persecuted. As the years have gone by, I ask who ordained this tub of lard permission to be arbiter of public opinion? I was going to start off on his lack of education, but I won't. But this slob has been allowed to influence a couple of generations of whites with his race baiting and he needs to be taken off the airwaves.

In my view this slob is worthless. All he’s good for is the big turkey leg and an extra scoop of dressing and gravy at the holiday dinner. I’m sure he knows nothing about sweet potato pie since that’s what blacks eat. This vat of fryer grease preaches his racist mumbo jumbo day in and day out. He’s done it for years now. If the stay puff marshmallow was the only one saying this, no problem. But this pork belly got millions of people to buy into his message and when you examine his message you want to tell Jabba the Hut to go find a buffet, play Mr. Creosote and eat that last wafer thin mint. The lunacy of his argument is apparent and what has been just as apparent is that we must be a nation of dunce caps to have allowed this stupid white can of crisco to become tertiary or de facto leader of one of our major political parties. Yes, I’m talking about Rush Limbaugh. He hasn’t gotten any skinnier either. But look, the stupidity he birthed here in this country is so tough you got blacks repeating it to other blacks as well as other stupid nonwhite wannabes.

We have people running around telling us black folks that we are always looking for racism. Now think about this for a minute. Blacks who want to get rid of racism are spending all their days going around looking for racism so we can stay upset, mad and stressed out. How stupid is that? There are some whites who have told me that I wake up only to go looking for racism. This kind of thinking strains the definition of sanity. So I wake up every morning, drink my coffee, then leave home to begin my daily search for a reason to be miserable, unhappy and angry. It is enough to make a person commit an act of violence when some whites, or stupid nonwhites dare speak this foolishness.

I would rather pass by the amusement park just to go find that Klan rally. I would rather sell my ticket to a pro football game to go find a Richard Spencer seminar. I would rather by pass a date with a beautiful woman to go watch a Jared Taylor lecture. If I have a job, I will clock in and spend my day looking for examples of ways to be insulted by race so I can spend all day long mad and miserable.

I’m accusing the company of racism because they give me pencils with black lead, or provide black pens to write with. If I am having a conversation with someone white I just can’t wait to hear them say something racist, so I can have hurt feelings and anger that I must hold inside of me for the rest of the day until I can get home. When I watch TV, instead of being entertained, I watch TV only to look for examples of racism so I can stay angry and bitter towards all whites.

If I go to a cajun restaurant, I will order the blackened fish on purpose so I can scream how the restaurant is a racist establishment so I can leave hungry and mad. I think black ice is a racist designation for ice, so I am mad at the weather person for making racist comments. This is the incredibly stupid garbage some people came to believe by listening to the skipper on gilligans island radio talk show. This level of stupidity must be unprecedented in modern times. Or perhaps it is not but the advent of so many ways to communicate has allowed the crazy that was once hidden at home to get out into the open.

Missouri Fats is the one who invented the card. Jennifer Garner, Howie Long and Samuel Jackson do not advertise for this card. But Fatty Arbuckle, Sean Hannity, dumb blacks like Kevin Jackson, some idiots on you tube, Dinesh D’ Souza, and others advertise for this card company. The company is called race and they have a card that these people imagine provides extra rights and privileges to those holding the card. I remember this white dude telling me how I was playing a race card as I was describing polices initiated by whites that created damage in the black community that people face today. This idiot wanted to lecture me on all this free stuff we blacks get because we have this card. Now as I am black, I asked him to provide me the website and address to the free black stuff administration. I’m still waiting.
I'd never advocate for anyone to be taken off the airwaves -- even Rush....he will just be replaced with another corporate shill...

Rush is just doing what Lee Atwater and others have taught them to do -- appease racist white folks by telling them its the "coloreds fault" --- while they continue vote against their best interests

I say what I do because there is no person of color on the air that gets to spew blatantly anti white hatred.

Don't you think that it is inevitable you might be held accountable for what you're doing? I'd hate to be you on the evening news.
"In this article we see the most common use of the white avoidance we often experience when we talk about racism". That's exactly what I was thinking. The Logic on desegregating schools of brown v board is pinned as "extreme social activism" in case court. Two separate things can't be equal, or the vis a vis, 1 + 1 does not equal 2. That way you can be in close contact with an avoidant person, to push an idea point independently. The sort of dialogue typically is morally sanctioned seek-and-bully. Why, people hunted me , told me to appear socially, for 10 years with no single statement of my willing cooperation, and we're going to solidify and hammer the rightful social justice factor in the acts of mass looting clubbing and Sa-I-Gu, where are the articles about Why 500 million dollars damages to a 2 million Korean American population exercises Dr. King's principles of a new American Brotherhood, or Whatever he was going for, I'm not sure.

I'm totally in favor of all cooperation between everybody, four-eyes and no and short and tall, but most people cling to this argument Jefferson davis proved wrong? They wrote 'create equal' a paragraph off from how Brits were going to steal our slaves? Its a White-document? We're losing serious history, I don't give a %%%%.

What's the reasonably sociable percentage of black people, 40%, or the "uncle toms"?
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Putting aside the unimaginative caricature of Rush Limbaugh (not a fan, BTW), is it not true that the modern left continually tells everyone it's the "white's fault"?
Here is what "its the white's fault" doesn't mean....

The fact CEO's are paid over 300 times more than their average salaried employees is not "the whites fault" -- however, when people address this issue, you idiots claim it as an attack on white people.....There are black CEO's too....

Here is another example.....The fact there are 2 different judicial systems in this country, where those who are wealthy are essentially above the law and those who are not are disproportionately and in some cases outright savaged by the judicial system -- us addressing this doesn't mean we are saying "it's white people's fault" -- unless you think there are not wealthy black people...

Now here is how Rush and the other idiots train white supremacists to blame the coloreds....They claim illegal immigrants bring wages down; so they go after brown people with a passion....but when they are told about how all of these employers purposely hire illegals, and purposely do it in order to keep wages low -- those same racist white folks make excuses for those employers, even scoff at the idea of punishing those employers with the same passion they want to see those coloreds what happens? Those wages remain stagnant and those illegals they hate so much keeps getting hired by the same people who pays folks like Rush and Laura to tell you to keep blaming the coloreds..

I disagree with you on this one. I've debated many an anti-immigrant white here. They want employers to pay out fantastic amounts of money on fines for hiring these so - called "illegals" as they insist on calling them. They would charge the employers with federal felonies for hiring a foreigner who commits the infraction of improper entry, a civil misdemeanor. It makes no sense.

If you want a job in America you can find one. But, if you aren't rich and can't manipulate the system, it don't make a rat's rear what color you are, your butt is going down. Give the whites a little rope however. They are more than willing to capitulate and give their heritage away.
I said go after those who hire illegals with the same passion they want those brown people to be punished.....paying fines (which doesn't happen much) isn't deterring illegals from being hired...The Trump organization had a long held practice of knowingly hiring illegals, they have ZERO fear of paying any fines...

Talk to me when those so-called anti--illegal folks start demanding employers to face jail time, until then -- this is nothing but a distraction to appease a person's need to hate someone different from what they are...always have been...

The anti-immigrant people want to fine employers, but the fact is even with that, big corporations aren't affected by those fines. It is the mom and pop businesses that are paying because white people don't want to work. If whites want the jobs, they should apply for them or STFU.

IM2 is a PITA, but whites don't have a handle on the things they are wrong about. It leads them to follow the wrong solutions.

Don't get me wrong. I've already done one post that began to explore the fact that America was founded by white Christians for their benefit. I see NOTHING wrong with it. Society does not condemn China, Japan, North Korea - or even Zimbabwe (which is 99.7 percent black) for having a country specific to their culture.

OTOH, you can still treat people with dignity and respect even if you don't believe in things like inter-racial marriages, having foreigners as citizens, or putting them into positions of power over you. Today, due to the frauds and phonies, the white man has no concept of what the Constitution really means; they cannot treat people fairly without thinking that means to destroy white culture in order to appease the black people and whites refuse to respect that segment of society that wants to simply separate and not be forced into a multicultural society.

IM2 and his ilk are able to capitalize on the chaotic and divisive nature of whites. Those trying to unite whites have likened it as to trying to herd cats. This country was founded by white Christians for their benefit - to have their own unique culture and the blacks like IM2 will never allow that to happen. You must join him and the NEW WORLD ORDER / One World Government / One Race / One Religion utopia as envisioned by the globalists (which inevitably includes the subtle, but total genocide of whites) OR you must stand on the principles upon which this Republic rests.

This nation was not founded by or for whites since non white people were already here. Your stormfront nonsense is exactly that. You have unique white cultures all over Europe so move over there and live in one.

If you look into most of the nations on this earth, people take the country by Right of Conquest. That was recognized in International Law until just after (or around) WWII. Sorry, dude. It was taken "legally" at that time.

Today we are governed by a Constitution that was intended to protect the posterity of the founders perpetually. You and I both know that the Blacks in America will not rest until the last vestiges of that people are relegated to the pages of history.
Porter Rockwell is spouting some false conclusion. Who is making out this conquered rebellion, you're thinking of Jamaica, probably in one generation threw off the Brit plantation system. No this is America, and in America, we took a lowly 300,000 a 3% total of slave atlantic trade, misled and brought up that population systematically for what America wanted, and now you're really making some crazy Buffalo Soldier nonsense. Everybody Liked to call me the Founding Father's peoples ,I mean the spoiled southern whiteman, hilarious. ya we're dead alrighty.
I’m tired of reading, hearing or watching whites and others talking this bullshit. What is a victim folk? Does anyone know? Where did we get this idea that blacks who are protesting, complaining, or actively fighting racism are pretending to be victims of something ?

Where did this stump stupid shit come from? I say it started when the Reagan administration decided to get rid of the fairness doctrine. Suddenly you had all manner of loud mouth radio talk show idiots making fact less comments. I am going to talk about somebody here and it is not going to be complimentary. The first person I ever heard talking this way was some fat white boy from Missouri. I was in my 20’s and suddenly 30 years ago I started hearing of this fat white slob on the radio talking about blacks playing race cards, race hustling, and playing the victim. Like we are pretending there is racism just to feel persecuted. As the years have gone by, I ask who ordained this tub of lard permission to be arbiter of public opinion? I was going to start off on his lack of education, but I won't. But this slob has been allowed to influence a couple of generations of whites with his race baiting and he needs to be taken off the airwaves.

In my view this slob is worthless. All he’s good for is the big turkey leg and an extra scoop of dressing and gravy at the holiday dinner. I’m sure he knows nothing about sweet potato pie since that’s what blacks eat. This vat of fryer grease preaches his racist mumbo jumbo day in and day out. He’s done it for years now. If the stay puff marshmallow was the only one saying this, no problem. But this pork belly got millions of people to buy into his message and when you examine his message you want to tell Jabba the Hut to go find a buffet, play Mr. Creosote and eat that last wafer thin mint. The lunacy of his argument is apparent and what has been just as apparent is that we must be a nation of dunce caps to have allowed this stupid white can of crisco to become tertiary or de facto leader of one of our major political parties. Yes, I’m talking about Rush Limbaugh. He hasn’t gotten any skinnier either. But look, the stupidity he birthed here in this country is so tough you got blacks repeating it to other blacks as well as other stupid nonwhite wannabes.

We have people running around telling us black folks that we are always looking for racism. Now think about this for a minute. Blacks who want to get rid of racism are spending all their days going around looking for racism so we can stay upset, mad and stressed out. How stupid is that? There are some whites who have told me that I wake up only to go looking for racism. This kind of thinking strains the definition of sanity. So I wake up every morning, drink my coffee, then leave home to begin my daily search for a reason to be miserable, unhappy and angry. It is enough to make a person commit an act of violence when some whites, or stupid nonwhites dare speak this foolishness.

I would rather pass by the amusement park just to go find that Klan rally. I would rather sell my ticket to a pro football game to go find a Richard Spencer seminar. I would rather by pass a date with a beautiful woman to go watch a Jared Taylor lecture. If I have a job, I will clock in and spend my day looking for examples of ways to be insulted by race so I can spend all day long mad and miserable.

I’m accusing the company of racism because they give me pencils with black lead, or provide black pens to write with. If I am having a conversation with someone white I just can’t wait to hear them say something racist, so I can have hurt feelings and anger that I must hold inside of me for the rest of the day until I can get home. When I watch TV, instead of being entertained, I watch TV only to look for examples of racism so I can stay angry and bitter towards all whites.

If I go to a cajun restaurant, I will order the blackened fish on purpose so I can scream how the restaurant is a racist establishment so I can leave hungry and mad. I think black ice is a racist designation for ice, so I am mad at the weather person for making racist comments. This is the incredibly stupid garbage some people came to believe by listening to the skipper on gilligans island radio talk show. This level of stupidity must be unprecedented in modern times. Or perhaps it is not but the advent of so many ways to communicate has allowed the crazy that was once hidden at home to get out into the open.

Missouri Fats is the one who invented the card. Jennifer Garner, Howie Long and Samuel Jackson do not advertise for this card. But Fatty Arbuckle, Sean Hannity, dumb blacks like Kevin Jackson, some idiots on you tube, Dinesh D’ Souza, and others advertise for this card company. The company is called race and they have a card that these people imagine provides extra rights and privileges to those holding the card. I remember this white dude telling me how I was playing a race card as I was describing polices initiated by whites that created damage in the black community that people face today. This idiot wanted to lecture me on all this free stuff we blacks get because we have this card. Now as I am black, I asked him to provide me the website and address to the free black stuff administration. I’m still waiting.

What if you are wrong?

I'm not wrong.

What if you are?

In 3 hours I will have lived 58 years as a black man. I know what I am saying is right and I will not be questioned by someone white who thinks they can challenge my comments with no life experience as a person of color but with an opinion which is based on a false sense of racial symmetry.

You won't be questioned? Why do you even come on a message board then? If you post here you WILL be questioned! It's the way the whole thing works!

Bottom line is have life does everyone else!
If they don’t give you a seat at the table, bring a folding chair.”

Shirley Chisolm

I don’t know what gets into the minds of some white people. But when it goes there, they need to think real hard about ways to get rid of it. What I am talking about is how whites keep telling us that every time we talk about race that we are the ones who are not solving anything but are creating more division and that we need to address the issue in some other way. Then as usual the white person tries instructing us in how we should talk and communicate when we discuss this issue.

Well to whites like this I can only say 9 words. I DON’T GIVE A DAMN IF WHITES GET MAD! I have found out that in life there comes a time when one must suck it up and face the truth. In America it is time to for this to happen on the matter of race. We listened to whites tell us how this can be done and we have listened for over 2 centuries. The white prescription to solve racism has not worked. In fact what whites did was suggest only ways they would be able to continue practicing racism in another way.

At this point I am going to deliver you a message from the black community in America. Our PhD’s, community leaders, pastors and those at the top have been trying to speak to you nicely about this since America started. This is from those of us who don’t have impressive credentials, but those of us who work minimum wage jobs, the 50 year old dishwasher, the 42 year old mother working the counter at McDonalds, the black construction worker, the custodian, the CNA, the kitchen worker, all the people that certain whites don’t pay attention to. At this point in American history the time has come for whites to listen.

For years, a segment of your population has listened to fruitcakes and nut jobs like Limbaugh, Hannity, O’Reilly, Levin, Elders, Peterson and others who have decided to tell you lies about blacks that you chose to believe. In the case of Elders, Sowell, Peterson and their ilk, sell out for a nice comfortable life. It’s the same story you have told yourselves for 400 years of how we were lazy and needed civilization, that somehow our culture is wrong and that we need to be taught how to live right from whites. That we should do things as whites have. If this is what you call white civility, I want none of it.

Most of our decendents came here as slaves. It doesn’t matter how many Africans sold their enemies. They sold them to whites. It doesn’t matter how many Africans sold their enemies to whites because whites made slavery legal here in America. It doesn’t matter that 10,000 years ago slavery began anywhere when you whites start crying about who the hell you did not own. It does not matter if blacks owned slaves in America, because blacks did not enact the laws to make slavery legal. Anthony Johnson was not the first slave owner in America because slavery had existed here on this land mass from the 1500’s and if you want to get specific about the American colony, a guy named Hugh Gywnn in Virginia owned the first slave 15 years before Johnson and he was white.

The Irish were NEVER slaves here and indentured servitude was a contractual agreement whereby for the payment of passage to America whites from Europe would agree to work for specified period of time for those who paid their passage. That is not slavery. Not all whites lived here in flowery beds of ease, but nothing compares to what we blacks endured, what the Native American endured, or what the Asians endured either. Whites who were ethnically oppressed became white suddenly and joined in on the oppression of non whites. This is the reality whites don’t seem to realize we know. Certain whites have chosen to listen to a bunch of racist idiots and ignorant blacks with titles pimp them into racial victimization because they wanted to. But you see, they lied to you.
“It’s a very particular performance I’m seeing more and more of, and it’s always the same: the Defensive White Guy makes a racist or misogynistic statement, is called out for it, then immediately begins claiming he’s the victim, either in the discussion, in American culture, or both. He claims that he is not racist or sexist. He labels any oppositional commentary, no matter how bland, as an attack, often conflating the commenter with entire groups, such as “liberals,” “feminists,” or “SJWs.” Often he will double down on the original racist/misogynistic statement by posting more of the same, even while claiming not to be racist or sexist. His attacks are filled with horrible insults. He claims perfect entitlement to the usage of those terms because he is being “attacked,” or because the people who disagree with him “deserve” it."

From: The White Guy Problem

The white record of continuing racism, is a sign of weakness as a race and is a show of immoral character. There are whites who know how to end it and work to do so. They are ostracized by other whites, accused of teaching people to hate whites, of teaching whites to hate themselves, of forcing whites to feel guilty about things they did not do even as they continue doing them and all manner of things. This claim that teaching whites not to be racist is anti white is pathetic and immoral. You can call what I say what you want. As I get older I don't concern myself with these simple minded, not thought out, childish opinions.

“Aggrieved whiteness is a white identity politics aimed at maintaining white socio-political hegemony through challenging efforts to combat actual material racial inequality, while supporting heavily racialized investments in policing, prisons, and the military, and positing a narrative of antiwhite racial oppression loosely rooted in an assortment of racialized threats.”

Mike King

Aggrieved whiteness is most definitively a trait shown mainly by conservative white men. They have problems reconciling how people are holding them accountable for the creation and maintenance of a system here in America and most of the world that has benefitted many of them by the exploitation of others. There was an op ed written in the July 3, 2017 edition of the Boston Globe entitled, “In Defense of the White Male,” By Roland Merullo. In this article we see the most common use of the white avoidance we often experience when we talk about racism. Here the author suggests that white males have done no more or less evil than anyone else. He then points out specific examples of non whites who committed dastardly wrongs. He brings up names such as Idi Amin, Pol Pot, Baby Doc Duvalier and Hirohito.

The problems with his thinking on this is not the fact these were evil men. They most certainly were. However in any discussion of racism by whites, and specifically by white males, no one has contended that non whites are sinless. The second problem lies in his refusal to recognize the political conditions that allowed for these many of these men to gain power. For example, he mentions Idi Amin. Nobody sane is going to excuse what Amin did, but where the writer fails is in his recognition of how Amin eventually was able to come to power in Uganda.

When you look at Uganda, you see a nation that had been self governed for centuries until the British decided they had the divine right to rule in Africa. In 1894 the British decided they would make Uganda a British protectorate. It was accomplished with the Buganda agreement signed by a man named Sir Apolo Kagwa which gave him and his chiefs most of the power in Uganda. The King of Uganda was an infant at the time of signing and had no say in this agreement. The mere existence of that King signifies a line of succession that shows us Uganda was a sovereign nation governed by a king. They had been so for at least 800 years before the Buganda Agreement.

So from 1894 until 1962, a span of 68 years, Britain colonized a nation that had existed for 800 years. Out of this colonization came division. In 1962 Uganda gained it’s independence and established a constitution. In 1962 the Ugandas Peoples Republic was voted into power and a man named Milton Obote becomes the President. One of Obotes buddies was named Idi Amin. In 1966 Obote did away with the 1962 constitution. Obote remained in power until 1971 when he was overthrown in a military coup by Amin. The rest is well known fact.

These major events were ignored by the author of this article so he could cry about the persecution of white men. Never mind that we don’t seem to have any record of non whites colonizing a nation of whites, he wants to tell us that white men have done no worse than Idi Amin and since Amin is not white why do white males get this anger? However had it not been for the colonization of Uganda instead of allowing Uganda to govern itself as it had been doing for the 800 years before the British decided they had the right to control that country, it is very possible there would have been no rule by Idi Amin.

It is this kind of amnesia that has allowed whites to come to this position of white fragility. Our media does story after story on the atrocities committed by those like Amin, but they do not delve into much depth as to how they were able to gain power. Much sadder in this victim playing is that the author wants to mention what some nonwhites have done in other nations while the issue is a system of white supremacy created, enforced and now maintained primarily by white males in America. Merillos racial comfort is disturbed by the criticism of what white men have done. His article is written from defensiveness. Mr. Merillo provides a classic example of white fragility and how it manifests itself in our national discourse.
im more interested in what is 'Korean-meeting'. I was in a Korean grocery, it was right in the middle of the store, the owner lady met her friends ,everybody's Korean, everybody was nice to me, they were serving in store tea or kimchi maybe, but then the one English speaking guy was like Get Out or, I was like I Buy something. So hey if you know white people before you enter the white-only store i'll let you shop like normal.
This country was founded by white Christians for their benefit - to have their own unique culture and the blacks like IM2 will never allow that to happen. You must join him and the NEW WORLD ORDER / One World Government / One Race / One Religion utopia as envisioned by the globalists (which inevitably includes the subtle, but total genocide of whites) OR you must stand on the principles upon which this Republic rests.
Then why didn't they keep it white? Because my understanding of history doesn't indicate that black folks stumbled across America and decided to settle in and stay, no the majority were brought here in chains.

So if they wanted a white society then why didn't they keep it white? More importantly why did they bother to pen the words "“We hold these Truths to be self-evident, that all Men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness". Major contradictions here.

You just read my post, but not the links, didn't you? You want a bumper sticker sized answer for a complex issue.

The history of America stays in a state of flux. Loyalties change; the people change their views. In this instance, America changed because various political and religious ideologies changed.

Roughly 99 out of every 100 Americans are clueless as to what I'm going to say to you. Most, if any, will not understand this. We've been programmed not to consider it. But let us take a look:

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness." (an excerpt from the Declaration of Independence)

On the surface, it appears that what the colonists wrote in the Declaration of Independence and what the Constitution says is contradictory. Really, it isn't.

Thomas Jefferson, who wrote the Declaration of Independence would have been the best man to ask as to what those words mean. Obviously, he believed in unalienable Rights. During Jefferson's life, miscegenation was frowned upon where it was not outright outlawed. Despite the fact that non-whites could not become citizens, people from every nation on the globe came here. There was no effort to keep them out. And, if you think about it, our entertainment, as a nation, is a reflection of what we tolerate.

So, when I was growing up, it wasn't unusual to see a kid named Rusty who might have been 10 years old with his rifle in the series Rin Tin Tin. A 10 year old with a gun? Times changed, didn't they. Then there was the The Cisco Kid, the first American series to be filmed in color. It was about a couple of Mexican desperados who were more of the Robin Hood types. America thought nothing of two Mexicans toting sidearms in the American west.

What I'm telling you is that Americans have lost the ability to put race into its proper context. ALL of us have unalienable Rights. Most Americans don't believe in them. The left thinks you can have a popularity vote and eliminate them; the right has this idiotic notion that only "legal" (as they love to call it) citizens possess unalienable Rights. FEW on either side even know what the Hell an unalienable Right is. They are Rights you were born with that God (whomever you think God is) gave you at birth and no amount of legislation by man can take them away in a free society.

Far too many people confuse unalienable Rights with citizenship. The reality is, the majority of Americans wanted to keep America white. That can be read about in the United States Supreme Court decision Dred Scott v Sanford in 1857

Dred Scott v. Sandford, 60 U.S. 393, 15 L. Ed. 691, 19 How. 393, 1856 U.S. LEXIS 472 –

Americans did not want to give citizenship to the Blacks. The 14th Amendment was illegally ratified. We've been fighting ever since.

Unalienable Rights and citizenship are two separate issues - and we can delve into it. If you read my posts and READ THE LINKS, you will find the real answer.
somebody needs to sing, 'there are many ways to say I love you', like not inseminating in the swimming pool... on the fred rogers show like my friend Francois Clemons. then he sings, 'swing low sweet chariot'. he's my black friend, point ,stare. The important thing is Presbyterian theology. we's all froms that one happy place.
Porter Rockwell is spouting some false conclusion. Who is making out this conquered rebellion, you're thinking of Jamaica, probably in one generation threw off the Brit plantation system. No this is America, and in America, we took a lowly 300,000 a 3% total of slave atlantic trade, misled and brought up that population systematically for what America wanted, and now you're really making some crazy Buffalo Soldier nonsense. Everybody Liked to call me the Founding Father's peoples ,I mean the spoiled southern whiteman, hilarious. ya we're dead alrighty.

False conclusion? Your ignorance of history means that you should take the time to heed this admonition from the Bible:

"He that answereth a matter before he heareth it, it is folly and shame unto him." Proverbs 18: 13

My "conclusion" hasn't been made, but my argument started being made in post # 82 IF you have the intestinal fortitude to read it and check the links.
I will see white men in the news maybe, perhaps???

Here is what I won't see......I won't see white folk all over the country having to explain why this guy was planning on committing another act of domestic terrorism...

In fact, you folks can simply write him off as a lone wolf nut job, nothing indicative of a larger segment of white folks in general....but if he was muslim or black? No, he wouldn't be considered mentally ill or a lone wolf....

Here is something else I won't see....I won't see the parents of white children having to worry about if it is safe or not for their 12 yr old to play in the park with a toy gun for fear he will be shot dead by the police....However, when this child was murdered by the police, it was cheered...because after all, he is a black kid, they deserve it...

And before you fix your mouth to say "that isn't true" -- then tell me what was this 12 yr old's name? and tell me why still to this day he is still treated as a thug?

Meanwhile this grown ass man can murder 9 people in a church and be referred to as a trouble kid...that is what I see when I google "white men in the news" -- what do you see?

If you had actually done as I asked you would see that 9 times out of 10 when the news media references the phrase "white men" it is a negative story which invalidates everything you just said about white people not being held to account for the actions of individuals that they had nothing to do with. Conversely if you google "black men" you will see few mentions of the crimes they perpetrate and the people they kill, instead you will see a laundry list of black men who are supposedly victims including Tamir rice who according to you has been forgotten and swept under the rug. You are full of shit.


It's not bullshit. The media is constantly pandering to women, gays and so called "People of color" while white men get thrown under the bus. Just look at the recent coverage of the Oscars.
I will see white men in the news maybe, perhaps???

Here is what I won't see......I won't see white folk all over the country having to explain why this guy was planning on committing another act of domestic terrorism...

In fact, you folks can simply write him off as a lone wolf nut job, nothing indicative of a larger segment of white folks in general....but if he was muslim or black? No, he wouldn't be considered mentally ill or a lone wolf....

Here is something else I won't see....I won't see the parents of white children having to worry about if it is safe or not for their 12 yr old to play in the park with a toy gun for fear he will be shot dead by the police....However, when this child was murdered by the police, it was cheered...because after all, he is a black kid, they deserve it...

And before you fix your mouth to say "that isn't true" -- then tell me what was this 12 yr old's name? and tell me why still to this day he is still treated as a thug?

Meanwhile this grown ass man can murder 9 people in a church and be referred to as a trouble kid...that is what I see when I google "white men in the news" -- what do you see?

If you had actually done as I asked you would see that 9 times out of 10 when the news media references the phrase "white men" it is a negative story which invalidates everything you just said about white people not being held to account for the actions of individuals that they had nothing to do with. Conversely if you google "black men" you will see few mentions of the crimes they perpetrate and the people they kill, instead you will see a laundry list of black men who are supposedly victims including Tamir rice who according to you has been forgotten and swept under the rug. You are full of shit.


It's not bullshit. The media is constantly pandering to women, gays and so called "People of color" while white men get thrown under the bus. Just look at the recent coverage of the Oscars.

It is bullshit. The media is owned by white men.
I’m tired of reading, hearing or watching whites and others talking this bullshit. What is a victim folk? Does anyone know? Where did we get this idea that blacks who are protesting, complaining, or actively fighting racism are pretending to be victims of something ?

Where did this stump stupid shit come from? I say it started when the Reagan administration decided to get rid of the fairness doctrine. Suddenly you had all manner of loud mouth radio talk show idiots making fact less comments. I am going to talk about somebody here and it is not going to be complimentary. The first person I ever heard talking this way was some fat white boy from Missouri. I was in my 20’s and suddenly 30 years ago I started hearing of this fat white slob on the radio talking about blacks playing race cards, race hustling, and playing the victim. Like we are pretending there is racism just to feel persecuted. As the years have gone by, I ask who ordained this tub of lard permission to be arbiter of public opinion? I was going to start off on his lack of education, but I won't. But this slob has been allowed to influence a couple of generations of whites with his race baiting and he needs to be taken off the airwaves.

In my view this slob is worthless. All he’s good for is the big turkey leg and an extra scoop of dressing and gravy at the holiday dinner. I’m sure he knows nothing about sweet potato pie since that’s what blacks eat. This vat of fryer grease preaches his racist mumbo jumbo day in and day out. He’s done it for years now. If the stay puff marshmallow was the only one saying this, no problem. But this pork belly got millions of people to buy into his message and when you examine his message you want to tell Jabba the Hut to go find a buffet, play Mr. Creosote and eat that last wafer thin mint. The lunacy of his argument is apparent and what has been just as apparent is that we must be a nation of dunce caps to have allowed this stupid white can of crisco to become tertiary or de facto leader of one of our major political parties. Yes, I’m talking about Rush Limbaugh. He hasn’t gotten any skinnier either. But look, the stupidity he birthed here in this country is so tough you got blacks repeating it to other blacks as well as other stupid nonwhite wannabes.

We have people running around telling us black folks that we are always looking for racism. Now think about this for a minute. Blacks who want to get rid of racism are spending all their days going around looking for racism so we can stay upset, mad and stressed out. How stupid is that? There are some whites who have told me that I wake up only to go looking for racism. This kind of thinking strains the definition of sanity. So I wake up every morning, drink my coffee, then leave home to begin my daily search for a reason to be miserable, unhappy and angry. It is enough to make a person commit an act of violence when some whites, or stupid nonwhites dare speak this foolishness.

I would rather pass by the amusement park just to go find that Klan rally. I would rather sell my ticket to a pro football game to go find a Richard Spencer seminar. I would rather by pass a date with a beautiful woman to go watch a Jared Taylor lecture. If I have a job, I will clock in and spend my day looking for examples of ways to be insulted by race so I can spend all day long mad and miserable.

I’m accusing the company of racism because they give me pencils with black lead, or provide black pens to write with. If I am having a conversation with someone white I just can’t wait to hear them say something racist, so I can have hurt feelings and anger that I must hold inside of me for the rest of the day until I can get home. When I watch TV, instead of being entertained, I watch TV only to look for examples of racism so I can stay angry and bitter towards all whites.

If I go to a cajun restaurant, I will order the blackened fish on purpose so I can scream how the restaurant is a racist establishment so I can leave hungry and mad. I think black ice is a racist designation for ice, so I am mad at the weather person for making racist comments. This is the incredibly stupid garbage some people came to believe by listening to the skipper on gilligans island radio talk show. This level of stupidity must be unprecedented in modern times. Or perhaps it is not but the advent of so many ways to communicate has allowed the crazy that was once hidden at home to get out into the open.

Missouri Fats is the one who invented the card. Jennifer Garner, Howie Long and Samuel Jackson do not advertise for this card. But Fatty Arbuckle, Sean Hannity, dumb blacks like Kevin Jackson, some idiots on you tube, Dinesh D’ Souza, and others advertise for this card company. The company is called race and they have a card that these people imagine provides extra rights and privileges to those holding the card. I remember this white dude telling me how I was playing a race card as I was describing polices initiated by whites that created damage in the black community that people face today. This idiot wanted to lecture me on all this free stuff we blacks get because we have this card. Now as I am black, I asked him to provide me the website and address to the free black stuff administration. I’m still waiting.

What if you are wrong?

I'm not wrong.

What if you are?

In 3 hours I will have lived 58 years as a black man. I know what I am saying is right and I will not be questioned by someone white who thinks they can challenge my comments with no life experience as a person of color but with an opinion which is based on a false sense of racial symmetry.

You won't be questioned? Why do you even come on a message board then? If you post here you WILL be questioned! It's the way the whole thing works!

Bottom line is have life does everyone else!

I won't be told by a bunch of whites that what I live through doesn't happen. Your life experiences include ZERO amount of time as a person of color and I will not be questioned by whites who want to deny things.

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