This is what the elite democrats want for women. Woman who had RU 486 abortion describes it

I'm sure I did. So did the fetus that miscarried between my two older sisters. But I don't consider them to be real people, either.
you're probably right. Only YOU are real...


nobody else's rights matter, just yours
you're probably right. Only YOU are real...


nobody else's rights matter, just yours
If you guys showed as much concern about poor children around the world than imaginary fetuses, you might have credibility.

It's never been about the children, it's been about women telling you that you aren't the boss of them.
If you guys showed as much concern about poor children around the world than imaginary fetuses, you might have credibility.

It's never been about the children, it's been about women telling you that you aren't the boss of them.

Keep justifying murder

See how far that gets you when you meet the Big Man (after death)

Keep justifying murder

See how far that gets you when you meet the Big Man (after death)
You are a coward. If you think kids are being murdered and you are doing nothing about it there is no other argument.
You are a coward. If you think kids are being murdered and you are doing nothing about it there is no other argument.
No children are murdered in an abortion. Developing human beings are killed but it's legal. Therefore not murder. Like killing a slave in 1850.
Even if "God killed more fetuses than anyone" or whatever the baby murderer-supporter said...

He is God

If he wanted all "fetuses" dead, he would kill them all

If some miscarry, I guess that means that is God's will...
RU-486 has been proven clinically safe for women for decades, this isn't even an issue.

If you nutters insist on trying to take away a woman's right to choose, you are pretty much giving Biden a second term.
Along with that comes a continuing declining nation with more and more people depending on government for checks and benefits and other ways of surviving. We will not survive another depression like the 1930's. To many shallow people who are owed even with all of this social brotherhood training. A growing percentage of Prog voters' support Islam now. The support for Israel from the Progs most likely waning as the new reality slowly takes place.
I am trying to humanize clumps. Would I be welcome in a support group of parents who have lost children? I mean… lets face it… at 6 weeks pregnant we have a full person that can be murdered and i lost two of them in separate toilet flushes. Citygator: Father of 4 including two who passed at negative 33 weeks old.

If you can't see the difference between a natural miscarriage, where they was probably something badly wrong with the fetus making it likely non-viable anyway, and the making of a choice to get rid of a healthy fetus "because I don't want it", then you can't be part of a rational discussion on the topic.
If you can't see the difference between a natural miscarriage, where they was probably something badly wrong with the fetus making it likely non-viable anyway, and the making of a choice to get rid of a healthy fetus "because I don't want it", then you can't be part of a rational discussion on the topic.

very well said :)

I tend to think God takes some lives early bc He knows they cannot withstand all the evil in the world... But that's just a thought, can't prove it... and obviously he doesn't always take... t he Hitlers of the world...
you sounded like a pro abortion person.. unless there was sarcasm there
I am a realist. The facts are what the facts are. It is an inability to accept reality that causes controversy. An unborn human being is still a human being. Unborn dogs are canine. Unborn cats are feline. Everyone understands that. It's just people they want to deny existence. Abortion is not murder because it is a lawful killing. The only correct answer is that it is a human being and you're okay with killing it. Not hide behind nonsense like it's not human. Or, even worse, it's not alive.
I am a realist. The facts are what the facts are. It is an inability to accept reality that causes controversy. An unborn human being is still a human being. Unborn dogs are canine. Unborn cats are feline. Everyone understands that. It's just people they want to deny existence. Abortion is not murder because it is a lawful killing. The only correct answer is that it is a human being and you're okay with killing it. Not hide behind nonsense like it's not human. Or, even worse, it's not alive.
Things are not right or wrong based simply on whether they are legal or not.

In God's eyes, it is MURDER

and His "opinion" is the only one that matters
I am a realist. The facts are what the facts are. It is an inability to accept reality that causes controversy. An unborn human being is still a human being. Unborn dogs are canine. Unborn cats are feline. Everyone understands that. It's just people they want to deny existence. Abortion is not murder because it is a lawful killing. The only correct answer is that it is a human being and you're okay with killing it. Not hide behind nonsense like it's not human. Or, even worse, it's not alive.

Exactly. I have an internal conflict in this issue, my sense of morality when it comes to innocent life, vs. my belief in as little government as possible. To me that line draws at about the 1st trimester for birth control abortions.
it's like anything else.. As times goes by, more information is gathered so that people can make intelligent .. hate the word but.. choices.

And once you realize, as the woman in OP did, that it really is not just a clump of cells, well...

only psycho women who don't care about the lives of others push for abortion on demand

Funny. As "time goes by" more information is gathered about cancer and many other diseases and medical problems.

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