This is Why, Despite Everything Else, I am Willing to Vote for Bernie Sanders.

And the OP?? The problem ain't the money honey.. It's the POWER that Congress has usurped from the Constitution to meddle and hold influence over the markets. In THAT environment -- you can't do business without patronage to the "lawmakers".. Remove the power they have over determining what "green peas" look like in the supermarket and the problem goes away.. OBVIOUSLY -- if you MORE POWER to govt (the Bernie way) -- the problem gets astronomically worse..

No, it is the corporate money that is turning our Congress from an institution of power that at one time had the highest authority in our country, to one that only rubber stamps the POTUS requests and distributes pork. You cannot separate the two things.

The final ridiculousness was Speaker Beohner going to the courts to reign in Obama's EO; Congress outranks the courts and has all the powers of a court, and if the courts are making decisions the Congress doesnt like, the Congress canimpeach and replace the judges till it gets the kind of judgement it wants from them.

It is all right their in the Constitution, dude.

The GOP has SOLD our government to the corporations while we were too busy watching sports and working on getting our beer bellies.

So, your solution is to give the government ALL the power?

No, that is not part of 'democratic socialism', you are thinking of Marxism and that is a totally different animal.

It's all socialism.

Scandinavia isn't a socialist success story, either.
Everywhere Socialism has been instituted, it has failed.
Another unsupported talking point.

I gave you three examples where it did in fact work; Bismarks Germany, FDRs USA and the first century Roman Empire Christian Church.

Where did they fail?

Soviet Union

Should I continue?
That does not show me where Bismark's Germany, FDR's USA or the first century church failed.

Where did those three fail?

Ever hear of The Great Depression? How long did it last, under socialist policies?

Of course I heard of the Great Depression but it was not started under socialism, quite the opposite.

And that has nothing to do with the other two examples I gave you anyway; what about the first century church and Bismark's Germany?
And the OP?? The problem ain't the money honey.. It's the POWER that Congress has usurped from the Constitution to meddle and hold influence over the markets. In THAT environment -- you can't do business without patronage to the "lawmakers".. Remove the power they have over determining what "green peas" look like in the supermarket and the problem goes away.. OBVIOUSLY -- if you MORE POWER to govt (the Bernie way) -- the problem gets astronomically worse..

No, it is the corporate money that is turning our Congress from an institution of power that at one time had the highest authority in our country, to one that only rubber stamps the POTUS requests and distributes pork. You cannot separate the two things.

The final ridiculousness was Speaker Beohner going to the courts to reign in Obama's EO; Congress outranks the courts and has all the powers of a court, and if the courts are making decisions the Congress doesnt like, the Congress canimpeach and replace the judges till it gets the kind of judgement it wants from them.

It is all right their in the Constitution, dude.

The GOP has SOLD our government to the corporations while we were too busy watching sports and working on getting our beer bellies.

Nope.. It's NOT the GOP. The corporate welfare flows from both sides. But it's all phrased as technology incentives or Green subsidies or export development. These are NOT valid uses of government power.. And it's a feeding trough that NOBODY likes. BOTH parties are the problem there. I'm defending free markets here -- but I ABHOR corporate handouts. Want to END THEM?? Vote for folks who don't WANT MORE FEDERAL POWER... Vote for folks who actually believe in Constitutional limits of Federal involvement..

I hear you, but the I said the GOP sold the government to the corporations not that they were the ONLY ONES doing it.

Not silly old idealogues who want to control MORE aspects of the market and your economic choices. You'll NEVER stop the cycle of influence and power with MORE power to meddle in the markets. You'll just CONCENTRATE the markets into cartels and ginormous monopolies who can AFFORD to pay the ransom..

Yeah, well that sounds nice and all BUT I GOTTA EAT TILL THEN, so it aint happening since I cant eat Beltway conservative promises to do what they have not yet ever done for the USA middle class; and that is to KEEP THOSE DAMNED PROMISES. EVER. PERIOD.

If you try to survive on promises of government created utopias, you'll starve to death.
Lemme explain how this "stealing" and influence peddling actually works.

You are busting butt to offer a purer, higher quality chicken patty. And you're getting killed by the Jolly Green Giant
because the Dept of Ag has ALLOWED that "white meat chicken" may contain up to 10% dark meat and include certain amounts of fillers. Where the fuck did THAT come from? The Giant can sell that "all white meat chicken" for less than it takes you to make yours.. Well -- the Jolly Giant -- went to Washington and helped WRITE the specification for "White Meat Chicken".. ...................... and that's NOT a POWER issue on the part of Big Govt? It's certainly not a "money issue" because the power would still be there if the money were banned. INSTEAD -- there would simply be "other forms of payment" arranged -- like controls on your wages and prices or employment numbers or vacation policies (ala Bernie the Socialist)..

Same deal with "organic" content or the size of "frozen green peas".. The power is there to STEAL. and use against your competition. It is better left in the hands of INDEPENDENT evaluators to CERTIFY these things. That way -- you can FIRE them or ignore them if they are not honest..
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If you try to survive on promises of government created utopias, you'll starve to death.

Not sure what reality you are talking about, but I have had unemployment and disability and they put food on the table till I could find another job.
Everywhere Socialism has been instituted, it has failed.
Another unsupported talking point.

I gave you three examples where it did in fact work; Bismarks Germany, FDRs USA and the first century Roman Empire Christian Church.

Where did they fail?

Soviet Union

Should I continue?
That does not show me where Bismark's Germany, FDR's USA or the first century church failed.

Where did those three fail?

Ever hear of The Great Depression? How long did it last, under socialist policies?

Of course I heard of the Great Depression but it was not started under socialism, quite the opposite.

And that has nothing to do with the other two examples I gave you anyway; what about the first century church and Bismark's Germany?

Socialist policies prolonged it. It wasn't until the socialist policies and 1 million working age makes were removed, that the economy recovered.
I feel the same way, lets all be poor together. Cruz wants to let more H1B visas in.

That is a direct lie.

I assume that over there in Iran you simply don't grasp that Cruz and Rubio are distinctly different candidates.

But what you claim is a lie. Cruz opposes the H1B rape of educated Americans.

The rest are owned by big money, and Sanders voted no to the Iraq War, and I can only hope he can keep us out of war with Iran.

You believe he will surrender to you?

Yes I realize Rubio was lying , I guess to put it more pilot would be stretching the truth, but yes they are both owned by rich jews who cater to Israel. Do away with the Epa, deny pollution, get rid of ACA, then start with Medicare and SS. Take money form the SS fund and give it to Israel and its neighbors to play nice with Israel. Take money from SS fund and Medicare and put it into the military and war. Time to end this rotten mess. We do not need to be the powerhouse of the globe, but we need to be a powerhouse onto ourselves and our society and infrastructure all is in need of dyer repair. The rich elites, if they want to live here and pay higher taxes fine, otherwise move to Africa.
Lemme explain how this "stealing" and influence peddling actually works.

You are busting butt to offer a purer, higher quality chicken patty. And you're getting killed by the Jolly Green Giant
because the Dept of Ag has ALLOWED that "white meat chicken" may contain up to 10% dark meat and include certain amounts of fillers. Where the fuck did THAT come from? The Giant can sell that "all white meat chicken" for less than it takes you to make yours.. Well -- the Jolly Giant -- went to Washington and helped WRITE the specification for "White Meat Chicken".. ...................... and that's NOT a POWER issue on the part of Big Govt?

Same deal with "organic" content or the size of "frozen green peas".. The power is there to STEAL. and use against your competition. It is better left in the hands of INDEPENDENT evaluators to CERTIFY these things. That way -- you can FIRE them or ignore them if they are not honest..
Not sure this was directed towards, but I agree with you here.

But in the IMMEDIATE FUTURE, many in the middle class need help and to end the guest worker programs, a form of corporate welfare that should be brought to a hard halt.
If you try to survive on promises of government created utopias, you'll starve to death.

Not sure what reality you are talking about, but I have had unemployment and disability and they put food on the table till I could find another job.

But, sooner, or later, the socialists are going to run out of other peoples's money. It's what happened in Greece.
Socialist policies prolonged it. It wasn't until the socialist policies and 1 million working age makes were removed, that the economy recovered.
Prove that socialist policies prolonged it.

My God, that is like saying that chemo prolongs cancer because it fails to completely rid the body of it fast enough.
Lemme explain how this "stealing" and influence peddling actually works.

You are busting butt to offer a purer, higher quality chicken patty. And you're getting killed by the Jolly Green Giant
because the Dept of Ag has ALLOWED that "white meat chicken" may contain up to 10% dark meat and include certain amounts of fillers. Where the fuck did THAT come from? The Giant can sell that "all white meat chicken" for less than it takes you to make yours.. Well -- the Jolly Giant -- went to Washington and helped WRITE the specification for "White Meat Chicken".. ...................... and that's NOT a POWER issue on the part of Big Govt?

Same deal with "organic" content or the size of "frozen green peas".. The power is there to STEAL. and use against your competition. It is better left in the hands of INDEPENDENT evaluators to CERTIFY these things. That way -- you can FIRE them or ignore them if they are not honest..
Not sure this was directed towards, but I agree with you here.

But in the IMMEDIATE FUTURE, many in the middle class need help and to end the guest worker programs, a form of corporate welfare that should be brought to a hard halt.

People need help, because of leftist government policies.
I have respect for Sanders. He doesn't lie, and he has no qualms about telling people what his ideology is. He is of course promoting a system that is a failed ideology and the antithesis to America, which is why he will therefore lose badly in a general if he's nominated.
Socialist policies prolonged it. It wasn't until the socialist policies and 1 million working age makes were removed, that the economy recovered.
Prove that socialist policies prolonged it.

My God, that is like saying that chemo prolongs cancer because it fails to completely rid the body of it fast enough.

Prove they didn't. Leftists swear up-n-down that WW2 ended the depression, not socialist policies.

How have socialist policies helped the stock market in recent years?
If you try to survive on promises of government created utopias, you'll starve to death.

Not sure what reality you are talking about, but I have had unemployment and disability and they put food on the table till I could find another job.

But, sooner, or later, the socialists are going to run out of other peoples's money. It's what happened in Greece.

The problems in Greece hadnothing to do with socialism.

Those problems were due to the subprime mortgage fiasco and the banks who had friends in the Greek government who thought that the banks could be 'backstopped'. The original problem was from deregulation and the end of Glass Steigal restrictions.

Inside Job (2010 film) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
I have respect for Sanders. He doesn't lie, and he has no qualms about telling people what his ideology is. He is of course promoting a system that is a failed ideology and the antithesis to America, which is why he will therefore lose badly in a general if he's nominated.

OK, how did socialism fail in Germany from Bismark to the present?

How did it fail under FDR to LBJ?

How did socialist practices fail the First Century Christian church?

No, I disagree.

Can you explain how taking people out of the work force helps an economy?

I know economic hardship can make people desperate. Sanders promises freebees which can be very appealing to someone out of work. But reality doesn't match what Sanders promises.

Bill Clinton promised tons of free shit to America as well, "ending 12 years of Reaganism" with a "more compassionate government." It never materialized. Clinton too was going to "rape the rich on behalf of the poor." And while he raped plenty of women, he didn't do shit for the poor. I'll give the old rapist credit for enacting some of his plans, he jacked the corporate tax rate up in hopes of looting the productive to bribe voters. But the result was that American corporations simply fled to foreign shores, taking jobs with them. When Sanders promises to rape the rich on your behalf, it is hyperbole that is used to get suckers to support him.

Sanders never offers specifics, he is a classical con artist, he appeals to the greed of people who want something for nothing, without ever detailing just how this will come about. He'll jack up corporate taxes even higher? We are already the highest in the world, that will just drive more corporation to Dubia or other havens.

The there is the elephant in the room; you are white. You will get nothing from the democrats other than a boot to the face. Your skin is your sin, you know full well that the party hates you and will do anything to crush you and every other white person in the nation. Racism is the foundation of the democrats, of Sanders. No white person will every get a fair shake from them.
Socialist policies prolonged it. It wasn't until the socialist policies and 1 million working age makes were removed, that the economy recovered.
Prove that socialist policies prolonged it.

My God, that is like saying that chemo prolongs cancer because it fails to completely rid the body of it fast enough.

Prove they didn't. Leftists swear up-n-down that WW2 ended the depression, not socialist policies.

How have socialist policies helped the stock market in recent years?

You mean other than putting trillions of US dollars into the stock market through QE? I think it saved those markets, though it likely created unseen deeper problems for the future to resolve, classic kicking the can down the road.

And I dont have to prove that your contention is false if you fail to provide any evidence FOR it to begin with. Where did FDR's economic policies fail?
Sorry but this situation is of your own making by supporting "Conservative"policies, refusing to share the American dream with American minorities, supporting segregation and racism.
Now you are in the same position that minorities have always had to deal with in this country, you wouldn't share the pie and voted for the people that have now taken the pie from you.
roflmao, you are a complete retard.

Even if I did somehow have some impact on such policies, which I have always voted against, none of that means I caused any of it.

My voting record did not cause me to have two slipped discs nor did it cause me to wind up with an incompetent doctor.

You may go back to chewing your crayons, dimwit.
Proof that you are in the position you are in...your post.

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