This is Why, Despite Everything Else, I am Willing to Vote for Bernie Sanders.

Socialism doesn't work. It never has. Bernie Sanders as president be one more step towards destroying the country.
What about
Socialism doesn't work. It never has. Bernie Sanders as president be one more step towards destroying the country.
Socialism, more or less, works in a lot of countries.

No it doesn't.

Market economies are capable of carrying a fair amount of social welfare. The welfare states of Europe have market economies with social welfare tacked on top. They are not socialist.
Socialism doesn't work. It never has. Bernie Sanders as president be one more step towards destroying the country.
What about
Socialism doesn't work. It never has. Bernie Sanders as president be one more step towards destroying the country.
Socialism, more or less, works in a lot of countries.
then why do they all want to come to the democratic US?
They don't. They're wondering why in hell the wealthiest country on Earth doesn't provide universal healthcare. They think we're backward rubes, and they're right.
Socialism doesn't work. It never has. Bernie Sanders as president be one more step towards destroying the country.
What about
Socialism doesn't work. It never has. Bernie Sanders as president be one more step towards destroying the country.
Socialism, more or less, works in a lot of countries.

No it doesn't.

Market economies are capable of carrying a fair amount of social welfare. The welfare states of Europe have market economies with social welfare tacked on top. They are not socialist.
This is interesting. You think Bernie Sanders wants to be more socialist than that? I'll have to look into that, especially since he actually just tied with Clinton in Iowa.
We have a political system that is broken, subverted by corporate money and that no longer listens to the American people. We have millions of American citizens looking for jobs and cant get any, while our politicians still let in hundreds of thousands of cheap foreign laborers that take our jobs and let currently hired Americans get fired and compelled to train their foreign replacements. This is in direct violation of what the guest worker programs were intended for and they are so heavily abused that I am in favor of simply dismantling those programs across the board until every American that wants a job can get one. Fuck the corporations that would rather hire some liar from Hyderabad and leave American veterans unemployed or even living on the streets homeless.

While more and more Americans were getting sloughed off the tally of 'employable Americans looking for work' so that Obama's Dhimmicrats could brag about lowering the Unemployment Rate, the feds were buying worthless securities from the major Wall Street banks that couldnt get rid of them. Oh yes, and the federal Reserve paid the Wall Street banks FACE VALUE for those equities. That is like me buying your old busted up truck that doesnt run anymore at the same price you bought it at brand new. That is the kind of thing only a crook would do as some sort of quid-pro-quo, not even the biggest idiot businessman would do something like that. And the total tally for this program, known as 'Quantitative Easing' was $4 TRILLION, that is right FOUR TRILLION US DOLLARS. The biggest robbery of the US government and this nation that it has ever seen.

My own experience that led me to think that I would put up with all of Sanders social issues fails is that these issues are not as important as my pocket book concerns because the GOP is not going to ever change any of this anyway. I worked from the day I turned 14 years old as a bus boy at a local restaurant and that does not include all the yards I mowed, garages I painted, fences I built prior to that. I love to work and a big slice of my self image has been built around my ability and readiness to get and hold a job.

But now I cannot get a job. I am 58 years old, I am coming off two years of disability, and I cannot even get an interview. Just called a former boss, who had given me several ataboys and a little statue, lol, to show their appreciation to me, and he has not yet returned my phone call. (Edit: he just called me about 30 minutes after I posted, lol) The glut of guest workers is so high that corporations do not have a single reason to give someone like me a shot at a job or even an interview.

So if this is how it is under corporate rule, I know I much prefer living under a barely functioning Sanders version of socialism instead. I gave the GOP decades of loyalty and all I got from them were broken promises, lies and smoke blown up my ass.

Since when did being a 'conservative' mean that you turned a blind eye to the plight of unfortunate fellow American veterans? I did not cause my two slipped discs, nor the idiocy of my doctor who failed to get me the MRIs I should have had from day One, nor why the moron took me off my disability even though my physical condition had only worsened until I healed up from my surgery from last September. And while I am ready and anxious to get back to my career, I dont have the opportunity because GOP RINOs have helped Obama to flood the country with guest workers. That is my fault? And yet I have no Unemployment, no welfare or help of any kind from the government; I have totally fallen through the cracks of the so-called 'Social Safety Net'.

There are many legitimate criticisms of Bernie Sanders but he has this going for him; he is an honest man of integrity who will place the highest priority to removing undo corporate influence from our political system and getting Americans back to work.

I am all for it despite the wacko-libtard social baggage that comes with it.
Well said!

The evident ignorance and self-defeating meanness of the apparent majority of Iowans is slowly but surely bringing this once-great Nation to ruin. I hate to admit it but I did expect this. And, sadly, even if this phony bitch is indicted for her felonious misconduct it will only further embolden the fools who have positioned her.

Again, you said it all -- and very well!
We have a political system that is broken, subverted by corporate money and that no longer listens to the American people. We have millions of American citizens looking for jobs and cant get any, while our politicians still let in hundreds of thousands of cheap foreign laborers that take our jobs and let currently hired Americans get fired and compelled to train their foreign replacements. This is in direct violation of what the guest worker programs were intended for and they are so heavily abused that I am in favor of simply dismantling those programs across the board until every American that wants a job can get one. Fuck the corporations that would rather hire some liar from Hyderabad and leave American veterans unemployed or even living on the streets homeless.

While more and more Americans were getting sloughed off the tally of 'employable Americans looking for work' so that Obama's Dhimmicrats could brag about lowering the Unemployment Rate, the feds were buying worthless securities from the major Wall Street banks that couldnt get rid of them. Oh yes, and the federal Reserve paid the Wall Street banks FACE VALUE for those equities. That is like me buying your old busted up truck that doesnt run anymore at the same price you bought it at brand new. That is the kind of thing only a crook would do as some sort of quid-pro-quo, not even the biggest idiot businessman would do something like that. And the total tally for this program, known as 'Quantitative Easing' was $4 TRILLION, that is right FOUR TRILLION US DOLLARS. The biggest robbery of the US government and this nation that it has ever seen.

My own experience that led me to think that I would put up with all of Sanders social issues fails is that these issues are not as important as my pocket book concerns because the GOP is not going to ever change any of this anyway. I worked from the day I turned 14 years old as a bus boy at a local restaurant and that does not include all the yards I mowed, garages I painted, fences I built prior to that. I love to work and a big slice of my self image has been built around my ability and readiness to get and hold a job.

But now I cannot get a job. I am 58 years old, I am coming off two years of disability, and I cannot even get an interview. Just called a former boss, who had given me several ataboys and a little statue, lol, to show their appreciation to me, and he has not yet returned my phone call. (Edit: he just called me about 30 minutes after I posted, lol) The glut of guest workers is so high that corporations do not have a single reason to give someone like me a shot at a job or even an interview.

So if this is how it is under corporate rule, I know I much prefer living under a barely functioning Sanders version of socialism instead. I gave the GOP decades of loyalty and all I got from them were broken promises, lies and smoke blown up my ass.

Since when did being a 'conservative' mean that you turned a blind eye to the plight of unfortunate fellow American veterans? I did not cause my two slipped discs, nor the idiocy of my doctor who failed to get me the MRIs I should have had from day One, nor why the moron took me off my disability even though my physical condition had only worsened until I healed up from my surgery from last September. And while I am ready and anxious to get back to my career, I dont have the opportunity because GOP RINOs have helped Obama to flood the country with guest workers. That is my fault? And yet I have no Unemployment, no welfare or help of any kind from the government; I have totally fallen through the cracks of the so-called 'Social Safety Net'.

There are many legitimate criticisms of Bernie Sanders but he has this going for him; he is an honest man of integrity who will place the highest priority to removing undo corporate influence from our political system and getting Americans back to work.

I am all for it despite the wacko-libtard social baggage that comes with it.
:bow2: Thank you for keeping it real and honest.....I agree with everything you said!!
This is interesting. You think Bernie Sanders wants to be more socialist than that? I'll have to look into that, especially since he actually just tied with Clinton in Iowa.

Sanders believes that all Corporations should be "regulated" (run) by the government. He advocates control of the means of production by the state.
Socialism doesn't work. It never has. Bernie Sanders as president be one more step towards destroying the country.
What about
Socialism doesn't work. It never has. Bernie Sanders as president be one more step towards destroying the country.
Socialism, more or less, works in a lot of countries.
then why do they all want to come to the democratic US?
They don't. They're wondering why in hell the wealthiest country on Earth doesn't provide universal healthcare. They think we're backward rubes, and they're right.
are you saying that doctors refused service to sick people in the US? LOL. yeah right. Healthcare does not equate to free doctors. Not sure what the hell your smoking but give me some.
Sanders has presented absolutely no plan to support middle age white people. In fact, what he does support means you should stock up on ammo. He whines
about 1%ers and they are ironically jewish slumlords and Wall Street hedgefund manipulators, and making "corporate America" more "diverse" which is code word for not hiring qualified Whites.
Sanders has two BIG issues going for him, IMO, that will help people like me; opposition to Age Discrimination, and opposition to 'free trade' stupidity that is costing this nation millions of jobs.

Bernie Sanders on Free Trade

What other choice do I have? To keep voting for GOP Establishment morons that want to keep flooding this country with indentured servants to drive American wages into the dirt even deeper?

I love this country and until will embrace all citizens of this nation and provide leadership that is honest and real, nothing will ever change. Its not always about corporate america, its not always about globalization, Bernie is the only candidate that talks and speaks FINALLY ABOUT US AND OUR ISSUES AND OUR STRUGGLES. I can't wait until he comes to my state, my pockets are full and my time is willing and waiting to do all I can to rally for this guy...he's 100% real and I love him for it...he may not win, but he will force Hillary to stay on message and not turn coat, like she always does.
This is interesting. You think Bernie Sanders wants to be more socialist than that? I'll have to look into that, especially since he actually just tied with Clinton in Iowa.

Sanders believes that all Corporations should be "regulated" (run) by the government. He advocates control of the means of production by the state.
yeah, he's a loony toon. But he's better than that criminal clinton.
Socialism doesn't work. It never has. Bernie Sanders as president be one more step towards destroying the country.
What about
Socialism doesn't work. It never has. Bernie Sanders as president be one more step towards destroying the country.
Socialism, more or less, works in a lot of countries.
then why do they all want to come to the democratic US?
Democracy is not incompatible with 'democratic socialism', friend.
Socialism doesn't work. It never has. Bernie Sanders as president be one more step towards destroying the country.
What about
Socialism doesn't work. It never has. Bernie Sanders as president be one more step towards destroying the country.
Socialism, more or less, works in a lot of countries.
then why do they all want to come to the democratic US?
Democracy is not incompatible with 'democratic socialism', friend.
socialism isn't possible in a democratic society. It just isn't. One would have to believe that everything they own is everyones. And that isn't gonna happen here. I have faith in my fellow citizens. I am also very disappointed in many.
This is interesting. You think Bernie Sanders wants to be more socialist than that? I'll have to look into that, especially since he actually just tied with Clinton in Iowa.

Sanders believes that all Corporations should be "regulated" (run) by the government. He advocates control of the means of production by the state.
Isn't that communism?
socialism isn't possible in a democratic society. It just isn't. One would have to believe that everything they own is everyones. And that isn't gonna happen here. I have faith in my fellow citizens. I am also very disappointed in many.
The phrase 'democratic socialism' is to contrast it, IMO, with the Marxist variety of socialism.

Democratic Socialism is the product of the will of the people, and it has its risks and dangers.

But that same confidence in the people of this country that you have, I also share and I dont think we will let things get as bad as they once were in the 1970s.

The trick is in keeping a balance between the capitalist Yin and the government yang.
Socialism doesn't work. It never has. Bernie Sanders as president be one more step towards destroying the country.
What about
Socialism doesn't work. It never has. Bernie Sanders as president be one more step towards destroying the country.
Socialism, more or less, works in a lot of countries.

No, it doesn't. There's only failure and catastrophic failure. Denmark, England and Norway mark failure. Greece and the rest mark catastrophic failure.
This is interesting. You think Bernie Sanders wants to be more socialist than that? I'll have to look into that, especially since he actually just tied with Clinton in Iowa.

Sanders believes that all Corporations should be "regulated" (run) by the government. He advocates control of the means of production by the state.
Isn't that communism?
No, communism goes further and Sanders does not advocate the government own ALL means of production.

I would very much like to see a link to explain what the hell Uncensored is talking about.
Socialism doesn't work. It never has. Bernie Sanders as president be one more step towards destroying the country.
What about
Socialism doesn't work. It never has. Bernie Sanders as president be one more step towards destroying the country.
Socialism, more or less, works in a lot of countries.
then why do they all want to come to the democratic US?
They don't. They're wondering why in hell the wealthiest country on Earth doesn't provide universal healthcare. They think we're backward rubes, and they're right.
are you saying that doctors refused service to sick people in the US? LOL. yeah right. Healthcare does not equate to free doctors. Not sure what the hell your smoking but give me some.
I have no health insurance, so I can say absolutely, YES. Doctors refuse service to sick people in the U.S. without cash on the barrel. And they like lots and lots of cash. I'd be glad to share, but I can't afford weed.
Socialism doesn't work. It never has. Bernie Sanders as president be one more step towards destroying the country.
What about
Socialism doesn't work. It never has. Bernie Sanders as president be one more step towards destroying the country.
Socialism, more or less, works in a lot of countries.

No, it doesn't. There's only failure and catastrophic failure. Denmark, England and Norway mark failure. Greece and the rest mark catastrophic failure.
England Denmark and Norway have successful economies and none of their veterans women or children are starving in the streets wondering where they will sleep tonight.


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