This is Why, Despite Everything Else, I am Willing to Vote for Bernie Sanders.

at least tell me which side im a hack for.....can you do that so i can at least have a good laugh?....
for the GOP establishment, if I read you correctly.
ask tipsy if she thinks im GOP....and when you get in the medical pot threads and the healthcare,unions,govt workers etc....ask the righties there who called me a "libturd" if i am a hack for the sure dean does,but then anyone who thinks he is a dick must be GOP,what else can you be.....i hate both parties jim.....i vote 3rd party and have since 2000.....this time around as well as many other times i will be writing in Rufus T. Firefly...."if your for it,im against it".....
This might surprise you but I've never thought about you at all. Some people do fantasize about what others are like. I'm not one of them. I don't consider any of you really alive.
if you have never thought about me why do you respond to me when i tell you how much of a dipshit you are?..could it be because you are thinking about what i am saying about you? once again you are full of shit.....
she is a character straight out of reefer madness....
Socialism doesn't work. It never has. Bernie Sanders as president be one more step towards destroying the country.

Social Security has been called socialism. It's worked for millions for the last almost eighty years. Maybe pure socialism wouldn't work, but we need a mix of socialism and capitalism.

Yeah, even the Nazis had a few good ideas. Right?

Social Security is a good idea, but the politicians, as usual, are fucking it up.
for the GOP establishment, if I read you correctly.
ask tipsy if she thinks im GOP....and when you get in the medical pot threads and the healthcare,unions,govt workers etc....ask the righties there who called me a "libturd" if i am a hack for the sure dean does,but then anyone who thinks he is a dick must be GOP,what else can you be.....i hate both parties jim.....i vote 3rd party and have since 2000.....this time around as well as many other times i will be writing in Rufus T. Firefly...."if your for it,im against it".....
This might surprise you but I've never thought about you at all. Some people do fantasize about what others are like. I'm not one of them. I don't consider any of you really alive.
if you have never thought about me why do you respond to me when i tell you how much of a dipshit you are?..could it be because you are thinking about what i am saying about you? once again you are full of shit.....
she is a character straight out of reefer madness....
You're a drug addict! Your opinions are from a drug addict. Your thoughts are the thoughts of a drug addict. You support increasing the numbers of the addicted. Then, surprisingly, you expect others to care when you suffer from the circumstances of addiction. Strange that.
Yeah, even the Nazis had a few good ideas. Right?

Social Security is a good idea, but the politicians, as usual, are fucking it up.

Associating things with the Nazis does not in and of itself make the thing wrong.

What was shockingly evil about the Nazis was that they valued people purely by their genetic traits.

That Nazis appreciated math and science does not undermine the value or morality of math and science.

That Hitler painted some interesting art that a lot of people like does not mean that they are evil because they like it.

This argument 'Since Hitler and the Nazis like that, it must be evil' is classic 'ad hominem' and is irrational.
Yeah, even the Nazis had a few good ideas. Right?

Social Security is a good idea, but the politicians, as usual, are fucking it up.

Associating things with the Nazis does not in and of itself make the thing wrong.

What was shockingly evil about the Nazis was that they valued people purely by their genetic traits.

That Nazis appreciated math and science does not undermine the value or morality of math and science.

That Hitler painted some interesting art that a lot of people like does not mean that they are evil because they like it.

This argument 'Since Hitler and the Nazis like that, it must be evil' is classic 'ad hominem' and is irrational.

You use the same logic to defend failed socialist policies.
Yeah, even the Nazis had a few good ideas. Right?

Social Security is a good idea, but the politicians, as usual, are fucking it up.

Associating things with the Nazis does not in and of itself make the thing wrong.

What was shockingly evil about the Nazis was that they valued people purely by their genetic traits.

That Nazis appreciated math and science does not undermine the value or morality of math and science.

That Hitler painted some interesting art that a lot of people like does not mean that they are evil because they like it.

This argument 'Since Hitler and the Nazis like that, it must be evil' is classic 'ad hominem' and is irrational.

You use the same logic to defend failed socialist policies.
How is that?

I have never said that since the Nazis did something it was therefore good.
Socialism doesn't work. It never has. Bernie Sanders as president be one more step towards destroying the country.

Social Security has been called socialism. It's worked for millions for the last almost eighty years. Maybe pure socialism wouldn't work, but we need a mix of socialism and capitalism.
In the same way as drinking doesn't mean drowning, the imposition of certain socialist regulations to prevent the hoarding of a nation's wealth by a few schemers and manipulators doesn't qualify as socialism. So thanks for your intelligent observation.

For the benefit of those who do not, or do not wish to, understand the difference, please consider the fact that absolute economic ruin is the prerequisite for the advent of socialism (e.g., Russia, China, et al). The United States is still the wealthiest nation in the world. The problem is this Nation's wealth has been improperly distributed (hoarded) by a select few. The way to properly re-distribute that wealth is via the restoration of those socialist-style regulations, the Glass-Steagall Act for one.

In the simplest terms, one very prominent example of the effect of certain socialist regulations on an otherwise healthy economy has been the Great American Middle Class -- which presently is being undermined by the actions of the One Percent. Certain socialist policies and regulations is the way to halt and reverse that.

So unless one is a member of the super-rich class, Bernie Sanders should be your choice for President. He knows what is wrong. He knows how to fix it. And he will!
ask tipsy if she thinks im GOP....and when you get in the medical pot threads and the healthcare,unions,govt workers etc....ask the righties there who called me a "libturd" if i am a hack for the sure dean does,but then anyone who thinks he is a dick must be GOP,what else can you be.....i hate both parties jim.....i vote 3rd party and have since 2000.....this time around as well as many other times i will be writing in Rufus T. Firefly...."if your for it,im against it".....
This might surprise you but I've never thought about you at all. Some people do fantasize about what others are like. I'm not one of them. I don't consider any of you really alive.
if you have never thought about me why do you respond to me when i tell you how much of a dipshit you are?..could it be because you are thinking about what i am saying about you? once again you are full of shit.....
she is a character straight out of reefer madness....
You're a drug addict! Your opinions are from a drug addict. Your thoughts are the thoughts of a drug addict. You support increasing the numbers of the addicted. Then, surprisingly, you expect others to care when you suffer from the circumstances of addiction. Strange that.
i thought you never thought of me?....yet here you are responding to something i have are right....strange that.....
This might surprise you but I've never thought about you at all. Some people do fantasize about what others are like. I'm not one of them. I don't consider any of you really alive.
if you have never thought about me why do you respond to me when i tell you how much of a dipshit you are?..could it be because you are thinking about what i am saying about you? once again you are full of shit.....
she is a character straight out of reefer madness....
You're a drug addict! Your opinions are from a drug addict. Your thoughts are the thoughts of a drug addict. You support increasing the numbers of the addicted. Then, surprisingly, you expect others to care when you suffer from the circumstances of addiction. Strange that.
i thought you never thought of me?....yet here you are responding to something i have are right....strange that.....
We have a political system that is broken, subverted by corporate money and that no longer listens to the American people. We have millions of American citizens looking for jobs and cant get any, while our politicians still let in hundreds of thousands of cheap foreign laborers that take our jobs and let currently hired Americans get fired and compelled to train their foreign replacements. This is in direct violation of what the guest worker programs were intended for and they are so heavily abused that I am in favor of simply dismantling those programs across the board until every American that wants a job can get one. Fuck the corporations that would rather hire some liar from Hyderabad and leave American veterans unemployed or even living on the streets homeless.

While more and more Americans were getting sloughed off the tally of 'employable Americans looking for work' so that Obama's Dhimmicrats could brag about lowering the Unemployment Rate, the feds were buying worthless securities from the major Wall Street banks that couldnt get rid of them. Oh yes, and the federal Reserve paid the Wall Street banks FACE VALUE for those equities. That is like me buying your old busted up truck that doesnt run anymore at the same price you bought it at brand new. That is the kind of thing only a crook would do as some sort of quid-pro-quo, not even the biggest idiot businessman would do something like that. And the total tally for this program, known as 'Quantitative Easing' was $4 TRILLION, that is right FOUR TRILLION US DOLLARS. The biggest robbery of the US government and this nation that it has ever seen.

My own experience that led me to think that I would put up with all of Sanders social issues fails is that these issues are not as important as my pocket book concerns because the GOP is not going to ever change any of this anyway. I worked from the day I turned 14 years old as a bus boy at a local restaurant and that does not include all the yards I mowed, garages I painted, fences I built prior to that. I love to work and a big slice of my self image has been built around my ability and readiness to get and hold a job.

But now I cannot get a job. I am 58 years old, I am coming off two years of disability, and I cannot even get an interview. Just called a former boss, who had given me several ataboys and a little statue, lol, to show their appreciation to me, and he has not yet returned my phone call. (Edit: he just called me about 30 minutes after I posted, lol) The glut of guest workers is so high that corporations do not have a single reason to give someone like me a shot at a job or even an interview.

So if this is how it is under corporate rule, I know I much prefer living under a barely functioning Sanders version of socialism instead. I gave the GOP decades of loyalty and all I got from them were broken promises, lies and smoke blown up my ass.

Since when did being a 'conservative' mean that you turned a blind eye to the plight of unfortunate fellow American veterans? I did not cause my two slipped discs, nor the idiocy of my doctor who failed to get me the MRIs I should have had from day One, nor why the moron took me off my disability even though my physical condition had only worsened until I healed up from my surgery from last September. And while I am ready and anxious to get back to my career, I dont have the opportunity because GOP RINOs have helped Obama to flood the country with guest workers. That is my fault? And yet I have no Unemployment, no welfare or help of any kind from the government; I have totally fallen through the cracks of the so-called 'Social Safety Net'.

There are many legitimate criticisms of Bernie Sanders but he has this going for him; he is an honest man of integrity who will place the highest priority to removing undo corporate influence from our political system and getting Americans back to work.

I am all for it despite the wacko-libtard social baggage that comes with it.
so what are you doing to improve your situation? sitting at home bitching is not the answer.
Im close to your age, I quit my job and went back to college, I was hired a few months ago by a new firm in a different industry.
Ive broken my back twice, I have nerve damage that affects my foot, Ive beat cancer, and I STILL WAS ABLE TO PROVIDE FOR MYSELF.
so what are you doing other than hoping some ass gets elected and forces everyone else to take care of you.
Hint, if you can sit there and type, there is a job somewhere that you can do.
Socialism doesn't work. It never has. Bernie Sanders as president be one more step towards destroying the country.

Social Security has been called socialism. It's worked for millions for the last almost eighty years. Maybe pure socialism wouldn't work, but we need a mix of socialism and capitalism.
In the same way as drinking doesn't mean drowning, the imposition of certain socialist regulations to prevent the hoarding of a nation's wealth by a few schemers and manipulators doesn't qualify as socialism. So thanks for your intelligent observation.

For the benefit of those who do not, or do not wish to, understand the difference, please consider the fact that absolute economic ruin is the prerequisite for the advent of socialism (e.g., Russia, China, et al). The United States is still the wealthiest nation in the world. The problem is this Nation's wealth has been improperly distributed (hoarded) by a select few. The way to properly re-distribute that wealth is via the restoration of those socialist-style regulations, the Glass-Steagall Act for one.

In the simplest terms, one very prominent example of the effect of certain socialist regulations on an otherwise healthy economy has been the Great American Middle Class -- which presently is being undermined by the actions of the One Percent. Certain socialist policies and regulations is the way to halt and reverse that.

So unless one is a member of the super-rich class, Bernie Sanders should be your choice for President. He knows what is wrong. He knows how to fix it. And he will!
While Sanders is on my short list of those I would vote for there are also others that I rate higher due to other issues.

The thing is that you are right about the laws currently aiding and abetting the Robber Barons that compose the top 1% and they have somehow managed to convince that making Bill Gates make another Billion is somehow going to help them, even as Bill Gates exports as many Microdicksoft jobs overseas he can and brings in all the guest workers he can get away with for the few jobs he has not been able to export yet.

How does making Gates obscenely rich while he supports libtard causes even remotely help struggling Tea Party workers pay their mortgage?

Answer is; it does not help them, but they are so polarized from the Democratic party with all their social Marxist cockroaches, they just cant help it.

Meanwhile the Robber Barons laugh their asses off at how easy it is to make fools of the American Middle Class today.
so what are you doing to improve your situation? sitting at home bitching is not the answer.
Im close to your age, I quit my job and went back to college, I was hired a few months ago by a new firm in a different industry.
Ive broken my back twice, I have nerve damage that affects my foot, Ive beat cancer, and I STILL WAS ABLE TO PROVIDE FOR MYSELF.
so what are you doing other than hoping some ass gets elected and forces everyone else to take care of you.
Hint, if you can sit there and type, there is a job somewhere that you can do.

Your presumption and arrogance is simply breath taking. Thankfully I know that you are not typical for 'Patriots' as most of them have some sympathy for a person that has had reversals.

But to answer your asinine questions, I got off my doctors care only yesterday and I have already sent out resumes, solicited some positive referrals and am looking for work.

What industry did you transfer from and to? How much did the training cost?

How you do you feel so sure I can afford that training? Why should I have to retrain from a career I have had for over 25 years when criminals are abusing the guest worker programs?

How do you possibly know that I would or would not have done anything to get work, especially when I have already said that I have been looking and called up past employers?

But thank you for taking up my time being such a complete ass hole, jerk off.

Your presumption and arrogance is simply breath taking. Thankfully I know that you are not typical for 'Patriots' as most of them have some sympathy for a person that has had reversals.

But to answer your asinine questions, I got off my doctors care only yesterday and I have already sent out resumes, solicited some positive referrals and am looking for work.

What industry did you transfer from and to? How much did the training cost?

How you do you feel so sure I can afford that training? Why should I have to retrain from a career I have had for over 25 years when criminals are abusing the guest worker programs?

How do you possibly know that I would or would not have done anything to get work, especially when I have already said that I have been looking and called up past employers?

But thank you for taking up my time being such a complete ass hole, jerk off.

I asked you yesterday what your skills and education are; I don't think you ever answered.

Your presumption and arrogance is simply breath taking. Thankfully I know that you are not typical for 'Patriots' as most of them have some sympathy for a person that has had reversals.

But to answer your asinine questions, I got off my doctors care only yesterday and I have already sent out resumes, solicited some positive referrals and am looking for work.

What industry did you transfer from and to? How much did the training cost?

How you do you feel so sure I can afford that training? Why should I have to retrain from a career I have had for over 25 years when criminals are abusing the guest worker programs?

How do you possibly know that I would or would not have done anything to get work, especially when I have already said that I have been looking and called up past employers?

But thank you for taking up my time being such a complete ass hole, jerk off.

I asked you yesterday what your skills and education are; I don't think you ever answered.
Sorry I missed your post.

I have about 20 years of experience in Oracle, PLSQL, Forms and SQL, about two years experience in C++, two years in Java and some Cobol, too

You know some head hunters in the Fredericksburg area? :D
if you have never thought about me why do you respond to me when i tell you how much of a dipshit you are?..could it be because you are thinking about what i am saying about you? once again you are full of shit.....
she is a character straight out of reefer madness....
You're a drug addict! Your opinions are from a drug addict. Your thoughts are the thoughts of a drug addict. You support increasing the numbers of the addicted. Then, surprisingly, you expect others to care when you suffer from the circumstances of addiction. Strange that.
i thought you never thought of me?....yet here you are responding to something i have are right....strange that.....
like i said....straight out of........
I support many of Sanders proposals

I just don't think he has a prayer of getting them implemented

The guy does care about struggling Americans though and I respect that
i would trust hillary to fuck us behind our backs,bernie not so much....
and she'll give it to you good and slow for her enjoyment.

Ask the families of the four americans who died in Benghazi!!! There's your evidence of her support for you.
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Sorry I missed your post.

I have about 20 years of experience in Oracle, PLSQL, Forms and SQL, about two years experience in C++, two years in Java and some Cobol, too

You know some head hunters in the Fredericksburg area? :D

No, but your skill set is solid. I don't see any reason you would have problems finding a job.

Well, I am also 58 years old and just coming off of disability, and those are two big reasons that people circular file my applications, I am sure.

Besides why hire such an old fart when they can get a supposed boy genius right out of college in Hyderabad for less than half my cost?
Well, I am also 58 years old and just coming off of disability, and those are two big reasons that people circular file my applications, I am sure.

Besides why hire such an old fart when they can get a supposed boy genius right out of college in Hyderabad for less than half my cost?

Your age should be an asset for SQL work.

My experience leaves me less than impressed with the quality of work coming out of India. Anyone remember Office 2007? Microsoft not only crashed that product into the rocks, but killed their own Vista OS through the bugs in it. (When Outlook or Excel crashed, the average user blamed Vista.) M$ brought Office development back onshore, as have a lot of other companies. Not Evilcorp (Apple) of course, but many others have.

I was born the same year as you, and have a similar skill set, yet view myself as highly marketable. I will be awarded a Ph.D. in August, which helps, but the foundational skills are still IT.

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