THIS IS WHY I didn't vote for the POS

This is what you are getting into with NK. The kid there can't wait to send his sheep to war.


My Grand kids are too young but I'm still a reservist and would most likely have to deploy and I would do it willingly because I'm not a scared little snowflake. I don't like it when we cow towel to a despot that makes his people suffer and threatens to nuke Americans. Obviously you are too steeped in hatred of Trump to care. That's a awful dark corner to take a stand in snowflake.

Trump is an isolationist. He said he would put American first, and he would even abandon NATO allies if they didn't tow the line. He changed the RNC platform throwing the Ukraine under the bus, and he told everybody the US would no longer be the worlds policeman.

So why did you vote for him?

BANNON is the isolationist. And now he's going crazy with Trump's 180 degree turn. That's why he's threatened to walk. Trump was with him on all this until he wasn't. Bannon should have realized he was dealing with a child in a 70-year-old body.

Bannon reportedly threatened to leave White House after NSC ...
5 days ago - Stephen Bannon, President Trump's controversial chief strategist, was removed from the National Security Council on Wednesday and ...
Bannon Reportedly Threatened to Rage-Quit the White House | Vanity ...
5 days ago - Bannon Reportedly Threatened to Rage-Quit the White House.... “If Bannon leaves the White House, Bekah's access and influence shrinks ...
Report: Bannon Threatened to Leave White House Over Clash With ...
5 days ago - Steve Bannon, former executive chairman of Breitbart News and current chief strategist at the White House, threatened to quit over a clash with ...
Another report claims Bannon threatened to quit the White House ...
6 days ago - Steve Bannon threatened to leave the Trump administration if he was ... the New York Times reported citing an unnamed White Houseofficial.
Report: Steve Bannon Threatened to Quit White House if Removed ...
5 days ago - Bannon, the official said, threatened to leave the White Housealtogether if he was removed, a characterization of events Bannon's allies have ...
Yeah, at regressive repetition, there are individual threads on every topic in your troll thread. At minimum this one should be combined with one of them.

Poor baby.....You are so easy to knock off on ANY thread.

Yet I'm still here troll, calling you exactly what you are.
Why don't you click on the Facebook links in my signature and see how well you do there?
Dare ya, pussy.

I don't do facebook, never have never will. I don't care what a community of fucking robots think, I see enough of it here.

This is what I mean. Facebook is across the board with over one billion people. You like it here where it's warm and cozy and small and tiny-minded. Your bubble.

Just never saw the point with sharing every aspect of my life, that's all facecrook is good for, oh and selling your personal information. But more to the point is your bubble any different, you hang with the equally retarded where ever you go. So there's no difference if you go to 1 place or 5, they're all pretty much the same.
This is why anyone who understands that the U.S. is not the only player in the world DID NOT VOTE FOR HIM.
You hate Hillary, fine, but this is what you stupid fuckers got with your vote along with a possible new war in the Middle East. Good work, idiots!:

Kim Jong Un is 'ready for war' and China moves 140,000 troops to its ...
7 hours ago - NORTH Korea has warned it is “ready for war”after DonaldTrump ... North Korean leader Kim Jong-Un said he's ready for war afterTrump sent ...
Donald Trump warns Kim Jong-un 'North Korea is looking for trouble ... › News › World
1 hour ago - DONALD Trump has sent Kim Jong-un a serious message, warning "North Korea is looking for trouble". ... Donald Trump took to Twitter to send a dire warning to Kim Jong-un's hermit kingdom. The president said: "North Korea is looking for trouble.
Trump to send FINAL WARNING to Kim Jong-un and ... - Daily Express › News › World
2 days ago - DONALD Trump will send a final warning to pot-bellied despotKim Jong-un and install nuclear weapons in South Korea, according to a US ...
Kim Jong-un threatens NUCLEAR ATTACK on America as Trump ... › News › World
2 hours ago - KIM JONG-UN has warned he will retaliate with a nuclear attack if America launches a strike on North Korea.
View attachment 121306

Maybe Obama can go over and bow to the little fat prick?
So where did the Iraq and Afghanistan wars take us? Didn't learn anything from 10 years of wasted life and treasure? Did killing Saddam make things better? Fuck no, we got ISIS.
You're perfect for Trump's vanity and ready to die for him? What a fucking idiot
If we had had a competent President for 8 of those 10 years the wars would have been over years ago. You have no ground to stand on kid. We all know you are an Obamabot so anything you criticize Trump for will get scrutinized to hell. Sorry That's just the way it is snowflake.
You're perfect for Trump's vanity and ready to die for him? What a fucking idiot.

The only reason Trump did anything in Syria, is because he saw pictures of dead babies.

Eric Trump is saying now that Donald did it for Ivanka! WTF!

Eric Trump Says Syria Strike Was Swayed By ‘Heartbroken’ Ivanka
"Heartbroken" Ivanka swayed Trump's decision to strike Syria, son says

There is an idiot in the White House who has the nuclear codes.
THANKS, Trumpies. You really fucked the country now.

North Korea's most threatening weapons are its 170 mm Koksan artillery guns, which are 14 meters long and can shoot conventional mortar ammunition 40 kilometers (25 miles).
Trump is an isolationist. He said he would put American first, and he would even abandon NATO allies if they didn't tow the line. He changed the RNC platform throwing the Ukraine under the bus, and he told everybody the US would no longer be the worlds policeman
Defending the US from a nuke attack is putting America first and punishing the use of chems is also putting America first. Sorry you don't get that.
BANNON is the isolationist. And now he's going crazy with Trump's 180 degree turn. That's why he's threatened to walk. Trump was with him on all this until he wasn't. Bannon should have realized he was dealing with a child in a 70-year-old body.
Do you get stoned before you think this BS up? :badgrin:
North Korea's most threatening weapons are its 170 mm Koksan artillery guns, which are 14 meters long and can shoot conventional mortar ammunition 40 kilometers (25 miles)
Wrong. Their most dangerous weapon is a old fashioned scud with a nuclear warhead dummy. Or a nuke in a taxi cab. Our troops are in reach of it. Dummy. Stop copy and pasting nonsense you find on the internet and think.
I guess waiting for 2020 couldn't wait BUUUUAAAAHAHAHA all snowflakes run and hide when they have been bested.

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