THIS IS WHY I didn't vote for the POS

Do any of you rightwing idiots participate in forums that AREN'T 99% rightwing idiots?
See, you idiots don't scare me. Or else I wouldn't be here. But NONE of you go on the liberal sites and post because YOUR snowflake would melt after the first blast. Hahahahaha....pussies.
I see no one can defend Trump's actions with NK and Syria.
Enjoy your rightwing TrumpBubble, idiots. It's cruel out there in the real world
Look idiot, that pig in N Korea and his father have been threatening the US for decades. Now since Obama did nothing while sitting in the Oval Office for 8 years the N Koreans are threatening us again but this time they have nukes. Thanks to the weak boy you still dream about they now have the means to blow your town to smithereens. So you can laugh all you want and call us out but you are the fool and it shows with every post you place in this stupid adolescent thread. Trump's actions are well over due. The NK's have it coming and hells coming with us.

So you want a war? Ready to send your kids or grandkids to fight and die? Just answer the question.
o there and see how you do. This site has been here for over 10 years and has 39,000 accounts of which only about 200 people actually post.
Go to the Donald Trump is not my President page and post something. You won't because they will eat you alive in seconds
BUUUUUAAAAAHAHAHAHA call me when it hits one million sold then I will go and get a hamburger what a fucking tool.
You must be awfully hungry by now.

Yeah, at regressive repetition, there are individual threads on every topic in your troll thread. At minimum this one should be combined with one of them.

Poor baby.....You are so easy to knock off on ANY thread.

Yet I'm still here troll, calling you exactly what you are.
Why don't you click on the Facebook links in my signature and see how well you do there?
Dare ya, pussy.

I don't do facebook, never have never will. I don't care what a community of fucking robots think, I see enough of it here.

This is what I mean. Facebook is across the board with over one billion people. You like it here where it's warm and cozy and small and tiny-minded. Your bubble.
This is a great thread for you Aries so you should jump right in.

They here hate DJT because he is too much like Reagan -- even more bellicose.
Eh, I can draw some parrallels to reagan but they are ve
Hillary wanted a war with Russia
The thing that scared me most about Hillary was her incompetence as displayed in Libya particularly in Benghazi.

Benghazi came back to haunt her.

That led to her email scandal.

The emails came back to haunt her and with it Comey blasted her incompetence.

Benghazi was bullshit and that's why the hearings went NOWHERE, sort of like this board, a big circle jerk.
you have some great photography of our queen!
So you want a war? Ready to send your kids or grandkids to fight and die? Just answer the question
Thanks to the boy you voted for we may have to don't you get it? He left the world in a fucking mess

Oh my now we are parroting Trump's "mess" line.
So you are ready to send your kids and grandkids to war? Answer the fucking question.
Oh my now we are parroting Trump's "mess" line.
So you are ready to send your kids and grandkids to war? Answer the fucking question
My Grand kids are too young but I'm still a reservist and would most likely have to deploy and I would do it willingly because I'm not a scared little snowflake. I don't like it when we cow towel to a despot that makes his people suffer and threatens to nuke Americans. Obviously you are too steeped in hatred of Trump to care. That's a awful dark corner to take a stand in snowflake.
Except the bitch, Kerry and others have applauded Trump's actions.

That's because Trump did a complete 180 on the positions he held in the campaign and that he told every body in his inaugural address, the one where he had the biggest live crowd in history.
This is what you are getting into with NK. The kid there can't wait to send his sheep to war.


Oh my now we are parroting Trump's "mess" line.
So you are ready to send your kids and grandkids to war? Answer the fucking question
My Grand kids are too young but I'm still a reservist and would most likely have to deploy and I would do it willingly because I'm not a scared little snowflake. I don't like it when we cow towel to a despot that makes his people suffer and threatens to nuke Americans. Obviously you are too steeped in hatred of Trump to care. That's a awful dark corner to take a stand in snowflake.

So where did the Iraq and Afghanistan wars take us? Didn't learn anything from 10 years of wasted life and treasure? Did killing Saddam make things better? Fuck no, we got ISIS.
You're perfect for Trump's vanity and ready to die for him? What a fucking idiot.
My Grand kids are too young but I'm still a reservist and would most likely have to deploy and I would do it willingly because I'm not a scared little snowflake. I don't like it when we cow towel to a despot that makes his people suffer and threatens to nuke Americans. Obviously you are too steeped in hatred of Trump to care. That's a awful dark corner to take a stand in snowflake.

Trump is an isolationist. He said he would put American first, and he would even abandon NATO allies if they didn't tow the line. He changed the RNC platform throwing the Ukraine under the bus, and he told everybody the US would no longer be the worlds policeman.

So why did you vote for him?

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