THIS IS WHY I didn't vote for the POS

Did you not see those children suffering on the news? What is wrong with people that they can't or won't set aside their ideology long enough to do what is right? President Trump saw the video and he has the intell that has made a shift in his thinking in this situation. He didn't lie, he is human unlike most liberals today.

Did you not see the children suffering in Somalia, and dozens of other places around the world we haven't lifted a finger for? Amazing watching pictures of children on fox news can make a president do a complete 180 of his foreign policy. Too bad fox news didn't show pictures of the children that would lose their healthcare, and Trump would have done a 180 on repealing Obamacare too.

For the children.
Yet I'm still here troll, calling you exactly what you are.
Why don't you click on the Facebook links in my signature and see how well you do there?
Dare ya, pussy.

I don't do facebook, never have never will. I don't care what a community of fucking robots think, I see enough of it here.

This is what I mean. Facebook is across the board with over one billion people. You like it here where it's warm and cozy and small and tiny-minded. Your bubble.

Just never saw the point with sharing every aspect of my life, that's all facecrook is good for, oh and selling your personal information. But more to the point is your bubble any different, you hang with the equally retarded where ever you go. So there's no difference if you go to 1 place or 5, they're all pretty much the same.
You don't think your info is sold here?
And you don't have to post a real photo of yourself on FB, I don't.
I don't live in a bubble. If I did I wouldn't be here.

They try, that's why I have tracking blocking software, it's currently blocking 2. And you do live in your little regressive bubble. The only reason I come here is for entertainment, it's fun fucking with regressive retards.
Are we really pretending this wasn't going to happen no matter who was elected? There is a point where we can't keep kicking nk down the road. And russia has been looking to confront us no matter who won.
This kid in North Korea knew HOW EASY it would be to push Trump's buttons. And he did. He's a lot smarter than the douchebag you righties put into the Oval Office.
The fat boy in N.Korea is clueless.

And he is about to find out what happens during a missile strike.

I'm not convinced everyone isn't clueless. We certainly don't see wisdom many places
This is why anyone who understands that the U.S. is not the only player in the world DID NOT VOTE FOR HIM.
You hate Hillary, fine, but this is what you stupid fuckers got with your vote along with a possible new war in the Middle East. Good work, idiots!:

I'm not sure why you think Hillary would not have done the same thing. She's a George Bush style neo-con.

You righties just don't get it. Trump baited these dictators while campaigning. And they saw just how thin-skinned and easily provoked he was, and is. This was a given.

For the last five years the Obama administration was angling towards deposing Assad.

Funny how Assad and Kim Jong Un have ramped up their game so suddenly, hmmmm? They are mocking your Messiah.

Who is my Messiah?
Do any of you rightwing idiots participate in forums that AREN'T 99% rightwing idiots?
See, you idiots don't scare me. Or else I wouldn't be here. But NONE of you go on the liberal sites and post because YOUR snowflake would melt after the first blast. Hahahahaha....pussies.

That's a stupid question
Go to the Donald Trump is not my President page and post something. You won't because they will eat you alive in seconds
I don't go to Facialbook

Then just stay here where you don't have to confront people from all over the world with varied views and news. Stay in your bubble, snowflake.

Aren't you literally complaining that the us is going around the world confronting other people?
Dude, Clinton wanted this shit. Actually ran on it.
You are a fucking moron. Seriously.
EITHER WAY it would have happened.

I'm sick of this false equivalency bullshit! Clinton is a hawk, but at very least she is cool headed and has an extensive understanding of geopolitics and foreign relations.

She is a fucking mob boss. She wanted whatever she could sell to the highest bidder.
This is why anyone who understands that the U.S. is not the only player in the world DID NOT VOTE FOR HIM.
You hate Hillary, fine, but this is what you stupid fuckers got with your vote along with a possible new war in the Middle East. Good work, idiots!:

I'm not sure why you think Hillary would not have done the same thing. She's a George Bush style neo-con.

You righties just don't get it. Trump baited these dictators while campaigning. And they saw just how thin-skinned and easily provoked he was, and is. This was a given.

For the last five years the Obama administration was angling towards deposing Assad.

Funny how Assad and Kim Jong Un have ramped up their game so suddenly, hmmmm? They are mocking your Messiah.

Who is my Messiah?

Some politician you probably didn't vote for
Did you not see the children suffering in Somalia, and dozens of other places around the world we haven't lifted a finger for? Amazing watching pictures of children on fox news can make a president do a complete 180 of his foreign policy. Too bad fox news didn't show pictures of the children that would lose their healthcare, and Trump would have done a 180 on repealing Obamacare too.

For the children.
We are talking the use of saran gas. It's not a bullet, it's not a bomb it's a banned weapon. So when it is used you can't just turn your head and look the other way like Obama did. Interesting you mentioned Somalia, another spot on the planet made worse by democrat presidential inaction. Whether the video of dying children was seen on Fox or CNN they are still dying so your little childish point about Fox news failed. I'm happy to see it made Trump do a 180 It made me do a 180 too but we are different than you, we have a soul.
I did, we've been hitching rides with the Russians.
That's because Obama shut down NASA and turned it into a Muslim outreach organization. Just another boneheaded act by a worthless president.
Just never saw the point with sharing every aspect of my life, that's all facecrook is good for, oh and selling your personal information. But more to the point is your bubble any different, you hang with the equally retarded where ever you go. So there's no difference if you go to 1 place or 5, they're all pretty much the same.
I dont share my life, on FB, but I read the stuff of others that do.

It all makes me much happier about my own life in contrast, if you know what I mean.

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