This is why I love our first lady

For what exactly? He hasn't accomplished ANYTHING, not one thing.
she is a great role model. Married to the same man , never had a child out of wedlock, accomplished lawyer, friendly and outgoing, advocate for health, good looking, good mother, upholds Christian values, high morals, bane of racist bigots like YOU by taking the high road. That is why people love her.
Of course he's married to the same man and has had no children, he never got the operation, and gay people make up roughly 4%(?) of the population.

"You don't like someone who happens to be black, therefor you're racist by default". You don't seem to understand that people of color aren't above criticism, and when said criticism is given that doesn't mean it's because of their skin color. In fact, I don't even think about their skin color, I think only of their deeds and misdeeds. I think the person throwing the word racist around due to ONLY seeing skin color is the one who's racist. Maybe you should ignore skin color as well? Never too late to stop being a step behind.
It is clear to me that YOU don't like ANY Black people.You are hardly in a position to lecture me or anyone else about skin color and racism in this country. Michelle has two beautiful daughters and I am sure Michelle's pregnancy and delivery of those cute kids is a matter of record that validates her femininity beyond a doubt.
No First Lady in recent memory has been the object of so much hatred. That is especially notable since Michelle has done nothing to warrant it..except being Black .

You need to come to grips with your racism and join my effort to stamp it out
Provide evidence to back up your claim that I don't like any black people.

They were adopted, obviously.

Or, you know, being a selfish, race-baiting, piece of a trash.
You are a frigging NUT, :lol::lol::lol: Your imagination has turned to abject lunacy! Bye
In other words "I have no evidence, Lady Row, and I cannot dispute anything you have said!".
she is a great role model. Married to the same man , never had a child out of wedlock, accomplished lawyer, friendly and outgoing, advocate for health, good looking, good mother, upholds Christian values, high morals, bane of racist bigots like YOU by taking the high road. That is why people love her.
Of course he's married to the same man and has had no children, he never got the operation, and gay people make up roughly 4%(?) of the population.

"You don't like someone who happens to be black, therefor you're racist by default". You don't seem to understand that people of color aren't above criticism, and when said criticism is given that doesn't mean it's because of their skin color. In fact, I don't even think about their skin color, I think only of their deeds and misdeeds. I think the person throwing the word racist around due to ONLY seeing skin color is the one who's racist. Maybe you should ignore skin color as well? Never too late to stop being a step behind.
It is clear to me that YOU don't like ANY Black people.You are hardly in a position to lecture me or anyone else about skin color and racism in this country. Michelle has two beautiful daughters and I am sure Michelle's pregnancy and delivery of those cute kids is a matter of record that validates her femininity beyond a doubt.
No First Lady in recent memory has been the object of so much hatred. That is especially notable since Michelle has done nothing to warrant it..except being Black .

You need to come to grips with your racism and join my effort to stamp it out
Provide evidence to back up your claim that I don't like any black people.

They were adopted, obviously.

Or, you know, being a selfish, race-baiting, piece of a trash.
You are a frigging NUT, :lol::lol::lol: Your imagination has turned to abject lunacy! Bye
In other words "I have no evidence, Lady Row, and I cannot dispute anything you have said!".

Nothing you have said makes sense or is even worthy of further attention. Your ludicrous spontaneous declarations have no place in civil discourse.
Eeehhh, I don't like Michael, really, he's as much of a lying, race-baiting, selfish piece of trash as his husband~

Why? What specifically has she done? Why do you call her a "he"? Do you call Melania a whore?

Kids these days... no respect.
I'll give respect when it's earned. Simply being the husband of one of the worst presidents in history, while lying, projecting, and race-baiting earns no respect from me.
You are very very childish.
Eeehhh, I don't like Michael, really, he's as much of a lying, race-baiting, selfish piece of trash as his husband~

Why? What specifically has she done? Why do you call her a "he"? Do you call Melania a whore?

Kids these days... no respect.
I'll give respect when it's earned. Simply being the husband of one of the worst presidents in history, while lying, projecting, and race-baiting earns no respect from me.
You are very very childish.
You made no sense what so ever.
From the size of her huge ass, it looks like she eats lots of fried chicken.
Have you noticed that All the White women with big asses have LONG marriages.
Does your husband have a huge ass? Were you on a Jet Blue flight lately?
Your latent homosexuality is surfacing again. You can't refrain from talking about it, can you.
What's the matter, cat got your tongue?
From the size of her huge ass, it looks like she eats lots of fried chicken.
Have you noticed that All the White women with big asses have LONG marriages.
Does your husband have a huge ass? Were you on a Jet Blue flight lately?
Your latent homosexuality is surfacing again. You can't refrain from talking about it, can you.
What's the matter, cat got your tongue?
No but it seems some dude's sphincter has a tight grip on yours.
From the size of her huge ass, it looks like she eats lots of fried chicken.
Have you noticed that All the White women with big asses have LONG marriages.
Does your husband have a huge ass? Were you on a Jet Blue flight lately?
Your latent homosexuality is surfacing again. You can't refrain from talking about it, can you.
What's the matter, cat got your tongue?
No but it seems some dude's sphincter has a tight grip on yours.
Channeling again, I see.
From the size of her huge ass, it looks like she eats lots of fried chicken.
Have you noticed that All the White women with big asses have LONG marriages.
Does your husband have a huge ass? Were you on a Jet Blue flight lately?
Your latent homosexuality is surfacing again. You can't refrain from talking about it, can you.
He certainly talks about it way more than any gay person I know.
she is a great role model. Married to the same man , never had a child out of wedlock, accomplished lawyer, friendly and outgoing, advocate for health, good looking, good mother, upholds Christian values, high morals, bane of racist bigots like YOU by taking the high road. That is why people love her.
Of course he's married to the same man and has had no children, he never got the operation, and gay people make up roughly 4%(?) of the population.

"You don't like someone who happens to be black, therefor you're racist by default". You don't seem to understand that people of color aren't above criticism, and when said criticism is given that doesn't mean it's because of their skin color. In fact, I don't even think about their skin color, I think only of their deeds and misdeeds. I think the person throwing the word racist around due to ONLY seeing skin color is the one who's racist. Maybe you should ignore skin color as well? Never too late to stop being a step behind.
It is clear to me that YOU don't like ANY Black people.You are hardly in a position to lecture me or anyone else about skin color and racism in this country. Michelle has two beautiful daughters and I am sure Michelle's pregnancy and delivery of those cute kids is a matter of record that validates her femininity beyond a doubt.
No First Lady in recent memory has been the object of so much hatred. That is especially notable since Michelle has done nothing to warrant it..except being Black .

You need to come to grips with your racism and join my effort to stamp it out
Provide evidence to back up your claim that I don't like any black people.

They were adopted, obviously.

Or, you know, being a selfish, race-baiting, piece of a trash.
You are a frigging NUT, :lol::lol::lol: Your imagination has turned to abject lunacy! Bye
In other words "I have no evidence, Lady Row, and I cannot dispute anything you have said!".


We don't need to supply "evidence" to dispute your moronic trolling, clown shoes. The evidence is right there in every one of your posts

If you want people to take you seriously, you have to earn it.
Have you noticed that All the White women with big asses have LONG marriages.
Does your husband have a huge ass? Were you on a Jet Blue flight lately?
Your latent homosexuality is surfacing again. You can't refrain from talking about it, can you.
What's the matter, cat got your tongue?
No but it seems some dude's sphincter has a tight grip on yours.
Channeling again, I see.

What? I can't understand sound muffled... is your tongue caught in something?
Eeehhh, I don't like Michael, really, he's as much of a lying, race-baiting, selfish piece of trash as his husband~

Why? What specifically has she done? Why do you call her a "he"? Do you call Melania a whore?

Kids these days... no respect.
I'll give respect when it's earned. Simply being the husband of one of the worst presidents in history, while lying, projecting, and race-baiting earns no respect from me.
You are very very childish.
You made no sense what so ever.
It made sense to me and the people with high IQ!
Michelle can't wait to get out of the White House and I don't blame her. I liked Laura also. Our new First Lady I will wait and see.
For what exactly? He hasn't accomplished ANYTHING, not one thing.
she is a great role model. Married to the same man , never had a child out of wedlock, accomplished lawyer, friendly and outgoing, advocate for health, good looking, good mother, upholds Christian values, high morals, bane of racist bigots like YOU by taking the high road. That is why people love her.
Of course he's married to the same man and has had no children, he never got the operation, and gay people make up roughly 4%(?) of the population.

"You don't like someone who happens to be black, therefor you're racist by default". You don't seem to understand that people of color aren't above criticism, and when said criticism is given that doesn't mean it's because of their skin color. In fact, I don't even think about their skin color, I think only of their deeds and misdeeds. I think the person throwing the word racist around due to ONLY seeing skin color is the one who's racist. Maybe you should ignore skin color as well? Never too late to stop being a step behind.
It is clear to me that YOU don't like ANY Black people.You are hardly in a position to lecture me or anyone else about skin color and racism in this country. Michelle has two beautiful daughters and I am sure Michelle's pregnancy and delivery of those cute kids is a matter of record that validates her femininity beyond a doubt.
No First Lady in recent memory has been the object of so much hatred. That is especially notable since Michelle has done nothing to warrant it..except being Black .

You need to come to grips with your racism and join my effort to stamp it out
Provide evidence to back up your claim that I don't like any black people.

They were adopted, obviously.

Or, you know, being a selfish, race-baiting, piece of a trash.
You are a frigging NUT, :lol::lol::lol: Your imagination has turned to abject lunacy! Bye
In other words "I have no evidence, Lady Row, and I cannot dispute anything you have said!".
Of course he's married to the same man and has had no children, he never got the operation, and gay people make up roughly 4%(?) of the population.

"You don't like someone who happens to be black, therefor you're racist by default". You don't seem to understand that people of color aren't above criticism, and when said criticism is given that doesn't mean it's because of their skin color. In fact, I don't even think about their skin color, I think only of their deeds and misdeeds. I think the person throwing the word racist around due to ONLY seeing skin color is the one who's racist. Maybe you should ignore skin color as well? Never too late to stop being a step behind.
It is clear to me that YOU don't like ANY Black people.You are hardly in a position to lecture me or anyone else about skin color and racism in this country. Michelle has two beautiful daughters and I am sure Michelle's pregnancy and delivery of those cute kids is a matter of record that validates her femininity beyond a doubt.
No First Lady in recent memory has been the object of so much hatred. That is especially notable since Michelle has done nothing to warrant it..except being Black .

You need to come to grips with your racism and join my effort to stamp it out
Provide evidence to back up your claim that I don't like any black people.

They were adopted, obviously.

Or, you know, being a selfish, race-baiting, piece of a trash.
You are a frigging NUT, :lol::lol::lol: Your imagination has turned to abject lunacy! Bye
In other words "I have no evidence, Lady Row, and I cannot dispute anything you have said!".


We don't need to supply "evidence" to dispute your moronic trolling, clown shoes. The evidence is right there in every one of your posts

If you want people to take you seriously, you have to earn it.
"I don't have to back up my claims with evidence"

Every Democrat ever. Thanks, I needed an example. Funny that you're calling what I'm doing trolling when every post you make can be summed up that way. Everyone can see through your projection easily.
she is a great role model. Married to the same man , never had a child out of wedlock, accomplished lawyer, friendly and outgoing, advocate for health, good looking, good mother, upholds Christian values, high morals, bane of racist bigots like YOU by taking the high road. That is why people love her.
Of course he's married to the same man and has had no children, he never got the operation, and gay people make up roughly 4%(?) of the population.

"You don't like someone who happens to be black, therefor you're racist by default". You don't seem to understand that people of color aren't above criticism, and when said criticism is given that doesn't mean it's because of their skin color. In fact, I don't even think about their skin color, I think only of their deeds and misdeeds. I think the person throwing the word racist around due to ONLY seeing skin color is the one who's racist. Maybe you should ignore skin color as well? Never too late to stop being a step behind.
It is clear to me that YOU don't like ANY Black people.You are hardly in a position to lecture me or anyone else about skin color and racism in this country. Michelle has two beautiful daughters and I am sure Michelle's pregnancy and delivery of those cute kids is a matter of record that validates her femininity beyond a doubt.
No First Lady in recent memory has been the object of so much hatred. That is especially notable since Michelle has done nothing to warrant it..except being Black .

You need to come to grips with your racism and join my effort to stamp it out
Provide evidence to back up your claim that I don't like any black people.

They were adopted, obviously.

Or, you know, being a selfish, race-baiting, piece of a trash.
You are a frigging NUT, :lol::lol::lol: Your imagination has turned to abject lunacy! Bye
In other words "I have no evidence, Lady Row, and I cannot dispute anything you have said!".
It is clear to me that YOU don't like ANY Black people.You are hardly in a position to lecture me or anyone else about skin color and racism in this country. Michelle has two beautiful daughters and I am sure Michelle's pregnancy and delivery of those cute kids is a matter of record that validates her femininity beyond a doubt.
No First Lady in recent memory has been the object of so much hatred. That is especially notable since Michelle has done nothing to warrant it..except being Black .

You need to come to grips with your racism and join my effort to stamp it out
Provide evidence to back up your claim that I don't like any black people.

They were adopted, obviously.

Or, you know, being a selfish, race-baiting, piece of a trash.
You are a frigging NUT, :lol::lol::lol: Your imagination has turned to abject lunacy! Bye
In other words "I have no evidence, Lady Row, and I cannot dispute anything you have said!".


We don't need to supply "evidence" to dispute your moronic trolling, clown shoes. The evidence is right there in every one of your posts

If you want people to take you seriously, you have to earn it.
"I don't have to back up my claims with evidence"

Every Democrat ever. Thanks, I needed an example. Funny that you're calling what I'm doing trolling when every post you make can be summed up that way. Everyone can see through your projection easily.


Yeah, because calling the First Lady a man is the height of intellectual discourse.

You have no leg to stand on, clown shoes. It's time to give up.
Of course he's married to the same man and has had no children, he never got the operation, and gay people make up roughly 4%(?) of the population.

"You don't like someone who happens to be black, therefor you're racist by default". You don't seem to understand that people of color aren't above criticism, and when said criticism is given that doesn't mean it's because of their skin color. In fact, I don't even think about their skin color, I think only of their deeds and misdeeds. I think the person throwing the word racist around due to ONLY seeing skin color is the one who's racist. Maybe you should ignore skin color as well? Never too late to stop being a step behind.
It is clear to me that YOU don't like ANY Black people.You are hardly in a position to lecture me or anyone else about skin color and racism in this country. Michelle has two beautiful daughters and I am sure Michelle's pregnancy and delivery of those cute kids is a matter of record that validates her femininity beyond a doubt.
No First Lady in recent memory has been the object of so much hatred. That is especially notable since Michelle has done nothing to warrant it..except being Black .

You need to come to grips with your racism and join my effort to stamp it out
Provide evidence to back up your claim that I don't like any black people.

They were adopted, obviously.

Or, you know, being a selfish, race-baiting, piece of a trash.
You are a frigging NUT, :lol::lol::lol: Your imagination has turned to abject lunacy! Bye
In other words "I have no evidence, Lady Row, and I cannot dispute anything you have said!".
Provide evidence to back up your claim that I don't like any black people.

They were adopted, obviously.

Or, you know, being a selfish, race-baiting, piece of a trash.
You are a frigging NUT, :lol::lol::lol: Your imagination has turned to abject lunacy! Bye
In other words "I have no evidence, Lady Row, and I cannot dispute anything you have said!".


We don't need to supply "evidence" to dispute your moronic trolling, clown shoes. The evidence is right there in every one of your posts

If you want people to take you seriously, you have to earn it.
"I don't have to back up my claims with evidence"

Every Democrat ever. Thanks, I needed an example. Funny that you're calling what I'm doing trolling when every post you make can be summed up that way. Everyone can see through your projection easily.


Yeah, because calling the First Lady a man is the height of intellectual discourse.

You have no leg to stand on, clown shoes. It's time to give up.




At what age do women develop giant bulges between their legs, then? Oh, and I suppose it's totally normal to have the same chest as your husband, as well. Or maybe he's more muscular than Barry.

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