THIS is why Pelosi OWNS the shutdown now

Thats because Trump's offer is a scam.

DACA and TPS are problems Trump created.

It's like if your 6-year-old threw a tantrum and threw their plate on the floor, then offered to clean it up in exchange for a cookie.
Wrongo,Lefto. Obama created the problem when he ILLEGALLY usurped power and thought he had the authority to protect these illegals from deportation. Try again.
Obama Has Deported More People Than Any Other President

If you are going to use your Obama card, make sure you get the facts straight first.


Anything else makes you look ridiculous.
That has nothing to do with what I said. Try getting an adult to read it to you slowly next time. Mmk?

uh... it's a non starter 'cause it has zero substance. you can thank your snake oil salesman for duping you again.

note the date:

US appeals court rules against Trump on DACA immigration program
  • A U.S. appeals court in California ruled that President Donald Trump's administration must continue DACA, a program that protects hundreds of thousands of immigrants.
  • The ruling represented another legal defeat for Trump over DACA.
  • DACA offers protections to roughly 700,000 young adults, mostly Hispanics, who entered the country as children.
Published 2:20 PM ET Thu, 8 Nov 2018 Updated 3:17 PM ET Thu, 8 Nov 2018

US appeals court rules against Trump on DACA immigration program

How shocking the leftists favorite kangaroo court who has been struck down more times than not ruled against the President's will get to SC eventually OR we can just keep the government shut down...this is hurting NO ONE but you big government leftists! We normal sane folks don't even see any difference in the government being shut down! It can stay that way forever for all I care!
How shocking the leftists favorite kangaroo court who has been struck down more times than not ruled against the President's will get to SC eventually OR we can just keep the government shut down...this is hurting NO ONE but you big government leftists!


Supreme Court Doesnā€™t Act on Trumpā€™s Appeal in ā€˜Dreamersā€™ Case

SCOTUS just gave the dreamers another year.
Looks like Trump needs to offer something else.

Trump doesn't want to kick the Dreamers out of the country - he offered a plan to given them more time. So the SCOTUS inaction actually helps him.
Trump is the reason it's before SCOTUS in the first place.
He offered to solve a problem that he himself created. Any DACA offer that isn't citizenship, isn't going anywhere.
Last edited:
Democrats have roundly rejected the proposal, with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi calling any wall funding a ā€œnonstarterā€

NANCY DIGS IN: Pelosi Says Border Wall Funding a ā€˜NON-STARTERā€™ for Democrats | Sean Hannity

She REFUSES to negotiate so the shutdown will continue until 2020 and we throw the leftists out of office OR she finally gives in. Plain and simple.

She wants protections for the DACA invaders,we want a wall...BOTH of those are set in stone and there is no way around them plain and simple! She can either negotiate or just allow the shutdown to go until November 2020.

This is still Trump's shutdown. There is no negotiation. on stopping the hostage taking. Voters want the government re-opened with no pre-conditions. Then if they want to talk about trading money for a wall for DACA then they can discuss it.

If the shutdown goes until 2020, it will be a landslide for Democrats.
who is it you think you are that you get to tell me my vote doesn't count punk?

You are the Trump thug. When you are in the minority, your vote does not count.
funny who's president. check mate fool.

Funny who controls the House. Checkmate fool.

Ownership of the shutdown doesnā€™t change hands just because it turned out America is against it. This is, and always has been, Trumpā€™s shutdown...

ā€œIf we donā€™t get what we want, one way or the other, whether itā€™s through you, through military, through anything you want to call, I will shut down the government. And I am proud. Iā€™ll tell you what. I am proud to shut down the government for border security, Chuck. Because the people of this country donā€™t want criminals and people that have lots of problems and drugs pouring into our country. So I will take the mantle. I will be the one to shut it down. Iā€™m not going to blame you for it. The last time you shut it down, it didnā€™t work. I will take the mantle of shutting down. Iā€™m going to shut it down for border security.ā€ ~ Donald Trump, owner of the shutdown
It WAS Trump's its not Pelosi's she is the ONLY one who matters really that refuses to negotiate senior leftists and rank and file are willing to negotiate but they won't dare go against what the hypocrite Pelosi wants. As I have said it can stay shut down for YEARS for all I care...not like its bothering me at all!
Nonsense. Again, ownership doesnā€™t change hands simply because it turned out America is against the shutdown. :eusa_naughty:
No it changed hands because one side YOURS refuses to negotiate.
The only reason to negotiate is to reopen the govt, fool. Trump is the only party asking for anything. The one holding the hostages.

Inaccurate. The Dems are asking him to give up on the wall.

No. They've voted for and asked for the govt to be reopened. They have made no demands that require negotiations. You will never get around that. The Dems are righteous in this shutdown. America sees it.
Democrats have roundly rejected the proposal, with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi calling any wall funding a ā€œnonstarterā€

NANCY DIGS IN: Pelosi Says Border Wall Funding a ā€˜NON-STARTERā€™ for Democrats | Sean Hannity

She REFUSES to negotiate so the shutdown will continue until 2020 and we throw the leftists out of office OR she finally gives in. Plain and simple.

She wants protections for the DACA invaders,we want a wall...BOTH of those are set in stone and there is no way around them plain and simple! She can either negotiate or just allow the shutdown to go until November 2020.

Ownership of the shutdown doesnā€™t change hands just because it turned out America is against it. This is, and always has been, Trumpā€™s shutdown...

ā€œIf we donā€™t get what we want, one way or the other, whether itā€™s through you, through military, through anything you want to call, I will shut down the government. And I am proud. Iā€™ll tell you what. I am proud to shut down the government for border security, Chuck. Because the people of this country donā€™t want criminals and people that have lots of problems and drugs pouring into our country. So I will take the mantle. I will be the one to shut it down. Iā€™m not going to blame you for it. The last time you shut it down, it didnā€™t work. I will take the mantle of shutting down. Iā€™m going to shut it down for border security.ā€ ~ Donald Trump, owner of the shutdown
It WAS Trump's its not Pelosi's she is the ONLY one who matters really that refuses to negotiate senior leftists and rank and file are willing to negotiate but they won't dare go against what the hypocrite Pelosi wants. As I have said it can stay shut down for YEARS for all I care...not like its bothering me at all!

It is Trump's. Voters do not want negotiation. They want the government re-opened. Then they can discuss trading DACA for a wall.
Repubs have been lied to many times. Keep it closed. Nothing to lose. Just watching the Women's march with their hate towards white males and those Catholic school kids is enough to know White males are are at war. Guns sales most likely have increased again.
Ah yes, the poor downtrodden white male in all his fragile glory.
You are a product of propaganda education. I have no preference of ignorant azzes on all sides. Keep it closed.
Thats because Trump's offer is a scam.

DACA and TPS are problems Trump created.

It's like if your 6-year-old threw a tantrum and threw their plate on the floor, then offered to clean it up in exchange for a cookie.
well actually, obammy created it. he did an illegal EO.
Its legal because DACA is just prioritizing enforcement onto dangerous illegal immigrants. AKA selective enforcement. A policy released by DHS, not from EO.
first off, there is no such thing as an illegal immigrant. all immigrants are legal. foreign invaders illegally on our soil should be removed. And obammy created the EO legislation he had no authority to give. All congress has to do is put into law. Trump will sign. why wouldn't they do that? seems reasonable to me.

You are not reasonable. Voters do not want this. They want the government re-opened with no wall.
I'm a voter and do, so you are wrong as usual. trump beat benghazi jane on the border wall.

Your vote doesn't count as you are in the minority in the House. If the 2016 election was determined on the wall, Trump would have lost. Exit polls showed voters were opposed to building a wall by a 53-39 margin. Trump won because of the quarter of voters who were voting against the other candidate.
Democrats ALWAYS owned the shutdown. The POTUS is not asking for anything unreasonable, Americans are being killed by illegals hello. The Dem's don't have a leg to stand on they are filthy scum.

Americans don't agree. Trump is the one who doesn't have a leg to stand on.

Your personal opinion isn't shared by the American people who matter. :itsok:

Yes they are. Voters rejected Trump's argument on immigration and gave Democrats a majority in the House.
Wrongo,Lefto. Obama created the problem when he ILLEGALLY usurped power and thought he had the authority to protect these illegals from deportation. Try again.
Obama Has Deported More People Than Any Other President

If you are going to use your Obama card, make sure you get the facts straight first.


Anything else makes you look ridiculous.
That has nothing to do with what I said. Try getting an adult to read it to you slowly next time. Mmk?

uh... it's a non starter 'cause it has zero substance. you can thank your snake oil salesman for duping you again.

note the date:

US appeals court rules against Trump on DACA immigration program
  • A U.S. appeals court in California ruled that President Donald Trump's administration must continue DACA, a program that protects hundreds of thousands of immigrants.
  • The ruling represented another legal defeat for Trump over DACA.
  • DACA offers protections to roughly 700,000 young adults, mostly Hispanics, who entered the country as children.
Published 2:20 PM ET Thu, 8 Nov 2018 Updated 3:17 PM ET Thu, 8 Nov 2018

US appeals court rules against Trump on DACA immigration program

How shocking the leftists favorite kangaroo court who has been struck down more times than not ruled against the President's will get to SC eventually OR we can just keep the government shut down...this is hurting NO ONE but you big government leftists! We normal sane folks don't even see any difference in the government being shut down! It can stay that way forever for all I care!

The Supreme Court did not take the case this term and they refused to overturn the lower court rulings. You are not normal and you are not sane. Voters are not going to stand for this.
the voters already stood up for this and elected trump. you missed 2016 obviously.

The voters already stood up against this and gave Democrats the House, you missed 2018 obviously.
nope, didn't miss a thing. president is still president and he is negotiating my vote. nancy is to blame, she has to write the bill correct? so she is as much to blame. LOL like she's absolved from it.
Democrats ALWAYS owned the shutdown. The POTUS is not asking for anything unreasonable, Americans are being killed by illegals hello. The Dem's don't have a leg to stand on they are filthy scum.

Americans don't agree. Trump is the one who doesn't have a leg to stand on.

Your personal opinion isn't shared by the American people who matter. :itsok:
1 vote per citizen is a matter of fact, Blues. And everyone matters.
yep and trump is acting on my vote. one of the many that elected him. stand down mthr fkers!!!
Democrats have roundly rejected the proposal, with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi calling any wall funding a ā€œnonstarterā€

NANCY DIGS IN: Pelosi Says Border Wall Funding a ā€˜NON-STARTERā€™ for Democrats | Sean Hannity

She REFUSES to negotiate so the shutdown will continue until 2020 and we throw the leftists out of office OR she finally gives in. Plain and simple.

She wants protections for the DACA invaders,we want a wall...BOTH of those are set in stone and there is no way around them plain and simple! She can either negotiate or just allow the shutdown to go until November 2020.

This is still Trump's shutdown. There is no negotiation. on stopping the hostage taking. Voters want the government re-opened with no pre-conditions. Then if they want to talk about trading money for a wall for DACA then they can discuss it.

If the shutdown goes until 2020, it will be a landslide for Democrats.
who is it you think you are that you get to tell me my vote doesn't count punk?

You are the Trump thug. When you are in the minority, your vote does not count.
funny who's president. check mate fool.

Funny who controls the House. Checkmate fool.
1/3 while trump has 2/3s. you lose, checkmate reality version. you still haven't figured out that majority thing have you?
Democrats have roundly rejected the proposal, with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi calling any wall funding a ā€œnonstarterā€

NANCY DIGS IN: Pelosi Says Border Wall Funding a ā€˜NON-STARTERā€™ for Democrats | Sean Hannity

She REFUSES to negotiate so the shutdown will continue until 2020 and we throw the leftists out of office OR she finally gives in. Plain and simple.

She wants protections for the DACA invaders,we want a wall...BOTH of those are set in stone and there is no way around them plain and simple! She can either negotiate or just allow the shutdown to go until November 2020.
Children do not "invade"

They consider themselves Americans and know no other land

Trumps "offer was horseshit and now we know - even if DACA was extended for three more years , the "deal" would take away other protections for asylum seekers

Trump's 'Compromise' Immigration Offer To Democrats Includes Major Changes Restricting Asylum Law | HuffPost

To damned bad if you nationalist sensibilities are being assailed.( Not really)
Democrats ALWAYS owned the shutdown. The POTUS is not asking for anything unreasonable, Americans are being killed by illegals hello. The Dem's don't have a leg to stand on they are filthy scum.

Americans don't agree. Trump is the one who doesn't have a leg to stand on.

Your personal opinion isn't shared by the American people who matter. :itsok:
1 vote per citizen is a matter of fact, Blues. And everyone matters.

Clearly traitors in California don't matter, we elected Trump president without them.
Democrats ALWAYS owned the shutdown. The POTUS is not asking for anything unreasonable, Americans are being killed by illegals hello. The Dem's don't have a leg to stand on they are filthy scum.
The Dems aren't asking for anything at all.
The hostage taker makes the demands.

Dem's are demanding that we allow illegals to kill and rape Americans.
Democrats ALWAYS owned the shutdown. The POTUS is not asking for anything unreasonable, Americans are being killed by illegals hello. The Dem's don't have a leg to stand on they are filthy scum.

Americans don't agree. Trump is the one who doesn't have a leg to stand on.

Your personal opinion isn't shared by the American people who matter. :itsok:

Yes they are. Voters rejected Trump's argument on immigration and gave Democrats a majority in the House.

No they didn't, many Dem's promised voters they would support Trump's border wall. Call us when Pelosi allows those Dem's to vote on border wall funding. Here I'll just laugh in your face now :21:
Democrats ALWAYS owned the shutdown. The POTUS is not asking for anything unreasonable, Americans are being killed by illegals hello. The Dem's don't have a leg to stand on they are filthy scum.

Americans don't agree. Trump is the one who doesn't have a leg to stand on.

Your personal opinion isn't shared by the American people who matter. :itsok:
1 vote per citizen is a matter of fact, Blues. And everyone matters.

Clearly traitors in California don't matter, we elected Trump president without them.
Are you calling the whole state of California "traitorous"?

Is this an adult forum for discussion of politics or is it more like an elementary school playground where children passing as adults have what amounts to as verbal spaz attacks?
Last edited:
Democrats ALWAYS owned the shutdown. The POTUS is not asking for anything unreasonable, Americans are being killed by illegals hello. The Dem's don't have a leg to stand on they are filthy scum.
The Dems aren't asking for anything at all.
The hostage taker makes the demands.

Dem's are demanding that we allow illegals to kill and rape Americans.
By giving dreamers a chance to be good, productive , law abiding citizens? What a boatload of bizarre bovine excrement!
Democrats ALWAYS owned the shutdown. The POTUS is not asking for anything unreasonable, Americans are being killed by illegals hello. The Dem's don't have a leg to stand on they are filthy scum.

Americans don't agree. Trump is the one who doesn't have a leg to stand on.

Your personal opinion isn't shared by the American people who matter. :itsok:
1 vote per citizen is a matter of fact, Blues. And everyone matters.

Clearly traitors in California don't matter, we elected Trump president without them.
Are you calling the whole state "traitorous"?

Is this an adult forum for discussion of politics or is it more like an elementary school playground where children passing as adults have what amounts to as verbal spaz attacks?
More like a special education time out room
Americans don't agree. Trump is the one who doesn't have a leg to stand on.

Your personal opinion isn't shared by the American people who matter. :itsok:
1 vote per citizen is a matter of fact, Blues. And everyone matters.

Clearly traitors in California don't matter, we elected Trump president without them.
Are you calling the whole state "traitorous"?

Is this an adult forum for discussion of politics or is it more like an elementary school playground where children passing as adults have what amounts to as verbal spaz attacks?
More like a special education time out room
then donny can pay for it since he flat out lied about mexico coughing up the pesos just to get the racists' vote.
Nobody EVER believed that Mexico would send us a check for the wall, you dumbfuck.

But, if you're gonna play it that way, well I propose that Mexico should pay for all our welfare too. You can go get your food stamps from MEXICO.

Let's just keep it shut down for the next 2 years or so. That work for me.

Then why did trump say it?

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