THIS is why Pelosi OWNS the shutdown now

Pelosi bought the blame for the shutdown from Trump when she refused to even consider his offers on DACA etc. in exchange for border security funding.

She has proven that she hates Trump more than she cares about the furloughed workers, DACA kids, and anyone else who is affected by the shutdown. And in doing so, she has also given Normal Americans who pay for our bloated government a longer demonstration of how little we actually benefit from the "non-essential" services.

I will be the one to shut it down. I’m not going to blame you for it.”
Democrats have roundly rejected the proposal, with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi calling any wall funding a “nonstarter”

NANCY DIGS IN: Pelosi Says Border Wall Funding a ‘NON-STARTER’ for Democrats | Sean Hannity

She REFUSES to negotiate so the shutdown will continue until 2020 and we throw the leftists out of office OR she finally gives in. Plain and simple.

She wants protections for the DACA invaders,we want a wall...BOTH of those are set in stone and there is no way around them plain and simple! She can either negotiate or just allow the shutdown to go until November 2020.

No. Trump said he would shut down the government on 12/11. He also walked out of negotiations.

He owns it.
then donny can pay for it since he flat out lied about mexico coughing up the pesos just to get the racists' vote.
Nobody EVER believed that Mexico would send us a check for the wall, you dumbfuck.

But, if you're gonna play it that way, well I propose that Mexico should pay for all our welfare too. You can go get your food stamps from MEXICO.

Let's just keep it shut down for the next 2 years or so. That work for me.

Then why did trump say it?
Most candidates make promises and keep very few. Some never kept any. And they keep getting reelected. Now I would love Mexico to pay for that wall. If not, what? Also I have no issue stopping any education, checks and benefits to any illegals. that would help to pay for the wall.
Pelosi bought the blame for the shutdown from Trump when she refused to even consider his offers on DACA etc. in exchange for border security funding.

She has proven that she hates Trump more than she cares about the furloughed workers, DACA kids, and anyone else who is affected by the shutdown. And in doing so, she has also given Normal Americans who pay for our bloated government a longer demonstration of how little we actually benefit from the "non-essential" services.
Trumps offer was a fucking insult to Pelosi and all decent people in this country and more red meat thrown to the moronic minions who are his base!
then donny can pay for it since he flat out lied about mexico coughing up the pesos just to get the racists' vote.
Nobody EVER believed that Mexico would send us a check for the wall, you dumbfuck.

But, if you're gonna play it that way, well I propose that Mexico should pay for all our welfare too. You can go get your food stamps from MEXICO.

Let's just keep it shut down for the next 2 years or so. That work for me.

Then why did trump say it?
Most candidates make promises and keep very few. Some never kept any. And they keep getting reelected. Now I would love Mexico to pay for that wall. If not, what? Also I have no issue stopping any education, checks and benefits to any illegals. that would help to pay for the wall.
If not, we don’t rebuild the wall.
NOT ONCE has President Trump, or his administration working on an alleged compromise, spoken or reached out in any way shape or form, to Nancy Pelosi.... to come up with a compromise.

Democrats ALWAYS owned the shutdown. The POTUS is not asking for anything unreasonable, Americans are being killed by illegals hello. The Dem's don't have a leg to stand on they are filthy scum.

Americans don't agree. Trump is the one who doesn't have a leg to stand on.

Your personal opinion isn't shared by the American people who matter. :itsok:
1 vote per citizen is a matter of fact, Blues. And everyone matters.

Clearly traitors in California don't matter, we elected Trump president without them.
Are you calling the whole state of California "traitorous"?

Is this an adult forum for discussion of politics or is it more like an elementary school playground where children passing as adults have what amounts to as verbal spaz attacks?

No just Dem's who have sided with illegals who keep killing Americans and blocking attempts to secure our border and deport their asses.
Democrats ALWAYS owned the shutdown. The POTUS is not asking for anything unreasonable, Americans are being killed by illegals hello. The Dem's don't have a leg to stand on they are filthy scum.

Americans don't agree. Trump is the one who doesn't have a leg to stand on.

Your personal opinion isn't shared by the American people who matter. :itsok:
1 vote per citizen is a matter of fact, Blues. And everyone matters.

Clearly traitors in California don't matter, we elected Trump president without them.
I'm speaking in terms of constitution, Blues. Not my personal opinion of who I like and who I don't like. I lived in California for 5 years. We give the most attention to stars in Hollywood who do offensive things. I didn't walk in those circles. I made friends with many good people who quietly pay their taxes and try to do the right thing without calling any attention to themselves. There are a heck of a lot of good people in California. I'm an eye witness to them.
Pelosi owns Trump.

She made a statement of her importance as being the most powerful person. If she owned President Trump, he would be her lap dog. She doesn't own him, and he isn't going to be her lap dog any time soon.

Pelosi does her own chest thumjping, but she forgets that while Congress can submit laws, but they have to submit it to a Senate that may table it, reject it, or accept it. Right now, the Democrats are at war with anyone who isn't their lap dog. This thing isn't going to end if we stand here all day and do the same thing they're doing, which is to slap each other around based on what somebody else does or does not do.

In my humble opinion, Mrs. Pelosi if she is a leader, she needs to share her superiority with other people with a kinder, gentler attitude of give and take. She's in my-way-or-the-highway mode right now. And she is farting in the face of states that have the expense and the misery of dealing with illegals crossing the border complete with demands that most guests never require in someone else's home.

And I do not care who decides to hate me because I think a semblance of decorum is necessary to make the wheels of our republic turn.

And the President was elected to direct the nation. The Speaker of the House was chosen by people who had already decided they were going to make President Trump's life a hell upon this earth for his win in 2016. That is as paltry as politics designed to fulfill the needs of the American people can get.
Democrats ALWAYS owned the shutdown. The POTUS is not asking for anything unreasonable, Americans are being killed by illegals hello. The Dem's don't have a leg to stand on they are filthy scum.
The Dems aren't asking for anything at all.
The hostage taker makes the demands.

Dem's are demanding that we allow illegals to kill and rape Americans.
By giving dreamers a chance to be good, productive , law abiding citizens? What a boatload of bizarre bovine excrement!

They can go home and dream at home. :itsok:
Democrats ALWAYS owned the shutdown. The POTUS is not asking for anything unreasonable, Americans are being killed by illegals hello. The Dem's don't have a leg to stand on they are filthy scum.

Americans don't agree. Trump is the one who doesn't have a leg to stand on.

Your personal opinion isn't shared by the American people who matter. :itsok:
1 vote per citizen is a matter of fact, Blues. And everyone matters.

Clearly traitors in California don't matter, we elected Trump president without them.
I'm speaking in terms of constitution, Blues. Not my personal opinion of who I like and who I don't like. I lived in California for 5 years. We give the most attention to stars in Hollywood who do offensive things. I didn't walk in those circles. I made friends with many good people who quietly pay their taxes and try to do the right thing without calling any attention to themselves. There are a heck of a lot of good people in California. I'm an eye witness to them.

Anyone in any state who gives sanctuary to illegals, sides with illegals, blocks attempts to deport illegals, blocks attempts to secure our borders are responsible in part for the thousands of Americans who are being killed by illegals. There full coverage.
As Trump continues to offer compromise plans, Pelosi will be under more and more pressure to be reasonable.
Americans don't agree. Trump is the one who doesn't have a leg to stand on.

Your personal opinion isn't shared by the American people who matter. :itsok:
1 vote per citizen is a matter of fact, Blues. And everyone matters.

Clearly traitors in California don't matter, we elected Trump president without them.
I'm speaking in terms of constitution, Blues. Not my personal opinion of who I like and who I don't like. I lived in California for 5 years. We give the most attention to stars in Hollywood who do offensive things. I didn't walk in those circles. I made friends with many good people who quietly pay their taxes and try to do the right thing without calling any attention to themselves. There are a heck of a lot of good people in California. I'm an eye witness to them.

Anyone in any state who gives sanctuary to illegals, sides with illegals, blocks attempts to deport illegals, blocks attempts to secure our borders are responsible in part for the thousands of Americans who are being killed by illegals. There full coverage.
The silent majority people of the 60s didn't have to deal with illegal aliens, Blues. The people I knew were deserving of good things. My family left California after 5 years to get better jobs in Wyoming and Texas. Years later, I knew many people who were known as ex-Cals. One of them started a business when they got out called "The Ex-Cal Co." lol
Even so, California has its own heroes--Luther Burbank developed a Russet potato that is still sold in stores as the best today, and gave the world the Shasta Daisy from his career in botanical sciences. The list is long an includes many pioneers in the field of computer sciences, and all else.
Some of the finest paintings in the world have been shown in California art museums, and lovely music of the spheres has been written there or first played there as movie themes.You will never see me hating on people from California. There are just too many fine and good things that come out of the state, not to mention they feed a lot of mouths with the advances simple farmers have practiced for generations.

Have to go. Y'all have a lovely evening. We can quarrel over generalities any time, but we should always love and pray for even our enemies. That's how we solve problems. Let somebody else throw the cowpies. lolol
Americans don't agree. Trump is the one who doesn't have a leg to stand on.

Your personal opinion isn't shared by the American people who matter. :itsok:
1 vote per citizen is a matter of fact, Blues. And everyone matters.

Clearly traitors in California don't matter, we elected Trump president without them.
Are you calling the whole state of California "traitorous"?

Is this an adult forum for discussion of politics or is it more like an elementary school playground where children passing as adults have what amounts to as verbal spaz attacks?
No just Dem's who have sided with illegals who keep killing Americans and blocking attempts to secure our border and deport their asses.
Dreamers are killing Americans? Those seeking asylum are killing Americans. ?
Trumps offer was a fucking insult to Pelosi and all decent people in this country and more red meat thrown to the moronic minions who are his base!
Is she gonna make a counter-offer?

Otherwise, she is walking out. She is refusing to negotiate.

She and Schumer will when he makes a reasonable offer that is not an insult to the Democrats , The dreamers, and all decent people of this country. His offer was a fucking bad joke without a punchline.
Your personal opinion isn't shared by the American people who matter. :itsok:
1 vote per citizen is a matter of fact, Blues. And everyone matters.

Clearly traitors in California don't matter, we elected Trump president without them.
Are you calling the whole state of California "traitorous"?

Is this an adult forum for discussion of politics or is it more like an elementary school playground where children passing as adults have what amounts to as verbal spaz attacks?
No just Dem's who have sided with illegals who keep killing Americans and blocking attempts to secure our border and deport their asses.
Dreamers are killing Americans? Those seeking asylum are killing Americans. ?

Dreamers are ILLEGALS who live with their drug trafficking criminal parents.
She and Schumer will when he makes a reasonable offer that is not an insult to the Democrats , The dreamers, and all decent people of this country. His offer was a fucking bad joke without a punchline.
So, they are demanding that Trump bid against himself?

How is that helpful?

How the fuck do we even know what these idiots want?


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