This is why Roy Moore needs to win the Senate Seat...our country may be in the balance....

Yep...this writer sets out the problem if Moore loses the race and it is bigger than people think. You may hate Trump, but giving democrats power will destroy the country......

For me, it is about the Supreme Court......all of our freedoms are on the line there.....ginsburg and kennedy likely can't hold out for another 7 years.....and we are in a position to have actual, conservative, constitutionalist justices on the court......

So if I get your argument here, you have to elect the pedophile because the traitor who sold us out to Russia might get impeached and can't appoint knuckle-draggers to the court?

Here's the problem. You guys passed up a dozen or so perfectly qualified guys to nominate the game show host, and then insisted on supporting him despite a lot of evidence he was bad news.

And now you are worried that if you don't elect a guy who is pretty much a pedophile, he will be even less effective than he already is?
Yo, listen to all of the Judges and Jury here, a bunch of Mini "Communist" Puppets, SICK!!!

Hilarious, you think you've got freedoms in the balance. You'd happily do away with half the freedoms that other people care about, but touch the sacred phallic gun, and you're FUCKED!!!!
Trump said Moore would be tough on crime while he's accused of committing crimes. Classic Double Speak
What you will not admit ignoring is that crimes have to be proven.

In court they do but this aint court
Right here folks we have a regressive liberal admitting they don't need proof to ruin a person! Sick no goods indeed!
Yep...this writer sets out the problem if Moore loses the race and it is bigger than people think. You may hate Trump, but giving democrats power will destroy the country......

For me, it is about the Supreme Court......all of our freedoms are on the line there.....ginsburg and kennedy likely can't hold out for another 7 years.....and we are in a position to have actual, conservative, constitutionalist justices on the court......

So if I get your argument here, you have to elect the pedophile because the traitor who sold us out to Russia might get impeached and can't appoint knuckle-draggers to the court?

Here's the problem. You guys passed up a dozen or so perfectly qualified guys to nominate the game show host, and then insisted on supporting him despite a lot of evidence he was bad news.

And now you are worried that if you don't elect a guy who is pretty much a pedophile, he will be even less effective than he already is? haven't been keeping up...the FBI mole who was undercover for 5 years is showing obama and clinton selling out the country, not Trump.....

We will deal with moore when there is actual time to do it without giving you guys more power to push your hate, racism and sexual predation against women....even though what he did was while he was a democrat, there is no time to choose another, and giving you more power is a non starter..........
Fine with me - either way Dems win. Roy wins, we hang him around your neck in the midterms. Roy loses, we gain a seat and STILL paint the GOP and Trump as the Gross Old Pedophiles.

Oh, and thanks for the endorsement Lizard Brain - now you can go hold a big rally in Alabama with Creepy Roy at your side. Apparently as long as a Republican male denies their despicable behavior, you will believe them over 9 extremely credible females.

Yeah.....give up a Senate seat because you guys trot out women just before the election. While you guys circle the wagons around bill clinton, an actual serial rapist, and al franken and john who actually used their political office to attack women.....

Had there been more time, and a choice, moore would not have been, with you morons waiting till there was no chance to replace him to make these allegations, you want us to let you have that seat...while you continue to protect every single one of your rapists....

Sorry.....too much is at stake, we can win the seat and then deal with moore.....when even Dennis Prager says to vote for Moore, you guys can go to hell...

Bill Clinton is not a serial rapist. There isn’t one accusation of rape against Bill Clinton. Anita Broaddrick signed a sworn Affidavit in court that Bill Clinton never raped her. Ken Starr threatened her with perjury charges if she didn’t change her story so she then claimed it was rape. She is the only person who ever claimed that Bill Clinton raped her.

Bill Clinton is a serial adulterer. The overwhelming evidence is that the women he was involved with were willing participants. Furthermore, the one woman who wasn’t willing, Paula Jones, said “No” and left the room.
Lets let it slide he scopes out GIRLS at high school dances, for partisanship and fear!

Lets let it slide he scopes out GIRLS at high school dances, for partisanship and fear!

He can be replaced later......and considering the willingness of democrats to allow rapists and sexual predators to not only hold their power but to be lauded as heroes, yeah......winning the seat and then dealing with Moore if he is guilty is worth the effort.

You need to be Confirming a culture of sexual predation so as to meet other means to an end is vile. Go live in a country where that shit is allowed: Yemen, Syria, Sudan, and Zimbabwe. You'll fit right in, asshole.
Fine with me - either way Dems win. Roy wins, we hang him around your neck in the midterms. Roy loses, we gain a seat and STILL paint the GOP and Trump as the Gross Old Pedophiles.

Oh, and thanks for the endorsement Lizard Brain - now you can go hold a big rally in Alabama with Creepy Roy at your side. Apparently as long as a Republican male denies their despicable behavior, you will believe them over 9 extremely credible females.

Yeah.....give up a Senate seat because you guys trot out women just before the election. While you guys circle the wagons around bill clinton, an actual serial rapist, and al franken and john who actually used their political office to attack women.....

Had there been more time, and a choice, moore would not have been, with you morons waiting till there was no chance to replace him to make these allegations, you want us to let you have that seat...while you continue to protect every single one of your rapists....

Sorry.....too much is at stake, we can win the seat and then deal with moore.....when even Dennis Prager says to vote for Moore, you guys can go to hell...

Bill Clinton is not a serial rapist. There isn’t one accusation of rape against Bill Clinton. Anita Broaddrick signed a sworn Affidavit in court that Bill Clinton never raped her. Ken Starr threatened her with perjury charges if she didn’t change her story so she then claimed it was rape. She is the only person who ever claimed that Bill Clinton raped her.

Bill Clinton is a serial adulterer. The overwhelming evidence is that the women he was involved with were willing participants. Furthermore, the one woman who wasn’t willing, Paula Jones, said “No” and left the room.

No....3 accusations of rape....

Articles: Hill on Bill’s Women: 'We Reached Out to Them'

In August 1996, still worried about Perdue’s potential to disrupt the campaign, the Clintons had Democratic party operative Ron Tucker speak to Perdue. According to Perdue, Tucker told her, “There were people in high places who were anxious about me and they wanted me to know that keeping my mouth shut would be worthwhile.”

“Worthwhile” meant a GS-11 or higher job with the federal government. If she turned down the offer and talked to the media, “He couldn't guarantee what would happen to my pretty little legs.” After harassing phone calls and damage to her car, Perdue chose to go into hiding.

Perdue was the least of the Clintons’ problems in 1992. More potentially troublesome were the women that Clinton had assaulted, Juanita Broaddrick, Elizabeth Ward Gracen, and Paula Jones among others.

This week’s Post article pulls its punches on both Jones and Broaddrick. In thePost’s account, Jones was “groped” and Broaddrick was the victim of a claimed “sexual assault.” Yes, Clinton did grope Jones, but as she would later testify under oath, “Mr. Clinton then walked over to the sofa, lowered his trousers and underwear, exposed his penis (which was erect) and told me to ‘kiss it.’"

As to Broaddrick, she was not merely assaulted. She was raped. “It was a real panicky, panicky situation,” Broaddrick told NBC’s Lisa Myers in February 1999. “I was even to the point where I was getting very noisy, you know, yelling to ‘Please stop.’ And that’s when he pressed down on my right shoulder and he would bite my lip.”

Immediately afterwards, a colleague found Broaddrick in her hotel room crying and “in a state of shock,” her pantyhose torn and her lip swollen. The Post made no mention of Hillary’s literal hands-on effort to silence Broaddrick. “She threatened me at that fundraiser,” Broaddrick said of an intimidating grip-and-grin with Hillary soon after the rape, “that’s foremost in my mind; I’ll never forget that; I’ll never forget that encounter.”

The Post article in question makes no mention of Gracen. As Iskoff reported in his 1999 book, Uncovering Clinton, Gracen had a one-off with Clinton in 1983 when Clinton was governor and she was serving as Miss America.

To assure Gracen’s silence during the 1992 campaign, Clinton campaign manager Mickey Kantor got together with Clinton’s friend and Hollywood producer, Harry Thomason, and they arranged for her to take a part in a mini-series then filming in Croatia.

There was a reason to get Gracen out of the country. Like Broaddrick, Gracen was married when she was sexually assaulted by Clinton. “It was rough sex,” Isikoff wrote, “Clinton got so carried away that he bit her lip, Gracen later told friends. But it was consensual.”

Writing before Broaddrick’s prime-time confession, Isikoff missed the lip-biting MO. He also failed to acknowledge that at least one of Gracen’s friends, Judy Stokes, had told the Paula Jones legal team that the sex was not consensual at all.

“Do you believe Clinton raped her?” investigator Rick Lambert asked her. “Absolutely,” Stokes replied. “He forced her to have sex. What do you call that?”

In April 1998, Gracen came to the embattled Clinton’s aid, this time by recanting an earlier lie that she had never had sex with Clinton. In a television interview, Gracen said of the 1983 encounter with Clinton, “What I did was wrong, and I feel very bad about it now.” Gracen denied that the sex was coerced and said almost laughably of Hillary, “I’ll apologize to her now. It was wrong.”

After her 1998 TV interview, fearing a subpoena from prosecutor Ken Starr, Gracen flew to the Caribbean where she went island hopping for several months. “She had no interest being drawn into the case,” wrote Isikoff. “She had already lied for Clinton once.”

Then as now, the media had no interest in discovering who arranged for Gracen’s faux apology or her sun-drenched flight from justice.

Despite her decades-long sexist and classist war on women, Hillary had confidence enough in the major media to tweet in November 2015, “Every survivor of sexual assault deserves to be heard, believed, and supported.”

Broaderick, and Gracen...also Eileen Wellstone....

Bill Clinton's ong history of sexual assault

  • Eileen Wellstone, 19-year-old English woman who said Clinton sexually assaulted her after she met him at a pub near the Oxford where the future President was a student in 1969. A retired State Department employee, who asked not to be identified, confirmed that he spoke with the family of the girl and filed a report with his superiors. Clinton admitted having sex with the girl, but claimed it was consensual. The victim's family declined to pursue the case;

Yep...this writer sets out the problem if Moore loses the race and it is bigger than people think. You may hate Trump, but giving democrats power will destroy the country......

For me, it is about the Supreme Court......all of our freedoms are on the line there.....ginsburg and kennedy likely can't hold out for another 7 years.....and we are in a position to have actual, conservative, constitutionalist justices on the court......

Why Roy Moore and Tax Cuts Matter

Elections have consequences. Suppose the House flips to Democrat control? If it does, you can bet that they will vote to impeach President Trump on day one. Articles of impeachment, however nonsensical, have already been drawn up.

Unlike the Republicans who promised to repeal Obamacare on day one, the Democrats won’t dither. This will be a campaign promise the Democrats will honor. Before the end of January 2018, the Senate will be gearing up for an impeachment trial.

Will the Senate flip? Less likely but every seat counts, even in Alabama.

Two-thirds of the Senate must convict and remove a president. Which is why every vote matters. Even Roy Moore’s. It’s not inconceivable to find 15-20 NeverTrump GOP Senators voting to remove Trump from the White House. McCain, if healthy enough, would vote that way. Moore would not. His current electoral opponent Doug Jones undoubtedly would.

The Senate trial would drag on, much like the Robert Mueller Russia collusion investigation, casting a cloud over the White House and any Trump initiatives.

Even if not removed from office, Trump’s term would effectively be over. Judicial appointments, especially to the Supreme Court would be held up under the premise that a president who may soon be removed from office shouldn’t be making lifetime appointments to the bench.

Same with any significant legislation. Trump would be placed in a box that even his force of personality couldn’t overcome.

Could an impeached President Trump win a second term? Would he even try? Why would he bother? Who follows Trump? Third time’s the charm for Hillary? Handsy Joe Biden? Al Franken, if he skates on his predatory activities as Bill Clinton did? Pocahontas Warren?

This is make or break time for the GOP. Can they get their act together and get something done after a year of shooting blanks? Will the GOP work to defeat Roy Moore over 40-year-old dodgy allegations? Giving another Senate seat to the Democrats?

The new Republican bible quote

The wolf shall dwell with the lamb, and the leopard shall lie down with the young goat, and the calf and the lion and the fattened calf together; and a little child molester shall lead them..
I agree with the OP that the Senate is the key, the house is becoming irrelevant as time goes by.
I could care not which party sits in the White House as long as the other party holds the senate.
And it goes deeper than just the SCOTUS. The current resident of the White House is nominating paranormal bloggers to federal judge seats based purely upon his loyalty to Trump.
It should bother people from both sides that the judges are being nominated based on who they swear fealty to instead of experience.
But it won’t, as party is more important than country in the US today

Sent from my iPhone using
Fine with me - either way Dems win. Roy wins, we hang him around your neck in the midterms. Roy loses, we gain a seat and STILL paint the GOP and Trump as the Gross Old Pedophiles.

Oh, and thanks for the endorsement Lizard Brain - now you can go hold a big rally in Alabama with Creepy Roy at your side. Apparently as long as a Republican male denies their despicable behavior, you will believe them over 9 extremely credible females.

Yeah.....give up a Senate seat because you guys trot out women just before the election. While you guys circle the wagons around bill clinton, an actual serial rapist, and al franken and john who actually used their political office to attack women.....

Had there been more time, and a choice, moore would not have been, with you morons waiting till there was no chance to replace him to make these allegations, you want us to let you have that seat...while you continue to protect every single one of your rapists....

Sorry.....too much is at stake, we can win the seat and then deal with moore.....when even Dennis Prager says to vote for Moore, you guys can go to hell...

Bill Clinton is not a serial rapist. There isn’t one accusation of rape against Bill Clinton. Anita Broaddrick signed a sworn Affidavit in court that Bill Clinton never raped her. Ken Starr threatened her with perjury charges if she didn’t change her story so she then claimed it was rape. She is the only person who ever claimed that Bill Clinton raped her.

Bill Clinton is a serial adulterer. The overwhelming evidence is that the women he was involved with were willing participants. Furthermore, the one woman who wasn’t willing, Paula Jones, said “No” and left the room.

And the truth.....

Anita Broaddrick signed a sworn Affidavit in court that Bill Clinton never raped her.

Is Juanita Broaddrick Telling the Truth?

She Changed Her Story:

In 1997, Broaddrick filed an affadavit with Paula Jones' lawyers saying Clinton did not assault her. In 1998, Broaddrick told Kenneth Starr's FBI investigators that she was raped. Eventually, Broaddrick described the rape for several major news organizations.

Clinton Is Innocent: Broaddrick is either a liar or has an unreliable memory.

Clinton Is Guilty: Broaddrick's initial denials indicate only that she shunned publicity. That's why she never reported the rape; rebuffed advances from Clinton's political enemies who, in 1992, urged her to go public; and lied to Paula Jones' lawyers. She eventually told the FBI the truth in 1998 only because her son--a lawyer--advised her against lying to federal investigators. (At the time, it was reasonable to suspect she'd be hauled before a grand jury.) She granted media interviews only after her name was released by Paula Jones' lawyers, and after tabloids printed wildly untrue stories about her. Given her aversion to politics and celebrity, Broaddrick would seem to have little or nothing to gain by falsely accusing Clinton of rape. Clinton, on the other hand, has plenty to gain from falsely denying her charges.

She Told Friends:

Five people say Broaddrick told them about the rape immediately after it occurred. A friend and co-worker named Norma Kelsey says that, 21 years ago, she found a dazed Broaddrick with bloodied lip and torn pantyhose in their shared hotel room and Broaddrick explained that Clinton had just raped her. (Clinton is supposed to have bitten her on the lip just before raping her.) Her current husband--then her lover--says Broaddrick told him about the rape within a few days of the event. Broaddrick was, at the time, married to another man, whom she didn't tell about the assault. And three of Broaddrick's friends--one of whom is Kelsey's sister--say she told them about the rape shortly after it supposedly occurred.

Clinton Is Innocent: The friends' testimony isn't trustworthy. Kelsey and her sister have a grudge against Clinton because, as governor, he commuted the life sentence of the man who murdered their father. Broaddrick's current husband might lie on her behalf. Moreover, even if the friends are telling the truth, Broaddrick might have been lying 21 years ago. There is limited evidence that her first husband was abusive, so maybe she cooked up the story to explain a bloody lip he had given her. And if she wasraped, why didn't she tell her own husband?

Clinton Is Guilty: If five friends say her story hasn't changed over 21 years, we can conclude that either that she's an unusually consistent liar or that her memory is reliable.

I agree with the OP that the Senate is the key, the house is becoming irrelevant as time goes by.
I could care not which party sits in the White House as long as the other party holds the senate.
And it goes deeper than just the SCOTUS. The current resident of the White House is nominating paranormal bloggers to federal judge seats based purely upon his loyalty to Trump.
It should bother people from both sides that the judges are being nominated based on who they swear fealty to instead of experience.
But it won’t, as party is more important than country in the US today

Sent from my iPhone using
Yes, that is all new shit.. Are you like 8?
Judge appointments have been used to lengthen the power of political activists for generations. Give me a break, man..
That you democrats are still defending bill clinton and his wife.......shows that allowing you to get that seat based on 40 year old allegations that we can't make a proper accounting for, so close to an election is a non starter.......we win the seat, and let the Senate deal with moore.........we don't protect sexual moore will be dealt with if he is found guys are still defending bill clinton...a man who raped at least 3 women and assaulted at least a dozen more...... haven't been keeping up...the FBI mole who was undercover for 5 years is showing obama and clinton selling out the country, not Trump.....

Okay, you keep telling yourself that, but it's all Trump's friends who are getting indicted for this.

We will deal with moore when there is actual time to do it without giving you guys more power to push your hate, racism and sexual predation against women....even though what he did was while he was a democrat, there is no time to choose another, and giving you more power is a non starter..........

SO essentially, you are willing to sell out all your principles to win.

Moore wins, he'll be the poster child for the GOP congress in 2018. You know, the Congress that has a 9% approval rating.
Yep...this writer sets out the problem if Moore loses the race and it is bigger than people think. You may hate Trump, but giving democrats power will destroy the country......

For me, it is about the Supreme Court......all of our freedoms are on the line there.....ginsburg and kennedy likely can't hold out for another 7 years.....and we are in a position to have actual, conservative, constitutionalist justices on the court......

Why Roy Moore and Tax Cuts Matter

Elections have consequences. Suppose the House flips to Democrat control? If it does, you can bet that they will vote to impeach President Trump on day one. Articles of impeachment, however nonsensical, have already been drawn up.

Unlike the Republicans who promised to repeal Obamacare on day one, the Democrats won’t dither. This will be a campaign promise the Democrats will honor. Before the end of January 2018, the Senate will be gearing up for an impeachment trial.

Will the Senate flip? Less likely but every seat counts, even in Alabama.

Two-thirds of the Senate must convict and remove a president. Which is why every vote matters. Even Roy Moore’s. It’s not inconceivable to find 15-20 NeverTrump GOP Senators voting to remove Trump from the White House. McCain, if healthy enough, would vote that way. Moore would not. His current electoral opponent Doug Jones undoubtedly would.

The Senate trial would drag on, much like the Robert Mueller Russia collusion investigation, casting a cloud over the White House and any Trump initiatives.

Even if not removed from office, Trump’s term would effectively be over. Judicial appointments, especially to the Supreme Court would be held up under the premise that a president who may soon be removed from office shouldn’t be making lifetime appointments to the bench.

Same with any significant legislation. Trump would be placed in a box that even his force of personality couldn’t overcome.

Could an impeached President Trump win a second term? Would he even try? Why would he bother? Who follows Trump? Third time’s the charm for Hillary? Handsy Joe Biden? Al Franken, if he skates on his predatory activities as Bill Clinton did? Pocahontas Warren?

This is make or break time for the GOP. Can they get their act together and get something done after a year of shooting blanks? Will the GOP work to defeat Roy Moore over 40-year-old dodgy allegations? Giving another Senate seat to the Democrats?
Do you think Moore needs to win that seat if the allegations against him are proven to be true?
No....3 accusations of rape....

Okay, so looking at your list. Perdue and Gracen have both said publicly their relationships with Clinton were consensual. SO those are non-starters.

Juanita Brodderick is a liar. She's told three different versions of her story over the years. Clinton has consistently told the same story.

Usually, if you change your story, you don't have credibility.
Fine with me - either way Dems win. Roy wins, we hang him around your neck in the midterms. Roy loses, we gain a seat and STILL paint the GOP and Trump as the Gross Old Pedophiles.

Oh, and thanks for the endorsement Lizard Brain - now you can go hold a big rally in Alabama with Creepy Roy at your side. Apparently as long as a Republican male denies their despicable behavior, you will believe them over 9 extremely credible females.

Yeah.....give up a Senate seat because you guys trot out women just before the election. While you guys circle the wagons around bill clinton, an actual serial rapist, and al franken and john who actually used their political office to attack women.....

Had there been more time, and a choice, moore would not have been, with you morons waiting till there was no chance to replace him to make these allegations, you want us to let you have that seat...while you continue to protect every single one of your rapists....

Sorry.....too much is at stake, we can win the seat and then deal with moore.....when even Dennis Prager says to vote for Moore, you guys can go to hell...


Your insanity is noted, laughed at, and discarded.
I agree with the OP that the Senate is the key, the house is becoming irrelevant as time goes by.
I could care not which party sits in the White House as long as the other party holds the senate.
And it goes deeper than just the SCOTUS. The current resident of the White House is nominating paranormal bloggers to federal judge seats based purely upon his loyalty to Trump.
It should bother people from both sides that the judges are being nominated based on who they swear fealty to instead of experience.
But it won’t, as party is more important than country in the US today

Sent from my iPhone using
Yes, that is all new shit.. Are you like 8?
Judge appointments have been used to lengthen the power of political activists for generations. Give me a break, man..

Which is why I hate it when the White House and the Senate are in the same hands. It is always bad for the country

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