This is why the Democrats are losing the Hispanic vote

When the GOP wins and they have Hispanics to thank, oh man that will be so sweet
Besides the casual racism DemoKKKrats inflict on Hispanics day in and day out ("breakfast tacos", anyone?), the Hispanic culture largely rejects leftist racism, condescension, and lies.

Doesn't matter any more. The mechanisms are in place now.
The Left will likely sweep this Novembers midterms even if Left turnout is low and the media is already softening the blow.
If you pay attention you catch the subtle hints.
In other news.......
I'm making an early prediction that Amazon acquires FedEx.
You heard it here FIRST

Doesn't matter any more. The mechanisms are in place now.
The Left will likely sweep this Novembers midterms even if Left turnout is low and the media is already softening the blow.
If you pay attention you catch the subtle hints.
Yikes! Who let the cat out of the bag? Ok, you got us. Yes, we Dems have fixed all future elections. You guys should just stay home. We got this!
Besides the casual racism DemoKKKrats inflict on Hispanics day in and day out ("breakfast tacos", anyone?), the Hispanic culture largely rejects leftist racism, condescension, and lies.

Surprise! Hispanic Americans want border control
Poll: 52% of Hispanics believe the government is not doing enough to reduce border crossings

When U.S. politicians talk about what Hispanic voters want, they often bring up immigration. Many members of Congress, especially Democrats, assume Hispanic voters want less immigration enforcement and more immigration. In 2020, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez led calls to cut the Border Patrol’s budget to punish them for “inflicting harm on our communities.” By “inflicting harm,” she apparently meant guarding the U.S.-Mexico border and arresting those crossing illegally.

Among Republicans, Rep. Mayra Flores symbolizes a new breed of Hispanic officeholders who stand for stricter border enforcement. Ms. Flores, who won a special election in June to represent the 34th Congressional district in the Rio Grande Valley of Texas, is the first Republican to represent her area in 150 years, and the first woman born in Mexico to ever enter Congress. She recently called on Congress to impeach Homeland Security Secretary Mayorkas for failing to enforce immigration laws and causing the border crisis.

Which of these women has a better handle on the immigration views of America’s 62 million Hispanics? According to two large new polls of Hispanic likely voters conducted by Rasmussen Reports, Ms. Flores wins by a mile.

Fifty-two percent of Hispanic likely voters believe the government is doing “too little to reduce illegal border crossings and visitor overstays.” Only 15% believe the government is doing “too much.” And 25% say the government’s efforts are about right, and 9% aren’t sure.

So more than three times as many Hispanic voters think the government is neglecting the border than feel the government is over-policing it. That’s significant!
I tawt I triggered a trumptard!

I did! I did trigger a trumptard!!!! :auiqs.jpg:

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