This is why the Democrats are losing the Hispanic vote

Democrats convincing minorities to see themselves as victims does not help minorities.

It helps Democrats.
So, in trumptard translation, helping minorities who are in need makes them victims? Got it.

Keep those trumptard "wisdom" coming. Always fun to see how you retards think.
So, in trumptard translation, helping minorities who are in need makes them victims? Got it.

Keep those trumptard "wisdom" coming. Always fun to see how you retards think.
How long until you finish middle school, child?
Please provide evidence of, I’m using your exact words that “millions of people spent massive amounts of energy fighting against the idea that a black person‘s life matters during the last few years”. I’ll wait, it’s good for practicing patience.
Maybe you were in a coma over the last few years. You have internet access, use it to check everything you missed.
On topic: there’s been a huge increase in awareness that’s directly resulted from a vast number of minorities given a megaphone. The only reason there is a shift per se is because of social media and actual footage/commentary made directly by minorities of various ages. (Please check out political content of what’s supported by TikTok users, you could be surprised;)) In actuality, there has been no mindset change, only the significantly increased sharing of multiple individual views. It’s the awareness of these views that is increasing daily, tenfold, to what minorities actually think about a subset of Americans telling them what they should be offended by and how to act in response. A true enlightenment.

One last question, to reduce wasted screen time for those who care about screen space: Do you consider yourself to be a good representative of the Democratic Party? I have to ask because it brings to mind how sometimes when I’m in doubt politically, I often concur with those who demonstrate to have more knowledge. Unless I have a pretty good basis of understanding using primary evidence, I stay mute. I pay more attention to posters who add valid links backing up their statements. Just curious.
Wow. A most powerful presentation. Thanks for posting this Marvin. This should go viral I might put this link on TikTok if I can figure out how to do so. There are many young folks from all locations who frequent TikTok and this might get a few views:)
So much for your other whining argument that the left WANTS illegal immigration to replace white voters.

Can't have it both ways.
So much for your other whining argument that the left WANTS illegal immigration to replace white voters.

Can't have it both ways.
Where did I write that Magic Mike? Good grief, it appears that we have more than one poster going for the Darwin award today!
we have more than one poster going for the Darwin award today!
There is very stiff competiton for that one here at this forum.

They believe that the Denocrat scheme to shut down small business actually HELPS those they are shutting down.

HOW many minority owned restaurants did the Democrat party ruin by shutting them down, folks?

Anybody? Anybody?

There is very stiff competiton for that one here at this forum.

They believe that the Denocrat scheme to shut down small business actually HELPS those they are shutting down.

HOW many minority owned restaurants did the Democrat party ruin by shutting them down, folks?

Anybody? Anybody?

Actually it was not the Democrat party.

It was SCIENCE....and the Center for Disease Control, and the World Health Organization.
But since Conserotards can't really understand science (which is based in intelligence) it doesn't make any sense.

But Trump's initial bungled response to the epidemic early on and then for the next year and a half certainly made things worse.
Actually it was not the Democrat party.

It was SCIENCE....and the Center for Disease Control, and the World Health Organization.
But since Conserotards can't really understand science (which is based in intelligence) it doesn't make any sense.

But Trump's initial bungled response to the epidemic early on and then for the next year and a half certainly made things worse.
Ah - "science" says the boychild who has never taken a science class in his life.

Do tell me the "science" begind the notion that a virus is sure to get you if you patronize a amall business, but not at a giant chain?
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Actually it was not the Democrat party.

It was SCIENCE....and the Center for Disease Control, and the World Health Organization.
But since Conserotards can't really understand science (which is based in intelligence) it doesn't make any sense.

But Trump's initial bungled response to the epidemic early on and then for the next year and a half certainly made things worse.

Science? Your side says this is a woman:


When it comes to science you should shut up.
Ah - "science" says the boychild who has never taken a science class in his life.

Do tell me the "science" begind the noruon that a virus is sure to get you if you patronize a amall business, but not at a giant chain?
Essential businesses were allowed to stay open.

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