This is why the Democrats are losing the Hispanic vote

So, in trumptard language, helping minorities translates to hurting minorities? Duly noted. Thanks.
I’ll go out on a limb here and say you didn’t even watch the video or…. well I’ll leave my other assumption alone, I’m trying to be a good person today lol
That doesn't make sense.

Of course it doe, if you know what Queso is.
That doesn't make sense.

Of course it does unless you don't know what Queso is.



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Define “help”. If you watch the video, the student fully supports helping minorities as she stated.
Define "hurt". All I saw in the video was a minority complaining that people were trying to help her community. Prove anything she said was true. Go.
I’ll go out on a limb here and say you didn’t even watch the video or…. well I’ll leave my other assumption alone, I’m trying to be a good person today lol
Actually, I did watch it. But, go ahead. Prove anything she said was true. Go.
That's awesome. Of course, I was won over with the ANDs. That is exactly how that is done. I totally appreciate ANDS.

We have a serious problem in this country because those people at the top and in higher education are so removed from the rest of the population. There is this huge disconnect and they are some 25 years behind the rest of the world but continue to push down like we need this. This is insane and such a waste of resources.
I loved her “ands!” She had the full attention of her audience, but definitely no cue cards involved, even better:)
Sure it is. Now go take your meds and have a nice nap. :itsok:
All Lefties are on Meds. This is why they are all delusional and cannot grasp reality.
Why do you hate minority babies? Why are you killing African American Babies at an alarming rate and trying to replace them with illegal immigrants?
What the Hispanic woman in the clip recognizes, and what you're far too dumb to see, is that we're on to you. You don't want to help anyone except your own wealthy elites, and we all see it.
LOL. That's what you saw in the video?

Actually, what I saw was a minority who was bent out of shape because there was an outreach program trying to help her community.

But hey, prove me wrong. Prove that the program hurts minorities and you retards have a much better solution. Go.
I loved her “ands!” She had the full attention of her audience, but definitely no cue cards involved, even better:)
She absolutely had their attention and you could see her confidence grow as she was speaking. I am an ANDer. I post ANDS. It was perfect.
All Lefties are on Meds. This is why they are all delusional and cannot grasp reality.
Why do you hate minority babies? Why are you killing African American Babies at an alarming rate and trying to replace them with illegal immigrants?
Yeah, "talking about delusional and cannot grasp reality"...does responding in all bold font help with the "voices"? Good for you. :itsok:
Define "hurt". All I saw in the video was a minority complaining that people were trying to help her community. Prove anything she said was true. Go.
I will use my time recognizing there are other readers on the board besides you Magnus, even when I respond directly to a post of yours. It is not my intention to attempt to change your mind in any way. As I stated, I don’t plan to waste time so…to all open thinking readers: please watch the video and form an opinion for yourself. Do do not let my words and certainly not the words of this Magnus character determine your judgment, because we are “middlemen” and only trust firsthand accounts. Thank you;)
Besides the casual racism DemoKKKrats inflict on Hispanics day in and day out ("breakfast tacos", anyone?), the Hispanic culture largely rejects leftist racism, condescension, and lies.

I have long said that if conservatives didn't hate black people, hispanic people, etc. so much they could easily sway millions of them over to their side of politics. And it would be great for this country for people to come together, regardless of the politics.
I will use my time recognizing there are other readers on the board besides you Magnus, even when I respond directly to a post of yours. It is not my intention to attempt to change your mind in any way. As I stated, I don’t plan to waste time so…to all open thinking readers: please watch the video and form an opinion for yourself. Do do not let my words and certainly not the words of this Magnus character determine your judgment, because we are “middlemen” and only trust firsthand accounts. Thank you;)
In other words... you can't back up your statements? Not to worry. Never expected that you would. But, thanks for confirming.
I have long said that if conservatives didn't hate black people, hispanic people, etc. so much they could easily sway millions of them over to their side of politics. And it would be great for this country for people to come together, regardless of the politics.
If I am following you correctly Augustine, you are stating that conservatives (wow, a big label to use considering real numbers l, what are we talking here (just checked various sources indicating) we are talking about 1/3 of the country. So your post is stating that all of those people, one-third of all voters “hate Black people, hate Hispanic people” and as you said “etc.” you win the Darwin award of the year, notice I didn’t say of the day!;)
Yeah, "talking about delusional and cannot grasp reality"...does responding in all bold font help with the "voices"? Good for you. :itsok:
It helps with people that have a problem reading because they are too busy hating America and generally engaging in Evil for which they will ultimately be judged in The End.

Maybe you should invest in fire proof underwear. Heard it's pretty hot down there.
If I am following you correctly Augustine, you are stating that conservatives (wow, a big label to use considering real numbers l, what are we talking here (just checked various sources indicating) we are talking about 1/3 of the country. So your post is stating that all of those people, one-third of all voters “hate Black people, hate Hispanic people” and as you said “etc.” you win the Darwin award of the year, notice I didn’t say of the day!;)
You forget that those millions of people spent massive amounts of energy fighting against the idea that a black person's life matters during the last few years. I would bet that your blood pressure rose a little from just reading the words that a black person's life matters.
In other words... you can't back up your statements? Not to worry. Never expected that you would. But, thanks for confirming.
I predicted such a non-response, typical tactic in which you don’t even get credit for being original. Carry on there little man Magnus! I admit to guessing this about your physical status only using the selection of your screen name;)
You forget that those millions of people spent massive amounts of energy fighting against the idea that a black person's life matters during the last few years. I would bet that your blood pressure rose a little from just reading the words that a black person's life matters.
Please provide evidence of, I’m using your exact words that “millions of people spent massive amounts of energy fighting against the idea that a black person‘s life matters during the last few years”. I’ll wait, it’s good for practicing patience.
Actually, I did watch it. But, go ahead. Prove anything she said was true. Go.

It's her truth, and the fact that you ignore it shows what kind of racist you are. Which is exactly my point in this thread. This is why you're losing the Hispanic vote. You treat them like slaves.
I predicted such a non-response, typical tactic in which you don’t even get credit for being original. Carry on there little man Magnus! I admit to guessing this about your physical status only using the selection of your screen name;)
In other words, you are a moron who can't respond? Got it the first time. No need to keep confirming. :itsok:
It's her truth, and the fact that you ignore it shows what kind of racist you are. Which is exactly my point in this thread. This is why you're losing the Hispanic vote. You treat them like slaves.
"Her truth". Not the truth. Good of you to pick that up. My point, exactly.

As for Dems losing the Hispanic vote? Why? Because the Dems try to help them? LOL. And you retards wonder why no one takes you seriously.

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