THIS is why they hate him.

Schumer looks like such a POS in that video!!! He wants SOOOO BADLY to be able to tell Trump to GFY.......but the cameras are rolling and he cant!!! So he has to sit there and take it. It's glorious to watch.
Typical third-party argument: Allege what other people think and why they think that (e.g., being offended), thereby avoiding having to explain and defend what YOU think.
I think he's an orange bag O' shit. Not worthy of consumption nor attention. Happy?
That is ridiculous. And that is not why he is hated. That is a fantasy spun by shitballs passing for politicians and media. That you are stupid enough to think that was even a possibility with a group of unarmed protestors should tell you you have problems.
Yes, that's why he's hated like the pest
He's hated because he's a lying grifting con man and you and the rest of your trailer park support him anyway because you have about the same level of maturity.
Im voting for him because he pisses off TDS loons. I get my jollies off of it.

Oh and these career politicians have done so well. They fucked the place up and now say they are the ones to fix it huh???

Vote for me we fucked all this shit up. lmao
Im voting for him because he pisses off TDS loons. I get my jollies off of it.

Oh and these career politicians have done so well. They fucked the place up and now say they are the ones to fix it huh???

Vote for me we fucked all this shit up. lmao
clowns like the so called "moderator" fall for the career politicians schtick hook, line and sinker!!!! They think the career politicians can fix it. It would be comical if it weren't so sad and pathetic.
Wasn't that better than appointing the worst people from the get-go?

Don't you remember the cabinet meeting when they went around the room gushing at Trump with praise and gratitude? It was disgusting to see grown men act that way.

I hope I never see such pathetic grovelling again.
Like the containment grid in Ghostbusters?

Not knowing what you’re doing isn’t generally a good way to proceed.

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