THIS is why they hate him.

On the other hand, remember how 2016 and 2020 Trump realized the Democrats were the enemy and now he thinks DeSantis is? The man is an ass among men. Yes he's better than Biden, but let's not pretend he is what he's not, a decent human being
a decent human being cant make it in Washington!!! I dont vote for Ward Clever! I vote for someone who can get the job done against our enemies, both foreign and domestic.
a decent human being cant make it in Washington!!! I dont vote for Ward Clever! I vote for someone who can get the job done against our enemies, both foreign and domestic.

I voted for Reagan then stopped voting Republican after voting for the disaster HW in 1988. I only voted for Trump in 2020 because Democrats were directly supporting our enemies.

In 2024 Democrats still think Republicans are America's greatest enemy and Trump thinks it's DeSantis. It's not
When he's convicted of sedition, then we can say he's a seditionist and can fight it out in court as to whether the one rule applies to him or not. Short of that, it's all because somebody says so, and obviously democrats are going to say whatever they think they have to in order to make it happen.
Where does it say he has to be convicted n a court? All he has to do is give aid to the seditionists. The courts have determined it was an act of sedition, and he did aid those found guilty of sedition. They admitted they were there on his orders.
How do you know that Trump is a seditionist? I mean legally, not your worthless personal opinion, MAGA man
Trump doesn't technically have to be a seditionist. Section 3 says "shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof" There is no question about him engagin in rebellion or him giving aid and comfort.
Trump doesn't technically have to be a seditionist. Section 3 says "shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof" There is no question about him engagin in rebellion or him giving aid and comfort.

He doesn't technically hate to be a seditionist, but he does technically have to be convicted of whatever you are appealing to in the 14th. It's part of due process. The American kind, not the Soviet kind you believe in
He doesn't technically hate to be a seditionist, but he does technically have to be convicted of whatever you are appealing to in the 14th. It's part of due process. The American kind, not the Soviet kind you believe in
No. He doesn't have to be tried and convicted. All that is needed is a legal determination that his actions match the exclusions in Section 3. The courts have findings of facts every day without a specific trial and verdict to determine those facts.
Iran and Russia thought Trump had a backbone. China did, so did Mexico and Venezuela.
Cool story.

Btw where did Trump’s Mexico funded wall go? Oh that’s right, Mexico told him to fuck himself.
This thread is basically battered woman syndrome of politics. He could shoot someone on 5th avenue and they’d say he didn’t mean it, he’ll change, he’s really a good man. lol. No sympathy from me on how he screws you dummies.

None requested you piece of shit.
No. He doesn't have to be tried and convicted. All that is needed is a legal determination that his actions match the exclusions in Section 3. The courts have findings of facts every day without a specific trial and verdict to determine those facts.

Thanks! I always love hearing the expert opinion of someone who has no knowledge of the subject, MAGA man
Thanks! I always love hearing the expert opinion of someone who has no knowledge of the subject, MAGA man
Perhaps you can point out the specfic clause or law that shows me to be wrong.

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