This is why we need a living wage

Unions ran the auto industry out of Detroit but union leaders did pretty well for themselves. What's the plan now?
I don't think I've ever met anyone who enjoyed their min wage job or would want it as a career.

no, i think they DO enjoy their minimum wage jobs.

they just what to be paid MORE for the very little that they do.

Tell me, what walmart greeter doesn't want $15 an hour?

Is being a greeter worth $15 dollars an hour?

Would you rather have Wal-mart pay the employ $15 an hour or the tax payer pay for food stamps?
The Shocking Truth About What It Would Cost Us All If Walmart Paid A Living Wage

Watch the video.

$300,000,000 a year in food stamps just for walmart employees. Give them a living wage and we pay an extra 1.4% on their goods. One penny for every dollar spent at Walmart and those employees would not need to live on food stamps.

I'm against a living wage. Get off your butt and make yourself more valuable. its better to decide for yourself how much you are worth than having a company or government decide.

A living wage is what ever it is you are willing to work for. If that means working 16 house a day 7 days a week to survive.... :thup: Welcome to the real world.

What if "reality" was that a person could work 40 hrs/wk and make enough to get by and it cost you nothing more than what you pay into the system or pay for goods now? Would you be OK with that? With arguing against that reality would you be for it?
I'm against a living wage. Get off your butt and make yourself more valuable. its better to decide for yourself how much you are worth than having a company or government decide.

A living wage is what ever it is you are willing to work for. If that means working 16 house a day 7 days a week to survive.... :thup: Welcome to the real world.

What if "reality" was that a person could work 40 hrs/wk and make enough to get by and it cost you nothing more than what you pay into the system or pay for goods now? Would you be OK with that? With arguing against that reality would you be for it?

Unicorns and rainbows every day!
no, i think they DO enjoy their minimum wage jobs.

they just what to be paid MORE for the very little that they do.

Tell me, what walmart greeter doesn't want $15 an hour?

Is being a greeter worth $15 dollars an hour?

Would you rather have Wal-mart pay the employ $15 an hour or the tax payer pay for food stamps?

I would rather the employee work two..or even three jobs and pay their own way in life......
no, i think they DO enjoy their minimum wage jobs.

they just what to be paid MORE for the very little that they do.

Tell me, what walmart greeter doesn't want $15 an hour?

Is being a greeter worth $15 dollars an hour?

Would you rather have Wal-mart pay the employ $15 an hour or the tax payer pay for food stamps?

Those aren't the only two options.
But if you want to limit things to only two options, riddle me this......
Would your rather be in a car wreck, or get stabbed?

See how fun and idiotic it is when there are only two options?
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I'm against a living wage. Get off your butt and make yourself more valuable. its better to decide for yourself how much you are worth than having a company or government decide.

A living wage is what ever it is you are willing to work for. If that means working 16 house a day 7 days a week to survive.... :thup: Welcome to the real world.

What if "reality" was that a person could work 40 hrs/wk and make enough to get by and it cost you nothing more than what you pay into the system or pay for goods now? Would you be OK with that? With arguing against that reality would you be for it?

that is the reality for skilled labor.... and it costs me nothing now.

A living wage is what ever it is you are willing to work for. If that means working 16 house a day 7 days a week to survive.... :thup: Welcome to the real world.

What if "reality" was that a person could work 40 hrs/wk and make enough to get by and it cost you nothing more than what you pay into the system or pay for goods now? Would you be OK with that? With arguing against that reality would you be for it?

that is the reality for skilled labor.... and it costs me nothing now.

And it is not reality for the average walmart worker.
What if "reality" was that a person could work 40 hrs/wk and make enough to get by and it cost you nothing more than what you pay into the system or pay for goods now? Would you be OK with that? With arguing against that reality would you be for it?

that is the reality for skilled labor.... and it costs me nothing now.

And it is not reality for the average walmart worker.

are walmart workers skilled labor?

people need to pay their own way in life. If that means your average walmart worker needs to work three jobs....80+ hours a week..... then that is what they need to do to make a living.....
Going to college is not the only way to make yourself more valuable to an employer. You can do an apprenticeship or go to trade school. Or work and get experience to raise your pay. But you have to have some ambition to do more than just work an entry level job. Or learn to live on less.

If your ambition is to work at a starter job, living wage or not, no amount of schooling in the worlds gonna hep ya.

A living wage is what ever it is you are willing to work for. If that means working 16 house a day 7 days a week to survive.... :thup: Welcome to the real world.

What if "reality" was that a person could work 40 hrs/wk and make enough to get by and it cost you nothing more than what you pay into the system or pay for goods now? Would you be OK with that? With arguing against that reality would you be for it?

that is the reality for skilled labor.... and it costs me nothing now.

90% of the work in getting to a new reality is admitting there might be one. (The correct answer was, "Yes.")
The Shocking Truth About What It Would Cost Us All If Walmart Paid A Living Wage

Watch the video.

$300,000,000 a year in food stamps just for walmart employees. Give them a living wage and we pay an extra 1.4% on their goods. One penny for every dollar spent at Walmart and those employees would not need to live on food stamps.

Or, we could stop subsidizing Walmart with food stamps.

Or, we could stop subsidizing with food stamps
Fixed it for you.

that is the reality for skilled labor.... and it costs me nothing now.

And it is not reality for the average walmart worker.

are walmart workers skilled labor?

people need to pay their own way in life. If that means your average walmart worker needs to work three jobs....80+ hours a week..... then that is what they need to do to make a living.....

No, Walmart workers are not skilled labor. I was agreeing with you!

To your next point, most people that are ambitious enough to work 80 + hours per week are going to work their way into higher paying positions. (And I am still agreeing with you)
I think people are taxed enough its just not spent wisely. Get rid of all illegal immigrants,stop with the war adventurism,foreign aid,etc.

Some people are taxed more than enough already. We are the land of milk and honey. The question is what is the worth of the worker bees.
And it is not reality for the average walmart worker.

are walmart workers skilled labor?

people need to pay their own way in life. If that means your average walmart worker needs to work three jobs....80+ hours a week..... then that is what they need to do to make a living.....

No, Walmart workers are not skilled labor. I was agreeing with you!

To your next point, most people that are ambitious enough to work 80 + hours per week are going to work their way into higher paying positions. (And I am still agreeing with you)

I assume that leaves out reading the kid a bedtime story.
The Shocking Truth About What It Would Cost Us All If Walmart Paid A Living Wage

Watch the video.

$300,000,000 a year in food stamps just for walmart employees. Give them a living wage and we pay an extra 1.4% on their goods. One penny for every dollar spent at Walmart and those employees would not need to live on food stamps.

Or, we could stop subsidizing Walmart with food stamps.

Or, we could stop subsidizing with food stamps
Fixed it for you.

Whichever. I just find it ironic that the supporters of the welfare state are "shocked and dismayed" to discover that their schemes inadvertently benefit the corporations they think they oppose.
The Shocking Truth About What It Would Cost Us All If Walmart Paid A Living Wage

Watch the video.

$300,000,000 a year in food stamps just for walmart employees. Give them a living wage and we pay an extra 1.4% on their goods. One penny for every dollar spent at Walmart and those employees would not need to live on food stamps.

Eliminate EBT, problem solved.

Your premise in this thread is that EBT is a responsibility of the government when it is not. Your premise is to blame WalMart for that false responsibility when it is not.

I make it a point to ask the Walmart employees if they are happy working at our local store who has a woman, lesbian manager and the men and women I ask, always smile and say they do. :thup: The woman in Photo has worked there 12 years and makes $20.00 an hour with vacations and healthcare. That was last year. She said she wouldn't trade her job for the world. She can't stand to hear ppl put Walmart down. She is a successful person.


Observe any hiring center for a new Walmart and you will see thousands of individuals eager to become a Walmart associate. Many already have jobs at fast food restaurants, supermarkets, or other retail stores. LaShawn Ross, 29, worked for McDonald’s and Winn-Dixie before taking a job at a brand new Walmart in Pinellas Park, Florida. Ross aptly summarizes the sentiments of many applicants: “They are huge, so I know there is a huge amount of opportunity.”

Nobody has to work at Walmart if he feels underpaid or underappreciated. He can always seek another job. So why do 1.4 million Americans choose to work at Walmart, many for well under $12 per hour? [2013]

Many entry-level Walmart jobs consist of comparatively safe and non-strenuous work such as stocking shelves, working cash registers, and changing price labels. Walmart also pays competitive wages, which, for these jobs, are generally under $12 per hour, because these positions require little or no work experience or technical skills. For anyone with modest credentials, these jobs provide good work experience—experience which they can use to eventually land a higher paying job.

more: Why Do 1.4 Million Americans Work At Walmart, With Many More Trying To? - Forbes
What if "reality" was that a person could work 40 hrs/wk and make enough to get by and it cost you nothing more than what you pay into the system or pay for goods now? Would you be OK with that? With arguing against that reality would you be for it?

that is the reality for skilled labor.... and it costs me nothing now.

90% of the work in getting to a new reality is admitting there might be one. (The correct answer was, "Yes.")

If the correct answer is really yes, then you should be able to start your own discount store and pay employees that living wage. Then Walmart will have to raise their wages or go out of business to compete with your discount store.
The Shocking Truth About What It Would Cost Us All If Walmart Paid A Living Wage

Watch the video.

$300,000,000 a year in food stamps just for walmart employees. Give them a living wage and we pay an extra 1.4% on their goods. One penny for every dollar spent at Walmart and those employees would not need to live on food stamps.

Or, we could stop subsidizing Walmart with food stamps.

Or, we could stop subsidizing with food stamps
Fixed it for you.

Should we put those savings into education or tax breaks for the top income earners?

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