This is why we need a living wage

The system like you seem to envision might work well in a small place like Cuba, but I just do not see how it could even be logistically possible in a nation as large as the US in both population and geography. I cannot answer your question because it is just too extreme to even consider even remotely practical. We need a society less dependent on the government, not one that is subject to its will for every single critical decision in life.

There is no such thing as a national-level system in the US. There is only the US dollar and the capacity to tax and spend through various institutions. The problem is that ideologues have figured out that they can translate any social problem into an impetus for pumping more fiscal stimulus into circulation. Then they fail to acknowledge that practically all social problems are either caused or exacerbated by competition for the circulating money as people do whatever it takes to get money instead of focusing on doing what is right and what is effective and efficient in the absence of the monetary incentive.

Non-monetary (i.e. direct) solutions to problems are needed. Continuing to throw money at the economy is only making it worse.

I'll take the Great Gatsby version of economics over the Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance version if those are my only two choices.
Number one, the guy who mows my lawn gets $20, $30 if he also does the trimming. It takes about an hour so that's a living wage, and he's a kid. Number two, I don't eat at McDonalds, you couldn't pay me to eat there. I eat a Denny's, or Village Inn and guess what? Yep, they pay a living wage.

Did you read the OP? They could raise the Walmart's workers pay to a living wage and it would cost you a whopping penny more on the dollar.

Is it really a living wage?
First of all, $30 an hour is 50% more than $20, that is quite a wide price range you claim to pay.
But, lets go beyond that, and assume $30 for your yard and everybody else yard. You said he is a kid, does this "kid" spend 5 days a week and 40 hours a day mowing lawns? Lets assume he spends 40 hours a week (8 hours a day) making his "living wage". Now then, he can't possibly be mowing lawns for 8 hours a day in an 8 hour day of work. He has to travel from one house to the next house. He has to spend time drumming up business. In reality, he may mow five yards a day on the high end. That's 5 yards times $30 per yard for an hour per yard and it equals $150 per day We have now reduced his pay to $18.75 per hour.
But wait, there is more.
He has to pay for the gas to run his lawnmower. He also has to pay for the gas for his truck to get him and his lawnmower from one house to the next house. He has to pay for the lawnmower and the maintenance of it. He has to pay for his truck and its maintenance to get him from job to job. He has to pay for his trimmer and the gas to run that. Remember now, you only pay him $30 if he does the trimming also, so I'm guessing you usually only pay him $20.

But still, I'm assuming the $30. You think you are paying him a living wage for the $30 for the hour he is at your house. In fact, the guy is probably making about $11 an hour after all his travel in an 8 hour day and the expenses for his equipment and supplies. Not to mention that he probably has to satisfy 50 different customers/homeowners a month if mowing lawns is the business that supports his family.

Your shortsighted view that you are paying him $20 or $30 an hour and that is a "living wage" is kind of funny. But not 'funny' haha kind of funny.
Number one, the guy who mows my lawn gets $20, $30 if he also does the trimming. It takes about an hour so that's a living wage, and he's a kid. Number two, I don't eat at McDonalds, you couldn't pay me to eat there. I eat a Denny's, or Village Inn and guess what? Yep, they pay a living wage.

Did you read the OP? They could raise the Walmart's workers pay to a living wage and it would cost you a whopping penny more on the dollar.

Is it really a living wage?
First of all, $30 an hour is 50% more than $20, that is quite a wide price range you claim to pay.
But, lets go beyond that, and assume $30 for your yard and everybody else yard. You said he is a kid, does this "kid" spend 5 days a week and 40 hours a day mowing lawns? Lets assume he spends 40 hours a week (8 hours a day) making his "living wage". Now then, he can't possibly be mowing lawns for 8 hours a day in an 8 hour day of work. He has to travel from one house to the next house. He has to spend time drumming up business. In reality, he may mow five yards a day on the high end. That's 5 yards times $30 per yard for an hour per yard and it equals $150 per day We have now reduced his pay to $18.75 per hour.
But wait, there is more.
He has to pay for the gas to run his lawnmower. He also has to pay for the gas for his truck to get him and his lawnmower from one house to the next house. He has to pay for the lawnmower and the maintenance of it. He has to pay for his truck and its maintenance to get him from job to job. He has to pay for his trimmer and the gas to run that. Remember now, you only pay him $30 if he does the trimming also, so I'm guessing you usually only pay him $20.

But still, I'm assuming the $30. You think you are paying him a living wage for the $30 for the hour he is at your house. In fact, the guy is probably making about $11 an hour after all his travel in an 8 hour day and the expenses for his equipment and supplies. Not to mention that he probably has to satisfy 50 different customers/homeowners a month if mowing lawns is the business that supports his family.

Your shortsighted view that you are paying him $20 or $30 an hour and that is a "living wage" is kind of funny. But not 'funny' haha kind of funny.

He lives next door, and he's too young to drive. I paid him $30 last week, he forgot to do the trimming so I paid him $20 this week. He did the trimming. Next week, if he does the trimming also, I will pay him the $30. Ours is a difficult yard and there is a lot of trimming, hence the extra $10.

Still you are avoiding the point and going off on a tangent about what a terrible person I am for paying the kid who mows my lawn between $20 and $30 for an hours work. Why do you object to paying a penny on the dollar more so people don't have to depend on food stamps to live?
Number one, the guy who mows my lawn gets $20, $30 if he also does the trimming. It takes about an hour so that's a living wage, and he's a kid. Number two, I don't eat at McDonalds, you couldn't pay me to eat there. I eat a Denny's, or Village Inn and guess what? Yep, they pay a living wage.

Did you read the OP? They could raise the Walmart's workers pay to a living wage and it would cost you a whopping penny more on the dollar.

Is it really a living wage?
First of all, $30 an hour is 50% more than $20, that is quite a wide price range you claim to pay.
But, lets go beyond that, and assume $30 for your yard and everybody else yard. You said he is a kid, does this "kid" spend 5 days a week and 40 hours a day mowing lawns? Lets assume he spends 40 hours a week (8 hours a day) making his "living wage". Now then, he can't possibly be mowing lawns for 8 hours a day in an 8 hour day of work. He has to travel from one house to the next house. He has to spend time drumming up business. In reality, he may mow five yards a day on the high end. That's 5 yards times $30 per yard for an hour per yard and it equals $150 per day We have now reduced his pay to $18.75 per hour.
But wait, there is more.
He has to pay for the gas to run his lawnmower. He also has to pay for the gas for his truck to get him and his lawnmower from one house to the next house. He has to pay for the lawnmower and the maintenance of it. He has to pay for his truck and its maintenance to get him from job to job. He has to pay for his trimmer and the gas to run that. Remember now, you only pay him $30 if he does the trimming also, so I'm guessing you usually only pay him $20.

But still, I'm assuming the $30. You think you are paying him a living wage for the $30 for the hour he is at your house. In fact, the guy is probably making about $11 an hour after all his travel in an 8 hour day and the expenses for his equipment and supplies. Not to mention that he probably has to satisfy 50 different customers/homeowners a month if mowing lawns is the business that supports his family.

Your shortsighted view that you are paying him $20 or $30 an hour and that is a "living wage" is kind of funny. But not 'funny' haha kind of funny.

While I appreciate your attempt to explain a simple biz model to a liberal/socialist, you must know your knowledge is falling on deaf ears. They are convinced that the tools of capitalism are all free to those who own them, including gas.
15 minutes after reading your post she will still be saying the $20-$30 she pays per hr is all profit to her landscaper. Carry on.
Number one, the guy who mows my lawn gets $20, $30 if he also does the trimming. It takes about an hour so that's a living wage, and he's a kid. Number two, I don't eat at McDonalds, you couldn't pay me to eat there. I eat a Denny's, or Village Inn and guess what? Yep, they pay a living wage.

Did you read the OP? They could raise the Walmart's workers pay to a living wage and it would cost you a whopping penny more on the dollar.

Is it really a living wage?
First of all, $30 an hour is 50% more than $20, that is quite a wide price range you claim to pay.
But, lets go beyond that, and assume $30 for your yard and everybody else yard. You said he is a kid, does this "kid" spend 5 days a week and 40 hours a day mowing lawns? Lets assume he spends 40 hours a week (8 hours a day) making his "living wage". Now then, he can't possibly be mowing lawns for 8 hours a day in an 8 hour day of work. He has to travel from one house to the next house. He has to spend time drumming up business. In reality, he may mow five yards a day on the high end. That's 5 yards times $30 per yard for an hour per yard and it equals $150 per day We have now reduced his pay to $18.75 per hour.
But wait, there is more.
He has to pay for the gas to run his lawnmower. He also has to pay for the gas for his truck to get him and his lawnmower from one house to the next house. He has to pay for the lawnmower and the maintenance of it. He has to pay for his truck and its maintenance to get him from job to job. He has to pay for his trimmer and the gas to run that. Remember now, you only pay him $30 if he does the trimming also, so I'm guessing you usually only pay him $20.

But still, I'm assuming the $30. You think you are paying him a living wage for the $30 for the hour he is at your house. In fact, the guy is probably making about $11 an hour after all his travel in an 8 hour day and the expenses for his equipment and supplies. Not to mention that he probably has to satisfy 50 different customers/homeowners a month if mowing lawns is the business that supports his family.

Your shortsighted view that you are paying him $20 or $30 an hour and that is a "living wage" is kind of funny. But not 'funny' haha kind of funny.

While I appreciate your attempt to explain a simple biz model to a liberal/socialist, you must know your knowledge is falling on deaf ears. They are convinced that the tools of capitalism are all free to those who own them, including gas.
15 minutes after reading your post she will still be saying the $20-$30 she pays per hr is all profit to her landscaper. Carry on.

It's certainly all profit to the kid next door. His dad even pays for the gas and provides the mower. And before you say it, we bought our two cars from him so yes, I think we paid for the gas his kid uses to mow our lawn.
Is it really a living wage?
First of all, $30 an hour is 50% more than $20, that is quite a wide price range you claim to pay.
But, lets go beyond that, and assume $30 for your yard and everybody else yard. You said he is a kid, does this "kid" spend 5 days a week and 40 hours a day mowing lawns? Lets assume he spends 40 hours a week (8 hours a day) making his "living wage". Now then, he can't possibly be mowing lawns for 8 hours a day in an 8 hour day of work. He has to travel from one house to the next house. He has to spend time drumming up business. In reality, he may mow five yards a day on the high end. That's 5 yards times $30 per yard for an hour per yard and it equals $150 per day We have now reduced his pay to $18.75 per hour.
But wait, there is more.
He has to pay for the gas to run his lawnmower. He also has to pay for the gas for his truck to get him and his lawnmower from one house to the next house. He has to pay for the lawnmower and the maintenance of it. He has to pay for his truck and its maintenance to get him from job to job. He has to pay for his trimmer and the gas to run that. Remember now, you only pay him $30 if he does the trimming also, so I'm guessing you usually only pay him $20.

But still, I'm assuming the $30. You think you are paying him a living wage for the $30 for the hour he is at your house. In fact, the guy is probably making about $11 an hour after all his travel in an 8 hour day and the expenses for his equipment and supplies. Not to mention that he probably has to satisfy 50 different customers/homeowners a month if mowing lawns is the business that supports his family.

Your shortsighted view that you are paying him $20 or $30 an hour and that is a "living wage" is kind of funny. But not 'funny' haha kind of funny.

While I appreciate your attempt to explain a simple biz model to a liberal/socialist, you must know your knowledge is falling on deaf ears. They are convinced that the tools of capitalism are all free to those who own them, including gas.
15 minutes after reading your post she will still be saying the $20-$30 she pays per hr is all profit to her landscaper. Carry on.

It's certainly all profit to the kid next door. His dad even pays for the gas and provides the mower. And before you say it, we bought our two cars from him so yes, I think we paid for the gas his kid uses to mow our lawn.

But it's not a living wage (whatever that is) for the kid. The costs to his daddy still diminish the profit and as soon as he runs out of next door neighbors those costs will rise dramatically. Alan pointed out the gaping hole in your "living wage" fantasy (the silliness of multiplying it by 40 hrs) and, as predicted, you still post as if you haven't had it explained to you.
BTW, do you not understand what will happen to all those who are more valuable to Walmart who make something above the current min wage but less than the "living wage" you promote? Do you not understand that they do will have to be paid more? Certainly the OP doesn't account for them. How about all the smaller companies in America? What will happen to them? Frankly, I believe you may be well intentioned but you can see only as far as what makes you feel good.
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Number one, the guy who mows my lawn gets $20, $30 if he also does the trimming. It takes about an hour so that's a living wage, and he's a kid. Number two, I don't eat at McDonalds, you couldn't pay me to eat there. I eat a Denny's, or Village Inn and guess what? Yep, they pay a living wage.

Did you read the OP? They could raise the Walmart's workers pay to a living wage and it would cost you a whopping penny more on the dollar.

Is it really a living wage?
First of all, $30 an hour is 50% more than $20, that is quite a wide price range you claim to pay.
But, lets go beyond that, and assume $30 for your yard and everybody else yard. You said he is a kid, does this "kid" spend 5 days a week and 40 hours a day mowing lawns? Lets assume he spends 40 hours a week (8 hours a day) making his "living wage". Now then, he can't possibly be mowing lawns for 8 hours a day in an 8 hour day of work. He has to travel from one house to the next house. He has to spend time drumming up business. In reality, he may mow five yards a day on the high end. That's 5 yards times $30 per yard for an hour per yard and it equals $150 per day We have now reduced his pay to $18.75 per hour.
But wait, there is more.
He has to pay for the gas to run his lawnmower. He also has to pay for the gas for his truck to get him and his lawnmower from one house to the next house. He has to pay for the lawnmower and the maintenance of it. He has to pay for his truck and its maintenance to get him from job to job. He has to pay for his trimmer and the gas to run that. Remember now, you only pay him $30 if he does the trimming also, so I'm guessing you usually only pay him $20.

But still, I'm assuming the $30. You think you are paying him a living wage for the $30 for the hour he is at your house. In fact, the guy is probably making about $11 an hour after all his travel in an 8 hour day and the expenses for his equipment and supplies. Not to mention that he probably has to satisfy 50 different customers/homeowners a month if mowing lawns is the business that supports his family.

Your shortsighted view that you are paying him $20 or $30 an hour and that is a "living wage" is kind of funny. But not 'funny' haha kind of funny.

Dont bother,I already tried to explain the cost of doing business,but she's a simpleton who doesnt understand overhead. It's actually kind of depressing to tell you the truth.
Number one, the guy who mows my lawn gets $20, $30 if he also does the trimming. It takes about an hour so that's a living wage, and he's a kid. Number two, I don't eat at McDonalds, you couldn't pay me to eat there. I eat a Denny's, or Village Inn and guess what? Yep, they pay a living wage.

Did you read the OP? They could raise the Walmart's workers pay to a living wage and it would cost you a whopping penny more on the dollar.

Is it really a living wage?
First of all, $30 an hour is 50% more than $20, that is quite a wide price range you claim to pay.
But, lets go beyond that, and assume $30 for your yard and everybody else yard. You said he is a kid, does this "kid" spend 5 days a week and 40 hours a day mowing lawns? Lets assume he spends 40 hours a week (8 hours a day) making his "living wage". Now then, he can't possibly be mowing lawns for 8 hours a day in an 8 hour day of work. He has to travel from one house to the next house. He has to spend time drumming up business. In reality, he may mow five yards a day on the high end. That's 5 yards times $30 per yard for an hour per yard and it equals $150 per day We have now reduced his pay to $18.75 per hour.
But wait, there is more.
He has to pay for the gas to run his lawnmower. He also has to pay for the gas for his truck to get him and his lawnmower from one house to the next house. He has to pay for the lawnmower and the maintenance of it. He has to pay for his truck and its maintenance to get him from job to job. He has to pay for his trimmer and the gas to run that. Remember now, you only pay him $30 if he does the trimming also, so I'm guessing you usually only pay him $20.

But still, I'm assuming the $30. You think you are paying him a living wage for the $30 for the hour he is at your house. In fact, the guy is probably making about $11 an hour after all his travel in an 8 hour day and the expenses for his equipment and supplies. Not to mention that he probably has to satisfy 50 different customers/homeowners a month if mowing lawns is the business that supports his family.

Your shortsighted view that you are paying him $20 or $30 an hour and that is a "living wage" is kind of funny. But not 'funny' haha kind of funny.

He lives next door, and he's too young to drive. I paid him $30 last week, he forgot to do the trimming so I paid him $20 this week. He did the trimming. Next week, if he does the trimming also, I will pay him the $30. Ours is a difficult yard and there is a lot of trimming, hence the extra $10.

Still you are avoiding the point and going off on a tangent about what a terrible person I am for paying the kid who mows my lawn between $20 and $30 for an hours work. Why do you object to paying a penny on the dollar more so people don't have to depend on food stamps to live?

Well I guess it is a living wage then. CONSIDERING HE LIVES WITH HIS PARENTS!!!! WTF is wrong with you? That you even brought up the neighbor kid as an example is pathetic.
I pay my yard guys $65.00 a week,you cheap ass capitalist pig!!! Why are you ripping of the poor? He should go on strike and force you to pay more...wait,WHAT? You dont provide insurance and a 401k? No paid vacation??? He needs at least 4 weeks a year or it's not fair.

Seriously.... Were you dropped on your head as a kid?
Is it really a living wage?
First of all, $30 an hour is 50% more than $20, that is quite a wide price range you claim to pay.
But, lets go beyond that, and assume $30 for your yard and everybody else yard. You said he is a kid, does this "kid" spend 5 days a week and 40 hours a day mowing lawns? Lets assume he spends 40 hours a week (8 hours a day) making his "living wage". Now then, he can't possibly be mowing lawns for 8 hours a day in an 8 hour day of work. He has to travel from one house to the next house. He has to spend time drumming up business. In reality, he may mow five yards a day on the high end. That's 5 yards times $30 per yard for an hour per yard and it equals $150 per day We have now reduced his pay to $18.75 per hour.
But wait, there is more.
He has to pay for the gas to run his lawnmower. He also has to pay for the gas for his truck to get him and his lawnmower from one house to the next house. He has to pay for the lawnmower and the maintenance of it. He has to pay for his truck and its maintenance to get him from job to job. He has to pay for his trimmer and the gas to run that. Remember now, you only pay him $30 if he does the trimming also, so I'm guessing you usually only pay him $20.

But still, I'm assuming the $30. You think you are paying him a living wage for the $30 for the hour he is at your house. In fact, the guy is probably making about $11 an hour after all his travel in an 8 hour day and the expenses for his equipment and supplies. Not to mention that he probably has to satisfy 50 different customers/homeowners a month if mowing lawns is the business that supports his family.

Your shortsighted view that you are paying him $20 or $30 an hour and that is a "living wage" is kind of funny. But not 'funny' haha kind of funny.

While I appreciate your attempt to explain a simple biz model to a liberal/socialist, you must know your knowledge is falling on deaf ears. They are convinced that the tools of capitalism are all free to those who own them, including gas.
15 minutes after reading your post she will still be saying the $20-$30 she pays per hr is all profit to her landscaper. Carry on.

It's certainly all profit to the kid next door. His dad even pays for the gas and provides the mower. And before you say it, we bought our two cars from him so yes, I think we paid for the gas his kid uses to mow our lawn.

I'm damn near speechless at your total lack of understanding about how things work economically. I gotta think your just yanking my chain because no one is this stupid in real life outside of a mental institution.
He lives next door, and he's too young to drive. I paid him $30 last week, he forgot to do the trimming so I paid him $20 this week. He did the trimming. Next week, if he does the trimming also, I will pay him the $30. Ours is a difficult yard and there is a lot of trimming, hence the extra $10.

Still you are avoiding the point and going off on a tangent about what a terrible person I am for paying the kid who mows my lawn between $20 and $30 for an hours work. Why do you object to paying a penny on the dollar more so people don't have to depend on food stamps to live?

I applaud you on many levels. You are helping instill a work ethic in the kid, you are helping him empower himself with a trade that he can fall back on or expand into a real business someday, and you are teaching him that he must do what he is paid to do in order to be paid. That said, it is not really an example of a "living wage" situation. If anything, it is an example of how prices are set. You are willing to pay it and he is willing to do it for that price. That is no different than what happens in the larger market at McDonald's that will start the kid off at Minimum Wage if he is willing to do it. Otherwise they will find someone else who will just as you would need to find someone else to mow your grass if he was not willing to do it at a price you were willing to pay.
While I appreciate your attempt to explain a simple biz model to a liberal/socialist, you must know your knowledge is falling on deaf ears. They are convinced that the tools of capitalism are all free to those who own them, including gas.
15 minutes after reading your post she will still be saying the $20-$30 she pays per hr is all profit to her landscaper. Carry on.

It's certainly all profit to the kid next door. His dad even pays for the gas and provides the mower. And before you say it, we bought our two cars from him so yes, I think we paid for the gas his kid uses to mow our lawn.

But it's not a living wage (whatever that is) for the kid. The costs to his daddy still diminish the profit and as soon as he runs out of next door neighbors those costs will rise dramatically. Alan pointed out the gaping hole in your "living wage" fantasy (the silliness of multiplying it by 40 hrs) and, as predicted, you still post as if you haven't had it explained to you.
BTW, do you not understand what will happen to all those who are more valuable to Walmart who make something above the current min wage but less than the "living wage" you promote? Do you not understand that they do will have to be paid more? Certainly the OP doesn't account for them. How about all the smaller companies in America? What will happen to them? Frankly, I believe you may be well intentioned but you can see only as far as what makes you feel good.

ONE PENNY more on the dollar. ONE PENNY!!! You are so cheep you can't pay a blasted penny so that someone else doesn't have to rely on food stamps and our tax dollars.

Again, no one is demanding we pay a living wage for someone working an hour a week. We are demanding a fair living wage per hour of work. You're just made that I pay the kid who mows my lawn more than the average Walmart worker makes in an hour. More than double what they make in an hour.
Is it really a living wage?
First of all, $30 an hour is 50% more than $20, that is quite a wide price range you claim to pay.
But, lets go beyond that, and assume $30 for your yard and everybody else yard. You said he is a kid, does this "kid" spend 5 days a week and 40 hours a day mowing lawns? Lets assume he spends 40 hours a week (8 hours a day) making his "living wage". Now then, he can't possibly be mowing lawns for 8 hours a day in an 8 hour day of work. He has to travel from one house to the next house. He has to spend time drumming up business. In reality, he may mow five yards a day on the high end. That's 5 yards times $30 per yard for an hour per yard and it equals $150 per day We have now reduced his pay to $18.75 per hour.
But wait, there is more.
He has to pay for the gas to run his lawnmower. He also has to pay for the gas for his truck to get him and his lawnmower from one house to the next house. He has to pay for the lawnmower and the maintenance of it. He has to pay for his truck and its maintenance to get him from job to job. He has to pay for his trimmer and the gas to run that. Remember now, you only pay him $30 if he does the trimming also, so I'm guessing you usually only pay him $20.

But still, I'm assuming the $30. You think you are paying him a living wage for the $30 for the hour he is at your house. In fact, the guy is probably making about $11 an hour after all his travel in an 8 hour day and the expenses for his equipment and supplies. Not to mention that he probably has to satisfy 50 different customers/homeowners a month if mowing lawns is the business that supports his family.

Your shortsighted view that you are paying him $20 or $30 an hour and that is a "living wage" is kind of funny. But not 'funny' haha kind of funny.

He lives next door, and he's too young to drive. I paid him $30 last week, he forgot to do the trimming so I paid him $20 this week. He did the trimming. Next week, if he does the trimming also, I will pay him the $30. Ours is a difficult yard and there is a lot of trimming, hence the extra $10.

Still you are avoiding the point and going off on a tangent about what a terrible person I am for paying the kid who mows my lawn between $20 and $30 for an hours work. Why do you object to paying a penny on the dollar more so people don't have to depend on food stamps to live?

Well I guess it is a living wage then. CONSIDERING HE LIVES WITH HIS PARENTS!!!! WTF is wrong with you? That you even brought up the neighbor kid as an example is pathetic.
I pay my yard guys $65.00 a week,you cheap ass capitalist pig!!! Why are you ripping of the poor? He should go on strike and force you to pay more...wait,WHAT? You dont provide insurance and a 401k? No paid vacation??? He needs at least 4 weeks a year or it's not fair.

Seriously.... Were you dropped on your head as a kid?

You're getting ripped off. I pay my yard guy 10 beers at my bar.
Number one, the guy who mows my lawn gets $20, $30 if he also does the trimming. It takes about an hour so that's a living wage, and he's a kid. Number two, I don't eat at McDonalds, you couldn't pay me to eat there. I eat a Denny's, or Village Inn and guess what? Yep, they pay a living wage.

Did you read the OP? They could raise the Walmart's workers pay to a living wage and it would cost you a whopping penny more on the dollar.

Is it really a living wage?
First of all, $30 an hour is 50% more than $20, that is quite a wide price range you claim to pay.
But, lets go beyond that, and assume $30 for your yard and everybody else yard. You said he is a kid, does this "kid" spend 5 days a week and 40 hours a day mowing lawns? Lets assume he spends 40 hours a week (8 hours a day) making his "living wage". Now then, he can't possibly be mowing lawns for 8 hours a day in an 8 hour day of work. He has to travel from one house to the next house. He has to spend time drumming up business. In reality, he may mow five yards a day on the high end. That's 5 yards times $30 per yard for an hour per yard and it equals $150 per day We have now reduced his pay to $18.75 per hour.
But wait, there is more.
He has to pay for the gas to run his lawnmower. He also has to pay for the gas for his truck to get him and his lawnmower from one house to the next house. He has to pay for the lawnmower and the maintenance of it. He has to pay for his truck and its maintenance to get him from job to job. He has to pay for his trimmer and the gas to run that. Remember now, you only pay him $30 if he does the trimming also, so I'm guessing you usually only pay him $20.

But still, I'm assuming the $30. You think you are paying him a living wage for the $30 for the hour he is at your house. In fact, the guy is probably making about $11 an hour after all his travel in an 8 hour day and the expenses for his equipment and supplies. Not to mention that he probably has to satisfy 50 different customers/homeowners a month if mowing lawns is the business that supports his family.

Your shortsighted view that you are paying him $20 or $30 an hour and that is a "living wage" is kind of funny. But not 'funny' haha kind of funny.

Dont bother,I already tried to explain the cost of doing business,but she's a simpleton who doesnt understand overhead. It's actually kind of depressing to tell you the truth.

My macro economics class was exceeded in it's boringness only by my micro economics class.

Put the money in the hands of the people who spend it and our economy improves and we all do better.
My macro economics class was exceeded in it's boringness only by my micro economics class.

Put the money in the hands of the people who spend it and our economy improves and we all do better.

So, you send every dime you get to Obama?

How's that working out for you?

So you completely missed the OP. The whole point of this thread is that if we pay the lowest paid workers at Walmart enough, they don't have to get foodstamps and all it will cost us is less than a penny on the dollar. Our taxes would be LESS. It's a win/win. But no, you and the others have to complain about raising the minimum wage and keep every tight fisted penny you have because hording your money is much more important to you than paying less in taxes especially when it means that someone else won't have to depend on the government teat.
He lives next door, and he's too young to drive. I paid him $30 last week, he forgot to do the trimming so I paid him $20 this week. He did the trimming. Next week, if he does the trimming also, I will pay him the $30. Ours is a difficult yard and there is a lot of trimming, hence the extra $10.

Still you are avoiding the point and going off on a tangent about what a terrible person I am for paying the kid who mows my lawn between $20 and $30 for an hours work. Why do you object to paying a penny on the dollar more so people don't have to depend on food stamps to live?

Well I guess it is a living wage then. CONSIDERING HE LIVES WITH HIS PARENTS!!!! WTF is wrong with you? That you even brought up the neighbor kid as an example is pathetic.
I pay my yard guys $65.00 a week,you cheap ass capitalist pig!!! Why are you ripping of the poor? He should go on strike and force you to pay more...wait,WHAT? You dont provide insurance and a 401k? No paid vacation??? He needs at least 4 weeks a year or it's not fair.

Seriously.... Were you dropped on your head as a kid?

You're getting ripped off. I pay my yard guy 10 beers at my bar.

I pay it gladly. They do the mulch,tree trimming,replace the flowers in the beds 4 or 5 times a year,fertilize,pull weeds,maintain the sprinkler systems. And they aren't inebriated when they do it.:lol: In other words I dont have to do jack shit other then tell them what to do.
He lives next door, and he's too young to drive. I paid him $30 last week, he forgot to do the trimming so I paid him $20 this week. He did the trimming. Next week, if he does the trimming also, I will pay him the $30. Ours is a difficult yard and there is a lot of trimming, hence the extra $10.

Still you are avoiding the point and going off on a tangent about what a terrible person I am for paying the kid who mows my lawn between $20 and $30 for an hours work. Why do you object to paying a penny on the dollar more so people don't have to depend on food stamps to live?

I applaud you on many levels. You are helping instill a work ethic in the kid, you are helping him empower himself with a trade that he can fall back on or expand into a real business someday, and you are teaching him that he must do what he is paid to do in order to be paid. That said, it is not really an example of a "living wage" situation. If anything, it is an example of how prices are set. You are willing to pay it and he is willing to do it for that price. That is no different than what happens in the larger market at McDonald's that will start the kid off at Minimum Wage if he is willing to do it. Otherwise they will find someone else who will just as you would need to find someone else to mow your grass if he was not willing to do it at a price you were willing to pay.

He wont likely be able to turn it into a business unfortunately. Illegals and immigrants have that market cornered.
I do agree wholeheartedly with you that it teaches the kid a valuable lesson about work. Unfortunately that lesson has been taken away from our children. Just like most min wage jobs.
He lives next door, and he's too young to drive. I paid him $30 last week, he forgot to do the trimming so I paid him $20 this week. He did the trimming. Next week, if he does the trimming also, I will pay him the $30. Ours is a difficult yard and there is a lot of trimming, hence the extra $10.

Still you are avoiding the point and going off on a tangent about what a terrible person I am for paying the kid who mows my lawn between $20 and $30 for an hours work. Why do you object to paying a penny on the dollar more so people don't have to depend on food stamps to live?

I applaud you on many levels. You are helping instill a work ethic in the kid, you are helping him empower himself with a trade that he can fall back on or expand into a real business someday, and you are teaching him that he must do what he is paid to do in order to be paid. That said, it is not really an example of a "living wage" situation. If anything, it is an example of how prices are set. You are willing to pay it and he is willing to do it for that price. That is no different than what happens in the larger market at McDonald's that will start the kid off at Minimum Wage if he is willing to do it. Otherwise they will find someone else who will just as you would need to find someone else to mow your grass if he was not willing to do it at a price you were willing to pay.

He wont likely be able to turn it into a business unfortunately. Illegals and immigrants have that market cornered.
I do agree wholeheartedly with you that it teaches the kid a valuable lesson about work. Unfortunately that lesson has been taken away from our children. Just like most min wage jobs.

Depends on where one lives. There are several small landscaping/maintenance businesses in my area that are either run by whites or blacks. None that I know of that are owned and operated by immigrants.
I applaud you on many levels. You are helping instill a work ethic in the kid, you are helping him empower himself with a trade that he can fall back on or expand into a real business someday, and you are teaching him that he must do what he is paid to do in order to be paid. That said, it is not really an example of a "living wage" situation. If anything, it is an example of how prices are set. You are willing to pay it and he is willing to do it for that price. That is no different than what happens in the larger market at McDonald's that will start the kid off at Minimum Wage if he is willing to do it. Otherwise they will find someone else who will just as you would need to find someone else to mow your grass if he was not willing to do it at a price you were willing to pay.

He wont likely be able to turn it into a business unfortunately. Illegals and immigrants have that market cornered.
I do agree wholeheartedly with you that it teaches the kid a valuable lesson about work. Unfortunately that lesson has been taken away from our children. Just like most min wage jobs.

Depends on where one lives. There are several small landscaping/maintenance businesses in my area that are either run by whites or blacks. None that I know of that are owned and operated by immigrants.

Dont worry,they're headed your way. It's only a matter of time.

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