This is why we need to tax the wealthy

Let me explain something simple to you that I explained in the OP. Rich people and corporations do not necessarily pay the OFFICIAL tax rate. They can take advantage of deductions, credits, and loopholes that allows them to pay very little in taxes. It is called the EFFECTIVE tax rate.
None of those deductions, credits, and "loopholes" are denied to anyone.

2017 tax cuts juiced a lethargic economy and it was real. Not phony GOVT debt as stimulus to blue cities.

there was no cut planned for the top until Congress got plastered by coastal elite screaming about SALT CAP at $10K.

you all are tiresome know nothings that refuse to face the facts. Again….year 16 of Obiden. You still bark.
You do know 8 trillion was added to the debt because of Trump and republicans in congress right?
Ah yes leave it alone. Meaning that corporations will continue to keep wages low purely out of self interest. Poverty will only get wider and the middle class will continue to shrink.

Seriously what do you think is in the way of corporations paying their workers more? They get huge tax cuts and they are making record profits.

they compete globally. Their money is not any of your business until the GOVT confiscates it. Call UpChuck or Piglousy. Again, 16 years yet none if your dreams come true? Think about that.
That was Income Tax rate dopey. They all got around that anyways. Do you actually think a Billionaire draws a paycheck from someone else? All your movie stars, and Sports figures would get hit, as their money is income.
That's the general idea.

Narrow the gap, between the bottom and the top.
Because a bunch of dimwits thought it a good idea to close the country for a cold.

Each American alive today currently owes over $100,000.00 as its share of the debt. 🥺
lol what are you talking about? That 8 trillion began accumulating well before 2020

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