This is why we need to tax the wealthy

I'm not worried about a million. Add three 0's. For example - let's say Elon had chosen not to buy Twitter, but instead just sat on all those billions - I would tax that, to make it risky and undesirable to sit on lots of money for a long time.
Prior to my birthday, the highest tax rate was about 90%.

It worked great.

We should do it again.

That was Income Tax rate dopey. They all got around that anyways. Do you actually think a Billionaire draws a paycheck from someone else? All your movie stars, and Sports figures would get hit, as their money is income.
So-fucking what! It ain't my concern, and taxing the evuuulllll rich 10,000000% won't bring about unicorn farts and rainbows. the only thing it WILL do is make these people hightail their, and I repeat THEIR money out of this country!
So? Tax that too! :p
The biggest problem we have in our economy right now, is the disparity between the top and the bottom.

Pro Golfer wins $2million in CA gets hit over 50% off the top. 38% fed, 14% State. you want how much more?
But a Politician (piglousy) sells sells $75 million in stocks pays 12%?

you don’t know and don’t understand. You just want the FEDs to take more money. Even if you kill the economy. There is not an easy $2T available unless you go CONFISCATE ASSETS Saved up over time by rich folks. Thats what you want, just say it. You dont have and you dont want anyone else to HAVE.
I'm not worried about a million. Add three 0's. For example - let's say Elon had chosen not to buy Twitter, but instead just sat on all those billions - I would tax that, to make it risky and undesirable to sit on lots of money for a long time.

who do you think funds Silicon Valley startup companies? The rich take a risk. They carried APPL for more than decades at an apparently hopeless pipe dream. It finally paid off. The bum marching for Pakestine blocking traffic is non-productive. cant all be smart investors. Someone has to haul furniture into mansions on Park avenue.
But that's the point!

The poor don't, and can't.

Even the middle class is having hard times along those lines.

Look - when I was 10, any Tom Dick or Harry could take 37.50 to the local bank and buy a Series E Savings Bond. Invest in the country, and make money doing it. All good.

NOW, the smallest investment is 1000 dollars for a T-bill. Who's got 1000 dollars lying around? No one! Not even the middle class.

you’ve had 16 years of Obiden….nary a fix, nary a change. Yet you carp on. Trump made changes. We had steady real improvement. pre man-made virus launch. Wake up fools, Obiden folks own it all.
I'm not worried about a million. Add three 0's. For example - let's say Elon had chosen not to buy Twitter, but instead just sat on all those billions - I would tax that, to make it risky and undesirable to sit on lots of money for a long time.
Why THE FUCK is that any of your business?
I really find it bewildering you people do not understand the harm of huge tax cuts. It’s just so goddamn obvious logic. Yes, spending is too high - you are correct. This however is only half of the problem. If you pass massive tax cuts and do not reduce spending, the deficit is obviously going to be even higher. That is exactly what Trump and republicans do

2017 tax cuts juiced a lethargic economy and it was real. Not phony GOVT debt as stimulus to blue cities.

there was no cut planned for the top until Congress got plastered by coastal elite screaming about SALT CAP at $10K. They slipped in 1.5% for the rich last two weeks of negotiations. Yes, Trump signed off on it. But he never requested that change From day1. Big difference.

you all are tiresome know nothings that refuse to face the facts. Again….year 16 of Obiden. You still bark.
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Even I would gladly pay 2X the tax rate if they stopped all waste and cut spending by 1/2. We don’t need two week stays in Copenhagen with private jets and 35 car SUV caravans to go to State dinners every day for some Elite group of dumbells like AOC & crew in Italy for 5 weeks twice a year. It’s complete madness.
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He spent way too much, he is a typical fiscal liberal, we haven’t had a fiscal conservative President for decades and decades.
Specifically, what was your plan for the tens of millions of workers our government threw out of work overnight by a virus created and released by our most powerful enemy?
That's a business owner, not a CEO.

CEO's are mercenaries, they're highly overrated.

I could do what any CEO does. Easy peasy. I just don't want the job. I'd rather be a business owner.

its private money. Not tax dollars. You can worry about McDonalds CEO pay after you fix Obidens waste and fraud problems.
If a big profitable corporation keep wages low purely for their own benefit, thats a problem. Given thst corporate profits are already at an all time high, they can easily pay their workers more. They don’t purely out of self interest. The result is that poverty only gets worse because wages are behind on the rate of inflation. The middle class also shrinks. Doesn’t any of that bother you?

maybe you should shut them all down until you think its fair?
Let me explain something simple to you that I explained in the OP. Rich people and corporations do not necessarily pay the OFFICIAL tax rate. They can take advantage of deductions, credits, and loopholes that allows them to pay very little in taxes. It is called the EFFECTIVE tax rate.
The best way to address it is to leave the fucking private sector ALONE! Government meddling only brings about a mass exodus from shithole states like NY and Communistfornia!
Ah yes leave it alone. Meaning that corporations will continue to keep wages low purely out of self interest. Poverty will only get wider and the middle class will continue to shrink.

Seriously what do you think is in the way of corporations paying their workers more? They get huge tax cuts and they are making record profits.

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