This is why we need to tax the wealthy

Sleepless nights, year after year of building his business, etc.

That's a business owner, not a CEO.

CEO's are mercenaries, they're highly overrated.

I will never begrudge anyone their compensation. And in your fantasy world, the lowly shithouse cleaner would have zero incentive to become a CEO.

I could do what any CEO does. Easy peasy. I just don't want the job. I'd rather be a business owner.
I really find it bewildering you people do not understand the harm of huge tax cuts. It’s just so goddamn obvious logic. Yes, spending is too high - you are correct. This however is only half of the problem. If you pass massive tax cuts and do not reduce spending, the deficit is obviously going to be even higher. That is exactly what Trump and republicans do
I didn't say anything about tax cuts. I just don't think that punishing the rich for being rich is right and I don't think taxing them more will lower the deficit.

Again, we have a deficit because the government can't handle money worth a shit.
lol god you people are such morons. You lack any sort of nuance in studying political issues. You have this black and white childish view that is removed from reality. No moron. I don’t want to tax the rich that much. I don’t even want to tax them to the point we eliminate billionaires. It’s okay we have billionaires. Rich people in general are important for the economy. However, the problem is simply how wealthy they are at the expense of the poor and middle class.

"At the expense of the poor and middle class"?

Do you imagine there is a finite amount of money that merely gets shuffled around? Wealth is made or created by meeting a market demand. When one becomes increasingly wealthy, that wealth is not being taken away from the poor or middle class.
Lil doesn’t even know what “nuance” means.

Until and unless the little twit can admit that money retained after taxes are paid cannot be taxed again by the United States, there is non point in trying to discuss this matter with hm

If he comes around to arguing what he really means, that can be dissected reason enough. Short version is that he seems to think that those who make a lot of money somehow owe a higher percentage of what they bring in (per year).

1st: we already have a graduated (so-called “progressive”) income tax. Whether that’s proper a different issue. But it already exists.

2nd: why should a woman bringing in $1m a year pay 35% of that into taxes when a less affluent person who earns maybe $70k have to pay such a significantly lower percentage?
Well for one thing, that woman isn’t necessarily paying that 35% tax because she could take advantage of credits and loopholes so that she pays a much less EFFECTIVE tax rate.

2. A progressive tax rate isn’t about what’s fair - it’s about what is realistic. The only adequate way to pay for government spending of any kind is to tax the top earners. If we don’t, we are BORROWING more money that blows up the deficit

TRILLIONS in untaxed wealth. Good luck explaining this to republicans I guess. You have to explain the difference between the official tax rate and the EFFECTIVE tax rate of top earners.

"At the expense of the poor and middle class"?

Do you imagine there is a finite amount of money that merely gets shuffled around? Wealth is made or created by meeting a market demand. When one becomes increasingly wealthy, that wealth is not being taken away from the poor or middle class.
If a big profitable corporation keep wages low purely for their own benefit, thats a problem. Given thst corporate profits are already at an all time high, they can easily pay their workers more. They don’t purely out of self interest. The result is that poverty only gets worse because wages are behind on the rate of inflation. The middle class also shrinks. Doesn’t any of that bother you?
Well for one thing, that woman isn’t necessarily paying that 35% tax because she could take advantage of credits and loopholes so that she pays a much less EFFECTIVE tax rate.
I certainly hope she isn’t paying the full 35%. She has no obligation to pay one penny more than the law requires.
2. A progressive tax rate isn’t about what’s fair - it’s about what is realistic. The only adequate way to pay for government spending of any kind is to tax the top earners. If we don’t, we are BORROWING more money that blows up the deficit
Wrong. Progressive taxation is bullshit.
Nothing realistic about it.

I have a vastly superior way to pay for government spending: stop spending.

Stop borrowing, too.

Make a budget and live within it.

You libs see things in a very absurd way.
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Well for one thing, that woman isn’t necessarily paying that 35% tax because she could take advantage of credits and loopholes so that she pays a much less EFFECTIVE tax rate.

2. A progressive tax rate isn’t about what’s fair - it’s about what is realistic. The only adequate way to pay for government spending of any kind is to tax the top earners. If we don’t, we are BORROWING more money that blows up the deficit
How about cutting and eliminating ALL social welfare programs and entitlements? No more Section 8, no more medicare/Medicaid, etc. Bring the fucking Federal Government back to its Constitutional mandates of defense, treaties, interstate commerce and NOTHING ELSE?!?!?!?!?!
If a big profitable corporation keep wages low purely for their own benefit, thats a problem. Given thst corporate profits are already at an all time high, they can easily pay their workers more. They don’t purely out of self interest. The result is that poverty only gets worse because wages are behind on the rate of inflation. The middle class also shrinks. Doesn’t any of that bother you?
It is NOT a business' obligation to be a social welfare agency. A business' sole aim should be and is profit, period!
It is NOT a business' obligation to be a social welfare agency. A business' sole aim should be and is profit, period!
Right we should just LET the middle class shrink. We should just LET poverty get worse. You think republican policy addresses any of that? Obviously not. The middle class has been shrinking for decades. Poverty has only gotten worse decades.
How about cutting and eliminating ALL social welfare programs and entitlements? No more Section 8, no more medicare/Medicaid, etc. Bring the fucking Federal Government back to its Constitutional mandates of defense, treaties, interstate commerce and NOTHING ELSE?!?!?!?!?!
Well I can explain to you why we shouldn’t. We shouldn’t because millions of people would be dead in a few short years.

Let me explain to you the point of Food stamps. Let’s start who is actually on it. 90% of the people on that program are dependents, the elderly, VETERANS, and the disabled. I get that it makes you feel manly and superior to just assume they are all moochers (granted a few are), but that isn’t the reality.
Right we should just LET the middle class shrink. We should just LET poverty get worse. You think republican policy addresses any of that? Obviously not. The middle class has been shrinking for decades. Poverty has only gotten worse decades.
The best way to address it is to leave the fucking private sector ALONE! Government meddling only brings about a mass exodus from shithole states like NY and Communistfornia!
Well I can explain to you why we shouldn’t. We shouldn’t because millions of people would be dead in a few short years.

Let me explain to you the point of Food stamps. Let’s start who is actually on it. 90% of the people on that program are dependents, the elderly, VETERANS, and the disabled. I get that it makes you feel manly and superior to just assume they are all moochers (granted a few are), but that isn’t the reality.
So-fucking what! It ain't my concern, and taxing the evuuulllll rich 10,000000% won't bring about unicorn farts and rainbows. the only thing it WILL do is make these people hightail their, and I repeat THEIR money out of this country!

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