This is why we need to tax the wealthy

That's what I have been saying for a very long time.

Eliminate all deductions, credits, and exemptions and presto! You have a postcard tax return. And your tax rate would be MUCH lower.

That is the ONLY way to achieve it.

Nice try. I only use the STD deduction as do many other 100s' of millions since they got it squared away in 2017 with the SALT cap in place also. So you take that one away my tax payment may go up $4K? Even some of the poorer may begin to hit the payment threshold without the CAP. Then you need another re-write of the table.
Read about the aftermath of of the French Revolution, and how the power vacuum created left the poor exactly in a situation that you just described. Not saying that the revolution wasn't needed, but it showed evidence that the lower rungs are lost without leadership in which was a result of not having a plan that would install a stable leadership that would be sufficient to take over immediately afterwards.
It's history and common sense. Who creates the jobs? The wealthy. When the mooching losers taxed the crap out of the wealthy they retreated, hid their wealth from this confiscation. Dared not risk their wealth by starting new businesses. Who lost? Yes the working class.

Stupid shit Democrats think you can just steal everyone's money and there won't be any consequences, because they are morons!
It's history and common sense. Who creates the jobs? The wealthy. When the mooching losers taxed the crap out of the wealthy they retreated, hid their wealth from this confiscation. Dared not risk their wealth by starting new businesses. Who lost? Yes the working class.

Stupid shit Democrats think you can just steal everyone's money and there won't be any consequences, because they are morons!

When was it people quit creating businesses because of taxes?
I comprehend it just fine. You voted yourself God and get to decide how much money everyone is allowed to have, and want to steal anything over that.

That dumbassery has nothing to do with a fair share, Moron. Give us a percent of the total yearly tax bill you think the top 1% should pay. top 10%?
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Wow, from your mouth, leadership. Yes, leadership is needed in everything!! Family, friends, sports, businesses and politics. Good for you, we all can’t be equal
Agree that we all aren't equal true, so I read your post and wonder what your intent was ? Leadership is a great thing right ?? Of course it all depends on the leadership sought-after..
If there were no social safety net we would be back in the Gilded Age of the 19th century when industrialists with their "free market", laissez-faire capitalism worked their employees for 12 hours daily, if not more, for peanuts. Until socialists began organizing labor unions, workers in this country had little rights and worked under dismal conditions. Social Security, unemployment insurance, the forty-hour work week, minimum wage, overtime pay, sick leave, Medicare, and Medicaid, all contribute to the sustainability of market capitalism.

Everything can't be commodified or privatized. Everything isn't a product or item to be sold in a market.
Stop going back to the past, and realize that we've overcome a lot of obstacles over the year's, and those achievements will remain intact going Forward.

Problem we have today is a Democrat party that wants to use government to bully companies by making them jump through ridiculous hoops, and we have a government that wants the employee's not to depend on their companies, but to depend on the government to bully the companies in favor of the government and the employee's getting what they both want... One for political reasons, and one for citizen party loyalty to be a result of the situation.
Because it's retarded, arrogant, mooching collective in design. Newsflash, you have no claim on other people's wealth. Why don't you hop the fence into your neighbor's yard and steal his BBQ.
That's right, his neighbor only needs half of it, so he should take a torch over and get his half or have the government to do it for him... 😂

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