This is why we need to tax the wealthy

It would've failed if not for labor unions and the abolition of chattel slavery. We fought a civil war and then went through a period of incredible social unrest and turmoil, on the brink of collapse. If FDR hadn't convinced the American ruling class to support the New Deal that would've been the end of America. Even the New Deal wasn't enough until the government intervened with serious price controls and rationing to support our troops in WW2. The war effort resurrected the US economy. In a way the war saved America and turned it into the world's manufacturing hub, providing good quality materials and products to everyone. We're not living in that era anymore, even capitalism has changed since then. We live in a different country now.

Our manufacturing base was gutted in the 1980s, along with labor unions and the working class. The ruling wealthy elites of this country got their revenge for the New Deal primarily through Reagan and now we're paying for it. The top marginal tax rate when he entered office in 1981 was 77%. It was 28%, lower than it is today when he left office. Today CEOs of Fortune 500 companies make 1000x what their average worker makes, unlike in the 1950s and 60s CEOs made maybe 20x, 30x more than the average salary in their companies. We're living in a different economy and country, thanks to government policies that serve the rich at the expense of working-class people.
America was on the brink of collapse following the Civil War? Really? What do you base that on? The period following the Civil War provided enormous economic's referred to by some as the "Second Industrial Revolution"! To be quite blunt, Christian? I don't think you have even a modest grasp of history.
It would've failed if not for labor unions and the abolition of chattel slavery. We fought a civil war and then went through a period of incredible social unrest and turmoil, on the brink of collapse. If FDR hadn't convinced the American ruling class to support the New Deal that would've been the end of America. Even the New Deal wasn't enough until the government intervened with serious price controls and rationing to support our troops in WW2. The war effort resurrected the US economy. In a way the war saved America and turned it into the world's manufacturing hub, providing good quality materials and products to everyone. We're not living in that era anymore, even capitalism has changed since then. We live in a different country now.

Our manufacturing base was gutted in the 1980s, along with labor unions and the working class. The ruling wealthy elites of this country got their revenge for the New Deal primarily through Reagan and now we're paying for it. The top marginal tax rate when he entered office in 1981 was 77%. It was 28%, lower than it is today when he left office. Today CEOs of Fortune 500 companies make 1000x what their average worker makes, unlike in the 1950s and 60s when CEOs made maybe 20x, 30x more than the average salary in their companies. We're living in a different economy and country, thanks to government policies that serve the rich at the expense of working-class people.
Would you like to take a crack at explaining WHY our manufacturing base was gutted in the 1980's? Where did that manufacturing go and why did that happen?
Give us a percent, punk.
I already did you worthless piece of shit. The US should prohibit its citizens from holding more than 100 million in assets and generating a net income of 12 million annually. The tax rate can remain the same or even be reduced, that's not a problem. There are other sources of taxes and methods to draw money out of the economy to control inflation, we don't need to impose a heavy income tax on anyone. The purpose of taxes isn't to provide Uncle Sam with USD, because the US Federal Government is the exclusive issuer of the US Dollar. Taxes from the perspective of the federal government primarily take money out of the economy to manage inflation and maintain the value of the dollar.

The government has a lot more freedom and options than right-wing Republicans are aware of or care to admit. If our federal government allocates funds to programs and projects that support the nation's infrastructure, workforce, and business owners, we expand our GDP (i.e. national production capacity). The budgetary limit of the US Federal Government is our nation's GDP. There's a lot more our government could invest in to truly Make America Great Again, but if you continue to vote for right-wing Republicans or establishment Democrats (pretty much all of them with few exceptions, if any), our nation is doomed.

We need to have a mixed economy like practically every other modern industrialized nation has, if not we're up the creek without a padel.
Would you like to take a crack at explaining WHY our manufacturing base was gutted in the 1980's? Where did that manufacturing go and why did that happen?
In the early 1970s, we had the advent of , major companies investing heavily in computers and automation. That was the beginning of the problem for a workforce within a modern, new computerized capitalist system. We also had Vietnam, which caused inflation, which led to "stagflation" and eventually Ronald Reagan's "supply-side", trickle-down economics:

The Trickle Down Doesn't Trickle.


Incentivizing corporations toward short-term, quick profits at the expense of the long-term success and health of our economy is why we don't have a manufacturing base or labor unions anymore. American manufacturing and Unionized labor is a fraction today of what it used to be and that's why working conditions are so dismal and unsustainable. During the pandemic, we were unable to provide our medical professionals with the gear and equipment they needed to do their jobs. We had to import most of the supplies from China and India. What the hell happened to us?
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I already did you worthless piece of shit. The US should prohibit its citizens from holding more than 100 million in assets and generating a net income of 12 million annually. The tax rate can remain the same or even be reduced, that's not a problem. There are other sources of taxes and methods to draw money out of the economy to control inflation, we don't need to impose a heavy income tax on anyone. The purpose of taxes isn't to provide Uncle Sam with USD, because the US Federal Government is the exclusive issuer of the US Dollar. Taxes from the perspective of the federal government primarily take money out of the economy to manage inflation and maintain the value of the dollar.

The government has a lot more freedom and options than right-wing Republicans are aware of or care to admit. If our federal government allocates funds to programs and projects that support the nation's infrastructure, workforce, and business owners, we expand our GDP (i.e. national production capacity). The budgetary limit of the US Federal Government is our nation's GDP. There's a lot more our government could invest in to truly Make America Great Again, but if you continue to vote for right-wing Republicans or establishment Democrats (pretty much all of them with few exceptions, if any), our nation is doomed.

We need to have a mixed economy like practically every other modern industrialized nation has, if not we're up the creek without a padel.
Get back to me when you learn what percent means, Moron.
how is funding illegals in Chicago and NY paying for systems we use? Foreign countries receiving funds, how is that to our advantage again? The things stupid fks like you haven't any clue about.
pknopp , what is it you disagree with?

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