This is why we need to tax the wealthy

80% tax on money that leaves the country. Just saying...................
You need to pass that tax...correct? What do you think the wealthy are going to do while you're trying to do that, PK? That would also be a direct tax. You'll probably need a Constitutional amendment to make that legal. Good luck on getting that through Congress! The ultra wealthy will be laughing at you.
You can't seem to grasp the concept of what a law like that would result in, Christian! People with large amounts of wealth are very good at one thing...maintaining capital. They aren't going to allow you to come take it from them. I'm sorry but they're not! As soon as it looks like something like that would pass? The ultra wealthy will be consulting their tax advisors and lawyers and immediately getting as much of their wealth as they can OUT of the country! You're naive to a fault to think you're going to be smarter at this than they are! I'm sorry, but you live in fantasy land!
They can't move the money to foreign banks without paying taxes first. What are they going to move abroad? If the US government enforces policies that require every American citizen to comply with it doesn't matter how many accountants and lawyers they consult with.
They pay more money in taxes because they have more money. It's that simple. The more one benefits from the country's economy the more one contributes to its upkeep via taxes (local, state, and federal). Taxes are needed to keep the system running, without them local and state governments would be unable to fund anything without the federal government.
I hate to point out the painfully inconvenient, Christian but if you taxed ALL of the earnings of the ultra wealthy you STILL couldn't pay for the entitlements that you on the left think are needed! More taxes are NOT what are needed to keep the system running!
They can't move the money to foreign banks without paying taxes first. What are they going to move abroad? If the US government enforces policies that require every American citizen to comply it doesn't matter how many accountants and lawyers they consult with.
You have to PASS a law before you can enforce it, Christian! Duh?
Europe isn't $34 trillion in debt. Pay for what you use. Don't leave it for future generations to address. It's not going to be pretty for them.
Because they let us pay for their defense.
I hate to point out the painfully inconvenient, Christian but if you taxed ALL of the earnings of the ultra wealthy you STILL couldn't pay for the entitlements that you on the left think are needed! More taxes are NOT what are needed to keep the system running!
More production and that's what that extra money would be invested in. If anyone is naive and clueless it's you.
You have to PASS a law before you can enforce it, Christian! Duh?
Yeah, and things are going to get much worse, hence passing such laws will become like "Duh". You're clueless about what is coming on the horizon. It's not that far away, maybe as soon as 10 years from now.
Who provides "more production" when you have Government seizing private capital?
It's not "seizing it" but forcing capitalists to reinvent it into production since they can't use it to purchase assets other than for that purpose. Any revenue made over a certain amount is reinvested into the company. New equipment, facilities, R&D, product warranties, better customer service, and of course, more jobs. "Duh".
You need to pass that tax...correct? What do you think the wealthy are going to do while you're trying to do that, PK? That would also be a direct tax. You'll probably need a Constitutional amendment to make that legal. Good luck on getting that through Congress! The ultra wealthy will be laughing at you.

And our future generations are going to suffer for that, but as long as we have ours, right?
Pay for what you use? Interesting coming from a liberal, PK! You believe in entitlements I assume?

First, what make me a liberal? Wanting to address our debt? That is what makes me a liberal? If so what does that say about you?
We agree on something. Why do half our workers refuse to pay for what they use and their countless benefits of living in this country?

You need to be more specific. We do help those on the bottom rungs but most of them rise and pay their taxes to help those who come after them.
It's not "seizing it" but forcing capitalists to reinvent it into production since they can't use it to purchase assets other than for that purpose. Any revenue made over a certain amount is reinvested into the company. New equipment, facilities, R&D, product warranties, better customer service, and of course, more jobs. "Duh".
You never took Econ in college...did you Christian?

Let me give you a hint about how Capitalism works! People invest capital because they believe that they have a good chance of making a profit. You don't have to have Government do that. If you make Government the "referee" in business decisions then savvy Capitalists are going to go play in a different game with sane rules!
It's not "seizing it" but forcing capitalists to reinvent it into production since they can't use it to purchase assets other than for that purpose. Any revenue made over a certain amount is reinvested into the company. New equipment, facilities, R&D, product warranties, better customer service, and of course, more jobs. "Duh".
I’m guessing you never ran a business…..or ever had a job.
This would lead to an even more complicated tax structure. You tax 5 million in Capital Gains one year but then they lose 3 million of that the next year.

No, we need a one page tax form.
How about minimum taxes for everyone , at least that way the wealthy would be paying some taxes instead of none. And everyone else would get a break for a change.

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