This is why we need to tax the wealthy

And our future generations are going to suffer for that, but as long as we have ours, right?
If you were really concerned about our future generations you'd be fighting to stop the wave of illegals currently flooding the country. You can have an entitlement society. You can have open borders. You can't have both. It's a recipe for a bankrupt country!

TRILLIONS in untaxed wealth. Good luck explaining this to republicans I guess. You have to explain the difference between the official tax rate and the EFFECTIVE tax rate of top earners.

Since the upper 50% own almost 97% of the nation's wealth,

they should pay 97% of the nation's taxes, and use part of that to give appreciable wealth building assets to the lower rung who are unable to invest in hedge assets, to give them a chance to climb aboard the wealth building enterprise that rich people enjoy.

And, a wealth tax is constitutional, so says the American Bar Association:

You never took Econ in college...did you Christian?

Let me give you a hint about how Capitalism works! People invest capital because they believe that they have a good chance of making a profit. You don't have to have Government do that. If you make Government the "referee" in business decisions then savvy Capitalists are going to go play in a different game with sane rules!
I did, but it's nothing but a bunch of capitalist claptrap.

There isn't another game and the government sets the rules, not your imaginary invisible hand of the "free market" which has never existed and will never exist because markets need plenty of infrastructural support and good regulations from authorities. So much for your invisible imaginary hand.

The bottom line of any market economy must be the public good, what is in the best interest of the nation, not private profits. The drive of production is to serve the nation, nothing else.
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80% tax on money that leaves the country. Just saying...................

I did, but it's nothing but a bunch of capitalist claptrap.

There isn't another game and the government sets the rules, not your imaginary invisible hand of the "free market" which has never existed and will never exist because markets need plenty of infrastructural support and good regulations from authorities. So much for your invisible imaginary hand.
So Communism is your solution for "infrastructural support and good regulation from authorities"? With all due respect, Christian? I'll take my invisible hand over your iron fist every day and twice on Sunday!
If you were really concerned about our future generations you'd be fighting to stop the wave of illegals currently flooding the country.

I argue constantly for actions that would do that.

You can have an entitlement society. You can have open borders. You can't have both. It's a recipe for a bankrupt country!

Business gets what business wants. Cheap labor and the benefits of being the recipient in the end of government benefits.
Since the upper 50% own almost 97% of the nation's wealth,

they should pay 97% of the nation's taxes, and use part of that to give appreciable wealth building assets to the lower rung who are unable to invest in hedge assets, to give them a chance to climb aboard the wealth building enterprise that rich people enjoy.

And, a wealth tax is constitutional, so says the American Bar Association:

They already do pay OVER 97% of the taxes, Idiot.

Since the upper 50% own almost 97% of the nation's wealth,

they should pay 97% of the nation's taxes, and use part of that to give appreciable wealth building assets to the lower rung who are unable to invest in hedge assets, to give them a chance to climb aboard the wealth building enterprise that rich people enjoy.

And, a wealth tax is constitutional, so says the American Bar Association:


So Communism is your solution for "infrastructural support and good regulation from authorities"? With all due respect, Christian? I'll take my invisible hand over your iron fist every day and twice on Sunday!
When did I ever suggest we adopt a non-profit marketless mode of production or communism at this time? I wasn't even referring to it, so you're just resorting to strawmen arguments. Nothing I mentioned is an "iron fist" or oppressive, it's simply a set of regulations that perhaps you don't like but that in and of itself doesn't make it communism or anything other than just a regulatory economic framework to increase production and genuine prosperity. Markets need to be properly regulated and society sets its rules through its government.

You're also clueless to the fact that communism is a stateless society, without socioeconomic classes or the need for money. That's not my definition of communism, that's the definition as set by Karl Marx himself along with his colleague and fellow scholar Fredrick Engels.

A communist society would entail the absence of private property and social classes,[1] and ultimately money[6][non-primary source needed] and the state (or nation state).[7][8][9]
And see:

The USSR wasn't really a communist state, it was a socialist one.


It wasn't communist in a strict sense. Socialism is the process that leads to communism. It can take several forms, from market socialism to marketless socialism as the one in the USSR. It all depends.
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