This is why we need to tax the wealthy

I already did you worthless piece of shit. The US should prohibit its citizens from holding more than 100 million in assets and generating a net income of 12 million annually. The tax rate can remain the same or even be reduced, that's not a problem. There are other sources of taxes and methods to draw money out of the economy to control inflation, we don't need to impose a heavy income tax on anyone. The purpose of taxes isn't to provide Uncle Sam with USD, because the US Federal Government is the exclusive issuer of the US Dollar. Taxes from the perspective of the federal government primarily take money out of the economy to manage inflation and maintain the value of the dollar.

The government has a lot more freedom and options than right-wing Republicans are aware of or care to admit. If our federal government allocates funds to programs and projects that support the nation's infrastructure, workforce, and business owners, we expand our GDP (i.e. national production capacity). The budgetary limit of the US Federal Government is our nation's GDP. There's a lot more our government could invest in to truly Make America Great Again, but if you continue to vote for right-wing Republicans or establishment Democrats (pretty much all of them with few exceptions, if any), our nation is doomed.

We need to have a mixed economy like practically every other modern industrialized nation has, if not we're up the creek without a padel.
Mind-numbingly stupid commentary.
That's what you need to do and stop leeching off workers. Your employees are the real workers, not you the one living off of other people's toil like a little fief-lord. Punk.
haha…you bottom feeding beggars believe Humberto cleaning the shitters at Microsoft is who really built Microsoft…you somehow believe Bill Gates wouldn’t have worked at Microsoft if it not for Humberto.
Just more Twilight Zone shit from you weirdos.
Mind-numbingly stupid commentary.
It is mind-numbingly stupid commentary little pknopp.

There is no reasoning with anyone who says anything that baseless and ridiculous. And the fact that you defend that gibberish says a great deal about you. None of it good.
It is mind-numbingly stupid commentary little pknopp.

There is no reasoning with anyone who says anything that baseless and ridiculous. And the fact that you defend that gibberish says a great deal about you. None of it good.

I'll take you seriously when you actually address what one says as opposed to just call names.

So, well, never.
haha…you bottom feeding beggars believe Humberto cleaning the shitters at Microsoft is who really built Microsoft…you somehow believe Bill Gates wouldn’t have worked at Microsoft if it not for Humberto.
Just more Twilight Zone shit from you weirdos.
As if Bill Gates would've amounted to anything without all of the people who helped him, worked with him and for him as his employees. Gates got plenty of help from a myriad of sources and people, from the past, through their work, all the way to the present. He's just one man, that's it. Mass production is a social endeavor, it takes a team of people, not just one person.
You failed to explain in what way my statement was "retarded", hence you're clearly the retard and a stupid punk at that since only cowards hide behind computers insulting people online. I only return the insult, I never initiate that type of behavior.
Fuck off bitch.

You’re the retard who claimed that the US “should” prohibit anyone from having some arbitrarily set amount of wealth. That’s a value judgment you didn’t support — and frankly you can’t support it.

But I’ll allow you to prove that:

On what basis is it that you claim to know what amount of wealth is too much? Why did you select that figure? Why is that the upper limit for wealth? Who gets to make that call? In the future, when some other would be mastermind like you decides that your figure is too high, what principle will guide those who reset the figure?

Look you’re a joke. That much is clear. But I’ve asked a few questions above which only set the stage and you won’t be able to handle any of them.

You’re a condescending little dick poseur with grandiose delusions of adequacy.
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That's what you need to do and stop leeching off workers. Your employees are the real workers, not you the one living off of other people's toil like a little fief-lord. Punk.
I'll take you seriously when you actually address what one says as opposed to just call names.

So, well, never.
I recognize your cowardice. You reek of it.

I also recognize that you’re a hypocrite and couldn’t be bothered to defend the absurd position offered by the poster with the username of “Christian Man.”

I don’t care who you do or don’t take seriously. You’re not serious.
As if Bill Gates would've amounted to anything without all of the people who helped him, worked with him and for him as his employees. Gates got plenty of help from a myriad of sources and people, from the past, through their work, all the way to the present. He's just one man, that's it. Mass production is a social endeavor, it takes a team of people, not just one person.
I recognize your cowardice. You reek of it.

I also recognize that you’re a hypocrite and couldn’t be bothered to defend the absurd position offered by the poster with the username of “Christian Man.”

I don’t care who you do or don’t take seriously. You’re not serious.

Again, all you have is name calling. Bravo, you must be so proud of yourself.
Again, all you have is name calling. Bravo, you must be so proud of yourself.
You’re a coward and a liar and you obviously have. No ability to answer the questions.

See Post 829:

On what basis is it that you claim to know what amount of wealth is too much? Why did you select that figure? Why is that the upper limit for wealth? Who gets to make that call? In the future, when some other would be mastermind like you decides that your figure is too high, what principle will guide those who reset the figure?

This raises the question: what would you do with balls if you had any balls?
You’re a coward and a liar and you obviously have. No ability to answer the questions.

See Post 829:

On what basis is it that you claim to know what amount of wealth is too much? Why did you select that figure? Why is that the upper limit for wealth? Who gets to make that call? In the future, when some other would be mastermind like you decides that your figure is too high, what principle will guide those who reset the figure?

This raises the question: what would you do with balls if you had any balls?

Wasn't asked of me but you answer a persons question before you expect them to answer your question.
Fuck off bitch.

Youre the retard who claimed that the IS “should” prohibit anyone from having some arbitrarily set amount of wealth. That’s a value judgment you didn’t support and frankly you can’t support it.

But I’ll allow you to prove that:

On what basis is it that you claim to know what amount of wealth is too much? Why did you select that figure? Why is that the upper limit for wealth? Who gets to make that call? In the future, when some other would be mastermind like you decides that your figure is too high, what principle will guide those who reset the figure?

Look you’re a joke. That much is clear. But I’ve asked a few questions above which only set the stage and you won’t be able to handle any of them.

You’re a condescending little dick poseur with grandiose delusions of adequacy.
Too much money (i.e. power) in the hands of one individual or family undermines democracy, and it leads to social instability. Inequality when it comes to resources, political influence, and power, has to be managed by government policy. Who decides the particulars of those regulations? Society through their representatives. The ballot box determines what you mentioned.

In the not-too-distant future, we're going to be forced at a national scale, by necessity, to adopt a non-profit, marketless system of production, that is centrally planned by our government (local, state, and federal). Advanced automation and artificial intelligence is right now eliminating jobs and it's not going to get any better until we adopt a new economic system.

I’m sure I don’t have the wealth you do but I would consider you rich.
So anyone who has more money than you is “rich”?
Have you considered the distinct possibility that you’re an incompetent loser?
Wasn't asked of me but you answer a persons question before you expect them to answer your question.
I asked it if the one whose post I criticized. Then you, gasbag that you are, disagreed with my criticism. I stand by my criticism and the set of preliminary questions I put to him.

And you’re too fucking stupid and arrogant to wait and see how he handles them.

You’re an idiot.
I asked it if the one whose post I criticized. Then you, gasbag that you are, disagreed with my criticism. I stand by my criticism and the set of preliminary questions I put to him.

And you’re too fucking stupid and arrogant to wait and see how he handles them.

You’re an idiot.

Answer his questions. Do it without your stupid name calling.

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