This is why we need to tax the wealthy

Too much money (i.e. power) in the hands of one individual or family undermines democracy, and it leads to social instability. Inequality when it comes to resources, political influence, and power, has to be managed by government policy. Who decides the particulars of those regulations? Society through their representatives. The ballot box determines what you mentioned.

In the not-too-distant future, we're going to be forced at a national scale, by necessity, to adopt a non-profit, marketless system of production, that is centrally planned by our government (local, state, and federal). Advanced automation and artificial intelligence is right now eliminating jobs and it's not going to get any better until we adopt a new economic system.

So, to summarize: our answer to the various prelim questions I put to you is to refuse to even acknowledge them.

Here again, restate them just for you.

  1. On what basis is it that you claim to know what amount of wealth is too much?
  2. Why did you select that figure?
  3. Why is that the upper limit for wealth? Who gets to make that call?
  4. In the future, when some other would-be mastermind (like you) decides that your figure is too high, what principle will guide those who reset the figure?
Answer his questions. Do it without your stupid name calling.
Blow me. I already put the questions to him. And if you want to try to Karen this discussion, understand that your input isn’t required nor even anything of value. You putz.
He couldn't. So what.

Hundreds of those who helped him along the way became millionaires in their own right.
And many others didn't and that's fine, because like I said, we all stand on the shoulders of giants, who came before us. Other people's inventions and hard work, allow us to upon their legacy create something of value today that transforms our lives. That's not the work of just one man, but thousands of engineers and scientists, working together every day. Mass production isn't a private activity, it's a social or even a public one, requiring a community of people working together.

You also ignore all of the new technology that exists today thanks to government-funded R&D. The private sector gets plenty of assistance from the US Gov. Innovation is more often driven by a war or a unifying crisis or catastrophe that leads to an explosion of innovative solutions in the form of new technology. We see this time and time again throughout history. It's not private profits but survival that breeds new technology.
So, to summarize: our answer to the various prelim questions I put to you is to refuse to even acknowledge them.

Here again, restate them just for you.

  1. On what basis is it that you claim to know what amount of wealth is too much?
  2. Why did you select that figure?
  3. Why is that the upper limit for wealth? Who gets to make that call?
  4. In the future, when some other would-be mastermind (like you) decides that your figure is too high, what principle will guide those who reset the figure?

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And many others didn't and that's fine, because like I said, we all stand on the shoulders of giants, who came before us. Other people's inventions and hard work, allow us to upon their legacy create something of value today that transforms our lives. That's not the work of just one man, but thousands of engineers and scientists, working together every day. Mass production isn't a private activity, it's a social or even a public one, requiring a community of people working together.

You also ignore all of the new technology that exists today thanks to government-funded R&D. The private sector gets plenty of assistance from the US Gov. Innovation is more often driven by a war or a unifying crisis or catastrophe that leads to an explosion of innovative solutions in the form of new technology. We see this time and time again throughout history. It's not private profits but survival that breeds new technology.
Scientist, engineers and etc, are being cheated and abused by their peers or firms in which they work ? Do tell us about all these career minded individuals that are being crapped on by the system in America.. Thanks
Protecting farmers is way different than protecting lazy Americans who wouldn't work in a mattress factory as tester's of the mattresses to see how they would sleep.

It was a pay off to make sure Trump didn't lose their votes. That is what we were discussing but all the same they were hurt because of Trump's failure in China.

Trump then had to bail out an industry with taxpayers money (debt actually) because he failed.
Scientist, engineers and etc, are being cheated and abused by their peers or firms in which they work ? Do tell us about all these career minded individuals that are being crapped on by the system in America.. Thanks
When did I ever say that? That wasn't even the point or topic being discussed.
You are unable to comprehend what you read. Prohibiting people from being billionaires doesn't imply murdering anyone. The billionaires of today with their 300 billion dollars in assets should be required by the US government to take that money and reinvest it into their companies or/and charities. One person with that much power is dangerous for a democracy or any society.
What about those who do not abuse that power?
What about those who do not abuse that power?
That's like arguing that there are good slave masters hence we should preserve the institution of chattel slavery. The institution itself is wrong, if not in practice in principle. A human being owns another, even if that master treats his or her slave well. There were truly good slave masters throughout history, who treated their slaves as members of their families. In the Southern United States in the 18th and 19th centuries, there were black slave women who breastfed white babies. The pancake syrup brand "Aunt Jemima", was based upon a black slave woman who lived in the house with her white masters, cooking for them and taking care of their kids. She was "Aunt" Jemima.

What's my point? My point is that just because there might be some good billionaires, that doesn't imply that society should allow such a special, exclusive class of people with an unlimited amount of resources that can and is often used to rig elections, purchase legislation, create government protected captive markets and monopolies and essentially turn a democracy into a plutocracy ruled by vested interests at the expense of the public good. It's possible that JFK was assassinated by this class of people (i.e. Bankers..etc).

If a person isn't satisfied with a net income of a million dollars monthly, or 12 million yearly, and 100 million dollars in assets or savings, they should go see a psychiatrist or maybe even a priest. They're suffering from some type of mental and emotional disturbance. Such a person would still be "filthy rich" and envied. I make a tiny fraction of that and so do the vast majority of people. A net income of a million bucks monthly? Paradise. I will be living in luxury, in a waterfront mansion, traveling to the best destinations, and staying in the best hotels. I can even own a huge yacht and a fleet of Ferraris, with that income. What a life!
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That's what you need to do and stop leeching off workers. Your employees are the real workers, not you the one living off of other people's toil like a little fief-lord. Punk.
LMAO you unemployed? If you don't want the job there's 8 billion other people who will work it. :itsok: Fool ^^^ thinks he has a negotiating position. :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
And many others didn't and that's fine, because like I said, we all stand on the shoulders of giants, who came before us. Other people's inventions and hard work, allow us to upon their legacy create something of value today that transforms our lives. That's not the work of just one man, but thousands of engineers and scientists, working together every day. Mass production isn't a private activity, it's a social or even a public one, requiring a community of people working together.

You also ignore all of the new technology that exists today thanks to government-funded R&D. The private sector gets plenty of assistance from the US Gov. Innovation is more often driven by a war or a unifying crisis or catastrophe that leads to an explosion of innovative solutions in the form of new technology. We see this time and time again throughout history. It's not private profits but survival that breeds new technology.
The wealthiest 10% own 93% of the stock market. Trillions and trillions of dollars were pumped into the markets
Do tell, who got the trillions of dollars in government PORK spending? Not the top 10%. People age 55 and older own 70% of the stock market, because they have been working and investing longer.
Do tell, who got the trillions of dollars in government PORK spending? Not the top 10%. People age 55 and older own 70% of the stock market, because they have been working and investing longer.

Um yes, they also got a ton of that. You want to look up how much those like Musk has got?

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