This is why we need to tax the wealthy

What is their motivation to do better? Why get married when they are rewarded for being single with children?

I see no reason one must get the governments ok to be who you want to be with.

What a single mother gets is less than a drop in the bucket compared to what wall street has got.
When did I ever suggest we adopt a non-profit marketless mode of production or communism at this time? I wasn't even referring to it, so you're just resorting to strawmen arguments. Nothing I mentioned is an "iron fist" or oppressive, it's simply a set of regulations that perhaps you don't like but that in and of itself doesn't make it communism or anything other than just a regulatory framework. Markets need to be properly regulated and society sets its rules through its government.

You're also clueless to the fact that communism is a stateless society, without socioeconomic classes or the need for money. That's not my definition of communism, that's the definition as set by Karl Marx himself along with his colleague and fellow scholar Fredrick Engels.

A communist society would entail the absence of private property and social classes,[1] and ultimately money[6][non-primary source needed] and the state (or nation state).[7][8][9]
And see:

The USSR wasn't really a communist state, it was a socialist one.


It wasn't communist in a strict sense. Socialism is the process that leads to communism. It can take several forms, from market socialism to marketless socialism as the one in the USSR. It all depends.
I and all members of society have a right to determine the rules of our country and community. If anyone is taking wealth away from others it's the big-money capitalists that you worship with their yearly subsidies:
Dem pathetic wealth envy is noted, get jobs, start a business, earn your own wealth, work for it losers.
Dem pathetic wealth envy is noted, get jobs, start a business, earn your own wealth, work for it losers.
That's what you need to do and stop leeching off workers. Your employees are the real workers, not you the one living off of other people's toil like a little fief-lord. Punk.
They pay more money in taxes because they have more money. It's that simple. The more one benefits from the country's economy the more one contributes to its upkeep via taxes (local, state, and federal). Taxes are needed to keep the system running, without them local and state governments would be unable to fund anything without the federal government.
That's the problem, otherwise state and local Democrat governments funding or funneling money in give away programs in order to buy loyalty and votes with the money...

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