This is why we need to tax the wealthy

.... and making capitalism wage and healthcare etc....wake up for chrissake
1.) Capitalism is not fair or unfair, it just is. Capitalism rewards hard work and smart money and investment decisions. There’s no way to make it fair for those who lack the knowledge and skill to substantially increase their wealth.

2.) No one is entitled to a living wage.

3.) Living wage snd healthcare have nothing to do with tax rates.
Everyone pays about the same percentage of income in all taxes
Flat tax is huge giveaway too the rich. Every time.

Explain exactly how. If I make $1000 and pay $100 in taxes and you make $100 and pay $10 in taxes, I paid $90 more taxes than you. How is that not fair? Is it because I have $900 dollars left over and you only have $90? I’ve got news for you, that is the way it is supposed to work. That is life in the real world.
Yeah exactly. It’s not even about what is fair - it’s about what is realistic. That revenue is what adequately funds ANY government spending. Relative to their income, the summary of all the taxes poor people pay is still a sizable chunk. Taxing poor people more won’t make a dent in paying for government spending.
well they do! Why is it you don't understand that? You do know they pay more right? RIGHT?

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