This is why we need to tax the wealthy

Flat tax system is a disastrous giveaway to the rich

I didn’t advocate for a flat tax, though not sure how that is a giveaway to the rich. If everyone above a certain small, subsistence income level was taxed as the same rate with no deductions, how exactly is that a giveaway to the rich? Yes, some will have more than others, but that will always be the case.
I didn’t advocate for a flat tax, though not sure how that is a giveaway to the rich. If everyone above a certain small, subsistence income level was taxed as the same rate with no deductions, how exactly is that a giveaway to the rich? Yes, some will have more than others, but that will always be the case.
I would love a flat tax. File taxes on a dang post card.


Come on, man. Even you know that the shutting down of the Pandemic Response team was a hoax and no one was eliminated.

Get serious or you just sound silly.

Why Did the Best Prepared Country in the World Fare So Poorly?

  • Collectively, the existing literature suggests that the United States mounted a response that failed to make full use of the preparedness capacities it had, was hampered by politics, made poor use of data, and neglected to overcome intrinsic social vulnerabilities that helped the virus spread and caused high mortality.
it all comes back the disbanding the pandemic team in the whitehouse in 2018. Preparedness has little value if failure to execute.

Why Did the Best Prepared Country in the World Fare So Poorly?

  • Collectively, the existing literature suggests that the United States mounted a response that failed to make full use of the preparedness capacities it had, was hampered by politics, made poor use of data, and neglected to overcome intrinsic social vulnerabilities that helped the virus spread and caused high mortality.
it all comes back the disbanding the pandemic team in the whitehouse in 2018. Preparedness has little value if failure to execute.
I hate to be the bearer of FACTS (not really), but they are. The responsibilities and same people were not fired but moved to other positions in order to streamline the work.

Had it remained, the results would have been no different. Please remember that both the United Nations (The World Health Organization) Tweeted that the virus could not be transmitted among humans. China was saying the same thing.

There is disagreement over how to describe the changes at the NSC’s Directorate for Global Health Security and Biodefense in 2018. The departure of some members due to “streamlining” efforts under John Bolton is documented. The “pandemic response team” as a unit was largely disbanded.

Partly false: The Trump administration disbanded the “pandemic response” team, but some of the team members were reassigned to roles that included pandemic response.
again. FED tax revenue charts (over 100 years) show they are unable to generate more than 20%*GDP. Fact. If they try to take more, the GPD drops or money moves. Try to get around that fact. I bet on the side of historical data.
Obviously the point is, you moron, is that dipping well below 20% very clearly blow up the deficit even more.

Can you idiots just stop pretending you know what you’re talking about?
hey genius, is that effective tax rate on “income”? What is defined as income?
Are you suggesting the IRS doesn’t have a clear definition of what is considered income? Who cares what your dumbass thinks of it? Income is strictly defined. It’s not some philosophical debate just because you want to pretend it is.
you bet it was ineffective. Since the pandemic response team was axed in spring of 2018, we would never know their effectiveness during covid because the team didn't exist going into covid.
Whataboutism is all you got eh ? 😂
I didn’t advocate for a flat tax, though not sure how that is a giveaway to the rich. If everyone above a certain small, subsistence income level was taxed as the same rate with no deductions, how exactly is that a giveaway to the rich? Yes, some will have more than others, but that will always be the case.
They end up bloated and the rest screwed - like NOW Happens every time. Ask an economist why lol...
Obviously the point is, you moron, is that dipping well below 20% very clearly blow up the deficit even more.

Can you idiots just stop pretending you know what you’re talking about?

hey Genius. Even with the top “Income tax rate at 90%” the GOVT was still unable to confiscate above 20% of the GDP. I have posted the 100 yr chart several times. I don’t bother with low mathematical understanding saps. And the game is on. So suck on it while you look it up.

hint…..if they try to take too much, the money stops being produced. Hence that is the drop in GDP. even the DemWitted loons in Congress are aware or in yr. 12 of Obiden they may have went after it. But they keep feeding you BS at the trough and you lap it up like hogs in the yard.
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Are you suggesting the IRS doesn’t have a clear definition of what is considered income? Who cares what your dumbass thinks of it? Income is strictly defined. It’s not some philosophical debate just because you want to pretend it is.
Income is taxed at over 38%? top bracket. But you want more? If you try to get more they will stop making income and shift methods. All proven over time. They are well off enough to sit things out for 3-10 yrs in another country if need be. Or not work at all. No investing either. GDP drops. Then the lower brackets have less income too. Everybody goes down.

you are not capable to understand. No more electrons for you.//
Income is taxed at over 38%? top bracket. But you want more? If you try to get more they will stop making income and shift methods. All proven over time. They are well off enough to sit things out for 3-10 yrs in another country if need be. Or not work at all. No investing either. GDP drops. Then the lower brackets have less income too. Everybody goes down.

you are not capable to understand. No more electrons for you.//
Where are they going? Somalia lol?....dupes
Where are they going? Somalia lol?....dupes

uh….they stop making income if its not worth it. They stop taking risks of investment too if its not worth it. They can mostly just wait it out. A recession follows. Or worse.

They can buy a townhouse in Canada and sit it out 5.9 months. Come back and sit out the rest of year here 6.1 mos. to retain US citizenship. Big domestic spending begins to drop, See France for a recent example. They tried to get 75% and failed.
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hey Genius. Even with the top “Income tax rate at 90%” the GOVT was still unable to confiscate above 20% of the GDP. I have posted the 100 yr chart several times. I don’t bother with low mathematical understanding saps. And the game is on. So suck on it while you look it up.

hint…..if they try to take too much, the money stops being produced. Hence that is the drop in GDP. even the DemWitted loons in Congress are aware or in yr. 12 of Obiden they may have went after it. But they keep feeding you BS at the trough and you lap it up like hogs in the yard.
lol you idiots didn’t even know what the revenue of percentage of GDP was until I educated you all on the manner. The salient point you are ignoring is that the lower it gets, the worse the deficit is affected.
Income is taxed at over 38%? top bracket. But you want more? If you try to get more they will stop making income and shift methods. All proven over time. They are well off enough to sit things out for 3-10 yrs in another country if need be. Or not work at all. No investing either. GDP drops. Then the lower brackets have less income too. Everybody goes down.

you are not capable to understand. No more electrons for you.//
Actually what I want is for the rich and corporations to pay the OFFICIAL tax rate instead of weaseling out and paying an EFFECTIVE rate of 25%.
You're under a strong delusion due to your foolish ignorance. Whatever you say that is negative or insulting, returns to you fivefold. It returns to the sender.

You have never had a thought in your life. All you do is copy and paste BS.

That's all you can do, claim that I'm wrong without actually presenting arguments that refute my position. You're just full of hot air.

Boomerang glimmer Andromeda horcrux emerald carton hammer basement sapphire! You can't refute that!

Your posts are as much gibberish as that is.

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